Feb 5, 2015 - 41%. Mercy USA. $1,200,450. $205,778. $205,778. 17%. MPDL Movement for Peace. $193,000. $47,740 ... PWJ Pe
2014 SYRIA REGIONAL RESPONSE PLAN ‐ RRP6 (all agencies) Funding snapshot 2014 ‐ as of 5 Febraury 2015 Pg. 1
The requirements presented in this funding snapshot refer to the 2014 Syria Regional Response Plan Mid‐Year Update covering the period January to December 2014
Funding level 2014 RRP6 Requirements Funding received % funded
39% $3,740,654,701 $2,265,224,327
61% Funded
Organization ACF Action contre la faim ACTED Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development ActionAid ADRA Adventist Development and Relief Agency Al Majmoua Lebanese Association for Development AMEL Association ‐ Lebanese Popular Association for Popular Action ANERA American Near East Refugee Aid AVSI The Association of Volunteers in International Service BBC Media Action British Council CARE International Caritas CCP Japan Campaign for children of Palestine CISP Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli CLMC Caritas Lebanon Migrant Center CONCERN CRS Catholic Relief Services CVT Center for Victims of Torture DRC Danish Refugee Council Emergency Life Support for Civilian War Victims FAO Food & Agricultural Organization FCA Finn Church Aid FPSC Fundacion Promocion Social de la Cultura FRC ‐ French Red Cross Global Communities GVC Gruppo di Volontariato Civile HAI Heartland Alliance International HI Handicap International Humedica HWA Hilfswerk Austria International ICMC International Catholic Migration Commission ILO International Labour Office IMC International Medical Corps International Alert Internews INTERSOS IOCC International Orthodox Christian Charities IOM International Organization for Migration IQRAA IRC International Rescue Committee IRD International Relief and Development IRW Islamic Relief Worldwide JEN JHAS Jordan Health Aid Society JHCO Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization JIM‐NET Japan Iraq Medical Network KnK Children without Borders KURDS LWF Lutheran World Federation MA Muslim Aid Madrasati Initiative MAG Mines Advisory Group Makassed Makhzoumi Foundation, Armadilla S.c.s. Onlus MAP Medical Aid for Palestinians MdM Médecins du Monde Medair Mercy Corps Mercy USA MPDL Movement for Peace NICCOD Nippon International Cooperation for Community Development NRC Norwegian Refugee Council OPM Operation Mercy Oxfam PCPM Polish Center for International Aid PLAN Plan International PU‐AMI Première Urgence‐Aide Médicale Internationale PWJ Peace wind Japan QANDIL QRC Qatar Red Crescent Questscope RET Refugee Education Trust RHAS Royal Health Awareness Society RI Relief International Safadi Foundation SCI KR‐I Save the Children Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Revised requirements* (Jan ‐ Dec 2014) $19,666,641 $29,160,484 $378,260 $827,500 $35,000
Jordan $750,000 $3,949,498 $378,260 $123,000
$1,008,229 $2,714,386 $1,687,959 $1,000,000 $1,274,936 $28,347,483 $14,516,127 $205,000 $780,000 $13,374,667 $121,000 $800,000 $2,710,000 $56,226,627 $125,000 $20,756,935 $2,200,000 $2,708,680 $3,231,000 $10,562,100 $2,725,000 $400,000 $20,251,932 $225,000 $560,000 $2,108,055 $4,260,000 $18,482,442 $565,000 $252,000 $5,348,457 $11,347,350 $75,913,830 $1,215,000 $42,520,871 $1,974,900 $9,951,633 $6,500,000 $7,075,700 $2,012,500 $173,000 $624,300 $1,300,000 $4,839,093 $620,000 $970,200 $1,800,000 $56,000 $545,000 $160,350 $4,150,000 $16,310,986 $32,391,310 $1,200,450 $193,000
Funding Gap
Funding received Lebanon
Regional funding
31% 17% 100% 15% 100%
$18,871,386 $21,637,876
67% 100%
$251,000 $413,000 $3,000,000 $25,775,427
100% 52% 100% 46%
$4,820,286 $1,204,927 $569,952
23% 55% 21%
$11,771,013 $600,000 $121,000
$21,099,410 $600,000 $121,000 $1,944,055
100% 100% 22% 92%
$1,980,800 $543,756
$500,000 $251,000 $413,000 $2,900,000 $4,965,491 $140,000 $1,204,927 $514,952
% funded
$6,000,328 $4,997,505 $378,260 $123,000 $50,000
$3,269,528 $504,251
$15,182,266 $21,637,876
Total received** 2014
$100,000 $17,933,702
$1,944,055 $6,731,427
$6,974,865 $1,521,010 $6,300,000
$7,622,192 $1,521,010 $33,027,753
100% 13% 44%
$11,208,853 $2,789,263 $7,452,548 $1,957,000 $1,188,693
26% 100% 75% 30% 17%
$625,138 $498,302 $6,185,000 $274,203
100% 38% 100% 44%
$299,293 $100,000
17% 100%
$266,000 $3,489,687 $3,086,826 $13,212,426 $205,778 $47,740
100% 84% 19% 41% 17% 25%
$2,742,589 $3,855,854 $2,789,263 $7,452,548 $1,957,000 $1,188,693
$625,138 $498,302 $6,185,000 $274,203 $299,293 $100,000 $266,000 $3,489,687 $2,054,274 $5,826,442
$1,032,552 $3,644,025 $205,778
$56,379,476 $400,000 $25,849,705 $1,830,000 $778,750 $5,456,171 $2,110,000 $1,037,932 $3,542,000 $267,500 $1,680,000 $480,000 $16,486,784 $1,385,000 $150,000
$20,519,809 $73,272 $7,513,882
$8,643,330 $1,293,239 $522,623
$214,025 $200,656 $300,000
$50,944,883 $73,272 $16,157,212 $1,293,239 $522,623 $8,127,671
90% 18% 63% 71% 67% 100%
$200,656 $3,354,000
42% 20%
2014 SYRIA REGIONAL RESPONSE PLAN ‐ RRP6 (all agencies) Funding snapshot 2014 ‐ as of 5 Febraury 2015 Pg. 2
Organization SCI Save the Children International SCJ Save the Children Jordan SeraphimGLOBAL SFCG Search for Common Ground SI Solidarités International SIF Secours Islamique France Solidar Suisse SRD Syria Relief and Development STEP ‐ Seeking to Equip People Taghyeer TDH Terre des Hommes TDHI Terre des Hommes Italia TGH TRIANGLE GH THW German Federal Agency for Technical Relief UN Women UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UN‐Habitat UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund UNOPS UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency UNRWA‐UNICEF UNRWA‐WFP UPP Un Ponte Per WarChild UK WARVIN WCH War Child Holland WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organization WRF World Rehabilitation Fund WVI World Vision International
TOTAL 2014
Requirements Total 2014 Funding Level Total 2014 % Funded
Revised requirements* (Jan ‐ Dec 2014)
Funding received Jordan
$68,663,315 $2,915,000 $611,000 $406,884 $5,895,000 $2,760,000 $1,008,760 $528,351 $281,800 $220,000 $475,164 $1,155,401 $2,052,500 $7,644,000 $600,000 $80,770,574
$15,153,945 $544,018
$33,801,692 $22,572,850 $1,266,376,615 $576,285,168 $4,700,000 $66,895,115 $2,696,018 $19,253,588 $2,049,150 $1,043,878 $259,000 $899,000 $851,947,912 $40,917,100 $2,005,398 $36,301,246
$2,353,646 $204,807 $188,703,076 $71,070,405 $1,000,000
Egypt $797,199
$2,032,178 $253,054
$13,000 $710,507 $2,156,676 $41,100 $3,693,289 $212,054
$13,000 $710,507 $2,156,676 $655,763
6% 100% 100% 32%
$3,693,289 $11,682,659
100% 14%
$143,191,278 $2,900,025
$1,746,000 $721,743,582 $9,789,944
100% 85% 24%
$84,376,385 $31,045,038
$92,763,945 $35,996,150
$32,658,356 $7,838,800
$115,078,456 $45,376,054
Jordan $1,014,530,914
Lebanon $1,515,491,900
Turkey $497,290,571
Iraq $474,040,412
Egypt $141,977,106
34% 9%
$30,479,746 $588,500
$289,404,824 $104,147,639
$2,032,178 $253,054
$33,101,202 $1,904,814
23% 19%
$58,204,361 $2,059,750
$15,951,144 $544,018
29% 1% 63% 51% 21% 69%
$1,746,000 $238,915,155 $600,000
% funded
$9,870,571 $204,807 $802,985,043 $295,474,086 $1,000,000 $46,379,598
$217,851,840 $1,736,855
Total received 2014
$7,590,688 $435,000
* The total requirements for UNDP, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNRWA and WHO inlcude a component for regional management and coordination of US$ 97,323,798 **This financial update does not include 'Carry Over' funding reported by agencies
DONORS (2012 ‐2014)
Regional funding
Region $363,866,244
Total 2014 $3,740,654,701 $2,265,224,327