ATCO Code. 1100DEA11456. 1100DEA57232. Page 3 of 4. 2015 10 07 Stagecoach 302 Traveline Timetable one day event.pdf. 201
Tavistock - Tavistock Stagecoach South West
Timetable valid from 07/10/2015 until 07/10/2015. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops
Mondays to Fridays Tavistock, Lumburn Field (SE-bound) Tavistock, School (SE-bound)
Service Restrictions Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed 0845 0900 0915 0930 0945 1000 1015 1030 1045 1100 1115 1130 1145 1200 1230 1300 1330 1400 0850 0905 0920 0935 0950 1005 1020 1035 1050 1105 1120 1135 1150 1205 1235 1305 1335 1405
Tavistock, Lumburn Field (SE-bound) Tavistock, School (SE-bound)
Service Restrictions Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed 1430 1500 1530 1600 1630 1700 1715 1730 1745 1800 1815 1830 1845 1900 1915 1930 1945 2000 1435 1505 1535 1605 1635 1705 1720 1735 1750 1805 1820 1835 1850 1905 1920 1935 1950 2005
Tavistock, Lumburn Field (SE-bound) Tavistock, School (SE-bound)
Service Restrictions Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed 2020 2050 2120 2150 2220 2025 2055 2125 2155 2225
Mondays to Fridays Mondays to Fridays Saturdays
no service
no service
Service Restrictions: Wed - Wednesdays
Tavistock - Tavistock Stagecoach South West
Timetable valid from 07/10/2015 until 07/10/2015. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops
Mondays to Fridays Tavistock, School (NW-bound) Tavistock, Lumburn Field (SE-bound)
Service Restrictions Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed 0852 0907 0922 0937 0952 1007 1022 1037 1052 1107 1122 1137 1152 1207 1237 1307 1337 1407 0856 0911 0926 0941 0956 1011 1026 1041 1056 1111 1126 1141 1156 1211 1241 1311 1341 1411
Tavistock, School (NW-bound) Tavistock, Lumburn Field (SE-bound)
Service Restrictions Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed 1437 1507 1537 1607 1637 1707 1722 1737 1752 1807 1822 1837 1852 1907 1922 1937 1952 2015 1441 1511 1541 1611 1641 1711 1726 1741 1756 1811 1826 1841 1856 1911 1926 1941 1956 2019
Tavistock, School (NW-bound) Tavistock, Lumburn Field (SE-bound)
Service Restrictions Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed 2030 2100 2130 2200 2230 2034 2104 2134 2204 2234
Mondays to Fridays Mondays to Fridays Saturdays
no service
no service
Service Restrictions: Wed - Wednesdays
Data Provided by South West Public Transport Information (SWPTI) - 33 - 15/09/15
Tavistock - Tavistock Stagecoach South West
For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists.
SMS Code
Stop Name
dvngptmp dvnagtgm
Tavistock, Lumburn Field (SE-bound) Tavistock, School (SE-bound)
Callington Road Plymouth Road
1100DEA57232 1100DEA11457
Tavistock - Tavistock Stagecoach South West
For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists.
SMS Code
Stop Name
dvnagtdj dvngptmp
Tavistock, School (NW-bound) Tavistock, Lumburn Field (SE-bound)
Plymouth Road Callington Road
1100DEA11456 1100DEA57232
Tavistock - Tavistock Stagecoach South West
Service Restrictions Wed - Wednesdays Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th 2015 September 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 October 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 November 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # # # #
Days of operation Mo = Monday, Tu = Tuesday, We = Wednesday, Th = Thursday, Fr = Friday Sa = Saturday Su = Sunday
Fr 18 16 13
Sa 19 17 14
Su 20 18 15
Mo 21 19 16
Tu 22 20 17
We 23 21 18
Th 24 22 19
Fr 25 23 20
Sa 26 24 21
Su 27 25 22
Mo 28 26 23
Tu 29 27 24
We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu 30 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30