Page 1 of 2. Parish Team. Clergy. Fr. Enda Cunningham PP. St Mary's Parochial House. Saggart. Tel: 4589209. Mob: 087-138
25th October 2015
30th Sunday of the Year
Parish Team Clergy Fr. Enda Cunningham PP St Mary’s Parochial House Saggart. Tel: 4589209 Mob: 087-1380695 Fr. Aidan Kieran CC 1 The Glebe Peamount Road Newcastle. Tel: 4589230 Mob: 087-6397744 Fr. Aloysius Zuribo C.C. 2 Carrigmore Place Saggart, Co. Dublin Tel. 01-4589209 Fr. Michael Shortall PC 87 Beechwood Lawns Rathcoole Tel: 4587187 Mob: 087 -2861765 Fr. Michael McGowan PC 7 St. Patrick’s Crescent, Rathcoole Tel: 4589210 Parish Pastoral Workers Mr. Sean O’Rourke 087-0540695 Ms. Breda Carroll c/o 01-4589209 Parish Secretary Martina Hopkins The Parish Office St. Mary’s Parochial House Opening Hours: 9.30-1.30 Monday to Thursday Tel: 4589209
[email protected]
Items for Newsletter
We pray for those who have died recently: Mary Healy (Brittas) We extend our deepest sympathies To her family and friends. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord And may perpetual light shine upon her. Sunday 1st November 2015 Saggart 11.30am Mass will be entirely in the Irish Language On Sunday 1st November, the 11.30am Mass in Saggart Church will be completely ‘as Gaeilge’. This Mass will be broadcast live on Radio na Gaeltachta. The broadcasting team have indicated to us that it would be very helpful if there is as little background noise as possible in the church during the broadcast. Hence, we would ask parishioners to make an extra effort to be in your seats before 11.30am on Sunday 1st Nov. to facilitate this live broadcast. Time Out with God for Women Aged 20 - 40 A day of prayer for women aged 20-40 will take place in the Divine Master Prayer Centre, White’s Cross, Balckrock, Co. Dublin on Saturday 14th November 2015. We hope to hold these gatherings on the 2nd Saturday of each month. You are welcome to arrive after 10am, join with us for Mass at 11.30 am, lunch about 12.30pm and Evening Prayer at 6pm and supper afterwards. Eucharistic Adoration continues in our Chapel until 10 pm. The idea is to give young women a space to pray, chat, talk with one of the sisters if they wish, all in an atmosphere of prayer and mutual respect. You can organise your day as you wish. Kindly inform the sisters if you plan on attending by Facebook message (PDDM Dublin) or email Sr. Louise at
[email protected] or 085 1704963 or call the convent at 01 2114949. Provision can be made for accommodation if you are travelling. Cost- donation only. Thank Your for Harvest Dues Contributions A sincere thank you from the priests of the parish to all who have contributed to the Harvest Dues. The Harvest Dues forms part of the income of the priests of the parish. We are most grateful.
Items for Junction 4 should be sent to the Pioneer Association - Temporary Pledge for November Parish Office or emailed Many people choose to abstain from alcohol for the month of to the addresses given November and offer this prayerful act in honour of their deceased below. Many thanks. loved ones and for someone they know or love with an addiction. Why not take the short-term pledge for November?
[email protected] or contact (353) 1 8749464. or Small fee applies for certificate and emblem.
[email protected]
Mass Schedule Saggart: Sunday: 9 am & 11.30 am Weekday: 9.30 am Rathcoole: Saturday Vigil: 6.30 p.m. Sunday: 10 am & 12.00 pm Weekday: 9.30 am Saturday: 10.00 am Brittas: Sunday: 10.30 am Newcastle: Saturday Vigil: 7.00 p.m. Sunday: 10.30 am Weekday: 10.00am Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Confession Saggart: Friday after 9.30am Mass Rathcoole: Saturday after 10.00am Mass Newcastle: Saturday after 7.00pm Mass Baptism Saggart 2.00pm Sunday Rathcoole 4.00 pm Saturday Newcastle 2nd Saturday 4pm Last Sunday 2pm Please contact the Parish Office Marriage Please contact the Parish Office
The Miscarriage Association of Ireland - Annual Service of Remembrance The Miscarriage Association of Ireland are holding their Annual Service of Remembrance on Sunday 8th November at 3pm in St. Teresa’s Church, Donore Avenue, Dublin 8. All parents, siblings, grandparents and others affected by the loss of a baby are welcome to attend, regardless of whether the loss was recent or long ago. Tel. 01-8735702 Team Hope Shoebox Appeal The Team Hope Shoebox Appeal asks people (like us) to fill a shoebox which a needy child will receive at Christmas. The children can be victims of war, disease or poverty. These gift boxes have given much joy and hope to many children since this campaign began. In the shoebox, you can put in a selection of small gifts from the options below: (but out of respect for the children we ask that all items be new, or good as new) TO WRITE - Items for school - like a pen, pencil, copy book, paper, colouring book, felt pens, sharpener, eraser, solar calculator. TO WASH - Some hygiene items - toothbrush and toothpaste, soap (wrapped please), facecloth, hairbrush, comb. TO WEAR - Small clothing items - a hat, scarf, gloves, socks or underwear WOW ! - A treat - sunglasses, game, small Irish gift, a photo of yourself, sweets (must be in date until at least March 2016), make up, a small musical instrument, toys like a doll, a car, cuddly toy, skipping rope, yo-yo, a finger puppet. When your shoebox has been filled, please leave it into one of the following as soon as possible: St. Finian's NS, Newcastle; Brady's Butchers in Newcastle or Rathcoole Community Centre. Please include a €4 donation to cover transport costs in the box. Please indicate if the shoebox is for a boy or a girl. This year Team Hope will deliver 20,000 shoe boxes to the children of Syria. Full details can be found at Invitation to Take Part in a Gathering for Parishioners from Far and Wide Louis Fitzgerald Hotel, Naas Road Saturday 7th November 2015, 9.45am - 1.00pm You are invited to take part in a day of input for people in the deaneries served by Bishop Eamonn Walsh. It all takes place in the Louis Fitzgerald Hotel near Newlands Cross on the Naas Road. Registration is at 9.45am, followed an introduction and some meditation. Then there is the chance to take part in two workshops (there are four available altogether): the first from 10.30am - 11.30am; and the second from 12.10pm - 1.10pm. The workshops are listed below. To book for this event, please contact our parish pastoral worker Breda Carroll through the parish office (Tel. 4589209). There is no charge for taking part in this gathering. Workshop A: PARISH PASTORAL COUNCILS Ten Years on......'.Here's What You Said ' The wealth of experience and learning gained by Parish Pastoral Councils over the past 10 years has been captured in a Review carried out by the Office for Evangelisation & Ecumenism. This workshop led by Ellie McKeown from the Office for Evangelisation & Ecumenism and Leonard Kaye, a Pastoral Area Support Worker, will give an overview of the Review findings and help PPCs to make the most of the Workbook. Workshop B: Tracing Gospel Sparks - Finding God in Everyday Life This workshop is a follow on from a similar workshop which took place last year which proved to be very popular. During this workshop we will listen to how we trace Gospel Sparks in our everyday lives. Our own story becomes the Word through which Jesus breaks through, with endless possibilities for nourishment and courage in our families and wider community. This workshop will be presented by members of Partners in Faith. Workshop C: Grandparents - Passing on Faith in the Family The Catholic Grandparents Association is an international group of people who are doing everything they can to fulfil the mission statement of the association "Passing on the Faith and keeping prayer at the heart of family life " This workshop is focused on Grandparents. It will help them realise their wonderful vocation to pass on their Faith. The workshop will be facilitated by a representative from the Grandparents Association. Workshop D: Laudato Si - Care for our Common Home “What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?” (160). This question is at the heart of Laudato si’ (May You be praised), the Encyclical on the care of the common home by Pope Francis. This is an opportunity for reflection on the main themes of Pope Francis’ Encyclical. This workshop will be presented by Sr. Eileen O'Donoghue and Sr. Maureen Ferguson.