Dec 5, 2015 - Big Ten App ... Download the free Big Ten Conference Championship Events App at .... -Artificial noise mak
2015 Big Ten Football Championship Fan Guide RV Nation
Game Tickets
Located just 3 blocks from the Stadium at Penn and South Streets, football fans may purchase an RV parking spot for the weekend for just $200. The lot will open Friday, December 4 at 6 p.m. and closes at Noon on Sunday, December 6. Tailgate games, including a cornhole tournament and other activities, are planned.
Tickets are available and may be purchased through Lucas Oil Stadium doors are scheduled to open 2 hours (6:15 p.m.) prior to kick off on game day.
Big Ten App
The Big Ten Conference has created a new app to provide you with all of the information about championship weekend and more. Download the free Big Ten Conference Championship Events App at the iTunes Store of Google Play or scan the QR code for easy access!
Big Ten Fan Fest presented by Dr Pepper
KICK OFF 8:17 p.m. (ET) Lucas Oil Stadium
December 5, 2015
More than 200,000 square feet in the Indiana Convention Center will be dedicated to interactive games, entertainment including special guest appearances and mascots, performances by participating team bands, giveaways, food and beverages, and much more. A Big Ten Football Championship Game ticket will provide free access to the Big Ten Fan Fest. Fan Fest tickets may also be purchased on- site: $8 for adults and $4 for kids.
Fan Fest Schedule of Events Friday, December 4
10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
10 a.m. - 8 p.m. USA Football FUNdamental Youth Clinics. (No preregistration required, participants will receive a T-shirt and a hat).
5:15 p.m.
IOWA Pep Rally
6 p.m.
East Division Pep Rally
Meijer Tail Greater Party on Georgia Street Saturday, December 5
10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Stop by the free tailgate party on Georgia Street, just steps from Fan Fest and Lucas Oil Stadium. This party will feature food trucks, a beverage garden, a live band, merchandise, and much more to create the ultimate tailgate experience. A Major League Eating contest featuring Joey Chestnut and other professional eaters and the World Famous St. Elmo’s shrimp cocktail. DJ Yoshi and other acts will provide live entertainment throughout the day.
SaturDAY of Service
Two service projects will get fans, alumni, visitors and corporate volunteers involved. On Friday, Dec. 4, AllState will lead its fourth AllState Big Ten Good Works Day to refurbish facilities at Christian Park. Then on Saturday, volunteers will work at the Wheeler Mission Thrift Store. In all, some 150 volunteers will assist with the projects. Both are located near downtown Indianapolis.
Restaurant Partners
3 p.m. - 9 p.m.
These restaurants are partners of the of the Big Ten Football Championship Local Organizing Committee and are available to host private functions or accommodate groups.
Full schedule of activities including marching band performances at 5:15 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Saturday, December 5
Looking for a place to stay? Indianapolis offers more than 7,000 downtown rooms with over 4,000 connected to the Indiana Convention Center and Lucas Oil Stadium via skywalk. There are other great options throughout the city. Book your hotel today at VisitIndy.comBigTenFootballHotels.
For more information follow us at: or Twitter: @B1Gfootball or @IndSportsCorp Facebook: BigTenConference or IndianaSportsCorp Download the free Big Ten Championship Events App at the iTunes Store or Google Play.
1. Adobo Grill: 110 E Washington St, (317) 822-9990 2. Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar: 7 E Washington St, (317) 951-9464 3. Cadillac Ranch: 39 W Jackson Pl, (317) 636-0100 4. Champions: 350 Maryland St, (317) 405-6111 5. Champps: 49 Maryland St, (317) 951-0033 6. Dick's Last Resort: 111 W Maryland St, (317) 608-2456 7. Fogo de Chao: 117 E Washington St, (317) 638-4000 8. Granite City: 45 S Illinois St, (317) 803-2025 9. Hard Rock Cafe: 49 S Meridian St, (317) 636-2550 10. Harry & Izzy's: 153 S Illinois St, (317) 635-9594 11. High Velocity: 10 S West St, (317) 860-6500 12. Ike & Jonesy's: 17 W Jackson Pl, Indianapolis, IN 46225, (317) 632-4553 13. Indianapolis Colts Grille: 110 W Washington St, (317) 631-2007 14. Kilroy's: 201 S Meridian St, (317) 638-9464 15. Mo's A Place for Steaks: 15 East Maryland St, (317) 635-0720 16. O'Reilly's Irish Bar and Restaurant: 36 S Pennsylvania St, (317) 974-0674 17. Palomino: 49 W Maryland St #189, (317) 974-0400 18. Prime 47: 47 S Pennsylvania St, (317) 624-0720 19. Ram Restaurant & Brewery: 140 S Illinois St, (317) 955-9900 20. Scotty's Brewhouse: 1 Virginia Ave #100, (317) 571-0808 21. Slippery Noodle: 372 S Meridian St, (317) 631-6974 (Please see map for further details)
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2015 Big Ten Football Championship Fan Guide Guest Conduct Policy and Rules
Guest Conduct Continued
Big Ten Football fans are the best in all of college sports because of their passion, enthusiasm, and team support. The players, coaches, staff and fans shape the Big Ten College Football image. We encourage our fans to create a high-energy environment supporting their favorite team while maintaining a family-oriented atmosphere.
Lucas Oil Stadium has established Rules of Conduct that will allow everyone in attendance at the stadium to enjoy all aspects of a Big Ten Football game. Any violations of these rules could result in immediate ejection from the stadium. These rules include, but are not limited to: -Anyone not credentialed attempting to enter the playing field, or unauthorized entry onto the playing field, and interfering with the progress of the game -Refusing to show ticket stub when asked by a stadium representative -Attempting to sit in seats other then seats as assigned by your tickets -Using foul or abusive language or gestures -Threatening other patrons with words and/or actions -Fighting -Throwing or kicking any object in LOS or onto the playing field -Interfering with other guests’ ability to enjoy the game -Wearing clothing with abusive or vulgar terminology, or inappropriate photographs, or symbols. -Wearing obscene or indecent clothing -Standing on seats -Stepping over chairs/seating from one aisle to another -Standing, sitting or loitering in aisles, ramps or other areas of conveyance -Placing food or beverages on walls, ledges or overhangs that may spill or drop on guests below -Running inside stadium -Disorderly conduct -Public intoxication -Possession or use of drugs -Public indecency --Obstructing justic
-Criminal trespass -Unauthorized selling items or tickets on LOS property -Distributing or displaying handbills without prior consent
December 5, 2015 KICK OFF 8:17 p.m. (ET) Lucas Oil Stadium For more information follow us at: or Twitter: @B1Gfootball or @IndSportsCorp Facebook: BigTenConference or IndianaSportsCorp Download the free Big10 Championship Events App at the iTunes Store or Google Play.
Smoking and the use of all tobacco products is strictly prohibited inside of Lucas Oil Stadium and on the exterior balconies. This includes the use of Vapor or E cigarettes and any type of smokeless tobacco. The use of all tobacco products is restricted to designated smoking areas outside of Lucas Oil Stadium. Indiana State Law requires all smoking to be outside of the venue eight feet away from any entry point. Those observing other guests violating these policies should report the incident to the nearest building representative.
Prohibited Items Lucas Oil Stadium
For the protection of our fans, the following items are not permitted in Lucas Oil Stadium (LOS) and cannot be stored by LOS personnel: -Weapons to include OC spray, Tasers, guns, knives or fireworks -Any object that can be used as a missile or projectile -Poles or sticks of any kind to include selfie sticks -Containers, bottles, cans, liquid containers and coolers (except for guests with special medical or dietary needs) -Food/beverages not dispensed by LOS concessionaire -Objects that obstruct another guest’s view of the playing surface -Artificial noise makers (Horns, whistles, electronic instruments) -Animals (except ADA service animals) -Anything that creates a nuisance or disruption -Large purses or backpacks -Video recorders -Cameras with lenses longer than 4 inches -Laser pointers -Promotional items with commercial slogans or identifier