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Page 1 of 2. Parish Team. Clergy. Fr. John Gilligan Moderator. St Mary's Parochial House. Saggart. Tel: 4589209. Mobile:
30th October 2016

31st Sunday of the Year

We pray for those who have died recently:

Parish Team

Maura Browne (Rathcoole) Michael O’Dwyer (Rathcoole) Christina Noeleen Blackburn (Saggart) We extend our deepest sympathies To their families and friends. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord And may perpetual light shine upon them.

Clergy Fr. John Gilligan Moderator St Mary’s Parochial House Saggart. Tel: 4589209 Mobile: 087-4103239 Fr. Aidan Kieran CC 1 The Glebe Peamount Road Newcastle. Tel: 4589230 Mob: 087-6397744 Fr. Aloysius Zuribo C.C. 2 Carrigmore Place Saggart, Co. Dublin Tel. 01-4589209 Fr. Michael Shortall PC 87 Beechwood Lawns Rathcoole Tel: 4587187 Mob: 087 -2861765 Fr. Michael McGowan PC 7 St. Patrick’s Crescent, Rathcoole Tel: 4589210

Parish Pastoral Worker Ms. Breda Carroll c/o 01-4589209 Parish Secretary Martina Hopkins The Parish Office St. Mary’s Parochial House Opening Hours: 9.30-1.30 Monday to Thursday Tel: 4589209

Masses on Monday 31st October (Public Holiday) Saggart 10am

Rathcoole 9.30am

Newcastle 10am

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament This Week Monday 31st October Newcastle 2nd


10.00am - 11.00am November


10.30am - 11.00am

Masses for Feast of All Saints, Tuesday 1st November Holyday of Obligation Saggart




12 Noon,





Alliance of the Two Hearts Mass Rathcoole - 4/11//16 8.30pm On Friday 4th November the monthly Alliance of the Two Hearts Mass will be celebrated in Holy Family Church, Rathcoole at 8.30pm. Followed by Confessions and Rosary. All welcome. Please note the change of time. Saturday Vigil Mass Rathcoole Time Change 6.00pm from Next Weekend (5/11/2016)

The time of the Saturday Evening Vigil Mass in Rathcoole will change to 6.00pm with effect from next weekend, Saturday th [email protected] November 5 . Also, as part of this change, a priest will be available for Items for Newsletter confession every Saturday from 5pm to 5.45pm in Rathcoole. Items for Junction 4 should be sent to the Parish Office or emailed to the addresses given below. Many thanks.

Rathcoole: Saturday Vigil: 6.30 p.m. Sunday: 10 am & 12.00 pm Weekday: 9.30 am Saturday: 10.00 am Brittas: Sunday: 10.30 am

November (All Souls) 5.00pm - 7.30pm


Saggart: Sunday: 9 am & 11.30 am Weekday: 9.30 am

10.30am - 11.30am



Mass Schedule

Newcastle: Saturday Vigil: 7.00 p.m. Sunday: 10.30 am Weekday: 10.00am Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Confession Saggart: Friday after 9.30am Mass Rathcoole: Saturday after 10.00am Mass Newcastle: Saturday after 7.00pm Mass Baptism Saggart 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays 12.30pm Rathcoole 1st and 3rd Saturday 4.00pm

Temp Supervisor, Holy Family Community School, Rathcoole Newcastle The Board of Management of Holy Family Community School 4th Sunday 12.30pm invites applications for the post of Temporary Supervisor. Please Please contact see the school’s website or the Department of Education and the Parish Office Skills Website for further details. [email protected] www.hfcs.ie or http://www.education.ie/en/EducationMarriage or Please contact Staff/Services/Recruitment/Supervisors-in-Post-Primary-Schoolsthe Parish Office [email protected] Temporary-.html

How to Gain a Plenary or Partial Indulgence in November for the Holy Souls in Purgatory A plenary (“full”) indulgence, which is applicable only to the souls in Purgatory is granted to the Christian faithful who devoutly visit a church or an oratory on (November 2nd,) All Souls Day. Requirements for Obtaining a Plenary Indulgence on All Souls Day (2 Nov): Visit a church and pray for souls in Purgatory, Say one “Our Father” and the “Apostles Creed” in the visit to the church, Say one “Our Father” and one “Hail Mary” for the Holy Father’s intentions (that is, the intentions designated by the Holy Father each month), Worthily receive Holy Communion (ideally on the same day if you can get to Mass), Make a sacramental confession within 20 days of All Souls Day. For a plenary indulgence, be free from all attachment to sin, even venial sin (otherwise, the indulgence is partial, not plenary, “full”). You can acquire one plenary indulgence a day. A partial indulgence can be obtained by visiting a cemetery and praying for the departed. You can gain a plenary indulgence visiting a cemetery each day between 1 November and 8 November. These indulgences are applicable only to the Souls in Purgatory. A partial indulgence, applicable only to the Souls in Purgatory, can be obtained when saying the “Eternal rest … Requiem aeternam…” prayer.

Remarks by Archbishop Eamon Martin (Armagh) about the World Meeting of Families 2018 · “One of my hopes is that we will develop Catholic family support groups at diocesan and parish level which might not only assist with marriage preparation, but also with supporting couples in the years immediately following marriage” · “A challenge for our preparation and celebration of the World Meeting of the Families is how we are going to connect with those who, for whatever reason, perceive that the Church has little or nothing to say to their particular family situation” · “We have the joy, and challenge, of presenting the Church’s clear and positive vision of marriage and family: the Good News that human life is sacred, that each human being comes from God, who created us, male and female” This weekend last year I was preparing to head home from the Family Synod in Rome. I knew I had been part of something very special and historic in the life of the Church. We came from every corner of the world – it was a truly global event – but we belonged together. We were ‘connected’ – as brothers and sisters in the great universal family that is the Catholic Church. The theme of the Synod was ‘the vocation and mission of the family in the Church and contemporary world’. During those three weeks we shared our concerns and hopes for family life from the perspective of our different countries and contexts. And all the while Pope Francis listened attentively, concentrating deeply on every word. We were Cum Petro et sub Petro (with Peter, under Peter). At the end of the Synod we offered Pope Francis reflections in the form of a final report, inviting him to write an ‘exhortation’ for the whole world. The result was his powerful and challenging document: Amoris Laetitia, (The Joy of Love On Love in the Family). The Synod and Amoris Laetitia provide both the foundation and the mission for the next great global Catholic event – the World Meeting of Families here in Dublin in 2018. Countdown The countdown has begun and here today, from every corner of Ireland, we have gathered to begin our reflection on the theme chosen by Pope Francis for the World Meeting: ‘The Gospel of the Family – Joy for the World’. Today I have that same sense of belonging and ‘connection’ as I had at the Synod. Once more I am reminded that the Catholic Church in Ireland, and throughout the world, is ‘a family of families’ – a network of believers, homes, communities, parishes and dioceses. In choosing to come here today we are affirming that we believe in Family. We are committed to the Family as the ‘school of humanity’, as fundamental to society and the common good. We recognise the importance of Family in the life of the Church; we believe the family is the ‘domestic Church’, the ‘little Church’; the family is the essential agent of the Good News. Amoris Laetitia puts it well: ‘The Church is good for the family and the family is good for the Church (AL87)’. It would be so easy for the World Meeting of Families to end up as a once-off event, an extravaganza which will come and go like a big pop concert or sports final. What might we do together as Church, as ‘a family of families’ to harness the grace and opportunity of this time to ‘re-connect’ families with their fundamental calling and to send a clear and lasting message of hope that Family is Good News for today and for the future? Connections In choosing Ireland to host World Meeting of the Families, Pope Francis has given a gift to our Church and our country which we have accepted with humility and openness to the graces that it can bring. My hopes for the World Meeting keep coming back to that word ‘connection’. Family is all about ‘connection’. Family connects us to a home, to ‘ar muintir fein’, the people who are our flesh and blood. It links us to a community, a parish, a county and an ever-expanding network of people and places. Family also connects us to a history and culture, a language and tradition, to our ‘DNA’, our roots, to our past, present and future. Family connects us to faith and values, to baptism and the community of believers. I pray that Ireland’s hosting of the World Meeting of Families will enable families to ‘connect’ and ‘re-connect’ at a whole variety of levels, both with each other and with the wider ‘family of families’ that is their Church.