or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each directio
Plymouth - Wembury Stagecoach South West
Timetable valid from 30/10/2016 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops
Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions Stoke, Paradise Road Dhs Boys (E-bound) Peverell, DHS Girls (NE-bound) Mutley, Mutley Plain (Stop M8) Plymouth City Centre, Royal Parade (Stop A10) Pomphlett, Sugar Mill (SE-bound) Plymstock, Broadway East (E-bound) Elburton, Elburton Village (NE-bound) Plymstock, Dunstone View (S-bound) Elburton, Blackstone Close (S-bound) Knighton, opp The Odd Wheel
0855 1025 1255 1425 1625 0902 1032 1302 1432 1635 0910 1040 1140 1310 1440 1642 1649 0911 1041 1141 1311 1441 0916 1046 1146 1316 1446 1653 0923 1053 1153 1323 1453 1700
Saturdays Sch 1555 1605 1615 1625 1755 1635 1802 1642 1810 1649 1811 1653 1816 1700 1823
0855 1025 1255 1425 1625 0902 1032 1302 1432 1635 0910 1040 1140 1310 1440 1642 1649 0911 1041 1141 1311 1441 0916 1046 1146 1316 1446 1653 0923 1053 1153 1323 1453 1700
Bank Holidays
no service no service
no service no service
1755 1802 1810 1811 1816 1823
no service no service
Service Restrictions: SH - Plymouth School Holidays Sch - Plymouth School Days
Wembury - Plymouth Stagecoach South West
Timetable valid from 30/10/2016 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops
Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions Knighton, opp The Odd Wheel Wembury, Southland Park Terminus (E-bound) Knighton, The Odd Wheel (E-bound) Elburton, Charnhill Way (N-bound) Elburton, Elburton Methodist Church (NE-bound) Plymstock, Dunstone Drive (N-bound) Plymstock, Opposite Lidls (NW-bound) Pomphlett, Morley Arms (NW-bound) Plymouth City Centre, Royal Parade (Stop A1) Plymouth City Centre, Viaduct (Stop B5) Mutley, Mutley Plain (Stop M3) Peverell, Venn Lane (SW-bound) Stoke, Paradise Road Dhs Boys (E-bound)
Sch 0720 0727 0733 0741 0745
SH 0727 0735 0738 0744 0748
0923 0930 0936 0944
1053 1100 1106 1114
1153 1200 1206 1214
1323 1330 1336 1344
Saturdays 1453 1500 1506 1514
0949 1119 1219 1349 1519 0752 0755 0951 1121 1221 1351 1521 0801 0802 0957 1127 1227 1357 1527 1237 1407 1537 0809 1007 0811 0817 0823 0835
1700 1705 1711 1719
1823 1830 1836 1844
1724 1848 1726 1849 1732 1742
1153 1200 1206 1214
1323 1330 1336 1344
1453 1500 1506 1514
1700 1705 1711 1718
0949 1119 1219 0755 0951 1121 1221 0802 0957 1127 1227 1237 0809 1007
1349 1351 1357 1407
1519 1521 1527 1537
1724 1848 1726 1849 1732 1742
0727 0735 0738 0744 0748
Bank Holidays
no service no service
no service no service
Service Restrictions: SH - Plymouth School Holidays Sch - Plymouth School Days
Data Provided by South West Public Transport Information (SWPTI) - 33 - 05/09/16
0923 0930 0936 0944
1053 1100 1106 1114
no service no service
1823 1830 1836 1844
Plymouth - Wembury Stagecoach South West
For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at www.nextbuses.mobi (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists.
SMS Code
Stop Name
plyawjd plydada plydamp plydagj plyawmg plyawgw plyawat plydagm plydgdw plydgtd plydjwa plydmpt plydpjm plydtgd plydtwa plydwgt plydwpm plygajt plygawa plygdtj plygjtd plygmgj plygmdp plygjgw plygdpa plydtjp plygdjt plygjwm plygtad plygwgt plyjgma plyjpta plyjwaj plymadg plymatm plymdgt plymdta plymgtj plymjdw plymwtm plymjwg plympap plympdp plympag plymjtg plymgta plymgtd plymgma plymgmw plymgtw plymjag plymjgm plymjmj plymjpg plymjgt dvnajwtw dvnamadj dvngpjwp dvnamama dvnamamt dvnamapa dvnamdmp dvnamdja dvnamdag dvnamatp
Stoke, Paradise Road Dhs Boys (E-bound) Stoke, Wilton Road (NE-bound) Stoke, Molesworth Road Bottom (NW-bound) Stoke, Paviland Grange (N-bound) Stoke, The Elms (N-bound) Stoke, Somerset Place (N-bound) Stoke, Molesworth Road Top (NW-bound) Milehouse, Milehouse Road West (NE-bound) Milehouse, Milehouse Road East (NE-bound) Milehouse, Milehouse LC 3 (NE-bound) Milehouse, Segrave Road (NE-bound) Peverell, DHS Girls (NE-bound) Peverell, Onslow Road (NE-bound) Peverell, Peverell Library (SE-bound) Peverell, Wembury Park Road West (SE-bound) Peverell, Thornbury Park Avenue West (SE-bound) Mannamead, Ganna Park Road West (SE-bound) Mannamead, Old Park Road West (SE-bound) Mannamead, Peverell Park Road (SE-bound) Mutley, Hyde Park Primary School (SE-bound) Mutley, Ford Park Lane (E-bound) Mutley, Mutley Plain (Stop M8) Plymouth, Alton Place (SW-bound) Plymouth, Bedford Terrace (SW-bound) Plymouth, City Library & Museum (SW-bound) Plymouth City Centre, Royal Parade (Stop A10) Plymouth City Centre, Viaduct (Stop B2) Plymouth City Centre, opp Jurys Inn Cattedown, Friary Park (E-bound) Cattedown, Cattedown Roundabout (E-bound) Cattedown, Plymouth Gate (SE-bound) Pomphlett, Sugar Mill (SE-bound) Pomphlett, Morrisons (SE-bound) Pomphlett, Howard Road (SE-bound) Pomphlett, Rockville Park (SE-bound) Plymstock, Horn Cross (SE-bound) Plymstock, Broadway East (E-bound) Plymstock, Southernway (NE-bound) Plymstock, Moorcroft Close (E-bound) Plymstock, Russell Close (E-bound) Elburton, Reservoir Road (E-bound) Elburton, Stanborough Cross (E-bound) Elburton, Doreena Road (SW-bound) Elburton, Elburton Village (NE-bound) Elburton, James Close (W-bound) Plymstock, Dunstone View (S-bound) Plymstock, Dunstone Road (S-bound) Plymstock, Oakdene Rise (SW-bound) Plymstock, Dolphin Court Road (NE-bound) Plymstock, Furzehatt Road (E-bound) Plymstock, Dunstone Road (E-bound) Elburton, Great Churchway (E-bound) Elburton, Springfield Close (E-bound) Elburton, Blackstone Close (S-bound) Elburton, Coltness Road (S-bound) Spriddlestone, Coombe Farm (S-bound) Spriddlestone, Eastnor (S-bound) Spriddlestone, Ridge Cross (S-bound) Hollacombe Hill, Hollacombe (S-bound) Hollacombe Hill, Hollacombe Hill (S-bound) Hollacombe Hill, Ben Norris (SE-bound) Knighton, Wembury Road (S-bound) Knighton, Knighton Road (W-bound) Knighton, Wembury Village (W-bound) Knighton, opp The Odd Wheel
Paradise Road Paradise Road
1180PLA10101 1180PLA10106 1180PLG40014 1180PLG40012 1180PLG40009 1180PLZ01967 1180PLG40007 1180PLG40005 1180PLG40002 1180PLG40024 1180PLA10229 1180PLA10230 1180PLA10232 1180PLB11808 1180PLB11810 1180PLB11812 1180PLB11814 1180PLB11816 1180PLB11818 1180PLB11819 1180PLB11821 1180PLC30072 1180PLC30074 1180PLC30075 1180PLC30077 1180PLC30108 1180PLC30120 1180PLC30124 1180PLC30126 1180PLA11341 1180PLA11344 1180PLA11345 1180PLA11368 1180PLA11369 1180PLA11370 1180PLA10707 1180PLA10722 1180PLA10720 1180PLA11379 1180PLA10716 1180PLZ01929 1180PLA10718 1180PLA10767 1180PLA10766 1180PLA11428 1180PLA10755 1180PLA10754 1180PLY38492 1180PLA10757 1180PLZ01978 1180PLA10759 1180PLA10762 1180PLZ01926 1180PLA10771 1180PLA11436 1100PLA10774 1100PLA10775 1100DEA57149 1100PLA10777 1100PLA10778 1100PLA10779 1100PLA10782 1100PLA10784 1100PLA10785 1100PLA10786
Molesworth Road Molesworth Road Molesworth Road Molesworth Road Milehouse Road Milehouse Road Outland Road Outland Road Outland Road Outland Road Peverell Park Road Peverell Park Road
Hyde Park Road
Drake Circus Royal Parade Exeter Street Exeter Street Exeter Street Embankment Road Laira Bridge Road Pomphlett Road
Horn Cross Road Stanborough Road Stanborough Road Stanborough Road Stanborough Road Stanborough Road Springfield Road Springfield Road Springfield Road Dunstone Drive Dolphin Court Road Dolphin Court Road Furzehatt Road Furzehatt Road Furzehatt Road Furzehatt Road Springfield Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Knighton Road Knighton Road Knighton Road
Wembury - Plymouth Stagecoach South West
For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at www.nextbuses.mobi (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists.
SMS Code
Stop Name
dvnamatp dvnamatd dvnamapm dvnamamg dvnamagj dvnajwpt dvnajwmd dvnamadp dvnamagd dvnamamw dvnamamp dvnamawj dvnamdaj dvnamdgt dvnamdmg dvnamdjd dvnamapj dvnamamj dvnamajt dvnamaga dvngpjwt dvngpmad plymjgp plymjpd plymjtm plympaj plypaga plympdw plympda plymjwd plymjpm plymjga plymgtp plymjpa plymjgd plymjam plymgpj plymgjw plymgpw plymgpm plymgmt plypdjd plymdmj plymamw plyjwpj plyjtwt plyjpdg plyjgjd plyjapj plygwja plygpwm plygjtg plygagj plygdpw plygdtm plygdja plygjgj plygjpw plygmat plygdwa plygamp plydwtp plydwgp plydtwj plydtgp plydtad plydmjd plydjtj plydjga plydgja plydajg plyawag plyatmt plyatdw plyatdg plyapwp plyatgw plyawjd
Knighton, opp The Odd Wheel Knighton, Barton Close (S-bound) Wembury, Brownhill Lane (SW-bound) Wembury, Hawthorn Drive (SW-bound) Knighton, Sea View Drive (NW-bound) Wembury, Southland Park Road (SW-bound) Wembury, Southland Park Terminus (E-bound) Wembury, Mewstone Avenue Bottom (NE-bound) Wembury, Southland Park Road (NE-bound) Knighton, Brownhill Lane (NE-bound) Knighton, Wembury Post Office (NE-bound) Knighton, The Odd Wheel (E-bound) Knighton, Londis Shop (E-bound) Knighton, Knighton Road (E-bound) Knighton, Wembury Road (N-bound) Knighton, Trescan (SE-bound) Hollacombe Hill, Train Road (NW-bound) Hollacombe Hill, Hollacombe Hill (N-bound) Hollacombe Hill, Hollacombe (N-bound) Spriddlestone, Ridge Cross (N-bound) Spriddlestone, Eastnor (N-bound) Spriddlestone, Coombe Farm (N-bound) Elburton, Crossroads Garage (NE-bound) Elburton, Charnhill Way (N-bound) Elburton, James Close (E-bound) Elburton, Elburton Methodist Church (NE-bound) Elburton, Springfield Road (NE-bound) Elburton, Elburton School (NW-bound) Elburton, Stanborough Cross (NW-bound) Elburton, Reservoir Road (W-bound) Plymstock, Russell Close (NW-bound) Plymstock, Moorcroft Close (W-bound) Plymstock, Southernway (SW-bound) Elburton, Coach House Mews (W-bound) Elburton, Great Churchway (NW-bound) Plymstock, Dunstone Road (W-bound) Plymstock, Dolphin Court Road (SW-bound) Plymstock, Oakdene Rise (NE-bound) Plymstock, Dunstone Road (N-bound) Plymstock, Dunstone Drive (N-bound) Plymstock, Easterdown Close (W-bound) Plymstock, Maple Court (W-bound) Plymstock, Opposite Lidls (NW-bound) Pomphlett, Rocky Park Road (NW-bound) Pomphlett, Blue Peter (W-bound) Pomphlett, Pomphlett (NW-bound) Pomphlett, Morley Arms (NW-bound) Cattedown, Laira Bridge (NW-bound) Prince Rock, Elliott Road (W-bound) Cattedown, Astor Field (W-bound) Cattedown, St Johns Church (W-bound) Plymouth City Centre, o/s Jurys Inn Plymouth City Centre, Royal Parade (Stop A1) Plymouth City Centre, Viaduct (Stop B5) Plymouth City Centre, Charles Street (Stop C1) Plymouth, University (Stop U2) Plymouth, Skardon Place (N-bound) Plymouth, High School For Girls (Stop 1) Mutley, Mutley Plain (Stop M3) Mutley, Hyde Park Shops (NW-bound) Mannamead, Peverell Park Methodist Church (NW-bound) Mannamead, Ganna Park Road West (NW-bound) Peverell, Thornbury Park Avenue West (NW-bound) Peverell, Wembury Park Road West (NW-bound) Peverell, Pounds Park Road (NW-bound) Peverell, Pounds House (SW-bound) Peverell, Venn Lane (SW-bound) Milehouse, Milehouse LC 4 (SW-bound) Milehouse, Milehouse LC 5 (SW-bound) Milehouse, Milehouse Road East (W-bound) Milehouse, Milehouse Road West (SW-bound) Stoke, Ford Hill Top (S-bound) Stoke, Stoke Village (SW-bound) Stoke, Devonport Road Railway Bridge (S-bound) Stoke, Astor Hall (S-bound) Stoke, Exmouth Road (SW-bound) Stoke, Paradise Road (E-bound) Stoke, Paradise Road Dhs Boys (E-bound)
Knighton Road Mewstone Avenue Mewstone Avenue Mewstone Avenue Sea View Drive Southland Park Road Southland Park Road Church Road
1100PLA10786 1100PLA10788 1100PLA10789 1100PLA10790 1100PLA10791 1100PLA10792 1100PLA10793 1100PLA10794 1100PLA10795 1100PLA10796 1100PLA10797 1100PLA10787 1100DEZ05108 1100PLY38602 1100PLA10783 1100PLA10781 1100PLA10780 1100DEZ05062 1100PLY38603 1100PLA10776 1100DEA57150 1100DEA57151 1180PLA11437 1180PLA10770 1180PLY38473 1180PLA10765 1180PLZ01984 1180PLA10695 1180PLA10696 1180PLA10717 1180PLY38476 1180PLY38478 1180PLA10719 1180PLA10763 1180PLA11425 1180PLA10760 1180PLA10758 1180PLA10753 1180PLY38496 1180PLY38494 1180PLA10721 1180PLA06949 1180PLA10723 1180PLA10724 1180PLA10725 1180PLA11390 1180PLA11391 1180PLA11469 1180PLB12000 1180PLA11471 1180PLC30127 1180PLC30125 1180PLC30130 1180PLC30129 1180PLC30122 1180033077 1180PLC30076 1180PLC30082 1180PLC30068 1180PLB11820 1180PLB11817 1180PLB11815 1180PLB11813 1180PLB11811 1180PLB11809 1180PLB11837 1180PLB11838 1180PLB11839 1180PLG40025 1180PLG40001 1180PLG40004 1180PLG40036 1180PLG40037 1180PLG40039 1180PLG40042 1180PLG40045 1180PLA10099 1180PLA10101
Church Road Chruch Road Knighton Road Knighton Road Knighton Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Wembury Road Springfield Road Springfield Road Springfield Road Elburton Road Elburton Road Stanborough Road Stanborough Road Stanborough Road Stanborough Road Springfield Road Furzehatt Road Furzehatt Road Furzehatt Road Dolphin Court Road Dolphin Court Road Dunstone Drive Stanborough Road Stanborough Road Horn Cross Road Pomphlett Road Pomphlett Road Pomphlett Road Billacombe Road Laira Bridge Road Laira Bridge Road Embankment Road Exeter Street Exeter Street Royal Parade Exeter Street Charles Street Drake Circus North Hill North Hill Mutley Plain Hyde Park Road Peverell Park Road Peverell Park Road Peverell Park Road Peverell Park Road Peverell Park Road Outland Road Outland Road
Milehouse Road Milehouse Road Devonport Road Devonport Road Devonport Road Devonport Road Devonport Road Paradise Road Paradise Road
Plymouth - Wembury Stagecoach South West
Service Restrictions SH - Plymouth School Holidays Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 2016 September 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 October 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 November
Mo 12 10 14
Tu 13 11 15
We 14 12 16
Th 15 13 17
Fr 16 14 18
Sa 17 15 19
Su 18 16 20
Mo 19 17 21
Tu 20 18 22
We 21 19 23
Th 22 20 24
Fr 23 21 25
Sa 24 22 26
Su 25 23 27
Mo 26 24 28
Tu 27 25 29
We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 30
Sch - Plymouth School Days Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 2016 September 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 October 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 November 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Mo 12 10 14
Tu 13 11 15
We 14 12 16
Th 15 13 17
Fr 16 14 18
Sa 17 15 19
Su 18 16 20
Mo 19 17 21
Tu 20 18 22
We 21 19 23
Th 22 20 24
Fr 23 21 25
Sa 24 22 26
Su 25 23 27
Mo 26 24 28
Tu 27 25 29
We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 30
# # # #
Days of operation Mo = Monday, Tu = Tuesday, We = Wednesday, Th = Thursday, Fr = Friday Sa = Saturday Su = Sunday