2016 11 15_PressRelease-Social-Bond-UBI ... - UBI Banca

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Nov 15, 2016 - More detailed information on the conditions, costs and risks involved in the ... on the websites of the i
UBI Banca issues the Social Bond “UBI Comunità per Confederazione Nazionale delle Misericordie d'Italia” (UBI Comunità for the National Confederation of the Misericordie d’Italia voluntary associations) and contributes towards the construction of a new anti-seismic school at Acquasanta Terme, a town hit by the earthquake of 24th August. A project to build a new school for the children of Acquasanta Terme, constructed using anti-seismic and high energy efficiency technology will benefit from 0.50% of the nominal value of the bonds. Completion of the works is forecast for the end of November. Milan, 15th November 2016 - UBI Banca announces the issue of the social bond “UBI Comunità per Confederazione Nazionale delle Misericordie d'Italia” for a total amount of €40 million. The issue is linked to the construction of a new building, already underway, at Acquasanta Terme (Ascoli Piceno), that will house an infants and primary school and when completed will provide places for 140 children. The area on which it is being built, selected on the basis of a joint recommendation by the Civil Protection Department and the Municipality, with the consent of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, occupies a total of 800 sq m. For the implementation of the project, in co-ordination with the Ministry of Education, UBI Banca, the National Confederation of the Misericordie d’Italia voluntary associations and the municipality of Acquasanta Terme signed a specific agreement, by which, on completion of the works, school will be handed over to the municipality of Acquasanta, which will become the owner. The total charitable donation made by UBI Banca to the National Confederation of the Misericordie d’Italia may reach up to €200,000, if the entire face value of the bond offered is subscribed. The bonds, issued by UBI Banca, have a minimum subscription price of €1,000, a life of three years, half yearly coupons, an annual gross interest rate of 0.30% for the first year, 0.45% for the second year and 0.60% for the third year. They may be subscribed from 15th November 2016 until 7th December 2016, unless the offer period is closed early or extended. The offer is placed through the branches of Banca Popolare di Bergamo, Banco di Brescia, Banca Popolare Commercio e Industria, Banca Regionale Europea, Banca Popolare di Ancona, Banca Carime, Banca di Valle Camonica, IWBank Private Investment and UBI Banca. “Thanks to the great efforts made by all those involved we will rapidly achieve a concrete result for the teachers, children and the whole community of Acquasanta Terme”, said Letizia Moratti, Chairwoman of the UBI Banca Management Board, “and, as has already occurred on many other occasions, the social bond instrument will allow our customers to contribute to direct engagement of our Group the completion of the project”. “That of Acquasanta is one of three schools that we have constructed in the areas hit by the earthquake”, said Alberto Corsinovi Board Member of the Presidency of the National Confederation of the Misericordie d’Italia with responsibility for emergencies, “and it is a further demonstration of our movement’s great capacity for innovation. We are starting to carry out new functions which have made an even more concrete contribution to assist people in this terrible emergency. We have not only carried out our role of providing services and assistance to people

with great commitment and willingness, but we have also helped speed up the reconstruction of public facilities with the transparency that has always distinguished our work. Our greatest thanks must always and in any case go to the hundreds of volunteers from all over Italy to have helped people with great efforts, both by their presence and their work to raise funds and in-kind donations”. From April 2012 until November 2016 the UBI Banca Group has issued 80 UBI Comunità social bonds for a total value of over €831 million. These have made it possible to make charitable donations of over €4 million designed to support initiatives of social interest and they have been subscribed by over 30,000 UBI Group customers. Furthermore, loan pools have been created for loans of over €20 million destined to social consortia, enterprises and co-operatives. The bonds will not be listed on any regulated market or multilateral trading system: they will be traded directly without intermediary by the placement agents as part of the own-account trading service in accordance with Art. 1, paragraph 5, letter a) of Legislative Decree No. 58/1998 (Consolidated Finance Act). More detailed information on the conditions, costs and risks involved in the investment is contained in the “Definitive Conditions” and in the “Summary Note” and in the section on “Risk Factors” in particular, which may be consulted. th

The offer is reserved to those who contribute new funding to the placement agents from 15 November 2016 th until 7 December 2016, unless the issuer exercises its right to close the offer period early to extend it. For more detailed information on the conditions and on the costs and risks involved in the investment, you are invited, before subscribing, to read the Basic Prospectus, the Registration Document and the Definitive Conditions and the Summary Note, with particular attention paid to the section “Risk Factors” relating to the issuance. We underline in particular that the bonds in question could reduce in value (by as much as 100% of their value), or be converted into a capital instrument of the issuer (e.g. shares), or undergo a reduction in the interest, or a temporary suspension in the payment of interest for a transitory period, due to, amongst other things, the application of a “bail-in” and, more generally, to banking crisis resolution procedures in accordance with the regulations currently in force concerning the resolution of banking crises. The Basic th Prospectus filed with the Consob (Italian securities market authority) on 16 December 2015 following the th approval notified by the Consob with Note No. 0093595/15 of 9 December 2015 and the relative Supplements and Definitive Conditions relating to the issuance are available free of charge in branches and on the websites of the issuer (www.ubibanca.it) and the placement agents. UBI Banca is the third largest commercial banking group by stock market capitalisation in Italy, with a market share of over 5%, approximately 1,531 branches and over 17,500 employees, which provide it with a presence in the most important economic areas in the country. UBI Banca is listed on the Milan stock exchange and included in the FTSE/MIB index. UBI Comunità is an innovative service model, specially for nonprofit and church-related institutions, designed to provide a prompt and effective response to the needs of nonprofit organisations by means of products specially developed to provide banking and credit support for the management of everyday activities, planning and investments. The Misericordie are one of the most ancient forms of voluntary work existing in the world, founded in 1244 in Florence “to honour God with works of charity toward your neighbour”. Today there are 689 confraternities of the Misericordia with over 700 centres located throughout the country, but with a stronger presence in central and southern Italy, numbering approximately 670 thousand brethren. One fifth of these are actively committed to providing guaranteed services, thanks, amongst other things, to 2,500 ambulances and over 1,000 special vehicles. They operate in many fields ranging from emergency medical services to medical transport, blood and organ donation, funeral services, social services and assistance for the disabled, elderly and handicapped. The Misericordie are also active in the field of civil protection and intervention at international level. The confraternities have formed a National Confederation, founded at Pistoia in the 1899, which speaks for the entire movement and offers individual confraternities a broad range of services and advice. For further information please contact: UBI Banca Media Relations Tel +39 027781 4213 - 4932 – 4936 [email protected] Press office of the National Confederation of the Misericordie d’Italia Tel 338 7458821 – 349 6648615 [email protected]; [email protected]