2016 - 2017 Annual Report - Spartanburg County School District Three

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1. Our mission, in Spartanburg School District Three, is to provide experiences and teach world class skills and values
District Expenditures 2016 - 2017 Instruction

Instructional Support

$ 14,583,759

$ 3,445,223



$ 6,025,578

$ 2,835,154

Other Commitments (Debt Service, Capital, Transfers, etc.) $ 856,825

Total Expenditures $ 27,746,539

Total Students 2,941 Total Expenditures Per Student

2016 - 2017 Student Enrollment Cannons Elementary School

Clifdale Elementary School



Cowpens Elementary School

Pacolet Elementary School



Cowpens Middle School

Middle School of Pacolet



Broome High School

Daniel Morgan Technology Center **

$ 9,434.39


542 Total Students

2,941 **Includes students served from both Spartanburg School Districts Three and Seven. Number is not included in total students. Karen Grimm


Cannons Elementary School

Windy Hodge


Clifdale Elementary School

Cindy Snead


Cowpens Elementary School

Allison Berry


Pacolet Elementary School

Matt Davis


Cowpens Middle School

Max Deaton


Middle School of Pacolet

Rodney Graves


Broome High School

Chris Dinkins


Daniel Morgan Technology Center

Administrative Staff

In Memory

Kenny Blackwood Superintendent Susan Little Assistant Superintendent Instruction Greg Mack Assistant Superintendent Finance & Operations

Tracy Schultz 1963 – 2017

Spartanburg School District Three 2016-2017 School Board Members

Rodney Goode Assistant Superintendent Pupil & Personnel Services

Spartanburg School District Three 2016 - 2017

Annual Report to the People Vol. 19, No. 1


Our mission, in Spartanburg School District Three, is to provide experiences and teach world class skills and values which empower all children to achieve their fullest potential. Priorities for the future: Provide a safe learning environment for students, staff and visitors.

Prepare all students to be college/career ready.


Produce a culture of “All In” that fosters continuous growth and development for staff.

Promote the successes of Spartanburg School District Three.

In collaboration with our families and community we value: Children, first and foremost; Safety and security; Uniqueness and diversity; High expectations; Learning as a lifelong process; Equal access to a quality education; All needs of every child. Every student Future Ready: Prepared for college, career, personal success.

ALL IN. Every Child, Every Day, Whatever It Takes! Statement of Non-Discrimination: Spartanburg School District Three does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person(s) has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Assistant Superintendent, Personnel and Pupil Services, 3535 Clifton Glendale Road, Glendale, SC 29346, (864) 279-6000.

Testing Data - 2017 Elementary and Middle Schools

The SC Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (SCPASS) was given to students in grades 4 - 8 in Spring 2017. Students were assessed in the subject areas of Science and Social Studies.

The South Carolina College and Career-Ready Assessment (SC READY) was given to students in grades 3 - 8 in Spring 2017. Students were assessed in the subject areas of English and Mathematics. Kim Goode Clifdale Elementary School 2017 - 2018 District Teacher of the Year

School Teachers of the Year

(Left to Right) Bonnie Mizzell, Cannons Elementary; Veronica Carroll, Cowpens Elementary; Brittny Andrews, Pacolet Elementary; Stephanie Hatchell, Cowpens Middle School; Molly O’Dell, Middle School of Pacolet; Gary Barnard, Broome High School; and Jeff Gibson, Daniel Morgan Technology Center.

The ACT, a college readiness assessment, was given to high school juniors. The ACT scores range from 0 to 36. State averages for ACT data are based on regular public schools.

ACT WorkKeys is a job skills assessment system measuring "real world" skills given during a student’s junior year in high school. The assessment consists of three subtests: Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information, and Locating Information.

SAT, ACT and Advanced Placement The ACT and SAT are tests used as indicators for the college readiness of a student. Advanced Placement (AP) courses are offered to high school students who are capable of college-level work. Those students receiving a score of 3 or better on a scale of 1 - 5 on their AP exams receive college credit for the course.