2016-2017 CCISD Middle School Course Catalog .pdf - Google Drive

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Dr. Tony C. Diaz, Trustee. Mr. Dwayne Hargis, Trustee, At-large. Mr. John Longoria, Trustee. ADMINISTRATION. Dr. Roland
Our mission…. The mission of the Corpus Christi Independent School District is to develop the hearts and minds of all students, preparing them to be lifelong learners who continue their education, enter the world of work, and become productive citizens.

Our vision… Our vision is to be a world class school system where every student is a learner, every learner is a graduate, and every graduate is a success.


Ms. Jane “Janie” D. Bell, Trustee, President, At-large Mr. John Marez, Vice President, At-large Ms. Catherine Susser, Secretary Mr. Tony Elizondo, Assistant Secretary Dr. Tony C. Diaz, Trustee Mr. Dwayne Hargis, Trustee, At-large Mr. John Longoria, Trustee

ADMINISTRATION Dr. Roland Hernandez, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Maria Luisa Guerra, Deputy Superintendent of Schools Brigette Clark, Chief Administrative Officer Dr. James Rosebrock, Chief Academic Officer February 2016


Our goals… Goal 1: Ensure academic progress for all students. Goal 2: Ensure students graduate prepared for success in post-secondary Instruction. Goal 3: Develop a culture of “innovation with evidence” resulting in high quality academic choices for students and families. Goal 4: Maintain a strong and sustainable leadership structure. Goal 5: Continually improve efficiency and effectiveness of district operations. Goal 6: Enhance opportunities for parents and community to engage as partners in education.

Every student a learner…every learner a graduate…every graduate a success!

NON-DISCRIMINATION AND DISCLAIMER The Corpus Christi Independent School District (District) does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in providing education or providing access to the benefits of educational services, activities, and programs, including career and technical education programs, in accordance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (34 CFR Part 104); Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (34 CFR Part 106); Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (34 CFR Part 110); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; and local Board policies. The Chief Financial Officer coordinates compliance with the legal requirements above with the exception of the Director for Special Education who coordinates compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 (Student Issues) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The In-House Counsel in the Office of Legal Services coordinates compliance with the provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The provisions and information set forth in this catalog are intended to be informational and not contractual in nature. Thus, this catalog is not intended, and shall not be construed, to constitute a contract between the District and any employee or student; prospective student; agency of the local, state, or federal government; or any other group or legal entity of any and every nature whatsoever. The District hereby reserves and retains the right to amend, alter, change, delete, or modify any of the provisions of this catalog at any time, and from time to time, without notice, in any manner that the Administration or the Board of Trustees of the District deems to be in the best interest of the District. In the event of a conflict between the information furnished in this catalog and any Board Policy or Administrative Regulation, the policy or regulation will prevail.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Mission Statement and Vision Statement of the Corpus Christi Independent School District ............................................................... 1 Board of Trustees and Administration ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 Goals of the Corpus Christi Independent School District ......................................................................................................................... 2 THE MIDDLE SCHOOL................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Catalog Updates ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Academic Calendar .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Instructional Plan ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Special Programs and Activities ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 Curricular and Extracurricular Activities ......................................................................................................................................... 4 English for Speakers of Other Language ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Fine Arts Requirement for Middle School ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Gifted and Talented (G/T) Program ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Pre Advanced Placement (Pre-AP) ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Physical Education ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Special Education ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Discipline Alternative Education Program [at the Student Support Center (SSC)]. ....................................................................... 4 State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) Graduation Requirements. ....................................................................... 5 Designation of Units and Credits ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 Schedule Changes .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Duplicate Courses .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Credit -by-Examination ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Course Descriptions ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 College and Career Readiness Survey ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 Bridges Interest Profiler and Cluster Finder Surveys .............................................................................................................................. 6 Student Planner ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Personal Graduation Plan ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Elective Course Selections. ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6 CORE CURRICULUM COURSES. ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 English Language Arts .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Mathematics ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Science ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Social Studies ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Physical Education and Athletics ........................................................................................................................................................... 12 Fine Arts ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Languages Other Than English (LOTE) ................................................................................................................................................... 16 Career and Technical Education (CTE) ................................................................................................................................................... 17 Electives Courses.................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Baker Middle School Gifted and Talented (G/T) Program ..................................................................................................................... 20 Additional Contact Information ............................................................................................................................................................. 25 Middle School Directory .......................................................................................................................................................... Back Cover


THE MIDDLE SCHOOL The middle schools in the Corpus Christi Independent School District (District) are designed to meet the developmental needs of adolescent learners and to provide a transition between elementary and high school by providing well-balanced educational programs that are designed to improve academic competencies, to develop organizational skills, and to enhance self-responsibility. The three-year instructional plan for Grades 6, 7, 8 includes required and elective course offerings. CATALOG UPDATES Information in this catalog was current in February 2016. Please check the District’s web page for updates. ACADEMIC CALENDAR The District’s academic calendar is defined by the first calendar day of instruction and continues until the first calendar day of the next school year, as approved by the Board of Trustees. For purposes of course selection, a student may only enroll in courses published in the District’s Catalog of Course Offerings for that particular academic calendar. INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN All middle school students enroll in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Instruction is provided in health, physical education, fine arts, technology applications, and various exploratory elective courses. District middle schools use campus-specific scheduling and teaming options. The District has implemented a Scope and Sequence for all subjects to ensure that middle school students are well-prepared for high school. Detailed information about high school graduation programs and requirements is provided in the introductory section of this catalog. Middle school students have opportunities to earn high school credits in mathematics, fine arts, other languages, and TexPREP. The CAT team on each campus designs instructional initiatives and selects elective course offerings to meet campus instructional needs within the limitations imposed by state and District requirements. The CAT Team develops the Campus Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP) to identify instructional initiatives to improve student achievement. SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES  Curricular and Extracurricular Activities: The middle school offers a wide range of curricular and extracurricular activities based on student interests. At each campus, the CAT Team plans activities and programs to meet student needs.  English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL): Middle school students qualify for the ESOL program based on the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) recommendation and on written parental approval. Students’ second-language learning needs are addressed in clusters or in organized instructional groups that maximize the learning of ESOL students.  Fine Arts Requirement for Middle School: Beginning with students who enter Grade 6 in the 2010-2011 school year, each student must complete one TEKS-based fine arts course in Grade 6, Grade 7, or Grade 8 to meet the new state middle school course requirement as established in House Bill 3, (81st Texas Legislature). The fine arts TEKS include courses in Art, Music, and Theatre Arts.  Gifted and Talented (G/T) Program: The G/T Program for academically gifted and talented students in Grades 6, 7, and 8 is a school-within-a-school concept at Baker Middle School. G/T students are identified through a formal district selection process. Students will continue in the District’s Gifted and Talented program at W.B. Ray High School. The Baker International Baccalaureate World School Middle Years Programme section of this catalog provides more information.  Pre Advanced Placement (Pre-AP): These courses provide opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to build readiness for Advanced Placement high school courses.  Physical Education: Students enrolled in Grades 6, 7, and 8 are required to participate in moderate or vigorous daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes for at least four (4) semesters during those grade levels as part of the District’s physical education curriculum.  Special Education: Middle school students who qualify for the special education program through the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Committee on each campus may be placed in classes in the regular program with or without modifications. Course content and descriptions are provided in the special education section of this catalog. Modifications of required courses to meet a student’s diagnosed special need(s) may be found in the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP). For more information, the parent should contact the school’s Guidance and Counseling staff or the Office of Special Education staff at 696-4000.  Discipline Alternative Education Program: The Student Support Center (SSC) is a Discipline Alternative Education Program (DAEP) for students who have been removed from the regular school setting for infractions of the Student Code of Conduct as defined by Board Policy. Students removed to SSC continue their core curriculum courses along with a character education course. 4

STATE OF TEXAS ASSESSMENT OF ACADEMIC READINESS (STAAR) GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) is the criterion-referenced assessment program that has been in place since 2012. STAAR includes the 5 end-of-course (EOC) assessments mandated by SB 1031 in 2007 and grade 3-8 assessments mandated by HB 3 in 2009.In addition to routine tests and other measures of achievement, students at certain grade levels are required to take the state assessment, called STAAR, in the following subjects:     

Mathematics, annually in grades 3–8 Reading, annually in grades 3–8 Writing, including spelling and grammar, in grades 4 and 7 Science in grades 5 and 8 Social Studies in grade 8

Successful performance on the reading and math assessments in grades 5 and 8 is required by law, unless the student is enrolled in a reading or math course intended for students above the student’s current grade level, in order for the student to be promoted to the next grade level. DESIGNATION OF UNITS AND CREDITS The State Board of Education (SBOE) rules designate all middle school courses as units and all high school courses as credits. High school credit-earning courses may be used to meet graduation-program course requirements. Throughout this catalog, all courses are one middle school unit unless otherwise designated as a high school credit, indicated by an asterisk (*). Courses designated as units (1/2 to 1) do not count toward graduation credit. SCHEDULE CHANGES Students should carefully plan their program of courses. Any high school credit course dropped by the student after the third week will result in an automatic failing grade. Students should choose courses carefully before preregistering in the spring. Schedule changes will be made for necessary reasons, such as computer error or failure of a prerequisite. Student- or parent-initiated schedule changes will be considered only if requested during the first five (5) school days the class meets. Dropping a course is considered a schedule change. Administrator- or teacher- initiated student schedule changes may be considered at any time during a school year. In all cases of student schedule changes, the decision of the principal is final. DUPLICATE COURSES The District defines “duplicate courses” in two ways: 1. Duplicate courses are identified as courses having the same PEIMS number and each course having a distinct local course code, and 2. Duplicate courses are identified as courses having the same PEIMS number and having the same distinct local course code. For purposes of transcript, students enrolling in duplicate courses (courses defined as having the same PEIMS number and each course having a distinct local course code), the student shall receive local credit for the second course taken when the credit amount exceeds the Texas Education Agency (TEA) guidelines and no bonus weight shall be awarded. For purposes of high-school transcripts, students enrolling in duplicate courses (courses defined as having the same PEIMS number and having the same district local course code), the student shall receive local credit for the second course taken and no bonus weight shall be awarded. CREDIT-BY-EXAMINATION State law and District Board policies allow students to receive credit for academic subjects through Credit-by-Examination opportunities. Students in Grades 6-12 can receive credit for an academic subject in which the student scores on the exam at or above the standard as set forth in Board Policy. Credit-by-Examination opportunities will be administered on three (3) days between January 1 and June 30 and three (3) days between July 1 and December 1. [See Board Policies EHDB and EHDC].


COURSE DESCRIPTIONS This catalog includes a listing of courses that include the District course number, course title with grade level, state Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) number, and a short statement of information regarding course content by subject area. Availability of courses is subject to minimum class enrollments and other campus-based decisions. All courses are one-unit courses unless otherwise designated. COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS SURVEY High School campus counselors shall confer with each grade 9 student regarding the results of their Interest and Aptitude Survey (taken in Grade 8). The conference shall outline the respective career clusters indicated by the results of the survey and the development of an Individual Graduation Plan (IGP). BRIDGES INTEREST PROFILER AND CLUSTER FINDER SURVEYS Corpus Christi ISD utilizes Bridges Choices Planner career exploration system. All Grade 8 students take advantage of the Bridges Cluster Finder and Interest Profiler surveys. Students are able to research careers and educational opportunities using up-to-date information. Bridges Choices Planner offers students a secure online portfolio that allows students to store education and career plans, assessments results, and career awareness activities. STUDENT PLANNER In addition to research, students should ask counselors, teachers, parents and friends any other questions about college. They should speak to guidance counselors or teachers about the following:  Going to a two-year or a four-year college or university  Course selection  The importance college and universities place on grades,  College preparatory classes to take in high school (Grades 9-12)  Academic enrichment programs including summer and weekend programs available through school or local colleges and universities. Students should note that planning early and maintaining passing grades affords the student more options. Students should think about pursuing extracurricular activities such as sports, performing arts, volunteer work, or other activities of interest. PERSONAL GRADUATION PLAN The Personal Graduation Plan (Senate Bill 1108) requires a school principal to designate a guidance counselor, teacher, or other appropriate individual to develop and implement a personal graduation plan for each student in middle school or high school who does not perform satisfactorily on an assessment instrument administered under Subchapter B, Chapter 39; or who is not likely to receive a high school diploma before the fifth school year following the student’s enrollment in Grade 9. Additionally, each district is required to provide accelerated instruction to a student enrolled in the district who has taken the secondary exit-level assessment instrument and has not performed satisfactorily on each section, or who is at risk of dropping out of school. ELECTIVE COURSE SELECTIONS Middle school students have opportunities to choose various electives, including technology applications, theatre arts, speech, band, choral music, orchestra, art, exploring careers, career portals, career and technical education, and languages other than English. In addition to the one-unit elective courses, students may explore various curricular areas through half-unit exploratory courses that are detailed on the campus grade-level choice sheets. GRADE 6 Art – Appropriate Level Choir – Appropriate Level Band – Appropriate Level Theatre– Appropriate Level Orchestra – Appropriate Level AVID Spanish 6 French 6 Technical Applications 6

GRADE 7 Art – Appropriate Level Advanced Art – Appropriate Level Choir – Appropriate Level Band – Appropriate Level Theatre– Appropriate Level Orchestra – Appropriate Level AVID Spanish 7 French 7 Technical Applications 7


GRADE 8 Art – Appropriate Level Advanced Art – Appropriate Level Choir – Appropriate Level Band – Appropriate Level Theatre– Appropriate Level Orchestra – Appropriate Level AVID Spanish French Technical Applications

CORE CURRICULUM COURSES ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS E50 English Language Arts and Reading 6 (03200510) Combines the TEKS of English and reading. The course is provided at the discretion of the CAT team in lieu of the separate courses of English and Reading. E01 English Language Arts 6 Pre-AP (02800000) Provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous English language arts curriculum. Provides acceleration and greater depth and complexity of the prescribed TEKS with activities for productive and creative thinking. Prepares student for success in AP and other challenging courses in high school. EL3 English Language Arts and Reading 6 M (03200510) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval Integrates English and applied reading instruction. Provides instruction in decoding, vocabulary, comprehension, and oral and written expression. Included practical application of reading and writing skills. Curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS. E51 English Language Arts and Reading 7 (03200520) Integrates literature, oral and written language skills, grammar usage, and vocabulary development. Emphasizes research skills and reflective writing techniques. Provides enrichment and remediation as needed. E02 English Language Arts 7 Pre-AP (03200520) Provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous English language arts curriculum. Provides acceleration and greater depth and complexity of the prescribed TEKS with activities for productive and creative thinking. Prepares student for success in AP and other challenging courses in high school. EL4 English Language Arts and Reading 7 M (03200520) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval Integrates literature, oral and written language skills, grammar usage, and vocabulary development. Emphasizes research skills and reflective writing techniques. Curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS. E52 English Language Arts and Reading 8 (03200530) Analyzes and evaluates selected literature while integrating vocabulary, oral and written language skills, and reflective writing techniques. Provides enrichment and remediation as needed. E03 English Language Arts 8 Pre-AP (03200530) Provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous English language arts curriculum. Provides acceleration and greater depth and complexity of the prescribed TEKS with activities for productive and creative thinking. Prepares student for success in AP and other challenging courses in high school. EL5 English Language Arts and Reading 8 M (03200530) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval Analyzes and evaluates selected literature while integrating vocabulary, oral and written language skills, and reflective writing techniques. Curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS. E07 English as a Second Language 6 (03210530) E10 English as a Second Language 7 (03200400) E13 English as a Second Language 8 (03200500) Provides instruction in oral and written language skills. Addresses students’ learning needs in organized instructional groups in a laboratory or classroom, and provides remediation as needed. Placement is based on LPAC recommendation.



ELA/R Support Grade 6 ELA/R Support Grade 6 ELA/R Support Grade 6

1 unit 1/2 unit 1/2 unit

(82000SP6) (82000SP6) (82000SP6)


ELA/R Support Grade 7 ELA/R Support Grade 7 ELA/R Support Grade 7

1 unit 1/2 unit 1/2 unit

(82910SP7) (82910SP7) (82910SP7)

EZ3 ELA/R Support Grade 8 1 unit (83000SP8) EZ3A ELA/R Support Grade 8 1/2 unit (83000SP8) ELA/R Support Grade 8 1/2 unit EZ3B (83000SP8) EL6 English Language Arts and Reading 6 LS (03200510) EL7 English Language Arts and Reading 7 LS (03200520) EL8 English Language Arts and Reading 8 LS (03200530) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval Instruction included the functional use of language arts, knowledge and use of personal data, vocabulary skills for oral expression, social communication skills, visual perception skills, handwriting skills, and basic reading and communication skills. Curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS. This course offers instruction linking to grade level TEKS through prerequisite skills. MATHEMATICS Grades earned in courses taken in middle school that count toward high school graduation will be used to calculate the college grade- point average (GPA). Each of the following courses taken in middle school will earn one credit toward the mathematics requirements and required credits for graduation if the yearly average for the course is 70 or above. *Algebra I Pre-AP *Geometry Pre-AP *MYP Mathematics Geometry# (Baker G/T students, only) *MYP Mathematics Algebra II# (Baker G/T students, only) *Earns one credit toward the required credits for graduation if the yearly average for the course is 70 or above. # Designates the awarding of additional weight along with credit and will be calculated in College and Rank grade point average. M06 Mathematics 6 (02820000) This course will focus four major focal points. Students will use operations with integers and positive rational numbers to solve problems. They will understand and apply ratios and rates and use equivalent ratios to represent proportional relationships. They will use expressions and equations to represent relationships in a variety of contexts. They will also understand data representations. In addition, they will learn financial literacy. Successful completion of this course prepares students for Mathematics 7. M01 Mathematics 6 Pre-AP (02820000) This course provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous math curriculum. This includes the four major focal points of Mathematics 6 and begins the development of the four major focal points of grade 7. Successful completion of this course prepares students for Mathematics 7 Pre-AP which will complete the development of the focal points of grade 7 and grade 8. ML3 Mathematics 6 M (02820000) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval This course will focus four major focal points. Students will use operations with integers and positive rational numbers to solve problems. They will understand and apply ratios and rates and use equivalent ratios to represent proportional relationships. They will use expressions and equations to represent relationships in a variety of contexts. They will also understand data representations and will learn financial literacy. Successful completion of this course prepares students for Mathematics 7. The curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS.


M10 Mathematics 7 (03103000) This course will focus on four major focal points. Students will develop fluency with rational numbers and operations to solve problems in a variety of contexts. They will also represent and apply proportional relationships. Students will use expressions and equations to describe relationships in a variety of contexts, including geometric problems. They will compare sets of data and will learn financial literacy. Successful completion of this course prepares students for Mathematics 8. M04 Pre-Algebra 7 Pre-AP 1 unit (03103000) This course provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous math curriculum. This includes the four major focal points of Mathematics 7. Successful completion of this course prepares students for Algebra 1 Pre-AP. ML4 Mathematics 7 M (03103000) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval This course will focus on four major focal points. Students will develop fluency with rational numbers and operations to solve problems in a variety of contexts. They will also represent and apply proportional relationships. Students will use expressions and equations to describe relationships in a variety of contexts, including geometric problems. They will compare sets of data and will learn financial literacy. The curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS. M13 Mathematics 8 (03103100) This course will focus on three major focal points. Students will represent, apply, and analyze proportional relationships. They will also use expressions and equations to describe relationships, including the Pythagorean Theorem. Students will make inferences from data will learn financial literacy. Successful completion of this course prepares students for Algebra 1. ML5 Mathematics 8 M (03103100) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval This course will focus on three major focal points. Students will represent, apply, and analyze proportional relationships. They will also use expressions and equations to describe relationships, including the Pythagorean Theorem. Students will make inferences from data will learn financial literacy. Successful completion of this course prepares students for Algebra 1. The curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS. M12 *Algebra I Pre-AP 1 credit (03100500) This course provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous curriculum. Students will develop fundamental algebra concepts and skills including algebraic thinking and symbolic reasoning, using functions to represent and model problem situations, and setting up and solving equations and inequalities using a variety of representations and methods. The use of various mathematical processes and tools (including graphic calculators) is emphasized. Students are prepared for success in AP and other challenging courses. This course earns students one credit that will count toward the mathematics graduation requirements if the yearly average is 70 or above. Students enrolled in Algebra 1 will take the STAAR/EOC for Algebra 1. M16 *Geometry Pre-AP 1 credit (03100700) Prerequisite: Algebra I This course presents plane geometry as a structural system, with formal geometric proofs. Some spatial and coordinate geometry is included. Emphasis is placed on the connections between algebra. Technology is integrated throughout for problem solving. This course earns one credit that will count toward the mathematics graduation requirements if the yearly average is 70 or above. MZ1 MZ1A MZ1B

Math Support Grade 6 Math Support Grade 6 Math Support Grade 6

1 unit 1/2 unit 1/2 unit

(82100SP6) (82100SP6) (82100SP6)


Math Support Grade 7 Math Support Grade 7 Math Support Grade 7

1 unit 1/2 unit 1/2 unit

(82920SP7) (82920SP7) (82920SP7)


Math Support Grade 8 (83100SP8) 1 unit Math Support Grade 8 1/2 unit (83100SP8) 1/2 unit MZ3B Math Support Grade 8 (83100SP8) These courses are designed to remediate and accelerate students who have failed to demonstrate proficiency on the State mandated mathematics exam. 9

ML6 Mathematics 6 LS (02820000) ML7 Mathematics 7 LS (03103000) ML8 Mathematics 8 LS (03103100) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval Instruction includes the functional use of mathematical skills; pre-computation skills, time-operation skills, daily living skills, and consumer skills involving money equivalents, combinations of coins to equal a designated amount, and reading amounts of money. Curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS. This course offers instruction linking to grade level TEKS through prerequisite skills. SCIENCE Grades earned in courses taken in middle school that count toward high school graduation will be used to calculate the college grade point average (GPA). The following course taken in middle school will earn one credit toward the science requirements and required credits for graduation if the yearly average for the course is 70 or above. *MYP Biology# (Baker G/T students, only) *Earns one credit toward the required credits for graduation if the yearly average for the course is 70 or above. #Designates the awarding of additional weight along with credit and will be calculated in college and rank grade point average. S02 S03

Science 6 Science 7

(03060600) (03060700)

S05 Science 8 (03060800) Integrates life, earth/space, and physical science concepts into four reporting categories: matter and energy; force, motion, and energy; earth and spaces; organisms and environments. Laboratory and field investigations focus on applying scientific methods, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving strategies while utilizing tools to collect and analyze data. S01 Science 6 Pre-AP (03060600) S04 Science 7 Pre-AP (03060700) S10 Science 8 Pre-AP (03060800) This class provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous science curriculum. Provides acceleration and greater depth and complexity of the prescribed TEKS with activities for productive and creative thinking. Prepares students for success in AP and other challenging courses in high school. SZ1 SZ1A SZ1B

Science Support Grade 6 Science Support Grade 6 Science Support Grade 6

1 unit 1/2 unit 1/2 unit

(82700SP6) (82700SP6) (82700SP6)


Science Support Grade 7 Science Support Grade 7 Science Support Grade 7

1 unit 1/2 unit 1/2 unit

(82980SP7) (82980SP7) (82980SP7)

SZ3 Science Support Grade 8 1 unit (83700SP8) SZ3A Science Support Grade 8 1/2 unit (83700SP8) Science Support Grade 8 1/2 unit SZ3B (83700SP8) This course is designed to remediate and accelerate students who have failed to demonstrate proficiency on the State mandated science exam. SL6 Science 6 LS (03060600) SL7 Science 7 LS (03060700) SL8 Science 8 LS (03060800) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval Integrates life, earth/space, and physical science concepts into four reporting categories: matter and energy; force, motion, and energy; earth and spaces; organisms and environments, laboratory and field investigations focus on applying scientific methods, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving strategies while utilizing tools to collect and analyze data. Curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS. This course offers instruction linking to grade level TEKS through prerequisite skills. 10

SOCIAL STUDIES T09 Social Studies 6 (02660060) Focuses on people and places of the contemporary world. Provides instruction in geography, history, culture, and economic systems of the world. T01 Social Studies 6 Pre-AP (02660060) This course provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous social studies curriculum. Provides acceleration and greater depth and complexity of the prescribed TEKS with activities for productive and creative thinking. Prepares students for success in AP and other challenging courses in high school. T10 Social Studies 7 (03343000) Presents significant issues, events, and conflicts in Texas history. Includes a study of the cultural contributions of social and ethnic groups and the influence of geography and economics on the unique character of Texas. T02 Social Studies 7 Pre-AP (03343000) This course provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous social studies curriculum. Provides acceleration and greater depth and complexity of the prescribed TEKS with activities for productive and creative thinking. Prepares students for success in AP and other challenging courses in high school. T12 Social Studies 8 (03343100) Emphasizes significant historical and political events in United States history to 1877, including exploration, colonization, struggles for independence, building a new nation and system of government, westward expansion, and Civil War and Reconstruction periods. Stresses the cultural backgrounds and the rights and responsibilities of American citizens. T03 Social Studies 8 Pre-AP (03343100) This course provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous social studies curriculum. Provides acceleration and greater depth and complexity of the prescribed TEKS with activities for productive and creative thinking. Prepares students for success in AP and other challenging courses in high school. TL6 Social Studies 6 LS (02660060) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval Instruction includes a focuses on people and places of the contemporary world. Course consists of instruction in geography, history, culture, and economic systems of the world. Curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS. This course offers instruction linking to grade level TEKS through prerequisite skills. TL7 Social Studies 7 LS (03343000) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval Presents significant issues, events and conflicts in Texas history, includes a study of the cultural contributions of social and ethnic groups and the influence of geography and economics on the unique character of Texas. Curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS. This course offers instruction linking to grade level TEKS through prerequisite skills. TL8 Social Studies 8 LS (03343100) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval Instruction included significant historical and political events in United States history to 1877, including exploration, colonization, struggles for independence, building a new nation and system of government, westward expansion, and civil War and Reconstruction periods. Course stresses the cultural backgrounds, rights, and responsibilities of American citizens. Curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS. This course offers instruction linking to grade level TEKS through prerequisite skills.


PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS Students enrolled in Grade 6, 7, and 8 are required to participate in moderate or vigorous daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes for at least four (4) semesters during those grade levels as part of the District’s physical education curriculum. PHYSICAL EDUCATION P08 Physical Education 6 (02850000) P08A Physical Education 6 1/2 unit (02850000) P08B Physical Education 6 1/2 unit (02850000) Provides a balanced program of activities that stresses physical fitness and fosters personal and community health and safety. Teaches students how to assess, develop, demonstrate, and maintain an acceptable level of health-related fitness in order to allow students to develop a personal plan for an active lifestyle. P10 Physical Education 7 (03823000) P10A Physical Education 7 1/2 unit (03823000) P10B Physical Education 7 1/2 unit (03823000) Provides a balanced program of activities that stresses physical fitness and skill development. Places emphasis on the rules and strategies of various sports, as well as on the development and maintenance of total body fitness. P11 Physical Education 8 (03823000) P11A Physical Education 8 1/2 unit (03823000) P11B Physical Education 8 1/2 unit (03823000) Provides students with opportunities to experience additional physical education activities geared toward lifetime sports and physical fitness. P07 Physical Education, Adapted 6 (02850000) P12 Physical Education, Adapted 7, 8 (03823000) Assists students whose physical disabilities prohibit successful participation in the general physical education program. Provides students with opportunities to participate in a variety of games, sports, and developmental activities designed to meet individual needs. ATHLETICS P21 Physical Education/Athletics, Boys 7 (03823000) P23 Physical Education/Athletics, Boys 8 (03823000) Provides male students with opportunities to participate in competitive athletics, such as football, basketball, tennis, golf, and track. P22 Physical Education/Athletics, Girls 7 (03823000) P24 Physical Education/Athletics, Girls 8 (03823000) Provides female students with opportunities to participate in competitive athletics, such as volleyball, basketball, tennis, golf, and track.


FINE ARTS Beginning with students who enter Grade 6 in the 2010-2011 school year, each student must complete one TEKS-based fine arts course in Grade 6, Grade 7, or Grade 8 to meet the new state middle school course requirement as established in House Bill 3, (81st Texas Legislature). The Fine Arts TEKS include courses in Art, Music, and Theatre Arts. *Earns one credit toward the required credits for graduation if the yearly average for the course is 70 or above. VISUAL ARTS The Primary goal of art instruction is to encourage students to find alternative ways of posing questions and seeking solutions through artistic expression. Visual arts courses are sequential, with each course level building on the knowledge and skills of the previous level. All visual arts courses cover the four strands of the TEKS: (1) foundations, (2) creative Expression, (3) historical and cultural relevance, and (4) Critical evaluation and response. A08 Art, Middle School 1 (03154110) Encourages artistic development to create original works of art in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional mediums. Provides Opportunities for are appreciation and creation of artworks. No prerequisite required. May be selected by students in Grades 6, 7, or 8 enrolling in their first year of art. A09 Art, Middle School 2 (03154210) Prerequisite: Art, Middle School 1 Emphasizes the use of various media and techniques with opportunities to learn the value of self-expression, develop an appreciation for aesthetics, develop critical-thinking skills, and create original works of art. May be selected by students in Grades 7 or 8 enrolling in their second year of art. A10 Art, Middle School 3 (03154310) Prerequisite: Art, Middle School 1 AND Art, Middle School 2 Develops problem-solving skills in order to create original works of art in a variety of media. Integrates critical and creative thinking skills in the study of art criticism, aesthetics, and art production. Prepares students for high school level art courses. May be selected by students in Grade 8 enrolling in their third year of art. A15 *Art I 1 credit (03500100) Grade Level: 8 Recommended Prerequisite: Art, Middle School 1 and/or Art, Middle School 2 At the Grade 8 level, this course is intended for advanced students who plan to continue their study in art and students are best prepared when prior Middle school art courses have been taken. Provides foundation for all other high school art courses. Increases visual memory by making drawings and notes in sketchbooks; provides opportunities in two-and three-dimensional processes including drawing, painting, print-making, ceramics, sculpture, and electronic media. Provides a broad overview of significant artists, styles, and periods in art. Cultivates critical analysis by discussing and writing about artworks of self and others, compares criteria for evaluation of traditional and contemporary styles, and emphasizes collaboration to select and collect works for a portfolio and student exhibits. Earns one credit that will count toward the fine arts graduation requirements if the yearly average is 70 or above. AL6 Art LS, Middle School 1 (03154110) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval Encourages artistic development to create original works of art in both two-and three-dimensional mediums. Instruction provides opportunities for art appreciation and creation of artworks. Curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS. This course offers instruction linking to grade level TEKS through prerequisite skills. AL7 Art LS, Middle School 2 (03154210) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval Emphasizes the use of various media and techniques with opportunities to learn the value of self-expression, develop and appreciation for aesthetics, and create original works of art. Curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS. This course offers instruction linking to grade level TEKS through prerequisite skills.


AL8 Art LS, Middle School 3 (03154310) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval Stresses the use of various media and techniques with opportunities to learn the value of self-expression, develop and appreciation for aesthetics, and create original works of art. Curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS. This course offers instruction linking to grade level TEKS through prerequisite skills. MUSIC Students must enroll by audition for campus and concert band, campus and concert choral music, and campus and concert orchestra. Choral music classes may be composed of any voicing: soprano-alto, tenor-bass, or mixed. A limited number of schoolowned instruments are available. Students may be required to provide their own instrument. O1A Music, Middle School 1, Band Beginning (03154130) O2A Music, Middle School 2, Band Beginning (03154230) O3A Music, Middle School 3, Band Beginning (03154330) Emphasizes the fundamentals of band techniques and musicianship; care and handling of instruments; correct posture and playing position; correct embouchure and breath control; and tone production, intonation, and fingerings. Selection of an instrument will be made through mutual agreement among the student, parent, and instructor. Students may have to supply their own instruments. O1B Music, Middle School 1, Band Campus (03154130) O2B Music, Middle School 2, Band Campus (03154230) O3B Music, Middle School 3, Band Campus (03154330) Provides training and practice for students who wish to improve their knowledge and to refine their skills and techniques for advancement into Concert Band. May require some out-of-school rehearsals and performances. Students may have to supply their own instruments. O1C Music, Middle School 1, Band Concert (03154130) O2C Music, Middle School 2, Band Concert (03154230) O3C Music, Middle School 3, Band Concert (03154330) Provides the major band-performing organization in middle school. Develops performance skills and instrumental musicianship through technical studies. Requires out-of-school rehearsals and performances. Students may have to supply their own instruments. O1G Music, Middle School 1, Choir Beginning (03154131) O2G Music, Middle School 2, Choir Beginning (03154231) O3G Music, Middle School 3, Choir Beginning (03154331) Emphasizes fundamental choral techniques such as breath control, vocal production, intonation, and phrasing. Places emphasis on music theory, sight reading, ear-training, vocal development, and awareness of good ensemble sound. O1H Music, Middle School 1, Choir Campus (03154131) O2H Music, Middle School 2, Choir Campus (03154231) O3H Music, Middle School 3, Choir Campus (03154331) Provides intermediate level of choral music in middle school for students who have had choral music instruction. Places emphasis on fundamental choral techniques and general music fundamentals. May require some out-of-school rehearsals and performances. O1I Music, Middle School 1, Choir Concert (03154131) O2I Music, Middle School 2, Choir Concert (03154231) O3I Music, Middle School 3, Choir Concert (03154331) Provides the major choral music-performing organization in middle school. Course emphasizes the development of solo and ensemble techniques. Stresses sight-reading techniques. Repertoire consists of more advanced literature than that of other choirs in the same school. Requires out-of-school rehearsals and performances. O1J Music, Middle School 1, Orchestra Beginning (03154132) O2J Music, Middle School 2, Orchestra Beginning (03154232) O3J Music, Middle School 3, Orchestra Beginning (03154332) Emphasizes the fundamentals of string orchestra techniques and musicianship; care and handling of the instrument; correct posture and playing position; and tone production, intonation, bowing, and fingerings. Prepares student for participation in a performing orchestra. Selection of an instrument will be made through mutual agreement among the student, parent, and instructor. 14

O1K Music, Middle School 1, Orchestra Campus (03154132) O2K Music, Middle School 2, Orchestra Campus (03154232) O3K Music, Middle School 3, Orchestra Campus (03154332) Provides continued development of basic skills and musicianship necessary for advancement to Concert Orchestra. Emphasizes music fundamentals. May require some out-of-school rehearsals and performances. O1L Music, Middle School 1, Orchestra Concert (03154132) O2L Music, Middle School 2, Orchestra Concert (03154232) O3L Music, Middle School 3, Orchestra Concert (03154332) Provides the major orchestra-performing organization in middle school. Develops performance skill, and fosters instrumental musician-ship through technical studies. Requires out-of-school rehearsals and performances. THEATRE ARTS The Theatre Arts curriculum provides a breadth of experience in creative dramatics, study of theatre, method acting, theatre production, and technical theatre and stagecraft. Theatre Arts courses are sequential with each grade level building on the knowledge and skills of the previous level. All theatre arts courses cover the TEKS strands in the areas of (1) foundations, (2) creative expression, (3) creative expression, (4) historical and cultural relevance, (5) critical evaluation and response. U08 Theatre, Middle School 1 (03154140) Introduces the fundamentals of creative dramatics and interpretive drama skills including characterization, improvisation, interpretive movement, and theatrical production elements. Includes performances in theatrical events. No prerequisite required. May be selected by students in Grades 6, 7, or 8 enrolling in their first year of theatre arts. U09 Theatre, Middle School 2 (03154240) Prerequisite: Theatre, Middle School 1 Develops the expressive use of the body and voice, the development of both acting and theatre production concepts and skills, and an appreciation of and performance in theatrical productions and events. May require participation in out-of-school rehearsals and performances. May be selected by students in Grades 7 or 8 enrolling in their second year of theatre arts. U10 Theatre, Middle School 3 (03154340) Prerequisite: Theatre, Middle School 1 AND Theatre, Middle School 2 Further develops acting skills through performance in individual and group dramatic productions and theatrical events. Provides additional opportunities for the application of theatre production skills in theatrical events. May require participation in out-ofschool rehearsals and performances. May be selected by students in Grade 8 enrolling in their third year of theatre arts. U20 *Theatre Arts I 1 credit (03250100) Grade Level: 8 Recommended Prerequisite: Theatre, Middle School 1 and/or Theatre, Middle School 2 At the Grade 8 level, this course is intended for advanced students who plan to continue their study in Theatre Arts and students are best prepared when prior Middle school theatre arts courses have been taken. Theatre Arts I provides a foundation for all other high school theatre arts courses. Emphasizes acting techniques, and stagecraft skills. Furthers instruction in theatre production and appreciation. Requires participation in out-of-school rehearsals and performances. Earns one credit that will count towards the fine arts graduation requirements in the yearly average is 70 or above.


LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH *Earns one credit toward the required credits for graduation if the yearly average for the course is 70 or above. SPANISH F01 Spanish 6 1/2 unit Introduces basic language skills and concepts of the Spanish-speaking culture.


F02 Spanish 7 1/2 unit Introduces basic language skills and concepts of the Spanish-speaking culture.


F16 *Spanish I Grade Levels: 7, 8 1 credit (03440100) Prerequisite: None Develops language skills in a proficiency-oriented curriculum in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasizes speaking and comprehending Spanish. Acquaints students with the culture and civilization associated with the Spanish language (Level I). Earns one credit that will count towards the languages other than English graduation requirements if the yearly average is 70 or above. F17 *Spanish II Grade Level: 8 1 credit (03440200) Prerequisite: Spanish I Extends language competency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing;. Reviews, and refines grammatical concepts. Extends student knowledge of the culture and civilization associated with the Spanish language (Level II). Earns one credit that will count towards the languages other than English graduation requirements if the yearly average is 70 or above. FRENCH F04 French 6 Introduces basic language skills and concepts of the French-speaking culture.

1/2 unit


F05 French 7 Introduces basic language skills and concepts of the French-speaking culture.

1/2 unit


F19 *French I Grade Level: 7, 8 1 credit (03410100) Prerequisite: None Develops language skills in a proficiency-oriented curriculum in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasizes speaking and comprehending French. Acquaints students with the culture and civilization associated with the French language. Earns one credit that will count towards the languages other than English graduation requirements if the yearly average is 70 or above. F21 *French II Grade Level: 8 1 credit (03410200) Prerequisite: French I Extends language competency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Reviews, and refines grammatical concepts. Extends student knowledge of the culture and civilization associated with the French language (Level II). Earns one credit that will count towards the languages other than English graduation requirements if the yearly average is 70 or above.


CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION *Earns one-half credit toward the required credits for graduation if the yearly average for the course is 70 or above. CAREER AND COMMUNITY B1C Exploring Careers Grade Levels: 7, 8 (12700300) This is designed to guide students through the process of investigation and in the development of a college and career achievement plan. Students will use interest inventory software or other tools to explore areas of personal interest. Students will use this information to explore educational requirements for a variety of chosen career paths. B1E Exploring Careers 7/8 LS Grade Levels: 7, 8 (12700300) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval This course is designed to guide students through the process of investigation and development of a post high school plan for employments and adult living. Students will use interest inventories and other tools to explore areas of personal interest. Students will use this information to explore educational requirements for a variety of chosen career paths. Curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS. This course offers instruction linking to grade level TEKS through prerequisite skills. ELECTIVES COURSES TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS X92 X92A Tefc X92B Tefc X93 X93A X93B

Technology Applications 6 Technology Applications 6 Technology Applications 6

1 unit 1/2 unit 1/2 unit

(02670060) (02670060) (02670060)

Technology Applications 7 Technology Applications 7 Technology Applications 7

1 unit 1/2 unit 1/2 unit

(03580100) (03580100) (03580100)

X94 Technology Applications 8 1 unit (03580120) X94A Technology Applications 8 1/2 unit (03580120) X94B Technology Applications 8 1/2 unit (03580120) Provides students with technology terms, concepts, and data input strategies to access, analyze, and evaluate information. Students select technology appropriate for a task, create solutions to real-life problems, evaluate results, and communicate information in a formal presentation. XL1 Technology Applications 6 LS (02670060) Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval Provides students with technology terms, concepts, and data input strategies to access, analyze, and evaluate information. Students select technology appropriate for a task, create solutions to real-life problems, evaluate results, and communicate information. Curriculum consists of specially designed instruction for students based on grade level TEKS. This course offers instruction linking to grade level TEKS through prerequisite skills.


AVID E05 Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Program 6 (82000AV6) E09 Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Program 7 (82910AV7) E12 Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Program 8 (83000AV8) Prerequisite: Application and acceptance into the AVID program at designated campuses. Concurrent enrollment in at least one Pre-AP class. The AVID class is an academic elective course that prepared students for college readiness and success. Each week, students receive instruction utilizing a rigorous college preparatory curriculum provide by AVID Center, tutor-facilitated study groups, motivational activities and academic success skills. In AVID, students participate in activities that incorporate strategies focused on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading to support their academic growth. Approved for only those schools paying membership to the sponsoring organization. HEALTH L08 Health 8 1/2 unit (03813000) Health provides health concepts and skills appropriate for the developing adolescent. Includes such topics as growth and development; nutrition; communicable diseases; and adverse effects of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. CAREER AND COMMUNITY X90

Teen Leadership

Grade Levels: 6, 7, 8

R1A Social Communication 6 (82900001) R1B (82990001) Social Communication 7 (83800001) R1C Social Communication 8 Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval Addresses basic interaction skills in the areas of communication, responsibilities and problem solving. Develops social, vocabulary, and interaction skills role playing, discussions, games, demonstrations and other activities. R1D Job Exploration LS 6 (82900002) R1E (82990002) Job Exploration LS 7 (83800002) R1F Job Exploration LS 8 Prerequisite: ARD Committee Approval Includes instruction in work awareness and skills needed for the world of work, including types of jobs, job acquisition skills, vocational behavioral skills, safety factors, work attitudes, dependability and quality production. OFFICE PRACTICE X08 Office Practice Experience 8 X08F Office Practice Experience 8 (Fall) X08S Office Practice Experience 8 (Spring) Prerequisite: Principal approval Provides opportunities to experience activities unique to office work. JOURNALISM EJ1 Investigative Journalism 7 EJ2 Investigative Journalism 8 Offers instruction in journalism and writing techniques.

(83800OP8) (83800OP8) (83800OP8)

(82910IJX) (83000IJX)

READING D06 Reading Elective 6 (03273410) Integrates reading, writing, listening, and speaking through literature-based instruction using thematic units. Places emphasis on the development of reading strategies and the promotion of reading for pleasure. D09 Reading Elective 7 (03273420) Expands literature-based instruction through the integration of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Stresses interdisciplinary units of study. Places emphasis on the development of reading strategies and the promotion of reading for pleasure. 18

D12 Reading Elective 8 (03273430) Includes instruction in critical thinking, study skills, and advanced reading strategies for enhancement of literary skills and appreciation. Places emphasis on vocabulary development and comprehension through literature-based instruction. TEXAS PRE-FRESHMAN ENGINEERING PROGRAM I43 TXPRENG1 I - 8 1 credit (N1303752) Prerequisite: Algebra I for students who have completed Grade 8; admission by application. Provides educational enrichment opportunities for high-ability middle school and high school students interested in pursuing science- based careers. Integrates technology, mathematics, and science into pre-engineering activities. Emphasizes developing abstract reasoning, problem solving, and computer programming skills. Provides appropriate speakers and field trip experiences. Course is taught on the Del Mar College (DMC) campus during the summer. (No additional weight) Please see page XX for Texas Pre-freshman Engineering Program application and program requirements.


Baker Program for Gifted and Talented Students International Baccalaureate World School Middle Years Programme The Gifted and Talented Program in Grades 6, 7, and 8 is located at Baker Middle School as a “school-within-a-school” program design model. The G/T Program draws its population from every geographic section of the District. The goal of the Gifted and Talented (G/T) Program is to differentiate the curriculum to meet the needs of the gifted and talented student population. Using the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) as a framework, curriculum is differentiated for the gifted student in content, process, and product with added rigor, complexity, and depth of study in all academic classes. The MYP framework allows Baker G/T teachers to design TEKS-based curriculum that adds components of international mindedness to help students develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills necessary to participate actively and responsibly in a changing world. Students integrate components of technology and the design cycle and participate in community service through all subjects. These additional opportunities allow students to pursue areas of interest, make interdisciplinary connections, and gain perspective on the larger world. G/T students can earn high school credits for advanced mathematics, second language, keyboarding, and biology. Students will continue in the G/T program at W.B. Ray High School in Grade 9. The Baker G/T Program complies with the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted and Talented Students.

International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Model


BAKER G/T PROGRAM CORE CURRICULUM COURSES *Earns one credit toward the required credits for graduation if the yearly average for the course is 70 or above. # Designates the awarding of additional weight along with credit and will be calculated in College and Rank grade point average. GRADE 6 Grade 6 Language A: E04 MYP Y1 English Language Arts (02800000) Provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous English language arts curriculum. Provides acceleration and greater depth and complexity of the prescribed TEKS with activities for productive and creative thinking. Prepares student for success in AP and other challenging courses in high school. Grade 6 Humanities: T04 MYP Y1 Social Studies (02660060) Focuses on people of the contemporary world. Provides instruction in geography, history, culture, and economic systems of the world. Grade 6 Mathematics: M02 MYP Mathematics 6 (02820000) Focuses on using ratios to describe proportional relationships involving numbers, geometry, measurement, and probability, and adding and subtracting decimals and fractions. Problem solving, communication, and real-world connections are emphasized. MB1 *MYP Mathematics Algebra I 1 credit (03100500) Provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous math curriculum. Develops fundamental algebra concepts and skills including algebraic thinking and symbolic reasoning, using functions to represent and model problem situations, and setting up and solving equations and inequalities using a variety of representations and methods. The use of various mathematical processes and tools (including graphing calculators) is emphasized. Prepares students for success in AP and other challenging courses. Earns one credit that will count toward the mathematics graduation requirements if the yearly average is 70 or above. Grade 6 Sciences: S09 MYP Y1 Science (03060600) Provides a sequential and integrated science curriculum for the Gifted and Talented Program. Includes instruction in all major science concepts and processes. Grade 6 Language B: F07 MYP Y1 Spanish Introduces basic language skills and concepts of the Spanish-speaking culture. F11 MYP Y1 French Introduces basic language skills and concepts of the French-speaking culture.




GRADE 7 Grade 7 Language A: E08 MYP Y2 English Language Arts (03200520) Provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous English language arts curriculum. Provides acceleration and greater depth and complexity of the prescribed TEKS with activities for productive and creative thinking. Prepares student for success in AP and other challenging courses in high school. Grade 7 Humanities: T05 MYP Y2 Social Studies Texas History, Geography, and Law-Related Education (03343000) Includes instruction in all TEKS for Texas History and Geography, in addition to emphasis on law-related education, street law, and mock trial. Grade 7 Mathematics: M19 MYP Mathematics Pre-Algebra 7 Pre-AP 1/2 unit (03103000) This course, matched with M20 MYP Mathematics Pre-Algebra 8 Pre-AP, provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous math curriculum. This includes the four major focal points of Mathematics 7 and a significant portion of Mathematics 8. Successful completion of this course prepares students for Algebra 1 Pre-AP. M20 MYP Mathematics Pre-Algebra 8 Pre-AP 1/2 unit (03103000) This course, matched with M19 MYP Mathematics Pre-Algebra 7 Pre-AP, provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous math curriculum. This includes the four major focal points of Mathematics 7 and a significant portion of Mathematics 8. Successful completion of this course prepares students for Algebra 1 Pre-AP. MB1 *MYP Mathematics Algebra I 1 credit (03100500) Provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous math curriculum. Develops fundamental algebra concepts and skills including algebraic thinking and symbolic reasoning, using functions to represent and model problem situations, and setting up and solving equations and inequalities using a variety of representation and methods. The use of various mathematical processes and tools (including graphing calculators) is emphasized. Prepares students of success in AP and other challenging courses. Earns one credit that will count toward the mathematics graduation requirements if the yearly average is 70 or above. MB2 *MYP Mathematics Geometry# 1 credit (03100700) Prerequisite: Algebra 1 or MYP Algebra 1 Develops concepts and skills associated with the study plane and spatial relationships, synthetic and coordinate geometry, and development of geometry as a structured, mathematical system with formal geometric proofs. Emphasizes the connections between algebra and geometry. Earns one credit that will count toward the mathematics graduation requirements and required credits. Grade 7 Sciences: S13 MYP Y2 Science (03060700) Provides a sequential and integrated science curriculum for the Gifted and Talented Program. Includes instruction in all major science concepts and processes. Grade 7 Language B: F07 MYP Y1 Spanish Introduces basic language skills and concepts of the Spanish-speaking culture.


F08 MYP Y2 Spanish (03443100) Develops language skills in a proficiency-oriented curriculum in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, Emphasizes speaking and comprehending Spanish. Acquaints students with the culture and civilization associated with Spanish language. FB1 *MYP Spanish 1 Grade Levels: 7, 8 1 credit (03440100) Develops language skills in a proficiency-oriented curriculum in listening, speaking, and writing. Emphasizes speaking and comprehending Spanish. Acquaints students with the culture and civilization associated with the Spanish language (level I). Earns one credit that will count towards the languages other than English graduation requirements if the yearly average is 70 or above. 22

F11 MYP Y1 French Introduces basic language skills and concepts of the French-speaking culture.


F12 MYP Y2 French (03413100) Develops language skills in a proficiency-oriented curriculum in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasizes speaking and comprehending French. Acquaints students with the culture and civilization associated with the French language. FB3 *MYP French 1 1 credit (03410100) Develops language skills in a proficiency-oriented curriculum in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasizes speaking and comprehending French. Acquaints students with the culture and civilization associated with the French language. Earns one credit that will count towards the languages other than English graduation requirements if the yearly average is 70 or above.

GRADE 8 Grade 8 Language A: E11 MYP Y3 English Language Arts (03200530) Provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous English language arts curriculum. Provides acceleration and greater depth and complexity of the prescribed TEKS with activities for productive and creative thinking. Prepares student for success in AP and other challenging courses in high school. Grade 8 Humanities: T06 MYP Y3 Social Studies American History (03343100) This course provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous social studies curriculum. Provides acceleration and greater depth and complexity of the prescribed TEKS with activities for productive and creative thinking. Prepares student for success in AP and other challenging courses in high school. Grade 8 Mathematics: MB1 *MYP Algebra I 1 credit (03100500) Provides opportunities for the capable and/or highly motivated student to be exposed to a rigorous math curriculum. Develops fundamental algebra concepts and skills including algebraic thinking and symbolic reasoning, using functions to represent and model problem situations, and setting up and solving equations and inequalities using a variety of representations and methods. The use of various mathematical processes and tools (including calculators) is emphasized. Prepares students for success in AP and other challenging courses. Earns one credit that will count toward the mathematics graduation requirements if the yearly average is 70 or above. MB2 *MYP Geometry# 1 credit (03100700) Prerequisite: Algebra 1 or MYP Algebra 1 Develops concepts and skills associated with the study of plane and spatial relationships, synthetic and coordinate geometry, and development of geometry as a structured, mathematical system with formal geometric proofs. Emphasizes the connections between algebra and geometry. Earns one credit that will count toward the mathematics graduation requirements and required credits. MB3 *MYP Algebra II# 1 credit (03100600) Prerequisite: Algebra 1 and Geometry Develops advanced skills in algebraic operations. Examines systems of quadratic equations and the complex number system. Presents concepts of Algebra and Geometry as related to conical and linear, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions and their applications. Integrates technology for problem solving. Earns one unit of credit that will count toward the mathematics graduations requirements and required credits. Grade 8 Sciences: SB2 *MYP Y3 Biology# 1 credit (03010200) Provides opportunities for the capable and highly motivated student. Includes an in-depth study of the unity of living things by incorporating inquiry techniques, problem solving, and critical thinking. Strongly emphasizes field and laboratory observations, hypothesizing, experimenting, and interpreting data through graphic presentations and statistical evaluations.


Grade 8 Language B: F07 MYP Y1 Spanish Introduces basic language skills and concepts of the Spanish-speaking culture.


F08 MYP Y2 Spanish (03443100) Develops language skills in a proficiency-oriented curriculum in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, Emphasizes speaking and comprehending Spanish. Acquaints students with the culture and civilization associated with Spanish language. FB1 *MYP Spanish 1 1 credit (03440100) Develops language skills in a proficiency-oriented curriculum in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasizes speaking and comprehending Spanish. Acquaints students with the culture and civilization associated with the Spanish language (Level I). Earns one credit that will count toward the languages other than English graduation requirements if the yearly average is 70 or above. FB2 *MYP Spanish 2 1 credit (03440200) Prerequisite: Spanish 1 or MYP Spanish 1# Extends language competency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Reviews and refines grammatical concepts. Extends student knowledge of the culture and civilization associated with the Spanish language (Level II). Earns one credit that will count toward the languages other than English graduation requirements if the yearly average is 70 or above. F11 MYP Y1 French Introduces basic language skills and concepts of the French-speaking culture.


F12 MYP Y2 French (03413100) Develops language skills in a proficiency-oriented curriculum in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasizes speaking and comprehending French. Acquaints students with the culture and civilization associated with the French language. FB3 *MYP French 1 1 credit (03410100) Develops language skills in a proficiency-oriented curriculum in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasizes speaking and comprehending French. Acquaints students with the culture and civilization associated with the French language. Earns one credit that will count towards the languages other than English graduation requirements if the yearly average is 70 or above. FB4 *MYP French 2 1 credit (03410200) Prerequisite: French I or French 1# Extends language competency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Reviews and refines grammatical concepts. Extends student knowledge of the culture and civilization associated with the French language (Level II). Earns one credit that will count towards the languages other than English graduation requirements if the yearly average is 70 or above.


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