... High School Ad Sales. To reserve yearbook space, please respond by. by providing the following: Or skip the forms an
Porter Ridge High School Ad Sales Straight from the heart and into the yearbook! Our staff is now offering the opportunity to “personalize” the yearbook in a very special way with an ad. Space is available to congratulate a graduate or tell a student how proud you are! Regardless of the occasion, your ad provides a great way to recognize a student or event that our staff may not otherwise be able to cover. To reserve your space, follow these guidelines:
Process Color Ads are available in the following sizes for the prices shown. Size Unit Price $275 Full Page-Color $150 1/2 Page-Color $85 1/4 Page-Color 1/8 Page-Color $50
2015-2016 The Hook Porter Ridge High School
Step-By-Step Instructions 1 Select ad size. 2 Select an ad design. 3 Complete the Order Form provided (on reverse). Provide photos for each space in the ad. Note Photo 4 Submission Guidelines. Write text for the ad on the Order Form or attach text on a 5 separate sheet. 6 Provide payment.
Or skip the forms and create your child's Senior Ad online!
Go to: JostensAdService.com 1 1 2 3
Register. Choose your ad size and layout. Enter your text. Upload or mail your photos.
Photo Submission Guidelines Please do not label the back of each picture with ink. The ink will smear and bleed on the pictures. Please use pencil or printing labels. Care will be taken to return photos; however a CD with the pictures scanned at the highest possible resolution, or copy prints should be submitted for irreplaceable photos. Neither the school, the yearbook staff, nor the yearbook company will accept the responsibility for lost or damaged photos. Do not cut, glue, or tape photos. If photos are cut, collaged, or damaged, the photos will not be used. Photos will be enlarged or reduced to fit the layout. Select vertical (tall) photos for vertical spaces and horizontal (wide) photos for horizontal spaces. Label the photos with the corresponding position number for your chosen layout. Label the back of each photo with a sticker. Write your name, address, and phone number on the sticker. Photos will be returned when the yearbooks arrive.
Special Considerations The yearbook staff r+C6eserves the right to edit ads per our guidelines. Please make sure all submitted materials are appropriate for school publication.
To reserve yearbook space, please respond by Ad Sales Deadline: 10/31/2015 by providing the following: This Order Form Ad Photo(s) Ad Text
Mail or deliver all of the materials to: Porter Ridge High School ATTN: Yearbook Staff 2839 Ridge Road Indian Trail, NC 28079
Cash or Check Payable to Porter Ridge High School
Ad Sales Deadline: 10/31/2015 Porter Ridge High School | Brooke Stegall, Adviser 2839 Ridge Road Indian Trail, NC 28079 | Phone: (704) 292-7662, ext. 7094
[email protected]
2015-2016 The Hook
Porter Ridge High School Ad Sales
Porter Ridge High School
Ad Purchaser Information First Name:
Last Name:
Phone: Email:
City: State:
Relationship to Senior:
Senior Featured in Ad First Name:
Last Name:
Additional Senior Featured First Name
Last Name:
Additional Senior Featured First Name
Last Name:
Additional Senior Featured First Name
Last Name:
Order Information Size (Check Below) Full Page-Color 1/2 Page-Color 1/4 Page-Color 1/8 Page-Color
Unit Price
Sold By: Photos/Text Due Date:
$275 $150 $85 $50
Ad Format Selected:
Ad Sales Deadline: 10/31/2015
Number of Photos Received: Photos/Text Received Date: Ad Assigned to: Ad Completed Date: Page Number:
Special Instructions:
Ad Order Financial Information Total Purchased: Discount/Adjustment:
Net Amount: Payment 1:
Payment 1 Date:
Payment 2:
Payment 2 Date:
Total Paid:
Receipt #:
Balance Due:
Paid in Full Neatly print Ad text below (You may submit on another piece of paper).
Ad Sales Deadline: 10/31/2015