2016 Annual Report - Westminster Presbyterian Church

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Communication Coordinator Kara Pearce .... Beth Day, Bo Ferguson, Chris Kelly, Jon Owensby, Lori Rosemond, Katherine Sta
Sharing Our Gifts >> 2016 Annual Report WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | Durham, NC

Contents >> 2

From the Pastor A reflection on 2016 and hopes for 2017 from Westminster’s Pastor and Head of Staff.

WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 3639 Old Chapel Hill Road Durham, North Carolina 27707 Phone: 919-489-4974    Fax: 919-493-4553 [email protected]   www.wpcdurham.org www.facebook.com/wpcdurham

Chris Tuttle Pastor

Betty Berghaus


Associate Pastor for Congregational Care

2016 Highlights From logos and websites to marriage and welcome, here are some highlights not covered in committee reports.

Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman Associate Pastor for Youth Ministry

Haywood Holderness Pastor Emeritus


Accomplishments + Goals Committee chairs look back on the goals that they reached this year and set goals for next year.

Monica Umstaedt Rossman Minister of Music

Heather Ferguson

Director of Christian Education

Elizabeth Takla Office Manager


Members Learn about the members of Westminster and what happened in the life of the congregation this year.

Kara Pearce Communication Coordinator

Barb Schmidt Administrative Assistant

Thoko Manzini


Finances Get a picture of Westminster’s financial state through the 2016 budget and balance sheet.

Caregiver Coordinator

Quinn McFall Christian Education Support Staff

Jane Langston Youth Intern

From the Pastor >> Friends and fellow disciples, What a year! It remains a gift to be in ministry here at WPC. As the Apostle Paul so often wrote, “I thank God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now.” (Philippians 1:3-5) Here are some things for which I am most grateful in 2016:


This summer’s youth mission stay

Another Haiti trip and that growing partnership

The All Church Retreat in Montreat

Wednesday Dinners!

The Neighborhood Mission Team’s clothing sale

The ways you support your staff so well in all seasons of life, especially this year, through parental leave policies (Elizabeth, Taylor), and sabbaticals (Monica, myself)

For the process leading to our Welcome Statement, as we seek to do our best to welcome all in the manner of Christ

For the discernment around Christian marriage, leading to your Session deciding that, in the words of our Welcome Statement, “member weddings are celebrated as acts of the Holy Spirit at work in the church regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation”

For the hard work done by the Facilities Review Task Force, discerning how we are called to live into our mission with the new land and our physical plant


Much of the 2016 annual report comes as accomplishments and goals from each committee, and at the back you’ll find a bunch of numbers. But keep in mind that behind and before and underneath all those goals and numbers are people – young and old, new members and members for a long time, from different backgrounds and experiences – who gather to worship God in this place. It’s about people, saints, you and me… folks whom God has called to serve. We have much ahead of us in 2017, dear friends. We’ll work hard to be even better stewards of the gifts given to us. We’ll explore capital improvements, especially on the Fellowship Hall. We’ll get to know our neighbors, especially our partner congregation, La Nueva Jerusalén, even better. We’ll head down to Princeville to clean out hurricane-ravaged homes. We’ll play games in the Courtyard. We’ll listen, we’ll learn. We’ll pray. Spend time with this annual report and be in conversation with us about it. Use it to look for a place where you can become involved. Let’s see what else the Spirit has in store for us! In Christ,

Chris Tuttle Pastor & Head of Staff

2016 Highlights >> > February: Logo Westminster embarked upon the journey to develop a logo in June 2015, recognizing the need to have a consistent visual that strengthens the church’s identity and reinforces the goals of the strategic plan. After months of studying feedback from the congregation and working with talented local designer Karen Crowson, the recommendation of the Logo Committee was approved by the Session on February 21. The logo that the committee recommended to the Session used these elements in its design: •

• • •

THE LOGO COMMITTEE Sam Bryan Holly Cullen Dave Mountain

Cross – the cross is central to who we are as followers of Christ, and is

Karen Stallings thus central in the logo, clearly identifying us as a church; the Celtic cross is connected to our Scottish, Presbyterian heritage, and is found atop Staff: Kara Pearce the steeple and baptismal font on our campus Sunburst – we are nourished by the sun and the Son; a symbol of light and love that represents WPC’s outreach; the subtle glow around the cross represents vibrancy and warmth Celtic cross with sunburst – used on our worship bulletins in 1963, rooting us in our foundation Color – used the navy blue of the PC(USA)’s website color palette; a timeless and traditional color Fonts – used both modern and traditional fonts

As the logo was incorporated into Westminster’s print and digital publications, car decals and mugs featuring the new logo were offered to give the congregation a fun way to share Westminster and Micah 6:8. 


2016 Highlights

> April: Marriage On April 19, the Session approved the following motion, brought to them by the Marriage Discernment Committee, a subcommittee of the Session: “The Marriage Discernment Committee moves that the Session approve the use of Westminster’s facilities for weddings of two people of any gender, using the guidelines established in our church’s Wedding Manual; and that the Session communicate its decision to the congregation in a pastoral letter.” Upon approval of this motion, the Session identified steps that would be necessary for its implementation: communication of the decision to the congregation; revision of the Wedding Manual; and the drafting of a new welcome statement. Thus, the Wedding Committee was directed to bring a revised manual to the Session for review and approval, and WPC’s senior pastor prepared a pastoral letter regarding the Session’s decision. The Session also appointed a committee to draft a new welcome statement to reflect the new policy. The Session was guided by the belief that all of our members should share equal privileges and responsibilities of membership, including the right to be married in their church. It also held to the idea that a diversity of theological perspectives is one of the key ways that the Holy Spirit teaches us, creating space for the expression of beliefs without fear of judgment.

> July: Website With the logo, came an opportunity to update WPC’s website design to 1) incorporate the new logo and color palette and 2) make the site responsive (easier to view and navigate on mobile phones and tablet devices). At the start of 2016, feedback about how to make WPC’s website more user-friendly was solicited from the congregation. On July 14, the redesigned website was shared with the congregation. The launch went smoothly and feedback on the new site was positive.


AFTER 2016 Highlights


> August: Facilities The Facilities Review Task Force, which formed in late fall 2015, spent much of 2016 talking with groups and committees throughout the church about their needs and problems with our present facility, and consulting with Robert Sotolongo of DTW Architects. After this extensive work, the task force presented a draft of a 20year Facilities Master Plan to the Session in August. The plan attempts to think about what we need now and into the future with our facilities. In September, the Session approved a process to communicate with the congregation and think about potential consultants for a capital campaign in the next few years. Following the plan’s approval, a communication team began holding feedback sessions to present the master plan and provide an open floor for members’ questions, comments, and ideas. Sessions will be completed and feedback compiled in early 2017.

THE FACILITIES REVIEW TASK FORCE Helen Harrison, Chair Chuck Byrd Bill Coppridge Pat Gunter Dave Pottenger Lucy Stokes Doug Wellemeyer Staff: Elizabeth Takla, Chris Tuttle

> November: Welcome Westminster’s mission and ministry is grounded in Micah 6:8 – “Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.” It’s not just a slogan; it defines how we relate both to one another as a covenant people and to the larger community around us. Westminster wants to say to everyone in that larger community, “You are welcome here.” So the Welcome Statement Committee set out to create a statement that would speak to members and visitors: to people who have already chosen to come into this worship space and to those who have not; to people who know someone here, and to those who only know about Westminster from what they read online. After months of diligent work by the committee, the Session adopted a welcome statement that is Christ-centered, unique to Westminster, honest, positive, and affirming on November 20. Westminster Presbyterian Church welcomes all to participate fully in the life of the church. Jesus, in his life and teachings, acknowledged all persons as wonderfully made children of God, each equally worthy of God’s unconditional love. So, striving to follow Jesus, we welcome everyone, with affirmation and celebration, praying God will draw us into deeper relationship with each other and with Christ as we worship and serve together. If you have known the pain of exclusion and discrimination in the church or in society, know that you are welcome here.

THE WELCOME STATEMENT COMMITTEE Sam Bryan Mike Bunch Holly Cullen Alex Denson Sarah Falkovic Sally Keener Barbara Rynerson Jeremy Trantham

At Westminster, ordination of church officers and member weddings are celebrated as acts of the Holy Spirit at work in the church regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.


2016 Highlights

Doug Wellemeyer Staff: Chris Tuttle

Accomplishments + Goals >> - Assimilation Katie Donoway

The role of the Assimilation Committee is to assist members of the congregation in becoming and staying involved with the life and activities of the church. This committee also works closely with the Inquirers’ Class and manages the Time & Talent pledges.

Accomplishments in 2016 • • •

Distributed and encouraged the use of Westminster’s new church photo directory Implemented a new timeline for Time & Talent pledging, separating it from Stewardship season Along with the new timeline, the committee rolled out a more straightforward online option for pledging with the help of Communication Coordinator Kara Pearce Led the creation of permanent name tags for members

Goals for 2017 • • •

Welcome new members to WPC and help them connect to programs and opportunities Reflect on members who have been absent from worship and activities and be intentional in welcoming them back to WPC Continue to mold the Time & Talent pledging system as our congregation grows and the need for volunteers is constant

- Christian Education Cindy Soloe

The Christian Education Committee (CE) is committed to providing frequent, varied, and enticing programing to draw members of all ages into opportunities for spiritual reflection, learning, and growth. CE activities are planned and implemented by two committees: the Christian Education Committee, which focuses on youth and intergenerational programing; and the Adult Christian Education Committee, which focuses on programming for adults. These committees work to provide regular opportunities for the spiritual engagement of members age 2 and up on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and other times throughout the week.

Accomplishments in 2016 • •

Recruited and trained more than 40 teachers who served on nine teams to teach Sunday morning Church School to youth age 2 through 12th grade Trained nine additional members on the Child and Youth Protection Policy so they can serve as volunteers and leaders for WPC youth programming; we currently have 187 trained members

Accomplishments + Goals


Christian Education cont. • •

Launched Aperture: Third Wednesdays, an innovative, monthly adult education program for those seeking light on God’s truth through the stories, struggles, and experiences of God’s people Planned and implemented the following short-term adult Church School electives: Advent Serving & Learning, Names for the Messiah, Learning Spanish as Church Hospitality, Faith & Our Culture, Faith Seeking Understanding, A Relentless Hope, Meditating on Our Differences, Responding to Fertility Grief

Goals for 2017 • • •

Continue offering a diverse array of programming both on Sunday morning, Wednesday evenings, and other mid-week time slots to provide meaningful spiritual education experiences for an increasing number of WPC youth and adults Launch an innovative, on-site Vacation Church School experience designed to appeal to a broad array of families at WPC Introduce a systematic Confirmation preparation series for 5th, 6th, and 7th graders that includes one year of Old Testament survey, one year of New testament survey, and one year of exploring spiritual practices

- Congregational Care Diane Kelly

The Congregational Care Committee assists in meeting the immediate needs of our members with Christian love and compassion.

Accomplishments in 2016 • • • •

Provided meals for seven Westminster households during times of loss or need Sent around three cards of concern or celebration per week to members Provided Stephen Ministers to five people Gave out 13 prayer shawls

Goals for 2017 Continue efforts to form a Visitation Team to spend time with church members who are not able to come to church


Accomplishments + Goals

- Facilities & Grounds Doug Wellemeyer

The Facilities & Grounds Committee is organized as a subcommittee of the Ways & Means Commission. It is responsible for all policies, maintenance, contracts, and budgets related to the use and care of the church’s physical plant. The committee works in collaboration with the Office Manager to arrange and manage routine maintenance of buildings and grounds, arrange general repairs of church property as needed, maintain property insurance, and purchase materials and supplies. The committee also organizes volunteers for routine odd jobs, occasional projects, and all-church workdays.

Accomplishments in 2016 •

• • • • • •

Expanded committee membership to 15 active members and volunteer contact list to 40 members via Time & Talent pledges Cabin flooding clean-up: upgraded plumbing fixtures, replaced carpet and cabinets, managed insurance claim Completed final phase of Holderness Mission Center window replacement project begun in 2014 Refurbished Sanctuary columns; cleaned and painted Sanctuary portico Entered into a facility use agreement with OLLI at Duke on a trial basis for four weekly classes Sold “Bubba” (our 15-year-old bus) to New Hope Camp and Conference Center Completed demolition of the smaller house on our new property

Goals for 2017 •

• •

• • •

Fellowship Hall improvements: fabricate and install acoustic panels; all-church workday for interior painting; upgrade lighting (1st quarter) Implement campus-wide lighting upgrades for improved energy efficiency, utility, safety, and security (1st quarter) Sanctuary exterior maintenance: roof replacement, wood trim repair, gutter replacement, painting, and steeple cleaning (2nd quarter) Implement a campus-wide routine maintenance plan (2018 budget cycle) Organize periodic all-church workdays (continuous) Plan 2018 Holderness Mission Center roof replacement, exterior repairs, and painting

Accomplishments + Goals


- Fellowship Page Page

The Fellowship Committee is responsible for creating opportunities for the congregation to spend time together celebrating each other, the church, and the Lord.

Accomplishments in 2016 • • •

Completion of one year of Wednesday Dinners for an average of 30-40 members utilizing the Culinary Committee to make and serve the meals After-church send-off for Haiti Mission team New potluck opportunities: Summer Kick-off Potluck and Pageant Potluck for 80 people

Goals for 2017 The committee hopes to continue creating new opportunities for the congregation to gather and learn more about and from each other through unique opportunities such as: • A church-sponsored Durham Bulls baseball game outing • After-church gatherings to celebrate the Confirmation group and Haiti Mission send-offs • New supper clubs


Accomplishments + Goals

- Global Missions John Caccavale

The Global Missions Committee fosters awareness of and coordinates the response to needs and concerns beyond the immediate Durham area. The committee looks for areas within our country and across the world where WPC can provide both financial and congregational support.

Accomplishments in 2016 • • •

Successful second Haiti Mission Trip: The Haiti Mission Team coordinated several very successful fundraisers with the help of the congregation to ensure that we can continue our relationship with our brothers and sisters in Haiti Stop Hunger Now: WPC participated in its ninth consecutive Stop Hunger Now event this past October packing more than 10,000 meals for impoverished people throughout the world Food from SHN was delivered to Haiti when our mission team was there

Goals for 2017 • •

Implement a program to provide assistance to needy areas in response to the devastating flooding in eastern North Carolina Set up a fund to provide financial assistance for emergency missions in the future that would allow the congregation to quickly provide a response for global and regional disasters

Accomplishments + Goals


- Local Missions Forrest Perry

The Local Missions Committee serves as a bridge, conduit, and catalyst for the work of WPC that takes place in the local community. Our community is one with far-reaching and deep-rooted needs, and the Local Missions Committee serves as a guiding voice as WPC determines where and how to engage in the work of supporting and loving our neighbors. The committee helps identify and evaluate community needs, and ensure that a thoughtful and appropriate response is provided through both volunteer efforts and financial support when possible.

Accomplishments in 2016 • • • •

Formation of the Neighborhood Missions Team (NMT) to begin evaluating our church’s response to the strategic plan, and how this plan guides us in the support of our neighbors Deepened relationships between WPC and Hope Valley Elementary and Githens Middle School A Community Yard Sale, which gave local residents the chance to get to know WPC Creation of a process to more objectively review and evaluate financial requests from local agencies so that WPC’s benevolence funding aligns with the priorities as set forth and approved by the Session through the work of the strategic plan

Goals for 2017 • •


Expand the efforts of the Neighborhood Mission Team, focusing deeply on the needs of our local neighborhoods to align the work of the NMT to best meet those needs Continue to improve the grant funding process for local agencies

Accomplishments + Goals

- Nominating Anne Vann

The Nominating Committee is responsible for determining the slate of candidates to be presented to the congregation for seats on the Session and the Diaconate. It is made up of two elders appointed by the Session, one deacon appointed by the Diaconate, and four at-large members appointed by the congregation. The at-large members cannot serve more than three consecutive years on the committee.

Accomplishments in 2016 •

The following names were submitted to the congregation for the officer class of 2019; all were elected: »» Elder – Luke Bumm, Bill Coppridge, Bonnie Derr, Quinn McFall, Madison Dunk (Youth elder) »» Deacon – Beth Day, Bo Ferguson, Chris Kelly, Jon Owensby, Lori Rosemond, Katherine Stanley, Jim Walker, Alex High (Youth deacon)

Goals for 2017 The committee will continue to prayerfully seek church members called to service in the leadership of the church.

- Personnel Luke Bumm

The Personnel Committee supports, evaluates, and oversees all staff at WPC in a variety of ways. The Personnel Committee is responsible for evaluating the performance and responsibilities of current staff and recommending to the Session adjustments to benefits and/or compensation of current staff as appropriate. If necessary, the Personnel Committee is also responsible for making recommendations to the Session regarding the hiring of any new employees. In 2016, the Personnel Committee conducted annual evaluations of all staff. The purpose of these evaluations was to: • Encourage staff to continue the wonderful work they already do • Listen and, if possible, address any issues or concerns staff might have regarding their role at WPC • Discuss and encourage the setting of goals for 2017 All staff, in conjunction with the Head of Staff, will formulate a number of goals for 2017. The Personnel Committee looks forward to supporting and assisting staff in attaining those goals. It is the hope of the Committee that during the 2017 annual evaluation process staff will feel both successful in attaining their goals and supported by the members of the committee.

Accomplishments + Goals


- Stewardship Amy Simonson

The Stewardship Committee seeks to engage all members in the life of the church through acts of generosity and the dedication of financial resources. Westminster continues to hold an annual pledge campaign every fall. This annual campaign is an opportunity to participate, as a community, in a time of personal reflection on the importance of faith based giving in our everyday living. Westminster recognizes that there are many good organizations in need of financial support, but also recognizes that giving to the church is unique in building discipleship and transforming lives. As we give in faith, we strengthen our own conviction in the promises made in Scripture. As we dedicate our resources to build a strong and responsive church, we are working together to create a welcoming and inviting space for worship, nurture, outreach, and Christian education. As we dedicate a portion of what is ours to share, we live in to the personal call to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God. The Stewardship Committee believes that our intentional act of giving to the church, supporting a community built on a foundation of faith, is an expression of gratitude for the many blessings given and shared through Christ. The annual campaign is also a time for the church to reflect on the priorities and mission of the church in the year to come, and to focus attention on gathering the resources necessary to meet those needs.

- Ways & Means Dave Mountain

Stewardship isn’t just an annual campaign. It defines our responsibility to be good stewards of the resources that God, working through the congregation, entrusts to the church. The Ways & Means Commission reviews how money is spent, checks that we’re on budget, and generally manages our finances. It is made up of representatives from the Session, the Diaconate, and the Finance, Personnel, Facilities & Grounds, and Stewardship Committees. Staff and ordained clergy also participate. We meet monthly to review the books, and to discuss and recommend approaches on major financial matters. Ways & Means’ goal is the same every year: to help the Church – the congregation, the Session, the Diaconate, all our wonderful volunteers, and our staff and clergy – get the most from the resources we have available.


Accomplishments + Goals

- Worship Mike Bunch

The Worship Committee sets in motion the liturgical calendar for the year. It also has responsibility for several logistical activities affecting worship: ushers, lectors, offering counters, flowers, and the like. The Wedding and Funeral Committees, as well as the Flower and Sanctuary Guilds, also come under the umbrella of the Worship Committee.

Accomplishments in 2016 •

Updating of the Wedding Manual to bring it into alignment with the resolution passed by the Session on April 19 permitting marriages at Westminster between two people of any gender. The primary work was done by the Wedding Committee, but the full committee devoted considerable resources to debating and shaping that document.

Goals for 2017 • •

Support staff in making worship meaningful and inspiring to the congregation Provide valuable input to the strategic planning initiative as it relates to worship in the future

- Youth Council Holly Cullen

Youth Council is a group of parents, youth, and advisors who help shape youth ministry at WPC by making decisions regarding budget and calendar; and planning mission trips, fundraisers, conferences, and regular programming.

Accomplishments in 2016 • •

• •

90+ youth active in programs, trips, and Church School classes Support for a highly successful Youth Mission Stay where over 34 youth and 70 adults from Westminster served the local Durham community Thanks to successful fundraising and many donations from the congregation, we were able to donate to each of the seven organizations with which we worked on the Mission Stay 32 senior high youth and 12 college students attended conferences at Montreat Hiring of Youth Intern Jane Langston whose position is funded by a grant from University Presbyterian and the Lilly Foundation

Goals for 2017 • •

Further systematize our planning processes to improve budget predictability Plan a spiritual pilgrimage to Scotland

Accomplishments + Goals


- Music -

Monica Rossman Westminster’s music program is a key component of the church’s vibrant worship services. Ensembles like the Chancel Choir, Handbell Choir, and Brass Ensemble provide participants with numerous opportunities to share their talents with the church while enjoying fellowship, spiritual reflection, and musical growth with like-minded friends. Great organ music fills the Sanctuary and provides a solid foundation for strong congregational singing.

Accomplishments in 2016 • • • • •

The Chancel Choir’s annual spring concert in early May, which took the form of a beautiful Evensong service A December presentation of Michael Burkhardt’s “Kneeling in Bethlehem” (with readings from the poetry of Ann Weems), featuring choir, readers, instrumentalists, handbells, and congregation The handbell choir, under Janet Whitaker’s direction, provided delightful music at key points during the season Westminster’s brass ensemble and choir enhanced Easter services as well as our beloved 8pm Christmas Eve service with special seasonal music New choir members of all ages

2017 Goals: • • •


To make music always to the glory of God To inspire Westminster’s members and friends to join in music ministry by sharing their time and talents To spread the healing joy and power of music as we serve God together

Accomplishments + Goals

Members >>







Transfers in




Transfers Out


7 315



26 - 45

45 - 55

56 - 65

Over 65





*Age is known for 846 out of 895 members



Finances >> > 2016 Budget 2016 ANNUAL BUDGET






Other contributions



Fees (Preschool Use, weddings)






Facility Use Fees


















Total Church Revenues














EXPENSES Benevolences Denominational Benevolences Local Outreach Benevolences

Mental Health Miscellaneous Outreach







Global Outreach Missions



Educational Benevolences





Deacon Inreach



Congregational Inreach









Christian Education



















Total Expenses



Net Total



Local Outreach Total Internal Benevolences

Benevolences Total

Music Property Management

Communication Technology Staff Compensation



Outreach Local and global missions, mission trips, denominational support Property Insurance, building and grounds maintenance Worship Music, pastoral leadership, nursery/childcare Education Church School, Bible studies, Vacation Church School, Godly Play, faith formation retreats Administration Technology, phones, office equipment and supplies, postage, software Nurture New members, Stephen Ministry, youth programs, congregational care

> Balance Sheet As of 12/31/2016

ASSETS Current Assets Cash Total Church Cash


Total Preschool Cash


Total Cash


Receivables Sales Tax Paid, to be Refunded


Internal Church Receivables (Restricted Accounts)


Prepaid Insurance Premium


Total Receivables






Other Assets – Founder’s Fund and Westminster Fund Endowments

$268,498 Total Assets



Prepaid Revenue/Pledges


Internal Church Payables (Restricted Accounts)


Long Term Liabilities 25000 – BB&T Property Loan


Total Long Term Liabilities


Total Liabilities


Fund Principal 28100 – Operating Fund Principal


28200 – Building Fund Principal


28600 – Preschool Operating Principal


Total Fund Principal and Excess Cash


Restricted Funds Total Temporary Restricted Funds


Total Permanent Restricted Funds


Total Restricted Funds


Total Liabilities, Fund Principal, and Restricted Funds




WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 3639 Old Chapel Hill Rd Durham, NC 27707 Phone: 919-489-4974 Fax: 919-493-4553 [email protected] www.wpcdurham.org www.facebook.com/wpcdurham