2016 CHP Conf Flyer ver.3.pdf - Google Drive

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Page 1 of 2. Moving to Clean Energy with Combined Heat and Power: Matching CHP Customers to Suppliers. www.oakland.edu/C
2016 Moving to Clean Energy with Combined Heat and Power: Matching CHP Customers to Suppliers www.oakland.edu/CHP Tuesday, May 10, 2016 - 9 am to 4 pm Oakland University Campus Rochester, MI Oakland Center, Banquet Rooms A&B

Hosted by: School of Engineering and Computer Science

Industry experts will discuss combined heat and power (CHP) technology, case studies, project development, and financing options. This is a networking event intended to connect CHP supply chain vendors to potential CHP sites. For more information, or sponsorship, please contact:

James Leidel

[email protected]

Tuesday, May 10, 2016 - 9 am to 4 pm Oakland University Campus www.oakland.edu/CHP


Sponsorship Levels: Platinum $3,000 Gold $1,800 Silver $800

School of Engineering and Computer Science

Full page advertisement in program, logo on event website, prominently named in media release, display table in vendor area, 8 event tickets (one full conf. table reserved). Half page advertisement in program, logo on event website, display table in vendor area, 4 event tickets. Quarter page advertisement in program, listed on event website, display table in vendor area, 2 event tickets

For Sponsorship: contact Jim Leidel or Jamie Scripps ( [email protected] )

Conference Draft Agenda (lots of time for networking and side discussions) 8:00am 9:00am 9:30am

11:00am Noon 1:00pm 2:30pm 3:00pm

Registration and breakfast Welcome and introductions Presentations on CHP project case studies, Project identification & assessment tools, Project financing, and best practices & program experience in other states such as NY Panel discussion on Michigan CHP policy & standby charges Networking Lunch Group tours of Oakland Central Heating Plant 4.6 MW CHP installation, and Engineering Center 400 kW microturbine CHP installation Reconvene in Banquet Hall for afternoon dessert and raffle giveaways Forum discussion on solutions for the Michigan clean power plan