2016 Dublin Day & Art Festival - Google Sites

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Mailing Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: What will you be exhibiting: Number of 10' x 10' spaces requested: Rates pe
2016 Dublin Day & Art Festival Sunday June 5th, Noon- 6pm Artist/Crafter Application 18th annual Dublin's Community Day and Discover Dublin's Arts Festival is one fantastic event! Artists and crafters: exhibit your own hand-made works. No kits, buy-and-sell or mass-produced items will be allowed. We reserve the right to evict thoes who do not comply to these specifications without refund or futher explanation. Demonstrations of artistry/craft are encouraged. Please email any special needs for demonstration and we will see if we can accomodate you. Remember, seeing you in action really helps sell your work! You must remain set up for the entire show. Failure to do so will result in expulsion from all future events. This is an outdoor event with a rain date of June 12th. Event will take place at the Dublin Fire House located at 194 N Main St (Rte 313). Most all spaces will be on pavement or gravel but there is an overflow vendor area on grass. Vendor is responsible for entire set up and tents must be weighted NOT staked. Parking will either be on site or (if grounds are too muddy) adjuacent lot. There is no parking at your space. Average attendance for our June event is around 2,000!!!

Application Form: Deadline- April 30, 2016 Contact Name: Mailing Address: Phone: Email: What will you be exhibiting:

Business Name: Fax: Website:

Number of 10' x 10' spaces requested: Rates per 10' x 10' space: Artist/Crafter:


Artists & Crafters remit application & payment to: Dublin Borough Po Box 52, Dublin Pa 18917 Submit questions to Carol Shultz, Discover Dublin: [email protected] or 215-723-8518 I agree to the terms listed in this contract and agree that Discover Dublin, Inc., Dublin Borough and all those affiliated with the event are not responsible for any loss or damage to my booth and/or product as I am responsible for my own booth, tent security and wares. All tents must be weighted/staked. Ther is no overnight security proviced.


