Bank Account: Account Holder: SC Budokan Maintal e.V.. BIC: HELADEF1HAN. IBAN: 68 5065 0023 0053 0046 77. Subject: Germa
Deutscher Judo-Bund e.V. Mitglied im Olympischen Deutschen Sportbund, in der Europäischen Judo Union und in der Internationalen Judo Föderation Deutscher Judo-Bund . Postf. 71 02 25 . 60492 Frankfurt
Otto-Fleck-Schneise 12 60528 Frankfurt/Main Tel.: 069 / 67 72 08 0 Fax: 069 / 67 72 242 e-mail:
[email protected] Internet:
International German Kata Championships German Kata Open 2016 Deutscher Judo-Bund e.V. / German Judo Federation Organizer:
Sport Club Budokan Maintal e.V. Headoffice Kennedystr. 32 63477 Maintal Tel.: +49 6181 6189664 Fax: +49 6181 6189662 Mail:
[email protected]
Saturday, 29th of October 2016
Competition Venue:
Sportshall of the Werner-von-Siemens-Schule Ascher Str. 62 63477 Maintal
DJB Kata-Commissioner Stefan Bernreuther
Director: Judges:
IJF/EJU kata judges and qualified national kata judges. Evaluation of each kata by 5 judges, no replacement. National Judges: Will be invited by DJB. International Judges Judges with EJU/IJF license who volunteer to judge, please contact Stefan Bernreuther (
[email protected]). The expenses for accommodation (one night) and transfer between airport/train station and hotel will be paid.
Registration for International Participants:
Please download the registration form from the web site: fill it in and send it by e-mail to
[email protected]. Registration only with the permission of your national federation.
German Participants:
Please read the German version of these outlines!
Tuesday, 4th October 2016, with registration subject to closing once the maximum number of participants has been reached
Participation Fee:
60,- € per couple and kata, payment deadline: 4th October 2016 Bank Account: Account Holder: SC Budokan Maintal e.V. BIC: HELADEF1HAN IBAN: 68 5065 0023 0053 0046 77 Subject: German Kata Open 2016, Name + Nation.
International German Kata Championships in: Nage no kata, Katame no kata, Kime no kata, Kodokan Goshin jutsu, Ju no kata and Koshiki no kata.
Competition Area:
There will be up to three competition areas. Each competition area measures 8x8 meters and will be covered by tatami. Additional there will be a safety area of at least 1 m surrounding each competition area. Two strips of visible colour adhesive tape, approximately 10 cm wide and 50 cm long, will be fixed on the centre of the competition area 6 m apart, to indicate the starting position of Tori and Uke. The centre of the competition area shall be indicated with a strip of adhesive tape of the same colour.
Competition Formula:
The International German Kata Championships will be judged according to the official IJF Kata Competition Rules and the DJB rules. Each participant can compete in a maximum of 2 different kata. It is not allowed to compete in the same kata more than once. If the number of participating couples in one kata is less than 10, there will be only one round and no final. The ranking after this round will be the basis for awarding the medals. If there are 10 or more couples, there will be a preliminary round with two pools and one final. After the preliminary round the top 3 couples from each pool will be qualified for the final. If there are 2 pools the top 4 finalists of the German National Kata Championships 2015 will be allocated to the pools in the following way: • Pool A: 1st place and 3rd place of the German National Kata Championships 2015, • Pool B: 2nd place and 4th place of the German National Kata Championships 2015. A draw will be used to allocate all other participants to their preliminary pools. The starting order within the preliminaries and finals is decided by the draw. The starting order will not be changed for athletes participating in a second kata. Note: For Kime no kata and Kodokan Goshin Jutsu the weapons have to be made out of wood or rubber (in case of the gun). Mock weapons, especially guns that resemble real weapons too closely, violate the German weapons law. Non-observance will lead to immediate disqualification.
German participants need the official German DJB backnumbers. Foreign participants need the official EJU/IJF backnumbers.
The best three couples for each kata will be awarded medals and certificates.
Participants and Qualification:
International Participants: The number of international kata couples per national federation is unlimited as long as the federation is a member of the EJU or another continental association of the IJF. German Participants: Please read the German version of these outlines! Participation Cap: The competition is limited to a maximum of 100 kata in total (excluding the finals). The medalists of the German National Kata Championships 2016 can participate in any
case. All other registrations will be considered in order of the date they are received. Requirements:
Minimum age 17 (participants need to be born in or before 1999), and a minimum of 1st Kyu.
By registering participants consent to the electronic storage of their personal data relevant to the competition as well as the publication thereof in bulletins, on websites or in any other documents published by the DJB or its subdivisions. The consent also applies to the publication of print, picture or video documentation.
Friday, 28th October 2016
Arrival of participants and Kata Judges 17:00-19:00 Accreditation and Finance (Café Schönfeldhaus at competition venue) 18:00-19:00 Judges’ Meeting (Café Schönfeldhaus at competition venue) 19:30 Draw (Café Schönfeldhaus at competition venue) Saturday, 29th October 2016 7:30 Warm-up 8:30-9:00 Opening Ceremony 9:15 Start of the Competition Approximately 17:30 Award Ceremony The schedule is subject to change if necessary due to the number of registrations. The final version of the competition schedule will be published on the DJB website on October 14th 2016. On Sunday 31st October 2016 there will a kata seminar for Nage no kata and Kime no kata, please refer to the corresponding outlines.
These outlines are an abbreviated translation of the decisive German version.
General Information Catering:
A cafeteria is available at the competition venue
All participants must assume responsibility for accident and health insurance as well as the civil liabilities. The organizers of the International German Kata Championships will not be responsible for any insurance related to the above mentioned matters and decline all responsibility.
Travel Information: Car: Program the target address (see above) into the GPS Coordinates: 50°08'07,87'' N - 8°49'49,88'' O Sportshall of the Werner-von-Siemens-Schule Ascher Str. 62 63477 Maintal By Train: Starting at Frankfurt Mainstation Frankfurt HBF (RE55) in direction to Hanau HBF or Würzburg HBF Connecting at Maintal Ost Bahnhof to Bus MKK 23 in direction to Bergen-Enkheim and then get off at the station ‘Siemensschule’ Link: Starting at Hanau Mainstation Hanau HBF (RE55) direction to Frankfurt Südbahnhof Connecting at Maintal Ost Bahnhof to Bus MKK 23 in direction to Bergen-Enkheim and then get off at the station ‘Siemensschule’ Link: Airport: By Shuttleservice Link for alternative Option by public transport: Transfer:
Shuttle service is available on request from Hamburg Airport for transfer between airport/competition venue for the following hotels: JudoArena Ascherstraße 62 63477 Maintal
Best Western Hotel Westendstraße 77 63477 Maintal
Please request shuttle service separately in advance by sending an e-mail to
[email protected] including the names, contact mobile number and travel information. Accomodation:
Best Western Hotel Westendstraße 77 63477 Maintal
Kata judges and DJB officials need to request accommodation directly from DJB.
We wish all competitors, officials, fans and judges a safe journey to Hamburg and a fair competition.
Deutscher Judo-Bund e.V. Peter Frese President
Sport Club Budokan Maintal e.V. Ervin Susnik Chairman