2016 MHSOBA Newsletter July

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Jul 15, 2016 - recognised as a leader among alumni associations in the digital media space. Luca was the Editor of the S
MHSOBA Newsletter JULY 2016

From the President Dear Old Boys, A swift six months has passed

since the publication of our last

all the success possible in their future pursuits and I know that I can always call upon them in a time of need. Thank you gentlemen.

newsletter. As such, a hive of

Ken Loh has ended his tenure as President of the MHS

will continue for the remainder

has shown towards the MHSOBA. Rika Tetchier has now

activity has taken place. This

Council and I would like to thank him for the support he

of the year. In the interim, most

taken over the President’s position and I look forward to

of you remain in constant contact with the ongoing

activities of the MHSOBA through our numerous social media platforms. Please don’t forget that if you ever have information that you feel is relevant to the Old

Boys community, let us know and we will do our best to distribute it via our own social media outlets.

I am happy to announce that the MHSOBA has recently taken many pleasing and positive steps forward. These

were tabled as part of the AGM report in May 2016. Some relevant points have been highlighted in this newsletter. We see this as a stepping stone to greater achievements

and will strive to increase our exposure and membership base to as many Old Boys as we can in the coming year. Our AGM also focused on filling positions for the

MHSOBA committee. Profiles of your representatives

can be seen in this newsletter. I congratulate all these Old Boys for making the commitment to give quality time

and expertise to making this committee a dynamic and forward thinking body.

working with her and the MHS Council in the coming year.

Keith Elsner, Patron in Chief of GM&B Patrons Club,

will continue in this position for his second term. His

contribution has been extremely beneficial for the greater MHS community and I look forward to continuing my

involvement and input with the GM&B at the executive level.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jenny

White, CEO MHS Foundation for her contribution and commitment to the position she has held for over four

years. I wish her well in her new endeavours and I’m sure that her connection to MHS will always remain strong.

Finally, I would like to thank all those Old Boys, sponsors, donors and contributors who made our recent Annual Dinner a wonderful success. Since my involvement

with MHSOB committee I am pleased to have seen a steady growth in the number of attendees spanning

many different exit years. I look forward to this trend

We still have very limited vacancies on the MHSOBA committee. If you would like to contribute and meet

countless incredible Old Boys in the process, please let us know. These are exciting times for the MHSOBA and we


Stay well, take care and I look forward to touching base with you all sooner rather later.

would love to share them with more talented Old Boys on our committee.

I would like to thank the following past committee

members, Adam Ashton, Minto Felix and Steven Tran for

their efforts whilst they served the MHSOBA. I wish them

Peter Stathopoulos President, MHSOBA Inc.

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2016 MHSOBA Annual General Meeting On 9 May 2016, the MHSOBA held its Annual General Meeting at the Unicorn Club.

The AGM provided an opportunity for the Committee

to inform members of the extremely successful year that the MHSOBA enjoyed in 2015.

A short summary of the MHSOBA’s achievements in 2015 include: •

8% increase in overall membership;

42% increase in SM30 memberships for current MHS students;

The 2016 MHSOBA Committee was elected unopposed. Details of each committee member are provided on the following pages.

The MHSOBA Committee has been working extremely hard to ensure that 2016 will be even more successful than 2015. Thanks to your support, they are well on their way to achieving that goal.

If you would like to join the MHSOBA Committee or one of its Sub-Committees, please contact:

Margie Burton at [email protected]

275% increase in 10 year memberships;

Surplus of $6,780 (the first surplus in over a

or 9824 0480.

decade which has been made without a significant contribution from a distinguished Old Boy);

Growth in net income from reunions; and

Growth in membership revenue.

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2016 MHSOBA Commitee Peter Stathopoulos

Ted Goldstein (MHS 1966)

Peter has overseen a period of

Finance Sub-Committee

of engagement, membership,

Ted has established numerous

– Treasurer, Chair of the

(MHS 1982) – President growth in the MHSOBA in terms

As a member of the GM&B,

attendances and finance. He is

relationships with prominent Old

an incredibly active MHSOBA

Boys and members of general

President in the broader school community, extending

public to assist in the growth of the MHSOBA. Through

and being involved in functions of the MHS Council,

a rapport with our many senior Old Boys and positively

his role beyond its ordinary scope by attending meetings MHS Foundation and GM&B. Peter has worked

collaboratively to deliver strategic initiatives that will continue to ensure the growth of the MHSOBA.

regularly hosting MHSOBA events, Ted has developed mentored our younger members. Ted is a qualified

CPA and has successfully overseen the recent financial growth of the MHSOBA.

Warren Fall (MHS 1975) –

Marco Dogliotti (MHS 2011)

Membership Sub-Committee

Facilities Sub-Committee

– Secretary, Chair of the

Vice-President, Chair of the As a former Assistant Principal

Marco has been pivotal in

of the MHSOB Football Club,

current -students. Marco is an

establishing relationships with

of MHS and current President

Warren has developed countless

active advocate of the MHSOBA,

relationships across the wider school community,

presenting to the student body on countless occasions.

members of associated clubs. His knowledge of the

the Unicorn Club, Marco has an in-depth understanding

including with staff, current students, Old Boys and operations of the MHSOBA and its associated entities

is unparalleled. In 2015, Warren oversaw a restructure of MHSOBA memberships, which has ensured that MHSOBA now receive greater benefits. He is also

responsible for the growth in MHSOBA membership numbers over recent years.

As Secretary of the MHSOBA and former Manager of of the operations of the MHSOBA and the level of

professionalism required to manage the MHSOBA’s

various stakeholders. Marco is a graduate accountant at EY, working in the financial services assurance

department. He completed a Commerce degree at the University of Melbourne, majoring in Accounting and Finance.

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2016 MHSOBA Commitee - continued Brad Barr (MHS 2003) –

Luca Gonano (MHS 2003) –

Governance Sub-Committee


Chair of the Legal and

Chair of the Digital

Brad is a barrister who practises

Luca is the Head of Media at the

law. He has developed numerous

been responsible for the incredible

in commercial law and common professional relationships

Carlton Football Club. He has

development of the MHSOBA’s

between the MHSOBA and leaders of industry. He

social media presence since joining the Committee in

improvements to the MHSOBA, including the

recognised as a leader among alumni associations in the

has also overseen a number of legal and governance implementation of new Rules. Brad was the School Captain of MHS in 2003. As a former winner of the

Keith “Bluey” Truscott Scholarship, Brad understands

the importance of the MHSOBA’s role in providing for current students.

2015. His efforts have ensured that the MHSOBA is now digital media space. Luca was the Editor of the Sentinel in his final year at Melbourne High School, as well

as being involved in countless other extra-curricular

endeavours. He has many exciting ideas to ensure the MHSOBA’s continual engagement with Old Boys and current students in the digital world.

If you would like to join the MHSOBA Committee or one of its Sub-Committees, please contact: Margie Burton at [email protected] or 9824 0480.

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A coffee with Arthur Naoumidis Tell us a little bit about your time at Melbourne

Tell us about the years post – MHS. Did you head

Like a lot of other kids, my time at MHS was a

As I wanted to leave home and given that Sydney was

do my best and help me lift my expectations of what

parents that the only university that would accept me

High School.

formative time for me. The teachers challenged me to I could achieve. Also, I think being part of a cohort of very capable students with a great sense of humour

made my four years at MHS a great experience. It was a great place be with wide mix of students from all

backgrounds and cultures and gets you ready for the

straight to university?

the only city I didn’t have any relatives, I told my Greek was Sydney University so that’s where I went. I went

straight to Sydney University and did a BSc majoring in Pure Mathematics and Computer Science.

When did you make the decision to pursue a

world which is also filled with a wide range of people.

career in IT?

What are your fondest memories of your time at

as I need a 5th subject and thought that I needed to learn

the school?

One of my fondest memories is of Mr Dwyer having a “stern” talk with me that in retrospect was the pivotal point for me to return to the straight and narrow

without which I would have probably not completed

year 12. I also remember our camps at Tecoma as I had

previously not been to any camps and I had a great time.

I sort of fell into computer science in year 1 of university about computers. It turned out that I enjoyed computer science and stuck with it until I graduated. Whilst

my passion was always for Mathematics, I decided

to pursue a career in computers as I felt that that was where the work prospect were. (Continued on next page...)

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A coffee with Arthur Naoumidis - continued What do you do way from work to relax? I like to go out in the bay fishing with my boat and also enjoy Stand-Up Paddleboard surfing in Torquay. In the winter I like Skiing at Mt Buller.

Do you still keep in touch with many of our MHS classmates? I have reconnected with several of the old boys these past few years and now have regular social and business contacts with them. I found the recent MHSOB annual dinner a great event where I met other old boys from

different years and have connected with some as a customer – I have ordered another suit from the team at Oscar Hunt tailors.

How can old boys find out more about DomaCom? The best place to find out about DomaCom is either at www.domacom.com.au or by emailing me at [email protected].

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Scholarship Winners We have maintained a solid contribution in awarding a number of tertiary level scholarships with the assistance and care of a number of Old Boys and their families.

All applicants have achieved a high level of excellence which made the decision making difficult. We would like to wish them all the best in their future academic, professional and personal pursuits. They have already set the foundations for brilliance in their chosen fields.

For further information on our scholarships please use this link: Scholarships

George Fincham Scholarship has two recipients this year: Left: Hugh Laverty Right: Victor Zhang

Verma Family Scholarship also has two recipients this year: Left: Julien Nithianandan Right: Visai Muruganandah

Dr Eric Stock Prize recipient: Michael Wang

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Australia Day Honours Awards 2016 Mr James Kenneth RUSSELL OAM MHS Exit 1956

For service to engineering, and to the community. Service includes: •

Engineering: Chair, Advisory Panel, Engineering Qualifications, National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition, 1987-1991.

Member, Accreditation Board, Engineers Australia, ‘for many years’ and Fellow, since 1965.

Honorary Secretary, Australian Council of the Institution of Production

Engineers, (now Amalgamated with Institute of Engineer Technologists), 1980s.

Chair, National Committee for Manufacturing Industrial and Production Engineering, ‘no dates’.

Board Member, Standing Committee on Manufacturing Courses, TAFE Victoria, ‘no dates’.

Swinburne University of Technology: Head, Department of Manufacturing, (formerly Production Engineering), 1969-1989.

Deputy Dean, Faculty of Engineering, 1989-1991.

Chairman, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, 1989-1991.

Executive Officer, Centre for Machining Technology, 1979-1980.

Community: President, School Committee, Gardenvale Central School, 1970s and Member, since 1970s.

Director, Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron, 1994-1998 and Member, since 1978 and Recipient, ‘Person of the Year’ Award, 2000.

Supporter, Care for Children Foundation, since 2005.

Member, Gardenvale East Presbyterian Church, since 1969.

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Australia Day Honours Awards 2016 - continued Mr George PAPPAS AO MHS Exit 1963

For distinguished service to the community through roles with tertiary

education, medical research and defence organisations, and to business, particularly management consulting. Service includes: • Chancellor, Victoria University,

• Chairman, Energy Matters Pty Ltd,

• Chairman, Dean’s Advisory Board,

• Boston Consulting Group: Senior

since 2010.

Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and

Health Sciences, Monash University, 2008-2010.


Advisor Melbourne, since 2002.

• Australasian Managing Partner,

Senior Vice-President, Director and Member, International Executive

• Chairman, Monash Institute of

Committee, prior to 2002. Employee,

Medical Research in Reproduction

1990-2002 and 1971-1979.

and Development, 2006-2010 and Member, 2002-2010.

• Member, Advisory Committee, Faculty of Economics, Monash University, 2006-2009.

• Chair, Strategic Reform Advisory Board, Department of Defence,

• Co-founder, Pappas Carter Evans and Koop (acquired by BCG), 1979-1990.

• Board Member, Western Bulldogs

(Footscray) Football Club, 2001-2013.

• Commodore, Point Leo Boat Club,

2005-2010 and Committee Member,

2009-2012 and Chairman, Defence


Efficiency Audit, 2008.

• Chairman, Committee for Melbourne

• Member, Preshil School Council, ‘for 10 years’.

(CfM), 2005-2013 and Board Member, 2001- 2013.

• Vice-Chairman, BioMelbourne

Network (established by CfM),

Awards and recognition include: •

Service Award,


Monash University, 2009.

• Under Secretary (part-time),

Department Premier and Cabinet Victoria, 2003-2005.

Recipient, Distinguished Alumni

Recipient, Kastellorizian of the Year, 2015.

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Australia Day Honours Awards 2016 - continued Professor Ego SEEMAN AM MHS Exit 1964 For significant service to medicine, as a researcher in the fields of osteoporosis and endocrinology, and as a clinician and academic. Service includes: •

Professor of Medicine and Endocrinologist, Austin Health, University of Melbourne, over 30 years, and Head, Seeman Group, current.

President, Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society, several years.

Editorial Board Member, ‘BoneKey’, International Bone and Mineral Society, several years.

Member, Editorial Board, ‘Journal of Bone and Mineral Research’, American

Society for Bone and Mineral Research, 1996-2014, and Associate Editor, 7th and 8th editions, ‘Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism’, 2008 and 2013.

Board Member, International Osteoporosis Foundation; several years, and

Associate Editor, ‘Osteoporosis International’, since 2006, and Editor, ‘Progress in Osteoporosis’ (quarterly), since 1993.

Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 1978, and Member, Adult

Medicine Division, current, and Member, Board of Specialties, prior to 2005.

Awards and recognition include: •

Co-Recipient, ‘Career Achievement Award’, Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society, 2014.

John Haddad Award, ‘for outstanding lifetime achievements in clinical research’, International Bone and Mineral Society, 2010.

Foundation Medal, ‘for Outstanding Investigation in Osteoporosis Research’, International Osteoporosis Foundation, 2009.

• Recipient,

‘Medical Research Foundation Distinguished Scientist Award’.

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Australia Day Honours Awards 2016 - continued Mr Michael John ANDREW AO MHS Exit 1973 For distinguished service to the accountancy profession at the national and international level, and to a range of business, anti-corruption, finance and community organisations Service includes: •

Global Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, KPMG International, 2011-2014.

Chairman, Asia Pacific KPMG, 2010 -2011.

Chairman, KPMG Australia, 2007-2010; Victorian Chairman, 2002-2007; Partner in Charge, KPMG Tax Practice, 1995-2000.

Member, KPMG Global Board and Executive Committee, 2007 -2014.

Partner in Charge, KPMG International Tax Centre, Amsterdam, 1992- 1994. Partner, 1988 -2014.

National Chair, Board of Taxation, since 2015.

Chairman, Anti -Corruption and Transparency Taskforce, B20 Australia, 2014.

Member, Anti -Corruption and Transparency Taskforce B 20 Russia, 2013.

Chair, Global CEO Forum, 2014.

Member, B20 Infrastructure and Investment Taskforce, 2013 -2014.

Chair, Education Skills and Innovation Task Force, Business Council of Australia, 2010- 2011.

International Member, UN Global Compact for the Environment, 2012 -2014.

Member, International Advisory Board, Moscow International Finance Centre, 2012 -2014.

Member, International Business Council, World Economic Forum, 2012 - 2014 and Member, Professional Services Committee.

Board Member, Good to Great Schools Australia, current.

(Continues on following page...)

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Australia Day Honours Awards 2016 - continued Mr Michael John ANDREW AO (Services continued) •

Member, Advisory Board, BML Munjal University, India, 2013 -2014.

Member, Advisory Board, Lingnan University College, Sun Yat -sen University, China, 2012- 2014.

Inaugural Chairman, Schools Connect Australia, 2010- 2011.

Chairman, Lauriston Grammar School, 2002 -2006.

Community service includes: •

Vice -President, Melbourne Cricket Club, since 2015 and Treasurer, 2009 - 2011 and Committee Member, 2007- 2011.

Member, National Sports Museum, Advisory Board, since 2010.

Executive Committee Member, Melbourne Racing Club, 2006 -2012 and Member, since 1999.

Ambassador, Australian Communities Foundation, since 2005 and Supporter, since 2003.

Member, Advisory Committee, Olivia Newton John Cancer Appeal Committee, 2009 -2012.

Vice -Chairman, Advisory Board, Committee for Melbourne, 2001- 2010 and Chairman, Education Taskforce.

Director, Jawun Indigenous Corporation Partnerships, 2006- 2011.

Director, Australian Prostate Cancer Research Council, since 2014.

Advisor, Eliminate Dengue Fever Project.

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Queen’s Birthday Honours 2016 The Honourable Alan Robert STOCKDALE, AO MHS Exit 1962 For distinguished service to the people and Parliament of

Victoria as Treasurer, particularly through the implementation of fiscal policy and microeconomic reforms. Service includes: •

Treasurer, Parliament of Victoria, 1992 -1999.

• Minister

for IT and Multimedia, Parliament of Victoria, 1996 -1999.

• Member

for Brighton, Parliament of Victoria, 1985 -1999.

• Barrister,

Supreme Court of New South Wales, 1982.

• Barrister,

Supreme Court of Victoria, 1977.

• Chairman,

Medical Research Commercialisation Fund, since 2007.

• Chairman,

Axon Instruments, 1999- 2005.

• Chairman,

Symex Holdings Ltd, 1999 -2005.

• Chairman,

Knosys Limited, since 2015.

• Chairman,

MBAV Foundation, since 2009.

• President, • Director,

Liberal Party of Australia, 2008- 2014.

Melbourne Football Club, 1999- 2001.

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Queen’s Birthday Honours 2016 - continued Member (AM) in the General Division of The Order of Australia Dr Kevin John DONNELLY MHS Exit 1969

For significant service to education as a researcher and author, to

national curriculum development, and to professional organisations. Service includes: •

Founder and Director, Education Standards Institute, since 2008.

Senior Research Fellow, Australian Catholic University, since 2013.

Reviewer, Australian National Curriculum, Commonwealth Government, 2013- 2014.

Member, steering committee Australian Certificate of Education, 2005.

Branch President, Victorian Branch, Australian Education Union, 1975-1983.

Contributor, Quadrant On-Line, current.

Educator, English Department, Camberwell Grammar School, 1988-1983 and Merrilands High School, 1975-1983 and St Helena Post Primary, 1984-1986.

Member, Year 12 English Panel of Examiners, 2006.

Board Member, Victoria Board of Studies, 1997.

Member, Discovering Democracy Programme, 1997-2003.

Marker of Scripts for English and English Literature, 1977-1983.

Author, over 600 articles and books, articles, opinion pieces, including topics

on depression, education standards and policies, including: ‘Taming the Black Dog’, 2014.’Educating your child; It’s not rocket science’, 2012.’Australia’s Education Revolution’, 2009.’ ‘Dumbing Down –outcomes - based and

politically correct the impact of the culture wars on our schools’, 2007.’Why Our Schools are Failing’, 2004. •

Member, Liberal Party of Australia, ‘for 30 years’.

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Queen’s Birthday Honours 2016 - continued Public Service Medal (PSM) Federal Mr Scott Ian BRUCKARD MHS Exit 1981 For outstanding public service in the area of counter terrorism. Mr Bruckard has been the key figure in all aspects of the Commonwealth Director Public Prosecutions (CDPP) counter -terrorism capacity, ranging from performing the role of lead CDPP prosecutor on counter terrorism prosecutions, through to

being the primary source of advice to law enforcement agencies on the application of criminal law as it relates to counter terrorism investigations.

His advice, counsel and guidance has enabled law enforcement officers to

successfully arrest, charge and prosecute a large number of persons planning to

undertake terrorist attacks, or terrorism related activity, in Australia. On a number of occasions, swift action by law enforcement, upon receipt of crucial information from CDPP, has prevented terrorist attacks in Australia.

Mr Bruckard, through his leadership and drive within the CDPP, and across the

broader national security framework, has not only contributed significantly to the prosecution of persons alleged to be involved in terrorism related activity, but is

a primary source of advice to policy makers and practitioners in the development and application of criminal law.

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Functions - MHSOBA Annual Dinner 2016 Wednesday April 20 • Sponsored by DomaCom The 2016 DomaCom MHSOBA Annual Dinner was held on Wednesday, April 20, at the Langham, Southbank.

the difficulties in growing up as a young muslim in

90s/2000s Australia, Hussain reminded the room of

Melbourne High’s wonderful ability to knock down

234 were on hand for a fabulous night of laughter

barriers. Those moments of reflection coupled with

Master of Ceremonies on the night. 2011 was the most-

mesmerising speech. The bar has certainly been set high

and nostalgia, with 3AW’s Shane McInnes acting as

some laugh-out-loud anecdotes resulted in a fabulously

represented exit year with 18 attendees, closely followed

for next year’s speaker!

by the Class of 2003 with 17.

From the MHSOBA Committee’s perspective, the best

This year’s guest speaker was comedian, actor, and

thing about the night was seeing so many new faces

Most recently, Hussain has been performing in front of

events as relevant and interesting to as many people as

radio presenter Nazeem Hussain (MHS exit 2003).

in the room. We are constantly looking to make our

packed houses during the 2016 Melbourne International

possible, so we welcome any feedback moving forward.

secure his services on one of his rare nights off.

Thanks must go to our major sponsor on the night,

Hussain spoke of the influence of the school on not

Arthur Naoumidis championed the evening from the

Comedy Festival, so we were extremely fortunate to

only on his career, but his personal life, too. Explaining

DomaCom, for their brilliant support. DomaCom CEO outset, and for that we are extremely grateful.

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Functions - MHSOBA Annual Dinner 2016 - continued We would also like to thank all of those who contributed on the night, including those who donated prizes for

our extremely successful auctions. In particular, we’d like to extended our sincere thanks to Ross Camfield, Olivia Doherty, David Edelman, Chris Edwards, Susan Fincham, Luca Gonano, David Hatton, Michael Parker, Bang & Olufsen, Crave Catering and Keysborough Golf Club.

Work is already underway to make 2017’s event even better than this year’s, so keep your eyes on our website or social media channels for updates. We’d love to see as many of you there as possible.

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Click HERE for full Photo gallery

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Golden Years Reunion 18 February 2016 Sponsored by DomaCom February 18th 2016 witnessed another gathering of some 60+ Old Boys ranging from 1938 to 1960; we were extended a warm welcome by Margie Burton and Warren Fall, the host for the Luncheon.

The formal proceedings began with a resounding rendition of Honour The Work, ably assisted by a group of present day students.

Our guest speaker was our Principal, Mr Jeremy Ludowyke, who addressed the various aspects of life at school for the student body and the challenges which the School must meet in the future. There were a number of questions posed from the floor, which were addressed by Jeremy.

Much of the conversation over Lunch turned to our time at School and some great stories were told, best to keep these off the record, just in case.

The panoramic view from the Unicorn Club, with the “Castle on the Hill”, in the background added to the ambience of the occasion.

A special thank you to Warren Fall, who as host, carried out his task with good humour and true diligence.

Click HERE for full photo gallery

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MHSOBA Legal Function 2016 23 March 2016 Sponsored by Arnold Bloch and Leibler Melbourne High School Old Boys in the legal profession

The MHSOBA recognises the contribution of everyone

treated to a magnificent evening as Arnold Bloch Leibler


and current students with an interest in the law were hosted the inaugural MHSOBA Legal Function on Wednesday, 24 March 2016.

The event’s guest speaker, the Honourable Justice Redlich

(MHS exit 1963) of the Victorian Court of Appeal, reminded

who was involved in organising the event and ensuring its

Article submitted by: Ahmed Terzic,

Law Graduate at Arnold Bloch Leibler MHS Exit 2010

guests of the ever-changing nature of legal practice and the

Zac Kerr (MHS 1991-1994), a partner in the projects and

His Honour also emphasised the significance of striving for

very good to reconnect with people and meet other Old

importance of upholding professionalism at every corner.

infrastructure group at Mills Oakley, said “The event was

gender equality and recognising the integral role played by

Boys. Everyone I spoke to who went thought it was great,

women in our legal profession today.

and that we should definitely do it again.”

With 80 Old Boys in attendance, including barristers,

Ray Ternes (MHS 1998-2001), a barrister practising in

solicitors and law students, the evening presented an ideal

opportunity for all to network and learn about each other’s career paths. It also offered current students a unique

insight into the experience of studying law and the array of career options that a law degree can open.

personal injury/common law, employment law and

administrative law, said “It was a good event, well run,

worthwhile. I’d come again if there are future events. Well done!”

Events such as the MHSOBA Legal Function remain

If you would like to assist the MHSOBA in organising a

Melbourne High School and enhancing the ability of the

Burton at [email protected] or 9824 0480

fundamental to maintaining and strengthening links with

similar event for your profession, please contact Margie

Old Boys to provide assistance to the school and both past and present students.

Click HERE for Photo gallery

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Where are they now? Saki Ganella - Sixty years on by Jeremy Ludowyke Semi-centenary of dedicated service to Victorian education Mr Saki Ganella

In the 1950’s, a young boy sat in his father’s Chapel St store

watching the students from the school pass by. He was impressed by their smart uniform and confident manner. He decided he too would like to attend this school.

As a student of the School in the early 1960’s, he was equally impressed by the teachers he then encountered.

Their passion for their school and subject was infectious and he found himself particularly swept away by a passion for the study of Mathematics and the traditions of the School itself.

He became the first member of his family to complete a University degree and with teaching as his chosen

professional calling, he returned to his School in the early 1970’s to join the ranks of the teachers that had inspired him. Apart from a brief stint at another school, Mr Saki Ganella has devoted his entire professional life to Melbourne

High School and his association with the School extends back over half of its history. Statistics suggest that a current

professional graduate will have at least five distinct careers and over 20 employers across their working life. Even of this generation, how many of us can say that we dedicated our entire working life to one job and to the one place?

‘Augmented – Life in the Fast Lane’ by Jeremy Ludowyke Brett King, MHS Exit 1985 is a five-time bestselling author, a renowned commentator and globally respected speaker on the future of business. He has spoken in over 40 countries, to half a million people, on how technology is disrupting business and changing the way we live. He has spoken at TED conferences, opened events for

Wired, Singularity University, The Economist and many more. He has visited the

White House to advise the National Economic Council on the Future of Banking and has consulted with regulators from China, the EU, Russia and the World Bank.

King hosts “Breaking Banks”, the world’s leading dedicated radio show on technology’s impact on banking and

financial services (72 countries, 1 million listeners). He is also the founder of Moven, with the world’s first mobile, downloadable bank account. This successful mobile start-up, which has raised over US$24 million to date, is available in the United States, Canada and New Zealand. (Continued on next page...)

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Where are they now? - continued Shortlisted for the 2015 Advance Global Australian of the Year Award, named “King of the Disruptors” by Banking Exchange magazine, King was voted American Banker’s Innovator of the Year in 2012, voted the world’s #1

Financial Services Influencer by The Financial Brand and was nominated by Bank Innovation as one of the top 10 “coolest brands in banking”. His books have been released in more than a dozen languages.

King has been featured on Fast Company, TechCrunch, Wired, Fortune magazine, FoxNews, ABC, CNBC,

Bloomberg, BBC, Financial Times, The Economist, ABA Journal, Bank Technology News and many more. He

contributes as a blogger for Huffington Post. In his spare time, he is an IFR-rated private pilot, scuba diver and gamer.

Reviews of the book: •

Irish Tech News


Banking Exchange

Know an old boy who has an interesting story to tell? Let us know! P 9824 0480 | E [email protected]

Congratulations to... Christopher Boyce SC (MHS exit 1984) who was recently appointed a Senior Crown Prosecutor. Ben Mahoney (MHS exit 1991) has been named as a finalist in the 2016 Australasian Law Awards in the

International Deal of the Year category for his involvement with York Capital Management’s acquisition of PrimeCredit.

Jared Heath (MHS 1999) who has been nominated for the Law Institute of Victoria’s Government Lawyer of the Year Award, for his work on the Royal Commission into Family Violence. (Continued on next page...)

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Congratulations - continued

Dan Poole (MHS exit 2009) Australia’s first non-profit crepe van:

Crepes for Change a social enterprise

founded by old boy, Dan Poole to

help disadvantaged and homeless youth.

‘Crêpes for Change is a project that has been a dream for a long time. We live

in an exciting time full of opportunities to be had, but the sad reality is that not everyone starts off on the same

level. Many lack not only the tangible

basics such as food and accommodation, but also the things that shape a person’s life immeasurably: a loving

family, inspiring teachers and mentors, support from their community and people who will give them a shot. It’s

heartbreaking to see people unable to leverage themselves out of a bad situation. Our goal is to be able to employ, train and support young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, and allow them to find long-term employment and prosper on their own.’

Paul Fink (MHS exit 1997) Brilliant work by MHS Old Boy Paul Fink (MHS Exit 1997). Traffic lights to be installed at the intersection of Grange Road and Oakleigh road, Carnegie after community campaign.

Click on this link for the article in Herald Sun

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Off to the Olympics! Congratulations to... Melbourne High School

physical education teacher Sandro Bisetto who is off to the Rio

Olympic Games as a coach of the Australian athletics Congratulations to...


Rhydian Cowley (MHS exit 2008) who has been

Fantastic achievement!

selected to compete at the Rio Olympic Games in the 20km walk.

How good is that!

Congratulations to... Old Boy Matthew Chau (MHS Exit 2012) on his selection to compete in Badminton at the Rio Olympic Games. We look forward to watching him play and wish him all the best in his upcoming competitions.

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MHSOBFC News During 2016 the Melbourne High School Old Boys Football Club is represented by four teams in the

Victorian Amateur Football Association. Our Senior

and Reserve sides play in Division 2; while we also field an Under 19 team in Section 5 and a Club XVIII that

was successfully re-introduced a couple of years ago.

Our season was launched back in April with a fantastic Coterie Dinner. It was a memorable night for the

MHSOBFC community where we gathered to celebrate the outstanding playing careers of Rhys Limbrick and Heath Taylor.

Matthew Nicholas continues in the role of MHSOBFC Senior Coach this season. He guided our senior team

to a 9:9 win to loss ratio last year and will be seeking to

build on that foundation throughout 2016. Bernie Pretty has been re-appointed as Reserves Coach and will aim

to take the team one step further than their 2015 Grand Final loss. It is also great to have Mark Bowen and

Matthew Knight back on board as members of the senior coaching panel.

The Unicorns are delighted to welcome Michael Mitchell to the Club. Mike has an engaging personality and he will be looking after our Under 19 boys following on from a year as the assistant Under 19 Coach at Old

Carey. We are sure that his enthusiasm and football knowledge will mould our young players into a

passionate and cohesive team. After coaching our Club XVIII side to a Grand Final last year Robert Coxon will

continue in that role. Tim Harper and Anthony Svirskis have also been re-appointed as joint senior captains

for 2016. They are both very experienced players who possess fine leadership qualities.

At the midpoint of the VAFA season our Senior team

has recorded 6 wins and 3 losses. A strong second half will provide them with an opportunity to compete in

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MHSOBFC News - continued the finals action, while the Reserves remain undefeated

and are sitting on top of their ladder. Our Under 19 lads have also started the year in good style with 3 wins and a couple of very frustrating narrow losses. The Club

XVIII have been competitive but may struggle to reach the final 4 after being promoted to the top division.

In other news from the Club we have acknowledged

and celebrated some significant player milestones with

200 games to Luke Campbell & Chris Wright, 150 games to Tom Rendell & Kris McDonald and 100 games to

Robert Coxon and Sam Hayes. Our home game match day luncheons and major social events have all been enjoyable, well attended functions.

As outlined in previous editions of this newsletter

we are extremely grateful to our Major Sponsor – the

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank – for their ongoing financial support. If any person within the broad MHSOBA

community requires some form of banking assistance then please contact Aggie Poliafico who is our

Relationship Banker. Aggie’s email is aggie.poliafico@ bendigoadelaide.com.au and she can also be reached by phone on 8643 4017 or 0402 138 723. Just mention MHSOBFC for a great deal on all of your banking needs.

Warren Fall President


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MHS News - Success of our students

Rowing Congratulations to our senior rowing quad (Guy Velik, Harry Cathcart, Nick Moody and Zac Zhou) who won

gold at the Victorian Rowing Championships in Ballarat while the 2nds crew won bronze in the Schoolboy Quad (Monty Palmer, Bowan Hafey, George He, Arjun Rajku-mar and Jai Kanda). The Seniors will now progress to the National Finals in Sydney.

Click HERE to view the race.

Physics excursion Last term, a group of exceptional Melbourne High

Physics students were given the opportunity to attend the Melbourne Grand Prix, combining both fun and

excitement with learning and insight. This provided

the students a unique chance to see racing simulators,

view high performing vehicles and speak with skilled

Athletics Congratulations to Forrest for winning this year’s House

Athletics Competition. A stellar performance from all the gentlemen involved! Well done. Athletics Final Placings:

engineers, drivers and mechanics. In particular, the

1 – Forrest

Paddock which displayed technological discoveries and

2 – Como

students explored the Technology and Development

advancements in motorsport made by many universities. This was certainly an invaluable experience to learn

about industries in which these students, and many other

3 – Waterloo 4 – Yarra

Melbourne High students, are passionate in.

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MHS News - continued Gold for Ethan Congratulations to Ethan McCormack on his gold medal at the Regional

SSV Diving competition and his silver medal at the State Champtionships.

Ethan’s tumbling skills, body awareness in space and fearless competitiveness also won him a gold medal on the High Bar at the National Gymnastics Championships last year.

Congratulations Ethan and good luck in all your future gymnastics and diving pursuits.

24 Hour Mega Swim On Saturday 30 April, Nathaniel Diong (10J) organised a ten-man team to participate in the 24 Hour Mega Swim. Four out of ten

people stayed overnight, including Nathaniel Diong. As the team

captain, he swam 10-15+ km and led his team to victory. His team swam a total of 88.65 km and raised $2216.80 for people with Multiple Sclerosis.

Congratulations to Nathaniel for a great effort!

MHS Cricket Tour to Sri Lanka


Lachlan Stonehouse, MHS exit 1957, teachers

Michael Fitzgerald and Paul Keyte with MHS Cricket team.

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MHS News - continued White Ribbon Australia Campaign The @WhiteRibbonAust campaign is aiming to change attitudes among young men through its education program. Melbourne Boys High is one school that has adopted the anti-violence message. Do you think this campaign should be rolled out to every school? Click HERE to learn more

ANZAC Day march Each year MHS Students are involved in the ANZAC Day march in Melbourne.

MHS Second hand Uniform Shop If anyone has any old uniforms in good condition could you please contact Judy Robbins [email protected] or you can drop off items at reception at MHS.

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MHS Expeditions In Late November 2016 students from Melbourne High

A crucial part of the expedition is raising money for a

with Antipodeans Abroad.

upon how much we can raise. For example, with no

School will embark on a trip to India in conjunction

‘Expeditions’ is a flagship school program that takes

groups on a three or four week journey to a developing

country where students learn to think on their feet, work together and gain real-world resilience. Through the

program, students are empowered to work as a team as they make all travel decisions including where they get

their next meal and which accommodation they will sleep in that night. The program includes a meaningful and sustainable community service project, a trek through

inspiring terrain, and sightseeing – all while engaging with locals and their cultural traditions.

community project. Our community project varies based money, we will be teaching in a village, whereas if we are

able to raise a substantial sum we could instead construct a water tank. We as a group are determined to raise as

much money as we can towards our community project.

This is to get the most out of our volunteer work, as well as to truly make a lasting difference in a community. We aim to be very hands-on and do more of a construction

project. So we are asking all MHSOBA members to please consider donating towards our community project, as all the money is going towards the benefit of the locals. The link to the go fund me site is below.   -Corey Matthews

Click HERE to help raise funds

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Sponsors Principal Sponsor – DomaCom Limited DomaCom Limited, conceived and founded by MHSOBA member Arthur Naoumidis is an ASIC registered investment platform. It

facilitates the fractional investment of any property on the market in Australia and opens and improves the market to help investors achieve their goals more efficiently and with lower risk.

The DomaCom Fund is an innovative form of property syndication or crowdfunding using the latest internet technology coupled with

equity (share) market concepts including bookbuilds and an online bid and offer secondary market. In effect it enables investors to

buy bits of one or more properties to create a diversified property portfolio that shares in the income and capital value of the assets and with a liquidity solution.

Gold Sponsor – Geelong Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Geelong Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery has been providing

surgical services for Geelong and surrounding regions since July 1997. The practice has been associated with the Geelong Private

Hospital since January 1999. In July 2010, we moved into the new

Geelong Private Medical Centre with upgraded consulting rooms

and facilities, continuing our strong relationship with the Geelong

Private Hospital. Our team also includes Dr. Michael Stubbs, our oral medicine specialist, who provides specialist advice on chronic facial pain, oral mucosal disorders, and non-surgical management of the TMJ.

When you, or your family member, visit Geelong Oral and

Maxillofacial Surgery, you will be treated with the utmost respect

and care. Our team will provide you with an honest and carefully planned treatment for your unique care. We look forward to serving you.

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Vale Old Boy... Neville Thomas Drohan (5 August 1931 – 20 January 2016) Economics teacher and principal Neville Drohan and his older brother Bartley were born and brought up in

Ormond. Neville Drohan attended Melbourne High School (MHS 1945-48) where he excelled academically as well as in drama and hockey. He gained a Dafydd

Lewis scholarship and undertook a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of

Melbourne. He followed this with Dip. Ed in 1953 and in this year he attracted the attention of Melbourne High School principal George Langley who recruited him to teach economics and supervise school drama.

Drohan taught at MHS in a golden age (1954-71) with a school blessed with outstanding teachers (David Niven, Arthur Cocks, Brian Corless, Jack Baker, Colin Williamson, Ben Munday, Graham Worrall, Norton Hobson etc.)

and of this group he became one of the best. His work with drama was also notable. His economics lessons were enthralling as they were stimulating and he produced remarkable results. Always provocative he was often

outrageous. His ex-students became leading figures in banking and academia. His influence went beyond the school as he was at the same time Lecturer in Education at the University of Melbourne training economics teachers.

Drohan and his friend John Day produced a new economics textbook The Australian Economic Framework, which transformed the teaching of economics throughout Australia as well as increased its popularity in schools. At the

school he taught geography as well with similar success, and held senior administrative posts. In this period he was an anonymous benefactor providing financial aid to needy students. He also had a stint teaching in the USA and in the UK.

In 1972 he took promotion to University High School where he had a similar impact, particularly changing the

approach to Year 12 students with his Club 6, revolutionary at the time. He then took the post of deputy-principal at Buckley Park High School. In1979 he became principal of the disadvantaged Flemington High School where he increased both the pass rate and the retention rate.

In 1987 he returned to MHS as principal, a school he loved deeply and served for most of his career. It was a

challenging period of much change and uncertainty. He recognised that the school at that time needed major

reorganisation and administrative reform. Forthright and often tactless his reforms upset many of the staff. Yet his

achievements were considerable. He supported young and innovative teachers, he encouraged female teachers and gave them positions of responsibility, and he brought in an open decision making structure, developed the welfare aspect of student support and strongly supported the co-curricula programme. He confronted students with key

social issues such as Aids awareness. He greatly improved the financial situation of the school, and secured funds from the government to develop a site in Chapel Street for a new building to house a pool, gymnasium, music

rooms and library. He successfully fought for the school to retain its historic name when most high schools were becoming colleges.

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Vale Old Boy... - continued In his page in the school magazine in 1989 he said: “The school has been buffeted by the winds of change but has managed to adjust its operations to suit changing circumstances without really altering its public image or its expectations of its students.”

A melanoma precipitated his early retirement in 1991, although he did spend a short period as CEO of the Queen’s Trust for Young Australians followed by voluntary work for the Red Cross. Always a private person, Drohan

became reclusive in his long retirement and cut himself off from old friends and the many admiring ex-students. Drohan never partnered but was close to his family, especially his brother Bartley, his sister-in-law Marjorie and their three children, Ruth, Beth, and Jonathan, who all survive him. What he himself described as his ‘savage’

manner was off-putting to many, but this hid a person who was generous at heart and in many ways shy. Ill-health dogged his last ten years as he suffered from multiple ailments. He died peacefully at his unit in a retirement

village. His legendary teaching and guidance at MHS will ever be remembered by those fortunate enough to have been taught by him.

Article submitted by:

Alan Gregory AM, Hon. Historian, Melbourne High School, MHS Exit 1955

Mervyn ‘Merv” George Lincoln (22 November 1933 – 1 May 2016) Merv Lincoln was born in Leongatha and spent many years in Wodonga.

He came to Melbourne High School in 1949 and 1950 completing his 5fth and 6th form years. He excelled at sport, and especially at tennis, as well as athletics. For the full obituary please click on this link: Merv Lincoln

Michael John Brudenall (1938–2016) MHS Class of 1955 Old Boys of the ‘Class of 1955’ will be greatly saddened to learn of the death in

Canberra on 27 January of Michael John Brudenall (31 October 1938–27 January

2016). John Brudenall, as he called by family, friends and colleagues during the 56

years he lived in Canberra, was always known as ‘Mick’ in his years at Melbourne High School, 1952–1955.

For the full obituary please click on this link: Michael Brudenall

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Vale Old Boy... - continued Mervyn Cohen (5 February 1932 - 19 February 2016) MHS Exit 1949 Mervyn’s primary schooling was at Elwood, and he then attended Melbourne High School from 1945 to 1949.

For the full obituary please click on this link: Mervyn Cohen

Donald Charles Matthews (29 May, 1938 - 15 February, 2016) MHS Exit 1955 Don was brought up in Deepdene attending the local state school, Mont Albert

Central School, Camberwell High School, and finally, Melbourne High School 1954-5. For the full obituary please click on this link: Donald Charles Matthews

Norman Alexander Stewart (23 February, 1923 - 7 Januray, 2016) MHS Exit 1940 Norman Alexander Stewart came from the suburb north of the Yarra fondly known as Struggletown.

For the full obituary please click on this link: Norman Alexander Stewart

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Remembered - “Bluey” Truscott Squadron-Leader Keith William “Bluey” Truscott DFC and bar 17/5/1916 – 28/3/1943 May 17th 2016 marked 100 years to the day since the birth of Keith “Bluey”Truscott. As a distinguished Old Boy we are consistently reminded of the sacrifices he made whilst servicing in the Royal Australian Air Force during WWII. He is widely recognised for the courage and leadership skills that he displayed. As such the MHSOBA, to this day, awards several scholarships in his memory to Year 11 and Year 12 students. All these fine young men have embodied and exemplified qualities that Keith “Bluey” Truscott would be proud of. We would like to remember the contribution that he made by revisiting an excellent piece that Melbourne High School Old Boy and Historian Dr Alan Gregory AM wrote for us. Bluey Truscott attended Melbourne High School from 1929-1933 (he repeated 5th form). He was an able scholar

and an outstanding student leader and sportsman. He was in three school teams – 1st XII cricket, 1st XVIII football and 1st Baseball teams. He was Captain of the football team, and was House Captain of Forrest House and a

Prefect. From the outset he was a natural leader in a period when the school produced some outstanding leaders. After a short period as a student teacher he worked for A. Angliss and Company. He was also known as a League

footballer playing as a half forward flanker for the Melbourne Football Club. Powerfully built he featured in the 1939 Premiership team.

As a sporting star his enlistment in the Royal Australian Air Force received much publicity. A natural pilot he always had problems landing. He trained in Canada where he was commissioned and then joined 452 squadron in England flying Spitfires. He made these planes famous – and within three months had destroyed at least 11 German aircraft and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and made a Flight Commander. His continuing heroics in the sky meant the award of a bar to his DFC and he became a Squadron Leader. He was so renowned, the British public contributed funds to buy “Bluey” his own Spitfire.

On return to Australia, before going to Papua, he played a game with Melbourne – and a large crowd gave him a great reception. The game was against Richmond, played and Truscott famously led the Demons on to the field. Jack Dyer the Richmond captain said “we wont be rough on a war hero unless he gets too many goals”. It was

to be his last game. Present that day was a young Richmond supporter, John Miller aged 12 (later Professor John

Miller AO) who was to be the Truscott scholar 1946-47 and an MHS benefactor. In 1942 he was transferred to No 76 Squadron and was active in Papua, in Milne Bay. By then his tally had risen to 16 enemy aircraft destroyed, three

probables and 3 damaged – quite remarkable. The Milne Bay battle took place in horrific conditions – constant heavy

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Remembered - “Bluey” Truscott - continued rain, mist, low cloud, slippery runways and from the Japanese heavy anti-aircraft fire. Truscott continued his superb flying and leadership,and was mentioned in dispatches.

After the Battle of Milne Bay in 1943 his squadron was sent to Western Australia, where in a training exercise in the Exmouth Gulf Truscott misjudged his height , crashed into the sea and was killed.

There was widespread grief both in Australia and in Britain for this legendary figure. He was mourned as a

courageous leader and hero of World War II. One of the school’s greatest sons, Truscott always remembered his old school and with great affection. The Truscott Scholarships commemorate him at the school. Article submitted by:

Alan Gregory AM, Hon. Historian, Melbourne High School, MHS Exit 1955

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Summary of Obituaries David Albiston

John Duke

James Le Page

Ron Robinson

Gustav Arya

Cyril Dunn

Graham Lee

Tony Sahhar

Frederick Bailey

Austen Ellis

Rodney Leek

Stanley Scriven

Stanley Barlow

Leslie Fowler

Phillip Lewis

Francis Seal

William (Roy) Batrouney

James Fry

Ralph Lewis

Walter (Ken) Shaw

John Bevis

Victor Gamble

Mervyn Lincoln

Ross Shrives

Ernest Blashki

John Gardner

Frederick Lindquist

Ray Sims

Bob Brann

Kim Gray

Steven Mansbridge

Ian Southey

Derek Breeze

Ronald Greenaway

Noel Matthews

Robert Stainforth

Harry Brown

Garry Griffiths

Don Matthews

Norm Stewart

Lindsay Bruce

Lindsay Groom

Alexander Mitchell

Ronald Styling

Michael Brudenall

Ralph Heily

Jim Mountford

Allan Tye

Thomas Cester

Henry Hermon

Donald Myers

Russell Vincent

Patrick Chung

Graeme Hicks

Calum Orr

Ray Wakefield

Len Churchward

William House

Graeme Otte

David Welsh

Mervyn Cohen

Henry James

James Pearce

Ernest Wolfgang

Jack Connor

Bruce Jones

Graham Pelletier

Ian Dance

Robert Keay

Geoffrey Peterson

Doug Day

Neville Kemp

Brian Philpot

Maurice Doolan

Max Kidd

Scott Pollock

Kenneth Dow

William Kinvig

William Rees

Neville Drohan For more detailed information on the above gentleman please visit our website HERE

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The Fairbairn Gym The Fairbairn Boxing & Fitness gym opened in early 2015 at the MHSOBA Unicorn Club.

Fairbairn was established by Dylan Hamilton-Ho,

MHS Exit 2008, member of both the MHSOBA and MHSOBFC. Dylan is joined by two other trainers,

Fauntine and Matt, who are also based at the gym. They work with in conjunction with the MHSOBFC ensuring the fitness of all players.

Work with MHS/MHSOBA staff both on one on one or in group personal training classes.

Group fitness classes are offered for boxing, yoga and

circuit training and personal training is also available.

Further information by contacting them personally on their emails below.

Dylan: www.fairbairnboxing.com.au Fauntine: www.freedomofmovement.com.au Matt: www.unseatyourbody.com

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The Unicorn Club MHSOBA’s own function venue with breath-taking views of the iconic “Castle on the Hill”. The club can cope with up to 150+ people in a non-formal setting, and comfortably 80 people for a formal lunch or dinner set-up.

There is lift access and modern utilities. The undercover balcony can also be used for pre-dinner drinks. Find out more by calling the MHSOBA office.

Unicorn Club hiring brochure

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Upcoming Events DATE



Friday 15 July 2016

5 Year 2011 Reunion


Friday 29 July 2016

10 Year 2006 Reunion


Saturday 27 August 2016

20 Year 1996 Reunion


Friday 9 September 2016

30 Year 1986 Reunion


Friday 16 September 2016

25 Year 1991 Reunion


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YOU | ME | US Keep up to date with all the MHSOBA

news on our website, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

www.mhsoba.asn.au If you would like to contribute an article in the MHSOBA newsletter, feel free to

contact the MHSOBA office or email us.

Melbourne High School Old Boys Association Forrest Hill South Yarra, Victoria 3141 T (03) 9824 0480 E [email protected]

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