2016 NCRC Annual Conference - National Community Reinvestment ...

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community development • Creating an inclusive job market that opens opportunity to all members of the community ... Fo
2016 NCRC Annual Conference Creating a Just Economy March 16-19, 2016 Capital Hilton Hotel • Washington, DC




2016 NCRCMARCH Annual Conference 16-19, 2016 CAPITAL HILTONaHOTEL, DC Creating JustWASHINGTON, Economy

Conference programming begins at 8:00 AM on Wednesday, Marchat16-19, March 16 and concludes 12:00 PM 2016 on Saturday, March 19.

Capital Hilton Hotel • Washington, DCgatherings NCRC’s annual conference is one of the largest national of community non-profits, policymakers, government officials, small businesses, media, and academia – all focused on how we can together create a more just economic framework to improve the lives of American families by strengthening access to credit and capital. 

Why Attend the 2016 NCRC Conference? Our Conference is...


A source of networking to maximize impact in our communities. Build relationships, mobilize and advocate together to spur community investment.


A training ground to learn and share best practices and hear about innovative approaches in our field. Come learn about the latest ideas from leading experts and practitioners.


A platform to organize and take concerted action. We work to bring good ideas to fruition.


An opportunity to meet members of Congress face-to-face and advocate for change. NCRC’s Hill Day allows members to visit your state’s legislators and present your community’s priorities.


A forum to hear keynote addresses from prominent officials and leaders in the field. Past speakers at our conference have included Cabinet-level Secretaries and heads of other government and financial agencies, civil rights leaders, and U.S. Senators and Representatives.

WORKSHOPS We will be offering a broad selection of exciting, cutting-edge workshops and plenaries on access to capital and credit, housing, community organizing, workforce and community development, and business development. The foremost experts and practitioners will be on hand to share new developments, best practices, and innovative ideas that you won’t want to miss. Take a look at a few of this year’s workshop subjects.*



Securing financing for community development • Creating an inclusive job market that opens opportunity to all members of the community • Stabilizing neighborhoods through housing and business revitalization

How to Compete in the Non-Performing Loan Arena NCRC’s GROWTH Project and Partnership Opportunities The Changing Marketplace of CDFI Funding Organizing Around Workforce Development



Ensuring fair financial services are available to everyone • Preventing predatory lending • Supporting Age-Friendly Banking • Making CRA work for your community

Making Financial Services Accessible for All Building a Local Age-Friendly Banking Campaign Addressing Health Disparities in Sustainable and Equitable Ways Building Resources to Address Health Disparities Developing a Better System for Identifying Needs in CRA Exams

* All content subject to change



Providing housing counseling and foreclosure prevention • Promoting fair lending and fair housing initiatives • Forging pathways to homeownership for low- and moderate-income families

Housing Counseling in a Post-Crisis Economy Fair Lending: The Year in Review and the Year Ahead Addressing the Racial Wealth Gap Local Strategies for Addressing the Housing Crisis Supporting Aging in Community



Developing innovative business models and tools for supporting small, women- and minority-owned businesses • Fostering business development and local job growth through alternative financial options and sustainability practices

Fostering a Small Business Climate and Improving Access to Capital Strengthening Worker-Owned Co-Ops Perks and Pitfalls of Non-Bank Small Business Lenders Leveling the Playing Field for Women- and Minority-Owned Businesses Funding Models for Nonprofits



Holding banks to their CRA obligations • Empowering advocates on a local level • Promoting reinvestment in both urban and rural areas • Building today’s youths into tomorrow’s leaders

Increasing Reinvestment in Low-Income Neighborhoods Building Resilient Communities to Address Violence and Increase Opportunity Debt Collection and the Stripping of Minority Wealth Promoting Integration and Neighborhood Revitalization Through CRA Media Strategies for Advocates


POLICY ADVOCACY: Influencing the future of GSE reform • Gaining tools for legislative

advocacy • Shaping local, state and national polices affecting economic justice

Race, Economics and the Environment The State of Small Business Lending The Future of Loan Servicing Preserving Access to Homeownership: Threats to the Secondary Market Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule: A Federal Mandate for Municipal Integration







(Multi-day training. Separate registration is required; please see registration page.)





This course is designed to provide housing counseling practitioners with test-taking tools and strategies in preparation for sitting for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) competency certification examination(s). This course does not replace content mastery, which can be obtained through the NCRC Dodd-Frank e-learning Training Series, but is designed to teach practitioners methods that will increase the probability of passing the HUD examination itself.

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act requires counselors at HUD-approved housing counseling organizations to be certified by HUD as competent to provide comprehensive counseling services. As a result, HUD will administer a standardized examination testing counselors’ competencies in six major areas of housing counseling. The competency areas are: • Financial Management • Home Maintenance and Financial Management for New Homeowners • Consumer Rights and Responsibilities of Homeownership and Tenancy • Fair Housing • Housing Affordability • Avoiding Delinquency/Default and Eviction This program is provided with support from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing Counseling.


Highlights and Special Events 30+ CUTTING-EDGE WORKSHOPS


Enjoy light snacks and music as you network with colleagues and build coalitions for economic justice. Wednesday, March 16


Participate in a wide range of interactive sessions and plenaries on a variety of topics including organizing, advocacy, housing, access to fair financial services, workforce development, fair lending, and business development, among others. All days

Meet with your elected officials to advocate on behalf of your communities. At the luncheon, share results from your visits and hear from members of Congress about plans to put ideas into action. Thursday, March 17



Hear from an exciting slate of prominent government officials and community leaders addressing issues that our communities care about the most. All days

Celebrate NCRC’s Silver Anniversary as we present our National Achievement Awards to those who are leaders in expanding fair access to financial services. Thursday, March 17

Stay Connected With NCRC on Social Media! Join NCRC’s social media community for the latest news and engage in discussions with your colleagues leading up to and during the annual conference.

Like us on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter @NCRC Use the hashtag #JustEconomy to keep in touch with conference updates and share your own experiences.

Join our professional network on LinkedIn

Participants From the 2015 Conference Had the Following to Say: Attending NCRC’s annual conference is a ‘must do if you can’ for anyone that’s serious about community reinvestment! The information learned and shared and the people you meet there can prove to be invaluable as we work to make a difference in our communities. I can’t wait until the next one!” — Rose

The conference set the groundwork for my understanding of the work and expanded my sense of possibility around community reinvestment. The relationships I developed are enduring and have been a great source of know-how and provided me with a wealth of information. “ — Lyndel

The first time I attended the conference I was overwhelmed by the amount of support and insight I was able to get from people passionate about the same issues….” — Rafael

A Look at Our 2015 Attendees Business Development Organizations and CDFIs

Government/ Policymakers

Advocacy and Community Organizing Groups



Fair Housing and Civil Rights Organizations

Affordable Housing Organizations and Housing Counselors


Financial Services Professionals

(academics, students and interns, foundations, etc.)

Conference Registration 2016 NCRCInformation Annual Conference

Creating a Just Economy

REGISTRATION TYPE Regular (Until March 11) Onsite



$489.00 March$199.00 16-19, 2016 $249.00


Capital Hilton Hotel • Washington, DC

STUDENT $49.00 $99.00

Learn more and register online for the 2016 NCRC Annual Conference at: http://www.ncrc.org/conference/

SPECIAL OFFER: Register for the conference and become an NCRC member to save on registration cost and dues! • Not already a member of NCRC? If you become a new member and register for the conference today, you will receive a 50% discount on your first year’s membership dues! Additionally, you will be eligible to register for the conference at the lower member registration rate of $199. • If you wish to take advantage of this offer and join NCRC, please use the special offer code “2016NEWMEMBER” to process your conference registration. An NCRC Regional Organizer will contact you soon to help process your membership application. • If you have any questions about this offer or the benefits of NCRC membership, please email [email protected] or call 202-464-2724.

HUD Certification Exam Training Registration Information For a nominal registration fee, housing counselors may participate in this six-module training and non-competing events at NCRC’s annual conference. For more information, please contact Nsonye Anarado at [email protected].

2016 NCRC Annual Conference Creating a Just Economy

Hotel Information

March 16-19, 2016

The 2016 NCRC Annual Conference will be held at the Capital Hilton hotel in Washington, DC.

Capital Hilton Hotel • Washington, DC

Group Code: NCRC Special guest room group rates of $259/night single or double occupancy are still available at the Capital Hilton for Tuesday, March 15 through Saturday, March 19 for NCRC conference attendees, but this discounted block of rooms is filling up fast! Make your reservation by calling 800-HILTONS (1-800-4458667) and referencing the Group Code: “NCRC” before this discounted block is full.