school citizen. Preference will be given to a student who plans a career in public service. Bank of Maine. Bank of Maine
Messalonskee High School Potential Local Scholarships J. Duke Albanese Scholarship This scholarship will go to a student who enrolls at Bowdoin College. Criteria include: demonstrated financial need, high academic achievement, well-rounded individual, outstanding character, and an active and exemplary school citizen. Preference will be given to a student who plans a career in public service. Bank of Maine Bank of Maine provides scholarships at area high school where their branches are located. The recipient must be a senior who will attend at 2 or 4 year college in the fall. Other criteria include financial need, good scholastic standing, strong leadership skills, good character, school citizenship, and potential for success. The recipient cannot have a relative who works for Savings Bank of Maine. Brother Thomas Bezanson Two scholarships are given to students living in Rome for at least two years. Preference will be given to students interested in art. Financial need is a consideration. Phoebe Folsom Memorial Scholarship The recipient must be a senior pursuing a post-secondary education in either the field of education or communications. Robert E. Fowle Scholarship Student must reside in Sidney. The recipient should be able to distinguish himself/herself in the areas of character, citizenship, and academics. The scholarship does not take family need into consideration. David Lee Hallowell Memorial Scholarship This scholarship will be awarded to a student from Belgrade or Rome who will be pursuing a post-secondary education at a vocational/trade school and demonstrate financial need. The recipient of this award must exhibit a genuine interest in pursing their passion for learning, demonstrate strong school citizenship, and contribute to the school environment in a positive way. Luella Hollingsworth Scholarship Fund This scholarship was created to help students whose class rank is in the lower 2/3 of the class and have financial need. Each year 28 awards are given. Maine Water Company The recipient must be an Oakland resident who is a customer of Aqua Maine Water. Michael R. N. Jurdak Memorial Scholarship An Ice Hockey Team member who will be continuing his or her education at a post-secondary institution is selected for this scholarship. The recipient of the award should be one who demonstrates leadership, dedication to educational goals, teamwork, and serve as a model for other students and team members. George Kohl Memorial Scholarship This scholarship is open to graduating seniors pursuing post secondary education at college/university level, having demonstrated genuine interest in pursuing his/her passion for learning, Applicant must be a good school citizen, and contributed to the MHS school environment in a positive way.
Samuel Carson Leigh Community Scholarship This scholarship bears the name of Samuel Carson Leigh who embodied the ideal of the American soldier and patriot. Subsequently, this scholarship is to be awarded yearly to an outstanding graduating senior from the towns of Belgrade, Oakland, Sidney or Rome attending a post secondary institution. The recipient must also demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to a student enrolling at Norwich University in Northfield Vermont. Joseph M. A. Morin Scholarship This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who will attend a post secondary institution pursuing studies in either math or science. Shana M. Newcombe Scholarship This scholarship is awarded to a student who has financial need and has been accepted to a post-secondary school (preferably in Maine). The recipient will possess qualities of generosity, zest for living, and love of family, friends, and children. Preference will be given to a student who may have overcome personal hardships and who will major in either special education or art/music. Oakland Lions Club A student from Oakland will be selected for this scholarship. Criteria include financial need and potential for college work. Consideration is given to students who are related to a member of the Oakland Lions Club. Oakland Sidney United Methodist Church Scholarship This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior from MHS with a C average or better, admitted to an accredited program of study in a humanitarian field leading to an associates or baccalaureate degree. Sappi Somerset Community Connection Scholarship Sappi Fine Paper provides a scholarship to graduates from local area high schools, including Messalonskee. The student selected for this award must have a B average or better, already be accepted to an accredited college, university or technical school and demonstrate financial need. Ron St. Pierre Memorial Scholarship This scholarship is presented to a graduating senior who has been accepted to post-secondary education. Criteria for awarding this scholarship include evidence of community service and need for financial assistance. Wrabacon Engineering Scholarship This scholarship will be presented to a graduating senior who is continuing his or her education in an engineering field and has maintained a high school GPA of at least 3.0. Lori Ann Zinckgraf Music Scholarship This scholarship will be presented to a graduating senior who is continuing his or her education in a postsecondary music program. Criteria include completion of three years of band or chorus during high school with achievement of a B or better in all music offerings, and recommendation of all music instructors at MHS. Availability of specific scholarships changes from year to year and depends on available funds. This is a general list of awards typically available.
Messalonskee High School Local Scholarships Application DUE APRIL 15, 2016 TO MHS GUIDANCE Students who complete this application will be considered for local scholarships, most of which are chosen by the MHS scholarship committee. The attached list includes descriptions of scholarships that are potentially available this year. There are additional scholarships that are not on this list, as well. Local businesses, organizations, and generous individuals provide these scholarships to assist students in achieving their college goals.
Application packets must include the following: • • • •
Completed application form List of honors/activities/service/work in high school A personal essay that describes your need for assistance, and/or your plans for the future and /or why you are pursuing your chosen field of study. A copy of your Student Aid Report (SAR) if you are applying for any scholarships that consider financial need. This is the form you get online or in the mail after you have submitted the FAFSA that includes your EFC (estimated family contribution). !!! Incomplete applications may disqualify students for specific scholarships. !!!
Name:_________________________________________________________________ SSN: _____-_____-_____
Home Phone: _________________________
Email you check regularly:________________________________________________ Home Address:__________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Information With whom do you live?
Circle one
Both parents
Other:__________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Number of people in your household: _________________________________________ Household income (gross annual household income): ____________________________ Number of household members who will be in college next year: ___________________
College/Postsecondary Information Name of college you plan to attend:___________________________________________ Have you been accepted? Circle one:
Not Yet
Address of College: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Major: _______________________________________________________________________ Length of program:
4-year program (Bachelor’s Degree) 2-year program (Associate’s Degree) 1-year program (Certificate Program)
Annual Cost of Attendance: Tuition:
Room and Board:
Names and amounts of scholarships you have already been awarded: Name
__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________
Scholarship-Specific questions: Please complete all that apply Do you play MHS ice hockey?
Do you have a relative who works at Savings Bank of Maine?
Oakland residents: Are you related to a member of the Oakland Lions Club?
Are you a customer of Maine Water Company? Sidney Residents: Are you planning a career in public service? If yes, please describe career field/major:
Number of years at Messalonskee High school:
Belgrade Residents: Number of years at Messalonskee High School:
Rome residents: How many years have you lived in Rome?
Community Service or Involvement Describe the type of work you have done within the community. Please explain how long you have been involved with this work and estimate the number of hours that you devote each week. Attach a separate page if necessary.