2016 Poster Session Challenge Topic.pdf - Google Drive

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2014—“Technical and Ethical Considerations in Data Analytics”. 2013—“Critical Factors in Transportation System
2016 Poster Session Challenge Topic the appropriate place of old-school skills in high-school Technology & Engineering Education NOTES: “Old-school skills” refers to skills (a) included in traditional industrial-arts courses (b) not mentioned in the Standards for Technological Literacy, and (c) not generally included in STL-based Technology & Engineering Education. Examples of such skills include inking mechanical drawings, fine wood staining, making dovetail joints by hand, letterpress printing, rebuilding carburetors, developing color film, and many, many more. On the other hand, sketching a design, measuring with a ruler, using tools to build a product, and repairing a household appliance are not good examples.

target audience

in-service technology educators in the US

PRIOR TEECA East Regional POSTER-SESSION TOPICS 2015—“the Role of Aesthetics in K-12 Technology & Engineering Education” 2014—“Technical and Ethical Considerations in Data Analytics” 2013—“Critical Factors in Transportation System Design” 2012—“How STEM Principles Prepare Students for the 21st Century”