2016 Presidential Primary Official Results

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Election District. Keith. Rubino(M). DEM. Jennifer M. Campoli(F). DEM. Walter D. Traver(M). DEM. Michelle. Mark(F). DEM.
Official Broome, NY General Election / April 19, 2016 Counting group: All PRESIDENT OF THE UNITed STATES District type: County (Vote for 1) Area: Broome

Election District Town of Sanford 2 Town of Sanford 3 Town of Sanford Total

19th Congressional Total

Bernie Sanders DEM 32 49 81


Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 26 0 26 0 52 0



Overvotes (Void) 0 0 0


Whole Number 58 75 133


PRESIDENT OF THE UNITed STATES District type: County (Vote for 1) Area: Broome

Election District City of Binghamton 1 City of Binghamton 2 City of Binghamton 3 City of Binghamton 4 City of Binghamton 5 City of Binghamton 6 City of Binghamton 7 City of Binghamton 8 City of Binghamton 9 City of Binghamton 10 City of Binghamton 11 City of Binghamton 12 City of Binghamton 13 City of Binghamton 14 City of Binghamton 15 City of Binghamton 16 City of Binghamton 17 City of Binghamton 18 City of Binghamton 19

Bernie Sanders DEM 90 30 64 59 88 79 72 63 68 82 73 54 97 79 102 111 192 104 162

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 75 1 23 2 53 1 51 2 56 0 58 0 57 2 59 0 50 1 41 0 49 0 74 0 68 3 91 1 84 1 105 0 69 2 37 6 70 1

Overvotes (Void) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Whole Number 166 55 118 112 144 137 131 122 119 123 122 128 168 171 187 216 263 147 234

City of Binghamton 20 City of Binghamton 21 City of Binghamton 22 City of Binghamton 23 City of Binghamton 24 City of Binghamton 25 City of Binghamton 26 City of Binghamton 27 City of Binghamton 28 City of Binghamton 29 City of Binghamton 30 City of Binghamton 31 City of Binghamton 32 City of Binghamton Total

78 134 88 160 78 96 85 95 86 67 80 86 52 2854

79 77 25 135 78 94 74 70 68 73 60 56 55 2114

1 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2

158 211 114 295 156 193 159 165 154 140 141 142 107 4998

Bernie Sanders DEM 48 46 94

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 25 0 20 0 45 0

Overvotes (Void) 0 0 0

Whole Number 73 66 139

Bernie Sanders Election District DEM Town of Binghamton 1 80 Town of Binghamton 2 80 Town of Binghamton 3 81 Town of Binghamton Total 241

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 92 1 77 2 68 2 237 5

Overvotes (Void) 2 0 0 2

Whole Number 175 159 151 485

Election District Town of Chenango 1 Town of Chenango 2 Town of Chenango 3 Town of Chenango 4 Town of Chenango 5 Town of Chenango 6 Town of Chenango 7 Town of Chenango 8 Town of Chenango Total

Bernie Sanders DEM 76 56 62 60 75 89 77 64 559

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 65 2 56 2 57 0 56 1 63 3 65 1 44 0 57 0 463 9

Overvotes (Void) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Whole Number 143 114 119 117 141 155 121 121 1031

Election District Town of Colesville 1 Town of Colesville 2 Town of Colesville 3

Bernie Sanders DEM 49 48 29

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 35 0 18 1 23 2

Overvotes (Void) 0 0 0

Whole Number 84 67 54

Election District Town of Barker 1 Town of Barker 2 Town of Barker Total

Town of Colesville Total






Election District Town of Conklin 1 Town of Conklin 2 Town of Conklin 3 Town of Conklin 4 Town of Conklin Total

Bernie Sanders DEM 61 70 53 42 226

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 26 1 48 0 40 1 33 0 147 2

Overvotes (Void) 0 0 0 0 0

Whole Number 88 118 94 75 375

Election District Town of Dickinson 1 Town of Dickinson 2 Town of Dickinson 3 Town of Dickinson 4 Town of Dickinson Total

Bernie Sanders DEM 55 89 92 17 253

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 49 2 84 0 81 3 15 0 229 5

Overvotes (Void) 1 0 0 0 1

Whole Number 107 173 176 32 488

Election District Town of Fenton 1 Town of Fenton 2 Town of Fenton 3 Town of Fenton 4 Town of Fenton 5 Town of Fenton 6 Town of Fenton Total

Bernie Sanders DEM 50 44 46 49 35 52 276

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 31 0 34 0 32 0 38 0 32 1 37 1 204 2

Overvotes (Void) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Whole Number 81 78 78 87 68 90 482

Election District Town of Kirkwood 1 Town of Kirkwood 2 Town of Kirkwood 3 Town of Kirkwood 4 Town of Kirkwood Total

Bernie Sanders DEM 55 47 52 34 188

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 65 0 34 0 39 1 33 0 171 1

Overvotes (Void) 0 0 0 0 0

Whole Number 120 81 92 67 360

Election District Town of Lisle 1 Town of Lisle 2 Town of Lisle Total

Bernie Sanders DEM 33 39 72

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 20 0 19 0 39 0

Overvotes (Void) 0 0 0

Whole Number 53 58 111

Election District Town of Maine 1 Town of Maine 2 Town of Maine 3 Town of Maine 4 Town of Maine Total

Bernie Sanders DEM 44 54 53 49 200

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 25 5 45 0 37 1 53 0 160 6

Overvotes (Void) 1 0 0 0 1

Whole Number 74 99 91 102 366

Election District Town of Nanticoke 1

Bernie Sanders DEM 50

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 27 0

Overvotes (Void) 0

Whole Number 77

Town of Nanticoke Total






Election District Town of Sanford 1 Town of Sanford Total

Bernie Sanders DEM 1 1

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 3 0 3 0

Overvotes (Void) 0 0

Whole Number 4 4

Election District Town of Triangle 1 Town of Triangle 2 Town of Triangle Total

Bernie Sanders DEM 44 47 91

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 48 0 35 2 83 2

Overvotes (Void) 0 0 0

Whole Number 92 84 176

Election District Town of Union 1 Town of Union 2 Town of Union 3 Town of Union 4 Town of Union 5 Town of Union 6 Town of Union 7 Town of Union 8 Town of Union 9 Town of Union 10 Town of Union 11 Town of Union 12 Town of Union 13 Town of Union 14 Town of Union 15 Town of Union 16 Town of Union 17

Bernie Sanders DEM 88 86 55 71 70 77 79 47 51 44 45 62 84 60 67 75 74

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 63 2 47 0 64 2 49 0 32 2 64 0 43 3 29 5 70 0 69 3 22 1 58 2 45 1 55 0 53 2 52 0 62 2

Overvotes (Void) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Whole Number 153 133 121 120 104 141 122 76 121 116 68 122 130 115 122 127 138

Town of Union 18 Town of Union 19 Town of Union 20 Town of Union 21 Town of Union 22 Town of Union 23 Town of Union 24 Town of Union 25 Town of Union 26 Town of Union 27 Town of Union 28 Town of Union 29 Town of Union 30 Town of Union 31 Town of Union 32 Town of Union 33 Town of Union 34 Town of Union 35 Town of Union 36 Town of Union 37 Town of Union 38 Town of Union 39 Town of Union Total

77 75 76 66 102 64 58 65 72 89 77 59 63 54 36 57 54 50 101 63 69 37 2599

Election District Town of Vestal 1 Town of Vestal 2 Town of Vestal 3 Town of Vestal 4 Town of Vestal 5 Town of Vestal 6 Town of Vestal 7 Town of Vestal 8 Town of Vestal 9 Town of Vestal 10 Town of Vestal 11 Town of Vestal 12 Town of Vestal 13 Town of Vestal 14 Town of Vestal 15 Town of Vestal 16 Town of Vestal 17 Town of Vestal 18 Town of Vestal 19 Town of Vestal Total

Bernie Sanders DEM 54 69 39 77 131 83 97 72 66 61 241 309 341 68 81 41 42 52 92 2016

93 44 67 68 58 68 59 69 82 75 64 80 59 39 55 58 63 56 66 83 77 38 2298

2 3 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 3 3 0 2 53

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 42 0 81 0 35 1 59 0 105 4 71 1 69 1 71 2 108 2 63 0 23 0 48 0 51 0 48 0 55 1 81 2 41 0 39 0 73 0 1163 14

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Overvotes (Void) 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

172 122 143 136 161 134 118 135 154 166 142 140 123 95 91 116 117 106 170 149 146 77 4942

Whole Number 96 150 75 137 240 155 168 145 176 124 264 357 392 116 137 124 83 91 165 3195

Election District Town of Windsor 1 Town of Windsor 2 Town of Windsor 3 Town of Windsor 4 Town of Windsor 5 Town of Windsor Total

Bernie Sanders DEM 59 36 47 37 45 224

Hillary Clinton Undervotes DEM (Blank) 36 0 23 0 24 0 25 0 22 2 130 2

Overvotes (Void) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Whole Number 95 59 71 62 69 356

22nd Congressional Total












DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION 19th Congressional District District type: County (Vote for 5) Area: Broome

Election District Town of Sanford 2 Town of Sanford 3 Town of Sanford Total

19th Congressional Total

Sheri N. Bauer- Leon F. Kelleigh A. Shelhamer(M) McKenzie(F) Mayorga(F) DEM DEM DEM 27 26 27 33 33 41 60 59 68




Mira J. Roger Mills(M) Bowin(F) DEM DEM 31 28 38 40 69 68



Doreen Davis (F) DEM 22 37 59


Michael P. Hein(M) DEM 19 31 50


Elisa Sumner(F) DEM 23 33 56


Daniel J. Torres(M) DEM 14 32 46


Ashley Dittus(F) DEM 19 32 51


Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 54 0 25 0 79 0



Whole Number 290 375 665


DELEGATES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION 22nd Congressional District District type: County (Vote for 5) Area: Broome

Election District City of Binghamton 1 City of Binghamton 2 City of Binghamton 3 City of Binghamton 4 City of Binghamton 5 City of Binghamton 6 City of Binghamton 7 City of Binghamton 8 City of Binghamton 9

Keith Rubino(M) DEM 51 18 40 32 65 51 27 41 41

Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 62 31 53 37 52 56 35 38 49

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 48 15 34 29 49 49 29 35 26

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 67 21 43 36 51 62 42 40 37

Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 57 26 49 33 57 52 38 48 40

Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 49 21 30 29 39 41 37 32 39

Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 89 37 70 58 72 75 72 73 69

Bill Phillips(M) DEM 46 19 34 34 44 44 39 32 42

Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 48 25 43 34 46 45 41 35 41

James Testani(M) DEM 76 27 48 42 59 59 53 48 62

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 237 0 35 0 146 0 196 0 186 0 151 0 237 5 188 0 149 0

Whole Number 830 275 590 560 720 685 655 610 595

City of Binghamton 10 City of Binghamton 11 City of Binghamton 12 City of Binghamton 13 City of Binghamton 14 City of Binghamton 15 City of Binghamton 16 City of Binghamton 17 City of Binghamton 18 City of Binghamton 19 City of Binghamton 20 City of Binghamton 21 City of Binghamton 22 City of Binghamton 23 City of Binghamton 24 City of Binghamton 25 City of Binghamton 26 City of Binghamton 27 City of Binghamton 28 City of Binghamton 29 City of Binghamton 30 City of Binghamton 31 City of Binghamton 32 City of Binghamton Total

61 49 38 60 56 71 61 116 62 91 55 96 54 103 59 64 44 56 46 49 49 60 34 1800

72 58 54 80 70 83 80 135 68 108 69 111 66 127 65 84 57 59 56 50 55 60 31 2111

49 41 31 56 49 66 56 113 56 87 54 86 50 100 48 52 37 45 35 44 38 44 21 1572

65 50 43 76 68 80 67 126 63 105 77 106 60 122 65 77 54 65 53 51 55 59 32 2018

66 49 50 73 82 86 80 135 74 99 75 108 58 129 69 94 66 65 69 69 46 59 33 2134

32 31 45 49 52 49 73 50 33 51 51 62 25 98 58 62 34 45 29 40 42 48 40 1416

66 63 97 79 111 104 138 105 62 90 100 104 37 159 94 131 85 89 94 88 79 82 74 2746

37 39 45 55 54 46 68 51 32 52 54 63 22 107 59 58 45 40 41 48 44 48 49 1491

41 39 59 59 69 60 79 65 41 62 68 70 27 121 66 86 51 60 47 53 48 53 51 1733

62 57 84 62 80 74 96 76 42 70 63 79 27 127 80 96 60 61 62 66 61 58 59 2076

64 134 94 191 164 216 282 343 202 350 124 170 144 282 112 161 262 240 238 137 183 138 111 5867

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 25

615 610 640 840 855 935 1080 1315 735 1170 790 1055 570 1475 780 965 795 825 770 700 705 710 535 24990

Keith Rubino(M) DEM 23 31 54

Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 30 29 59

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 24 28 52

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 29 33 62

Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 23 28 51

Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 20 19 39

Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 34 29 63

Bill Phillips(M) DEM 17 19 36

Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 18 19 37

James Testani(M) DEM 26 25 51

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 121 0 70 0 191 0

Whole Number 365 330 695

Keith Rubino(M) Election District DEM Town of Binghamton 1 45 Town of Binghamton 2 47 Town of Binghamton 3 47 Town of Binghamton Total 139

Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 57 56 62 175

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 38 37 47 122

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 55 58 60 173

Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 67 61 63 191

Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 57 45 50 152

Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 109 109 84 302

Bill Phillips(M) DEM 66 53 51 170

Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 76 69 52 197

James Testani(M) DEM 82 83 71 236

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 218 5 177 0 168 0 563 5

Whole Number 875 795 755 2425

Keith Rubino(M) DEM 54 47 41 38 49 71

Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 63 48 40 47 68 70

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 41 40 32 40 47 55

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 64 43 53 52 55 68

Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 58 42 45 44 56 63

Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 38 31 42 39 41 33

Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 83 57 81 77 78 84

Bill Phillips(M) DEM 51 38 47 46 46 44

Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 46 40 65 51 57 51

James Testani(M) DEM 58 54 60 75 64 62

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 154 5 130 0 89 0 76 0 139 5 174 0

Whole Number 715 570 595 585 705 775

Election District Town of Barker 1 Town of Barker 2 Town of Barker Total

Election District Town of Chenango 1 Town of Chenango 2 Town of Chenango 3 Town of Chenango 4 Town of Chenango 5 Town of Chenango 6

Town of Chenango 7 Town of Chenango 8 Town of Chenango Total

49 46 395

42 52 430

40 41 336

48 53 436

45 47 400

34 43 301

60 63 583

41 51 364

38 44 392

46 54 473

162 111 1035

0 0 10

605 605 5155

Election District Town of Colesville 1 Town of Colesville 2 Town of Colesville 3 Town of Colesville Total

Keith Rubino(M) DEM 36 33 22 91

Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 27 30 19 76

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 30 27 17 74

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 29 35 18 82

Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 33 32 17 82

Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 23 19 12 54

Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 48 33 28 109

Bill Phillips(M) DEM 27 15 12 54

Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 25 21 14 60

James Testani(M) DEM 33 29 23 85

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 109 0 61 0 88 0 258 0

Whole Number 420 335 270 1025

Election District Town of Conklin 1 Town of Conklin 2 Town of Conklin 3 Town of Conklin 4 Town of Conklin Total

Keith Rubino(M) DEM 54 48 27 28 157

Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 45 49 33 25 152

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 47 44 25 25 141

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 45 52 32 23 152

Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 48 51 32 24 155

Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 18 29 32 15 94

Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 41 69 53 28 191

Bill Phillips(M) DEM 23 38 33 17 111

Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 22 36 39 16 113

James Testani(M) DEM 30 45 42 23 140

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 67 0 129 0 122 5 151 0 469 5

Whole Number 440 590 470 375 1875

Election District Town of Dickinson 1 Town of Dickinson 2 Town of Dickinson 3 Town of Dickinson 4 Town of Dickinson Total

Keith Rubino(M) DEM 42 54 62 10 168

Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 47 76 73 9 205

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 35 40 50 5 130

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 45 72 65 9 191

Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 46 66 61 8 181

Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 39 37 56 10 142

Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 61 119 110 17 307

Bill Phillips(M) DEM 49 45 72 10 176

Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 50 60 70 7 187

James Testani(M) DEM 52 84 94 15 245

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 64 5 212 0 167 0 60 0 503 5

Whole Number 535 865 880 160 2440

Election District Town of Fenton 1 Town of Fenton 2 Town of Fenton 3 Town of Fenton 4 Town of Fenton 5 Town of Fenton 6 Town of Fenton Total

Keith Rubino(M) DEM 39 29 35 31 24 35 193

Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 32 34 40 31 27 34 198

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 27 21 34 28 19 31 160

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 32 27 45 28 29 37 198

Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 35 31 40 31 25 34 196

Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 20 15 25 16 23 25 124

Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 48 46 46 49 39 41 269

Bill Phillips(M) DEM 21 23 30 17 27 30 148

Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 25 25 24 22 22 27 145

James Testani(M) DEM 41 40 35 33 26 32 207

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 85 0 99 0 36 0 149 0 79 0 124 0 572 0

Whole Number 405 390 390 435 340 450 2410

Election District Town of Kirkwood 1 Town of Kirkwood 2 Town of Kirkwood 3 Town of Kirkwood 4 Town of Kirkwood Total

Keith Rubino(M) DEM 45 29 30 34 138

Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 41 32 41 32 146

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 36 22 27 28 113

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 42 36 35 32 145

Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 48 31 41 35 155

Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 45 16 28 20 109

Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 69 51 53 34 207

Bill Phillips(M) DEM 52 28 31 30 141

Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 49 25 29 22 125

James Testani(M) DEM 64 30 40 29 163

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 109 0 105 0 105 0 39 0 358 0

Whole Number 600 405 460 335 1800

Election District Town of Lisle 1 Town of Lisle 2 Town of Lisle Total

Keith Rubino(M) DEM 26 28 54

Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 20 29 49

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 20 27 47

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 28 29 57

Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 22 26 48

Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 13 10 23

Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 20 22 42

Bill Phillips(M) DEM 15 10 25

Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 12 18 30

James Testani(M) DEM 17 12 29

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 72 0 79 0 151 0

Whole Number 265 290 555

Election District Town of Maine 1 Town of Maine 2 Town of Maine 3 Town of Maine 4 Town of Maine Total

Keith Rubino(M) DEM 28 28 35 29 120

Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 24 37 33 28 122

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 25 30 29 25 109

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 30 39 36 30 135

Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 32 29 34 30 125

Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 16 26 26 36 104

Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 44 48 48 57 197

Bill Phillips(M) DEM 18 37 35 38 128

Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 23 32 32 40 127

James Testani(M) DEM 30 48 30 43 151

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 95 5 141 0 117 0 154 0 507 5

Whole Number 370 495 455 510 1830

Election District Town of Nanticoke 1

Keith Rubino(M) DEM 34

Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 31

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 32

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 29

Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 32

Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 21

Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 37

Bill Phillips(M) DEM 24

Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 27

James Testani(M) DEM 30

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 88 0

Whole Number 385

Town of Nanticoke Total














Election District Town of Sanford 1 Town of Sanford Total

Keith Rubino(M) DEM 0 0

Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 2 2

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 1 1

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 1 1

Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 2 2

Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 2 2

Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 3 3

Bill Phillips(M) DEM 3 3

Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 4 4

James Testani(M) DEM 2 2

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 0 0 0 0

Whole Number 20 20

Election District Town of Triangle 1 Town of Triangle 2 Town of Triangle Total

Keith Rubino(M) DEM 29 30 59

Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 25 38 63

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 24 29 53

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 23 38 61

Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 29 32 61

Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 31 20 51

Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 50 39 89

Bill Phillips(M) DEM 35 18 53

Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 41 25 66

James Testani(M) DEM 40 27 67

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 128 5 124 0 252 5

Whole Number 460 420 880

Election District Town of Union 1 Town of Union 2 Town of Union 3 Town of Union 4 Town of Union 5 Town of Union 6 Town of Union 7 Town of Union 8 Town of Union 9

Keith Rubino(M) DEM 51 52 40 47 51 45 53 35 38

Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 67 53 38 40 53 56 58 38 44

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 55 43 35 39 50 33 44 30 32

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 69 57 49 47 60 46 62 39 47

Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 61 55 42 39 52 44 54 32 40

Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 41 34 47 29 25 52 28 20 56

Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 89 77 77 63 62 81 74 43 81

Bill Phillips(M) DEM 38 37 50 35 23 51 38 22 58

Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 60 49 50 39 28 66 36 24 64

James Testani(M) DEM 66 59 62 60 37 71 57 40 76

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 168 0 149 0 110 5 162 0 79 0 160 0 106 0 57 0 69 0

Whole Number 765 665 605 600 520 705 610 380 605

Town of Union 10 Town of Union 11 Town of Union 12 Town of Union 13 Town of Union 14 Town of Union 15 Town of Union 16 Town of Union 17 Town of Union 18 Town of Union 19 Town of Union 20 Town of Union 21 Town of Union 22 Town of Union 23 Town of Union 24 Town of Union 25 Town of Union 26 Town of Union 27 Town of Union 28 Town of Union 29 Town of Union 30 Town of Union 31 Town of Union 32 Town of Union 33 Town of Union 34 Town of Union 35 Town of Union 36 Town of Union 37 Town of Union 38 Town of Union 39 Town of Union Total

Election District Town of Vestal 1 Town of Vestal 2 Town of Vestal 3 Town of Vestal 4 Town of Vestal 5 Town of Vestal 6 Town of Vestal 7 Town of Vestal 8 Town of Vestal 9 Town of Vestal 10 Town of Vestal 11 Town of Vestal 12 Town of Vestal 13 Town of Vestal 14

32 27 43 54 47 43 48 60 61 50 54 54 54 43 37 45 54 53 46 37 43 40 22 35 37 37 71 40 48 23 1750 Keith Rubino(M) DEM 35 52 22 50 96 58 59 45 56 43 137 230 309 46

36 29 50 57 45 57 45 50 66 50 60 48 64 47 44 55 61 65 52 47 50 39 31 48 41 39 75 56 62 25 1941 Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 35 51 24 56 107 59 66 57 66 44 147 239 321 45

26 23 35 51 34 43 40 44 51 40 36 45 53 40 38 36 40 46 39 22 31 35 21 27 30 31 55 32 36 28 1469

37 28 58 64 44 54 51 52 74 48 56 47 70 49 43 56 60 58 58 47 53 40 32 44 47 50 85 52 59 28 2020

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 33 54 22 43 94 55 57 45 50 37 133 210 300 41

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 39 49 25 62 112 65 68 58 69 49 144 231 313 45

35 26 46 60 47 51 42 55 62 44 53 45 59 46 40 43 49 43 50 39 36 40 31 35 32 38 58 47 44 27 1742 Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 40 56 26 55 109 66 61 51 60 50 131 221 312 44

42 20 41 32 37 32 37 42 67 31 39 49 56 52 35 55 52 53 44 46 35 27 27 39 49 43 50 50 52 23 1589 Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 25 55 16 35 76 43 47 54 60 47 25 59 55 33

86 33 74 72 67 71 69 86 118 62 73 87 95 90 72 95 96 95 94 100 86 56 58 71 87 72 104 112 100 42 3070 Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 54 97 40 79 128 95 95 94 115 80 58 71 68 59

46 18 37 41 39 40 37 50 63 32 45 59 54 53 43 54 56 53 58 54 47 30 38 45 61 48 69 53 61 27 1763 Bill Phillips(M) DEM 25 60 17 38 81 47 53 56 66 48 20 58 56 40

47 19 44 46 40 43 47 48 71 35 49 54 64 57 42 48 68 56 58 57 50 28 39 50 57 42 58 67 66 21 1887 Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 33 62 17 41 96 57 63 73 77 46 55 73 60 43

77 37 66 66 58 65 58 69 98 50 57 81 88 67 48 83 77 83 71 74 68 36 45 59 70 51 83 92 81 33 2519 James Testani(M) DEM 37 80 31 57 91 64 75 69 90 61 25 48 47 50

111 80 116 107 117 112 161 134 129 168 193 111 148 126 148 100 157 225 140 177 116 104 111 127 74 79 142 144 121 108 4946

5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 124 0 129 5 135 0 169 0 210 0 166 5 196 0 123 0 171 0 115 0 445 0 340 5 119 0 134 0

580 340 610 650 575 610 635 690 860 610 715 680 805 670 590 675 770 830 710 700 615 475 455 580 585 530 850 745 730 385 24710

Whole Number 480 750 375 685 1200 775 840 725 880 620 1320 1785 1960 580

Town of Vestal 15 Town of Vestal 16 Town of Vestal 17 Town of Vestal 18 Town of Vestal 19 Town of Vestal Total

Election District Town of Windsor 1 Town of Windsor 2 Town of Windsor 3 Town of Windsor 4 Town of Windsor 5 Town of Windsor Total

56 38 36 40 66 1474 Keith Rubino(M) DEM 42 23 38 26 30 159

73 45 38 48 67 1588 Jennifer M. Campoli(F) DEM 53 25 35 27 33 173

62 33 28 35 49 1381

72 49 33 54 66 1603

Walter D. Traver(M) DEM 34 19 33 22 26 134

Michelle Mark(F) DEM 50 22 44 27 34 177

62 41 31 42 66 1524 Sean G. Massey(M) DEM 42 18 30 25 30 145

36 53 21 27 56 823 Anthony Brindisi(M) DEM 30 15 18 13 18 94

80 84 48 60 100 1505 Donna Lupardo(F) DEM 53 30 37 28 35 183

43 53 23 27 58 869 Bill Phillips(M) DEM 31 15 25 19 20 110

56 62 28 33 72 1047 Nicolena Bishop(F) DEM 42 20 21 17 26 126

70 68 39 42 80 1124 James Testani(M) DEM 48 24 30 23 28 153

75 94 90 47 145 3027

0 0 0 0 0 15

Undervotes Overvotes (Blank) (Void) 50 0 84 0 44 0 83 0 65 0 326 0

685 620 415 455 825 15975

Whole Number 475 295 355 310 345 1780

22nd Congressional Total




























PRESIDENT OF THE UNITed STATES District type: County (Vote for 1) Area: Broome

Election District Town of Sanford 2 Town of Sanford 3 Town of Sanford Total 19th Congressional Total

Donald J. Trump REP 100 97 197 197

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 27 0 43 3 70 3 70


Ted Cruz REP 24 30 54 54

Undervotes (Blank) 0 0 0 0

Overvotes (Void) 1 0 1 1

Whole Number 152 173 325 325

PRESIDENT OF THE UNITed STATES District type: County (Vote for 1) Area: Broome

Election District City of Binghamton 1 City of Binghamton 2 City of Binghamton 3

Donald J. Trump REP 35 15 35

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 16 0 12 0 11 0

Ted Cruz REP 13 7 12

Undervotes (Blank) 0 0 1

Overvotes (Void) 0 0 0

Whole Number 64 34 59

City of Binghamton 4 City of Binghamton 5 City of Binghamton 6 City of Binghamton 7 City of Binghamton 8 City of Binghamton 9 City of Binghamton 10 City of Binghamton 11 City of Binghamton 12 City of Binghamton 13 City of Binghamton 14 City of Binghamton 15 City of Binghamton 16 City of Binghamton 17 City of Binghamton 18 City of Binghamton 19 City of Binghamton 20 City of Binghamton 21 City of Binghamton 22 City of Binghamton 23 City of Binghamton 24 City of Binghamton 25 City of Binghamton 26 City of Binghamton 27 City of Binghamton 28 City of Binghamton 29 City of Binghamton 30 City of Binghamton 31 City of Binghamton 32 City of Binghamton Total

30 44 34 30 32 37 34 38 42 28 60 27 40 39 23 23 58 33 4 69 80 33 52 33 29 38 38 55 18 1186

10 12 7 6 6 14 22 18 32 25 65 36 33 28 4 27 37 18 11 55 60 36 26 17 15 42 21 20 9 751

0 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 4 6 1 3 0 2 0 1 4 0 1 1 5 2 1 0 1 44

9 7 13 10 13 8 12 24 22 18 18 20 10 18 11 13 21 14 5 17 28 13 30 16 18 15 17 15 10 477

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 16

0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 12

49 64 56 49 53 62 69 82 98 73 146 85 87 91 42 69 116 67 20 143 174 86 109 68 67 97 77 92 38 2486

Donald J. Trump REP 74 90 164

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 28 0 28 2 56 2

Ted Cruz REP 67 47 114

Undervotes (Blank) 0 0 0

Overvotes (Void) 0 0 0

Whole Number 169 167 336

Donald J. Trump Election District REP Town of Binghamton 1 116 Town of Binghamton 2 107 Town of Binghamton 3 111 Town of Binghamton Total 334

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 66 4 52 2 58 0 176 6

Ted Cruz REP 33 41 41 115

Undervotes (Blank) 0 0 1 1

Overvotes (Void) 0 1 0 1

Whole Number 219 203 211 633

Donald J. Trump REP

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP

Ted Cruz REP

Undervotes (Blank)

Overvotes (Void)

Whole Number

Election District Town of Barker 1 Town of Barker 2 Town of Barker Total

Election District

Town of Chenango 1 Town of Chenango 2 Town of Chenango 3 Town of Chenango 4 Town of Chenango 5 Town of Chenango 6 Town of Chenango 7 Town of Chenango 8 Town of Chenango Total

75 75 84 95 123 71 89 89 701

Election District Town of Colesville 1 Town of Colesville 2 Town of Colesville 3 Town of Colesville Total

Donald J. Trump REP 88 117 111 316

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 39 2 50 5 46 3 135 10

Ted Cruz REP 54 64 57 175

Undervotes (Blank) 1 0 2 3

Overvotes (Void) 0 0 3 3

Whole Number 184 236 222 642

Election District Town of Conklin 1 Town of Conklin 2 Town of Conklin 3 Town of Conklin 4 Town of Conklin Total

Donald J. Trump REP 71 93 107 69 340

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 31 2 46 3 28 1 24 1 129 7

Ted Cruz REP 22 31 47 24 124

Undervotes (Blank) 1 0 0 0 1

Overvotes (Void) 1 1 0 1 3

Whole Number 128 174 183 118 603

Election District Town of Dickinson 1 Town of Dickinson 2 Town of Dickinson 3 Town of Dickinson 4 Town of Dickinson Total

Donald J. Trump REP 45 71 70 26 212

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 31 2 51 2 58 4 9 0 149 8

Ted Cruz REP 15 34 33 10 92

Undervotes (Blank) 0 0 4 1 5

Overvotes (Void) 1 0 1 0 2

Whole Number 94 158 170 46 468

Election District Town of Fenton 1 Town of Fenton 2 Town of Fenton 3 Town of Fenton 4 Town of Fenton 5 Town of Fenton 6 Town of Fenton Total

Donald J. Trump REP 59 56 42 62 85 89 393

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 38 1 31 2 36 1 37 3 49 2 48 2 239 11

Ted Cruz REP 20 12 27 43 51 49 202

Undervotes (Blank) 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

Overvotes (Void) 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

Whole Number 118 102 106 146 187 188 847

43 71 39 56 74 73 60 59 475

4 6 4 3 4 1 2 1 25

34 43 38 39 38 40 36 46 314

2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3

0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 4

158 195 166 196 240 185 187 195 1522

Election District Town of Kirkwood 1 Town of Kirkwood 2 Town of Kirkwood 3 Town of Kirkwood 4 Town of Kirkwood Total

Donald J. Trump REP 92 73 62 101 328

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 44 3 30 2 21 1 38 3 133 9

Ted Cruz REP 38 33 21 50 142

Undervotes (Blank) 1 0 0 0 1

Overvotes (Void) 1 1 0 0 2

Whole Number 179 139 105 192 615

Election District Town of Lisle 1 Town of Lisle 2 Town of Lisle Total

Donald J. Trump REP 96 90 186

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 48 1 24 5 72 6

Ted Cruz REP 36 34 70

Undervotes (Blank) 0 0 0

Overvotes (Void) 0 1 1

Whole Number 181 154 335

Election District Town of Maine 1 Town of Maine 2 Town of Maine 3 Town of Maine 4 Town of Maine Total

Donald J. Trump REP 75 102 79 67 323

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 37 3 40 7 42 3 26 0 145 13

Ted Cruz REP 33 38 34 31 136

Undervotes (Blank) 0 0 0 1 1

Overvotes (Void) 0 2 0 0 2

Whole Number 148 189 158 125 620

Election District Town of Nanticoke 1

Donald J. Trump REP 83

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 44 4

Ted Cruz REP 65

Undervotes (Blank) 1

Overvotes (Void) 0

Whole Number 197

Town of Nanticoke Total








Election District Town of Sanford 1 Town of Sanford Total

Donald J. Trump REP 5 5

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 3 0 3 0

Ted Cruz REP 2 2

Undervotes (Blank) 1 1

Overvotes (Void) 0 0

Whole Number 11 11

Election District Town of Triangle 1 Town of Triangle 2 Town of Triangle Total

Donald J. Trump REP 68 89 157

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 39 3 45 1 84 4

Ted Cruz REP 35 57 92

Undervotes (Blank) 0 0 0

Overvotes (Void) 0 1 1

Whole Number 145 192 337

Election District Town of Union 1

Donald J. Trump REP 46

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 37 3

Ted Cruz REP 26

Undervotes (Blank) 0

Overvotes (Void) 1

Whole Number 113

Town of Union 2 Town of Union 3 Town of Union 4 Town of Union 5 Town of Union 6 Town of Union 7 Town of Union 8 Town of Union 9 Town of Union 10 Town of Union 11 Town of Union 12 Town of Union 13 Town of Union 14 Town of Union 15 Town of Union 16 Town of Union 17 Town of Union 18 Town of Union 19 Town of Union 20 Town of Union 21 Town of Union 22 Town of Union 23 Town of Union 24 Town of Union 25 Town of Union 26 Town of Union 27 Town of Union 28 Town of Union 29 Town of Union 30 Town of Union 31 Town of Union 32 Town of Union 33 Town of Union 34 Town of Union 35 Town of Union 36 Town of Union 37 Town of Union 38 Town of Union 39 Town of Union Total

Election District Town of Vestal 1 Town of Vestal 2 Town of Vestal 3 Town of Vestal 4 Town of Vestal 5 Town of Vestal 6

58 59 43 49 45 42 46 66 80 49 52 39 58 69 40 46 56 85 46 74 73 73 82 66 96 72 71 56 93 54 51 48 74 63 72 95 90 29 2406 Donald J. Trump REP 89 91 39 69 61 73

23 25 27 15 26 22 22 38 54 9 27 18 22 44 26 35 25 43 35 42 31 55 53 23 52 18 59 44 43 22 41 23 57 37 57 79 85 18 1412

1 1 3 0 2 2 1 4 2 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 1 3 4 1 3 5 1 0 1 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 5 0 69

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 44 1 58 5 32 7 41 2 51 1 80 8

23 23 13 22 16 17 18 34 26 15 22 26 18 35 14 21 27 41 39 41 32 28 22 15 39 21 24 37 31 18 17 18 32 36 33 52 37 19 1028

Ted Cruz REP 48 36 24 28 24 56

0 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15

Undervotes (Blank) 0 0 0 1 0 1

0 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 22

Overvotes (Void) 0 1 0 3 0 0

105 111 86 88 90 84 90 144 163 75 106 85 102 151 84 106 109 173 124 158 140 161 158 104 188 114 157 138 170 95 110 89 163 137 164 234 217 66 4952

Whole Number 182 191 102 144 137 218

Town of Vestal 7 Town of Vestal 8 Town of Vestal 9 Town of Vestal 10 Town of Vestal 11 Town of Vestal 12 Town of Vestal 13 Town of Vestal 14 Town of Vestal 15 Town of Vestal 16 Town of Vestal 17 Town of Vestal 18 Town of Vestal 19 Town of Vestal Total

Election District Town of Windsor 1 Town of Windsor 2 Town of Windsor 3 Town of Windsor 4 Town of Windsor 5 Town of Windsor Total

83 88 61 49 1 28 21 94 92 62 40 76 74 1191 Donald J. Trump REP 86 57 96 57 82 378

42 55 54 39 10 27 21 63 50 72 41 38 45 863

1 0 1 1 2 1 0 2 2 5 4 3 0 46

John R. Kasich Ben Carson REP REP 61 3 24 1 27 4 30 4 34 7 176 19

47 37 21 18 5 10 12 58 50 13 26 27 38 578

Ted Cruz REP 36 39 34 21 35 165

2 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 11

Undervotes (Blank) 0 0 0 0 2 2

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 9

Overvotes (Void) 1 0 0 0 0 1

175 180 141 108 18 66 54 217 197 154 112 145 157 2698

Whole Number 187 121 161 112 160 741

22nd Congressional Total