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2016 Queensland - Queensland Supply Chain & Logistics Conference

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Sep 2, 2016 - Supply Chain Value Creator ... social procurement program in your organisation and highlight some successe

2016 Queensland

1 & 2 September 2016 SOFITEL Brisbane Central

More than 5500 delegates from across Australasia have attended the Queensland Supply Chain & Logistics Conference in its 17 year history. Will you be among the delegates in 2016? This conference is a recognised national event designed for Supply Chain, Logistics, Transport and Procurement professionals and practitioners. It aims for professional and personal development in a unique and relaxed networking-based environment.



( 1300 920 439

[email protected]


Join the QSCLC Group on

Thursday 1st of September 7.30 am - 8.30 am

2016 Queensland


8.30 am


8.50 am



Ken Wright Author People Pill Engaging Teams and Customers for better business outcomes and improving unity across your Supply Chain: • Why engagement matters; • Personal leadership (if not leading a team) and how to inspire their team through effective leadership; • The benefits of engagement and the cost of disengagement; • Courageous leadership to solve issues, why leaders attitude and mood is so important and the effective plan to develop people. 10.00 am PLENARY SESSION TWO


Helen Gluer Chief Executive Officer Queensland Rail Why I dig what I do - Performance Counts: Helen Gluer as Chief Executive Officer of one of Australia’s largest rail systems, will provide delegates with 7 ideas to help engender energy in your organisation: 1. Work with smart people 2. Watch and learn 3. Soft Skills 4. Lead with values 5. Empower 6. Humour 7. Humility 10.30 am MORNING TEA 11.00 am PLENARY SESSION THREE


Jeyakumar Janakaraj Chief Executive Officer Adani Group The Value of a Vertically Integrated Supply Chain: Adani Group’s vision is to execute a vertically integrated ‘pit to plug’ business with the coal from the proposed Carmichael Mine being transported by rail to the Port of Abbot Point for export to meet consumers demands in offshore markets. This presentation will focus on developing this worldclass operation through scale of ambition, speed of execution and quality of operation as well as inclusive growth and sustainable development of the communities in which Adani operate. The presentation will provide delegates with an understanding of current Adani activities across the world, the value of an integrated operation, why it has been so successful and the lessons learnt along the way. 11.30 am PLENARY SESSION FOUR


Craig Lardner FCIPS Principal Procurement Advisory Services Unification of the Universe of Modern Procurement. If you are going to unify something …you better know how big it is: This session will explore: • Where are its ‘edges’? • What are its constituent parts that need to be joined up? • Transactional and tactical and strategic are not silos…they (can operate) in harmony. • Of the 50 parts… which one is the magic one that makes all the other 49 work? 12.10 pm PLENARY SESSION FIVE


This session will ask a number of questions of the expert panel on contemporary procurement issues including: • The procurement maturity assessment model and where your organisation fits. • The real costs of conducting a tender – is this money best spent. • Measurement – is procurement only about cost savings or is there something more? • Procurement welcomes innovation and strategic relations – is that true in your organisation? • Should we stop using the term ‘strategic’ in procurement? Andre Harvey Head of Commercial Western Power

1.00 pm LUNCH

Sandra Jockel Commercial Manager Siemens Ltd. Australia

Michael Byrne Chief Procurement Officer Brisbane City Council

2016 Queensland

Thursday 1st of September






This interactive session will cover three key issues in relation to managing health & safety in the workplace including: How principles of good work design addresses hazards in the Supply Chain: a Suzanne Johnson Manager, Manufacturing, Transport and case study example. Logistics Group, Industry Strategy Unit Office of Industrial Relations Craig Bartkowski Fit for Work: The impact of drugs and alcohol in your workplace – how to manage General Manager - Brisbane South and detect any issues. Drug Detection Agency David Munro National Manager – Client Solutions Davidson BREAKOUT SESSION TWO:



Michael Addis Principal Consultant Codarra Advanced Systems

James Kennon Senior Procurement Manager UGL BREAKOUT SESSION THREE:

The New Frontier in Safety: Summarising the breakthrough research in reducing workplace injuries through appropriate pre-employment to ensure employees are psychologically suited to being employed in high risk areas including truck and forklift drivers.

Simon Wrench Principal Solutions Consultant ABB Enterprise Software

Benn Bekic Chief Strategy Officer WiseTech Global

What to aim for in a quality specification: Procurement staff are on the receiving end of specifications and are always required to critically evaluate its quality. This session will focus on: • Evaluating a specification rather than writing one. • The value in getting the specification right; • Helpful hints on how to do this; and • ‘War stories’ on what happens when you get it wrong. Specification Development and Contract Management from a Suppliers View: • The suppliers difficulty in responding to a poor specification. • The value that can be achieved by working collaboratively with your supplier once the contract has been awarded. TECHNOLOGY IN YOUR SUPPLY CHAIN


1% Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference: A healthy Supply Chain relies on the efficient exchange of accurate information between a buyer and their suppliers; creating unity in your Supply Chain is the first step towards achieving this. Improving efficiency in your supplier processes and more supplier rich content will increase your accuracy for purchasing, procurement and inventory control whilst reducing manual paper based, labour intensive intervention. The e-Commerce Disruption: We all know that eTail growth is significantly outpacing retail growth and that this is fuelling a boom in last mile delivery and disrupting traditional logistics practices. But do you know where the e-Commerce disruption is going and what that means to you?



Metcash Case Study – Implementing Automation and navigating BCP (Business Kari Banick National General Manager Logistics Continuity Planning): This presentation will discuss the key strategies to successfully navigate automation selection, implementation and project management. This will include Metcash the key learnings from the live case study on leadership and team needs that were critical to achieve a positive outcome; also what happens when the roof falls in the middle of it all. 4.10 pm

David Doherty OAM Founder and Explorer Supply Chain and Logistics Observatory 4.40 pm

Dr Tony Watt The Culture Doctor


Stephen Hanman Managing Director MIRA Companions


Supply Chain Unity (SUU) Pretence and Reality: This straight talking conversation, between two Supply Chain leading experts will explore and determine in newscast style; Trust as a key factor in collaboration in your Supply Chain, Impact of social media and disruptive technologies and will question your acceptance of unethical practices, Information sharing and value generation.



Disunity is one of the key signs of a toxic culture: A unified Supply Chain is possible when team members are aligned with their company values so how can you procure a culture by design? This session introduces mastery of a healthy corporate culture.

5.30 pm CONFERENCE PRE-DINNER DRINKS AND NETWORKING 6:45 pm Conference Dinner The 2016 nominated charity will be the Christmas hampers for Foodbank. Please bring one to two bottles of 350 ml shampoo to dinner to donate towards the Christmas Hampers.

2016 Queensland

Friday 2nd of September 8.00 am - 8.30 am REGISTRATIONS 8.40 am WELCOME 9.00 am PLENARY SESSION ONE


Belinda Brosnan Telstra Business Woman of the Year Managing Director, HR Junction

Mitigate Bias and Leverage Influence for Better Business Outcomes: If you have a brain, you are biased! Biases are non-conscious drivers that influence how people see the world. Overall, they can be helpful and enable us to make quick, efficient judgments and decisions with minimal effort. However, they also blind us to new information that can result in making bad staffing and business decisions. Bias left unchecked is almost certainly costing your organisation money. Biases become heightened when we are facing pressure, complexity, uncertainty and change. In today’s hyper-connected world, if you don’t have strategies for mitigating bias collectively in your culture, then it is likely that poor decision-making will follow. This keynote will entertain and challenge your thinking about how to mitigate bias, leverage influence and lead a diverse team of individuals for the greater good of your organisation. 10.00 am MORNING TEA 10.30 am ADVANCED WORKSHOPS


The Advanced Workshops will provide delegates with practical applications of procurement techniques, Supply Chain and logistics strategies and personal development opportunities that will enable the delegate to apply learnings on their return to work. Delegates are able to nominate which sessions they would prefer to attend and can follow a stream or a combination. 1. ADVANCED WORKSHOP:



Shane D’Aprile Director Orange Lime Consulting

Productivity Workshop • Improve your business with simple, productivity orientated targets: • Increase operational efficiencies in your warehouse or purchasing processes. • Minimise costs. • Streamline processes. • Drive more value to help grow your business. 2. ADVANCED WORKSHOP:



Sharyn Grant Supply Chain Value Creator LSC Solutions

Learn how to get what you want from your Supply Chain relationships. Know the difference between Collaboration and Partnerships, and live by it. Understand the key drivers of relationships that are critical to articulating and communicating expectations. Learn how to structure a successful commercial relationship that will generate and co-create substantial value. Hear about 2 case studies that yielded more than $42M and $188M in additional profit. Case Study – Developing and Implementing David Zropf Phil Nahrung Senior Strategic Sourcing General Manager Operations a Relationship Arrangement: In this presentation Phil and David will provide a Specialist East - Asset Services customer and supplier perspective on: Stanwell Corporation UGL Limited • How to develop the arrangement. • The mobilisation and transition aspects. • The value in getting the relationship right. • Lessons learnt from both parties. 3. ADVANCED WORKSHOP:



Belinda Brosnan Telstra Business Woman of the Year Managing Director, HR Junction

Managing with Presence: Managing others takes people out of their comfort zone. Knowledge and skills alone are not enough - with globalisation and continuous change, the importance of influence and connecting with others is essential. In this workshop you will learn: • About the brain and how we are wired for social connection . • Strategies for influencing and connecting with others that helps to create buy-in. • Ways to manage your ‘mindset’ - the beliefs and attitudes that help us build influence and buy-in from our teams, stakeholders and customers. 12.30 pm to 1.00 pm LUNCH

2016 Queensland

Friday 2nd of September




Planning and Managing the Transport Component for the Commonwealth Games: Grant is responsible for the capital works, operations and workforce for the State’s road and public transport networks for the Games. Supply Chain and logistics play a significant role in the delivery of the program and Grant will outline the overall planning aspect and operational delivery taking delegates through the life cycle of managing the ‘bus service’ required to move athletes, administrators and spectators for the event, including engaging the market, specifying and awarding a partnership style arrangement.

Grant Morris Executive Director (Transport) Commonwealth Games

David Irvine Paul Armitage Supply Chain Planning Manager Chief Executive Officer Super Retail Group Siecap 5. ADVANCED WORKSHOP:


Supply Chain unity via optimisation of the end to end supply chain – a case study: In this case study David and Paul will discuss how the through the use of sophisticated supply chain modelling Super Retail Group are able to drive tactical planning to ensure the optimal end to end fulfilment mode for each of the business’s divisions is achieved. David will provide an overview of the current market trends and why agility and velocity are key to an organisations supply chain capability, Paul will give a specific examples of SRG’s planning that has the goal of ensuring the optimal product flow through the SRG network. BALLROOM 2


Kristin McDonald Business Excellence Facilitator Procurement Incitec Pivot Ltd

Business Excellence: Business Excellence (BEx) within Incitec Pivot Ltd focuses on embedding principles and practices in every day operations to build a core capability of continuous improvement, to better equip Incitec Pivot Ltd in achieving sustainable business results. Kristin is responsible for instilling the BEx culture in Procurement, whereby continuous improvement using Lean and Six Sigma methodologies becomes a way of life.

Aaron Hutchison Senior Category Specialist – Operations and Ancillary Services Stanwell Corporation

Do You Own Your Category: As a category manager do you truly understand your own Supply Chain? Do you understand what drives and influences price? Do you understand the Supply Chain of your suppliers? This session will focus on answering these questions and why they are so important to successful category management.

Neyvette Debono Category Manager Strategic Procurement Brisbane City Council

Social Procurement: A Case Study: Managing the Social Procurement Process in Brisbane City Council: Brisbane City Council, as one of the largest councils in Australia has embraced Social Procurement as part of its sustainability agenda. In this presentation, Neyvette will provide delegates with a ‘road map’ on how to develop a social procurement program in your organisation and highlight some successes that Brisbane City Council have achieved on this very worthwhile journey.


Dr Tony Watt The Culture Doctor




Understanding Cultural Failure and Toxic Culture: Many multinationals across the globe have shown how cultural failure can bring a company to their knees, wipe billions from listed value and even significantly damage a country’s economy. They failed for want of a Unity of Purpose. In this workshop attendees will learn how to procure unity of a company’s Supply Chain and reap the productivity dividend. PROCUREMENT



This executive procurement session will be by invitation to representatives from Federal, state and local government along with private companies from various industries including FMCG, capital intensive and SME. The session will concentrate on a number of issues that currently face procurement specialists within their organisation and will provide a forum that enables frank and open discussion, a sharing of ideas and provide some solutions and direction of how to manage these issues: Social Procurement • M aintaining the ethos where price is driving strategy. • Procurement helping medium and small enterprises in local regions grow but deliver value at the same time. Professional Development • Better management of staff including recruitment, retention and secession planning. • Change Management. • Managing significant change in your environment while still providing a high level of service to internal business partners. Measurement • After a cheaper price – what is next for Procurement? • How do we remain relevant and considered as the ‘lynch pin’ for internal customers and suppliers. 2:30 pm CLOSE OF CONFERENCE SUPPORTING ASSOCIATIONS


2016 Queensland

Scan and email back to [email protected] or fax to +61 7 3009 9916 DELEGATE DETAILS Mr/Mrs/Dr:_________Given Name:__________________________________________ Surname:_________________________________ Position:_______________________________________________________Company:__________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Suburb: ______________________________________State: ___________________________________Post Code:__________________ Ph: ( ____ ) ___________________________________________________ Mobile: _____________________________________________ Email address: PRINT CLEARLY ______________________________________________________________________________________ Please indicate if you have any allergies or dietary requirements: ________________________________________________________ By registering to attend the conference I understand that my name, position and company will be compiled into an attendance list and may be distributed to conference partners and exhibitors, however, my personal contact details will not be given out without my prior authorisation.

ADDITIONAL DELEGATES 1. First Name: __________________________________________ Surname: _____________________________________________ Email Address: PRINT CLEARLY___________________________________Company:_____________________________________

2. First Name: __________________________________________ Surname: _____________________________________________ Email Address: PRINT CLEARLY___________________________________Company:_____________________________________ Please indicate if any of your guests have any allergies or dietary requirements:_________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

REGISTRATION FEES Please indicate which membership you hold below:  AIP  CIPS  CQU  QUT  SCLAA  UQ



All prices NB: GST inc

Full Conference Early Bird inc Dinner

Full Conference inc Dinner

Day 1 only inc dinner

Day 2 only

Dinner only

Member Non Member

 

 

 

 

  

$1100 $1200

$1250 $1400

$870 $990

$550 $650


CONFERENCE DINNER Thursday the 1st of September:

Will attend as part of my delegates fee


Qty x _____ $160 Qty x _____ $165 Table of 8 $1250 Qty x _____

Total Price $ __________ $ __________ $ __________

Will NOT attend

PAYMENT METHOD Payment Option One: Credit Card Please debit my credit card as indicated below


TOTAL PAYMENT $ ___________

Name on Card: ____________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________ Amount: $_______________________________ Expiry Date: ______________________ Card No: Payment Option Two: Electronic Funds Transfer Bank: Westpac Hamilton Qld BSB: 034-041 Account Number: 192489 Queensland Supply Chain Conference REFERENCE: Delegates Surname

Scan and email back to [email protected] or fax to +61 7 3009 9916 (1300 920 439 (0413 015 399 [email protected] CANCELLATION POLICY & DISCLAIMER

Payment Option Three: Cheque Cheques payable to: Queensland Supply Chain Conference 34 Lawson St Oxley QLD 4075 Insurance Details

It is highly recommended that each delegate and speaker take out their own travel and personal insurance for the conference. The organisers and QSCLC committee will not accept any liability for loss or injury to any person or property during the conference.

Cancellations received in writing before Monday the 15th of August 2016 will attract a $110 administration charge and there will be no refunds after that time. Registrations, however are transferable within an organisation if the secretariat is advised in writing. The information contained in this brochure is correct at the time of going to print. The Queensland Supply Chain & Logistics Conference reserves the right to change without notice any part of the program and the speakers. PRIVACY ACT: If you DO NOT wish to have your details included in the list of delegates, please contact the Conference Secretariat.