2017 01 03 Stagecoach Devon Route-015C.pdf - Google Drive

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Barnstaple - East-the-Water - Appledore Stagecoach South West

Timetable valid from 03/01/2017 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops

Mondays to Fridays Barnstaple, Bus Station (Stand I) Barnstaple, Rail Station (NW-bound) Sticklepath, Old Torrington Road (S-bound) Roundswell, Gratton Way (W-bound) East-the-Water, Tesco (SE-bound) East-the-Water, Bottom of Clivenden Road (S-bound) Bideford, Bideford Quay (Stop C) Bideford, Bideford Quay (Stop C) Northam, Lenards Road (E-bound) Appledore, Seagate Hotel (NW-bound)

0613 0618 0620 0623 0636 0741 0801 0826 0931 1031 1131 0638 0743 0803 0828 0933 1033 1133 arr 0645 0751 0811 0836 0941 1041 1141 0813 0943 1043 1143 dep 0648 0821 0951 1051 1151 0656 0831 1001 1101 1201 0706

1231 1233 1241 1243 1251 1301

1331 1333 1341 1343 1351 1401

1431 1433 1441 1443 1451 1501

1531 1533 1541 1543 1551 1601

1331 1333 1341 1343 1351 1401

1431 1433 1441 1443 1451 1501

1531 1533 1541 1543 1551 1601

1631 1633 1641 1643 1651 1701

1636 1638 1646 1705 1713 1723

1655 1700 1702 1705 1721 1723 1731 1735 1743 1753

1745 1750 1752 1755 1811 1813 1821 1825 1833 1843

Saturdays Barnstaple, Bus Station (Stand I) Barnstaple, Rail Station (NW-bound) Sticklepath, Old Torrington Road (S-bound) Roundswell, Gratton Way (W-bound) East-the-Water, Tesco (SE-bound) East-the-Water, Bottom of Clivenden Road (S-bound) Bideford, Bideford Quay (Stop C) Bideford, Bideford Quay (Stop C) Northam, Lenards Road (E-bound) Appledore, Seagate Hotel (NW-bound)


0630 0635 0637 0640 0656 0658 arr 0706 dep 0708 0716 0726

0801 0803 0811 0813 0821 0831

0808 0813 0815 0818 0831 0833 0841 0843 0851 0901

0931 0933 0941 0943 0951 1001

1031 1033 1041 1043 1051 1101

1131 1133 1141 1143 1151 1201

1231 1233 1241 1243 1251 1301


Bank Holidays

no service no service

no service no service

no service no service

Appledore - East-the-Water Stagecoach South West

Timetable valid from 03/01/2017 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops

Mondays to Fridays Appledore, opp Seagate Hotel Northam, Memorial (S-bound) Bideford, Bideford Quay (Stop B) Bideford, Bideford Quay (Stop B) East-the-Water, Tesco (SE-bound)

0710 0720 arr 0728 dep 0735 0755 0820 0741 0801 0826

0905 0915 0923 0925 0931

1005 1015 1023 1025 1031

1105 1115 1123 1125 1131

Saturdays 1205 1215 1223 1225 1231

1305 1315 1323 1325 1331

1405 1415 1423 1425 1431

1505 1515 1523 1525 1531

1605 1615 1623 1630 1636

0730 0740 0748 0755 0801

0905 0915 0923 0925 0931

1005 1015 1023 1025 1031

Saturdays Appledore, opp Seagate Hotel Northam, Memorial (S-bound) Bideford, Bideford Quay (Stop B) Bideford, Bideford Quay (Stop B) East-the-Water, Tesco (SE-bound)

1405 1505 1415 1515 arr 1423 1523 dep 1425 1525 1431 1531

1605 1615 1623 1625 1631


Bank Holidays

no service no service

no service no service

Data Provided by South West Public Transport Information (SWPTI) - 33 - 07/11/16

no service no service

1105 1115 1123 1125 1131

1205 1215 1223 1225 1231

1305 1315 1323 1325 1331


Barnstaple - East-the-Water - Appledore Stagecoach South West

For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at www.nextbuses.mobi (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists.

SMS Code

Stop Name

dvnamwgw dvnamtgt dvnampdm dvnampam dvngjtmw dvngjgwm dvngmtjm dvngpwjd dvnagmta dvnagmpw dvnagmap dvngmpda dvnagjpj dvnagjgj dvnagjat dvnagdtm dvnagdmt dvnagapt dvngmjpt dvnagdam dvnagdat dvnagawa dvnagdtj dvngjdwp dvnagjtm dvnagmat dvnagmjd dvnagmwm dvnagpam

Barnstaple, Bus Station (Stand I) Barnstaple, Rail Station (NW-bound) Sticklepath, Stafford (NE-bound) Sticklepath, Old Torrington Road (S-bound) Roundswell, opp Grange Avenue Roundswell, Gratton Way (W-bound) East-the-Water, Tesco (SE-bound) East-the-Water, Bottom of Clivenden Road (S-bound) East-the-Water, Barton Tors (N-bound) East-the-Water, Sentry Corner (N-bound) East-the-Water, Avon Road (W-bound) East-the-Water, Torridge Mount (W-bound) Bideford, Royal Hotel (NW-bound) Bideford, Bideford Quay (Stop C) Bideford, Kingsley Road (W-bound) Orchard Hill, Kingsley Road (SE-bound) Orchard Hill, The Dairy (NW-bound) Orchard Hill, Raleigh Garage (N-bound) Orchard Hill, Heywood Road (NE-bound) Orchard Hill, Limers Lane (N-bound) Northam, opp Durrant House Hotel Northam, Lenards Road (E-bound) Appledore, opp Swimming Pool Appledore, Knapphouse (N-bound) Appledore, opp Football Ground Appledore, opp Kingsley Avenue Appledore, Pitt Hill (E-bound) Appledore, Marine Parade (E-bound) Appledore, Seagate Hotel (NW-bound)

Street Station Road Sticklepath Hill Old Torrington Road Old Torrington Road Gratton Way Manteo Way Clivenden Road Gammaton Road Gammaton Road Torrington Lane Torrington Lane The Quay Kingsley Road Kingsley Road Kingsley Road Heywood Road Heywood Road Heywood Road Heywood Road Lenards Road Churchill Way Churchill Way Churchill Way Richmond Road Myrtle Street Marine Parade The Quay

ATCO Code 1100DEA10753 1100DEA11205 1100DEA11202 1100DEZ05106 1100DEA56800 1100DEA09189 1100DEA56881 1100DEA57271 1100DEA11133 1100DEA11134 1100DEA11116 1100DEA06028 1100DEA11113 1100DEA10707 1100DEA10513 1100DEA10516 1100DEA10519 1100DEA10710 1100DEA06005 1100DEA10711 1100DEA10713 1100DEA10716 1100DEA10751 1100DEA09143 1100DEA10749 1100DEA10747 1100DEA10746 1100DEA10743 1100DEA10742


Appledore - East-the-Water Stagecoach South West

For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at www.nextbuses.mobi (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists.

SMS Code

Stop Name



dvnagpat dvnagmwt dvnagmjm dvnagmam dvnagjtp dvngdtgw dvnagdtg dvnagatg dvnagdap dvnagdgm dvngmjpm dvnagata dvnagdpd dvnagjdw dvnagjgm dvnagjtd dvnagjwd dvngmtjm

Appledore, opp Seagate Hotel Appledore, Marine Parade (W-bound) Appledore, Pitt Hill (W-bound) Appledore, Kingsley Avenue (W-bound) Appledore, Football Ground (S-bound) Appledore, Knapphouse (S-bound) Appledore, Swimming Pool (S-bound) Northam, Memorial (S-bound) Northam, Durrant House Hotel (S-bound) Orchard Hill, Limers Lane (S-bound) Orchard Hill, Heywood Road (SW-bound) Orchard Hill, Raleigh Garage (S-bound) Orchard Hill, The Dairy (SE-bound) Bideford, Kingsley Road (E-bound) Bideford, Bideford Quay (Stop B) Bideford, opp Ship On Launch Bideford, opp Salterns Terrace East-the-Water, Tesco (SE-bound)

The Quay Marine Parade Myrtle Street Richmond Road Churchill Way Churchill Way Churchill Way Heywood Road Heywood Road Heywood Road Heywood Road Kingsley Road Kingsley Road Kingsley Road The Quay Barnstaple Street Salterns Terrace Manteo Way

1100DEA10741 1100DEA10744 1100DEA10745 1100DEA10748 1100DEA10750 1100DEA09133 1100DEA10752 1100DEA10715 1100DEA10714 1100DEA10712 1100DEA06004 1100DEA10709 1100DEA10518 1100DEA10511 1100DEA10702 1100DEA11135 1100DEA11137 1100DEA56881