Clovelly, Higher Clovelly (S-bound). Clovelly, Dyke Green (S-bound). Burnstone, Milky Way (S-bound). Woolfardisworthy, M
Barnstaple - Hartland Stagecoach South West
Timetable valid from 03/01/2017 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops
Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions Barnstaple, Bus Station (Stand G) Barnstaple, Rail Station (NW-bound) Sticklepath, High Wall (W-bound) Sticklepath, Old Torrington Road (S-bound) Bideford, Bideford Quay (Stop A) Bideford, opp Hospital Abbotsham, Church (W-bound) Fairy Cross, Tom’s Lane (SW-bound) Fairy Cross, Portledge Gatehouse (SW-bound) Buck’s Mills, Bucks Cross (NW-bound) Woolfardisworthy, Post Office (SW-bound) Clovelly, Dyke Green (N-bound) Clovelly, Visitor Centre Car Park (W-bound) Burnstone, Milky Way (S-bound) Burnstone, Clovelly Cross (W-bound) Hartland, Northgate Green (E-bound)
0900 0904 0904 0905 0924 0929 0934 0939 0941 0948
Col 1635 1638 1645 1645 1705 1710 1715 1720 1722 1729 1735 1742 1748
Sch 1720 1724 1724 1725 1744 1749 1754 1759 1801 1808 1814 1821 1827
SH 1720 1724 1724 1725 1744 1749 1754 1759 1801 1808 1814 1821 1827
0900 0904 0904 0905 0924 0929 0934 0939 0941 0948
0953 0956 1212 1412 1752 1752 1832 1832 1006 1224 1423 1803 1804 1843 1843
Bank Holidays no service no service
1300 1304 1304 1305 1324 1329 1334 1339 1341 1348 1354 1401 1407
1125 1130 1135 1140 1142 1149 1155 1202 1208
1640 1644 1644 1645 1704 1709 1714 1719 1721 1728 1734 1741 1747
1720 1724 1724 1725 1744 1749 1754 1759 1801 1808 1814 1821 1827
0953 0956 1212 1412 1752 1832 1006 1224 1423 1803 1843
no service no service Service Restrictions: CH Col SH Sch
1125 1130 1135 1140 1142 1149 1155 1202 1208
1300 1304 1304 1305 1324 1329 1334 1339 1341 1348 1354 1401 1407
CH 1640 1644 1644 1645 1704 1709 1714 1719 1721 1728 1734 1741 1747
no service no service
Barnstaple College Holidays Barnstaple College Days Devon School Holidays Devon School Days
Hartland - Barnstaple Stagecoach South West
Timetable valid from 03/01/2017 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops
Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions Hartland, Northgate Green (E-bound) Burnstone, Clovelly Cross (E-bound) Clovelly, Visitor Centre Car Park (W-bound) Clovelly, Dyke Green (S-bound) Burnstone, Milky Way (S-bound) Woolfardisworthy, opp Post Office Buck’s Mills, Bucks Cross (SE-bound) Fairy Cross, Portledge Gatehouse (NE-bound) Fairy Cross, Tom’s Lane (NE-bound) Abbotsham, opp Church Bideford, Hospital (E-bound) Bideford, Bideford Quay (Stop D) Sticklepath, Old Torrington Road (N-bound) Barnstaple, Station Entrance (Stop B) Barnstaple, Bus Station (Stand A)
SH Sch 0710 0710 1015 1235 1435 1810 0728 0728 1031 1251 1451 0731 0731 1036 1256 1456 1459 0741 0741 1041 1302 1507 0748 0748 1048 1309 1514 0755 0755 1055 1316 1521 0756 0756 1056 1317 1522 0803 0803 1101 1322 1527 0807 0807 1105 1326 1531 0815 0815 1110 1333 1538 0840 0840 1348 1553 0843 0843 1351 1556 0855 0855 1358 1603
1826 1831 1834 1842 1849 1856 1857 1902 1906 1913 1928 1931 1938
0722 0734 0740 0745
1015 1026 1031 1036
1235 1246 1251 1256
0751 0758 0805 0806 0813 0817 0825 0845 0848 0855
1041 1048 1055 1056 1101 1105 1110
1302 1309 1316 1317 1322 1326 1333 1348 1351 1358
Bank Holidays
no service no service
no service no service
Service Restrictions: SH - Devon School Holidays Sch - Devon School Days
Data Provided by South West Public Transport Information (SWPTI) - 33 - 07/11/16
1435 1446 1451 1456 1459 1507 1514 1521 1522 1527 1531 1538 1553 1556 1603
1810 1821 1826 1831 1834 1842 1849 1856 1857 1902 1906 1913 1928 1931 1938
no service no service
Barnstaple - Hartland Stagecoach South West
For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists.
SMS Code
Stop Name
dvnamwdt dvnamtgt dvngjpaw dvnampam dvngjgwm dvngmjpm dvnagata dvnagdpd dvnagdtm dvnagjdw dvnagjgw dvnagdta dvnagdmg dvnagawp dvnadwtd dvnadwgj dvnadptm dvnadptd dvnadmwj dvnadmpg dvnadjwa dvnadjmp dvnadjdm dvnadgpw dvnadgdg dvngdwpd dvnadapj dvnadamw dvnadata dvnadapa dvnadapm dvnadgdt dvnadawm dvnadgag dvngmjgj dvnadajt dvnadadm dvnadadg dvngdtmg
Barnstaple, Bus Station (Stand G) Barnstaple, Rail Station (NW-bound) Sticklepath, High Wall (W-bound) Sticklepath, Old Torrington Road (S-bound) Roundswell, Gratton Way (W-bound) Orchard Hill, Heywood Road (SW-bound) Orchard Hill, Raleigh Garage (S-bound) Orchard Hill, The Dairy (SE-bound) Orchard Hill, Kingsley Road (SE-bound) Bideford, Kingsley Road (E-bound) Bideford, Bideford Quay (Stop A) Bideford, Meddon Street (W-bound) Bideford, Old Town (NE-bound) Bideford, opp Hospital Bideford, College (W-bound) Bideford, Abbotsham Road (W-bound) Abbotsham, The Big Sheep (W-bound) Abbotsham, Church (W-bound) Fairy Cross, Tom’s Lane (SW-bound) Fairy Cross, Portledge Gatehouse (SW-bound) Horns Cross, Acre Road (SW-bound) Hoops, opp Hoops Inn Buck’s Mills, Higher Wayton (SW-bound) Buck’s Mills, Bucks Cross (NW-bound) Woolfardisworthy, Post Office (SW-bound) Woolfardisworthy, Auction Way (NW-bound) Clovelly, Dyke Green (N-bound) Clovelly, Higher Clovelly (N-bound) Clovelly, Visitor Centre Car Park (W-bound) Clovelly, Higher Clovelly (S-bound) Clovelly, Dyke Green (S-bound) Burnstone, opp Hobby Lodge Burnstone, Milky Way (W-bound) Burnstone, Milky Way (S-bound) Burnstone, Clovelly Cross (W-bound) Velly, Lighthouse Cross (W-bound) Hartland, Methodist Church (W-bound) Hartland, opp Primary School Hartland, Northgate Green (E-bound)
Street Station Road Sticklepath Hill Old Torrington Road Gratton Way Heywood Road Kingsley Road Kingsley Road Kingsley Road Kingsley Road The Quay Meddon Street Old Town Abbotsham Road Abbotsham Road Abbotsham Road
Ford A39 A39 A39 A39 A39 Woolfardisworthy B3237 B3237 B3237 B3237 A39 A39 A39 B3248 Fore Street North Road North Road
ATCO Code 1100DEZ05139 1100DEA11205 1100DEA56723 1100DEZ05106 1100DEA09189 1100DEA06004 1100DEA10709 1100DEA10518 1100DEA10516 1100DEA10511 1100DEA10703 1100DEA10616 1100DEA10618 1100DEA10620 1100DEA10623 1100DEA10626 1100DEZ05197 1100DEA10633 1100DEA10634 1100DEA10637 1100DEA10638 1100DEA10641 1100DEA10670 1100DEA10642 1100DEA10666 1100DEA10664 1100DEA10648 1100DEA10650 1100DEA10651 1100DEA10649 1100DEA10647 1100DEA10668 1100DEA10645 1100DEZ05198 1100DEA05988 1100DEA10653 1100DEA10654 1100DEA10657 1100DEA10658
Hartland - Barnstaple Stagecoach South West
For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists.
SMS Code
Stop Name
dvngdtmg dvngdtmp dvnadadp dvnadajw dvngmjgd dvnadapj dvnadamw dvnadata dvnadapa dvnadapm dvnadgag dvngdwpg dvnadgdj dvnadgta dvnadjdj dvnadjmj dvnadjtw dvnadmpd dvnadmwm dvnadptg dvnadwgm dvnadwtj dvnagawj dvnagdmp dvnagdtd dvngmwgw dvnagjgt dvnagjat dvnagdmt dvnagapt dvngmjpt dvngjgwj dvnampaj dvnampdm dvngjpaw dvngmatj dvngmjwj dvnamwgp
Hartland, Northgate Green (E-bound) Hartland, Primary School (E-bound) Hartland, opp Methodist Church Velly, Lighthouse Cross (SE-bound) Burnstone, Clovelly Cross (E-bound) Clovelly, Dyke Green (N-bound) Clovelly, Higher Clovelly (N-bound) Clovelly, Visitor Centre Car Park (W-bound) Clovelly, Higher Clovelly (S-bound) Clovelly, Dyke Green (S-bound) Burnstone, Milky Way (S-bound) Woolfardisworthy, Manor Park (SE-bound) Woolfardisworthy, opp Post Office Buck’s Mills, Bucks Cross (SE-bound) Buck’s Mills, Higher Wayton (E-bound) Hoops, Hoops Inn (E-bound) Horns Cross, Acre Road (NE-bound) Fairy Cross, Portledge Gatehouse (NE-bound) Fairy Cross, Tom’s Lane (NE-bound) Abbotsham, opp Church Bideford, Abbotsham Road (E-bound) Bideford, College (E-bound) Bideford, Hospital (E-bound) Bideford, Old Town (SW-bound) Bideford, Meddon Street (E-bound) Bideford, The Quay (N-bound) Bideford, Bideford Quay (Stop D) Bideford, Kingsley Road (W-bound) Orchard Hill, The Dairy (NW-bound) Orchard Hill, Raleigh Garage (N-bound) Orchard Hill, Heywood Road (NE-bound) Roundswell, Gratton Way (E-bound) Sticklepath, Old Torrington Road (N-bound) Sticklepath, Stafford (NE-bound) Sticklepath, High Wall (W-bound) Barnstaple, Station Entrance (Stop B) Sticklepath, Sticklepath Terrace (NE-bound) Barnstaple, Bus Station (Stand A)
North Road North Road Fore Street B3248 A39 B3237 B3237
1100DEA10658 1100DEA10656 1100DEA10655 1100DEA10652 1100DEA05987 1100DEA10648 1100DEA10650 1100DEA10651 1100DEA10649 1100DEA10647 1100DEZ05198 1100DEA10663 1100DEA10665 1100DEA10643 1100DEA10669 1100DEA10640 1100DEA10639 1100DEA10636 1100DEA10635 1100DEA10632 1100DEA10627 1100DEA10622 1100DEA10619 1100DEA10617 1100DEA10615 1100DEA56926 1100DEA10706 1100DEA10513 1100DEA10519 1100DEA10710 1100DEA06005 1100DEA09188 1100DEA11200 1100DEA11202 1100DEA56723 1100DEA05863 1100DEA06017 1100DEZ05138
B3237 B3237
Woolfardiswothy A39 A39 A39 A39 A39 Ford Abbotsham Road Abbotsham Road Abbotsham Road Old Town Meddon Street The Quay The Quay Kingsley Road Kingsley Road Heywood Road Heywood Road Gratton Way Old Torrington Road Sticklepath Hill Sticklepath Hill A3125
Barnstaple - Hartland Stagecoach South West
Service Restrictions CH - Barnstaple College Holidays Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th 2016 November 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 December 2017 January 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Fr 18 16 13
Sa 19 17 14
Su 20 18 15
Mo 21 19 16
Tu 22 20 17
We 23 21 18
Th 24 22 19
Fr 25 23 20
Sa 26 24 21
Su 27 25 22
Mo 28 26 23
Tu 29 27 24
We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu 30 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Col - Barnstaple College Days Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th 2016 November 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2017 January 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Fr 18 16 13
Sa 19 17 14
Su 20 18 15
Mo 21 19 16
Tu 22 20 17
We 23 21 18
Th 24 22 19
Fr 25 23 20
Sa 26 24 21
Su 27 25 22
Mo 28 26 23
Tu 29 27 24
We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu 30 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Sch - Devon School Days Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th 2016 November 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2017 January 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Fr 18 16 13
Sa 19 17 14
Su 20 18 15
Mo 21 19 16
Tu 22 20 17
We 23 21 18
Th 24 22 19
Fr 25 23 20
Sa 26 24 21
Su 27 25 22
Mo 28 26 23
Tu 29 27 24
We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu 30 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
SH - Devon School Holidays Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2016 November 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 December 2017 January 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Fr 18 16 13
Sa 19 17 14
Su 20 18 15
Mo 21 19 16
Tu 22 20 17
We 23 21 18
Th 24 22 19
Fr 25 23 20
Sa 26 24 21
Su 27 25 22
Mo 28 26 23
Tu 29 27 24
We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu 30 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
# # # #
Days of operation Mo = Monday, Tu = Tuesday, We = Wednesday, Th = Thursday, Fr = Friday Sa = Saturday Su = Sunday