2017 06 03 STAGECOACH DEVON LTD PR.pdf - Google Drive

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1350. 1403. 1400. 1413. 1410. 1423. 1420. 1433. 1430. 1443. 1445. 1458. 1515. 1528. Saturdays. Broadsands, opp Brunel Ro

Broadsands Car Park - Paignton Sands Road Stagecoach South West

Timetable valid from 03/06/2017 until 04/06/2017. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops

Mondays to Fridays no service

Saturdays Broadsands, opp Brunel Road Paignton, nr Sands Road

1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1300 1310 1320 1330 1340 1350 1400 1410 1420 1430 1445 1515 1213 1223 1233 1243 1253 1303 1313 1323 1333 1343 1353 1403 1413 1423 1433 1443 1458 1528

Saturdays Broadsands, opp Brunel Road Paignton, nr Sands Road

1545 1615 1625 1635 1645 1655 1705 1715 1725 1735 1755 1815 1835 1855 1915 1935 1558 1628 1638 1648 1658 1708 1718 1728 1738 1748 1808 1828 1848 1908 1928 1948

Sundays Broadsands, opp Brunel Road Paignton, nr Sands Road

1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1250 1300 1310 1320 1330 1340 1350 1400 1410 1420 1430 1445 1515 1213 1223 1233 1243 1253 1303 1313 1323 1333 1343 1353 1403 1413 1423 1433 1443 1458 1528

Sundays Broadsands, opp Brunel Road Paignton, nr Sands Road

1545 1615 1625 1635 1645 1655 1705 1715 1725 1735 1755 1815 1835 1855 1915 1935 1558 1628 1638 1648 1658 1708 1718 1728 1738 1748 1808 1828 1848 1908 1928 1948

Bank Holidays no service no service


no service

no service

no service

Paignton Sands Road - Broadsands Car Park Stagecoach South West

Timetable valid from 03/06/2017 until 04/06/2017. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops

Mondays to Fridays no service

Saturdays Paignton, nr Sands Road Broadsands, opp Brunel Road

1215 1225 1235 1245 1255 1305 1315 1325 1335 1345 1355 1405 1430 1500 1530 1600 1610 1620 1229 1239 1249 1259 1309 1319 1329 1339 1349 1359 1409 1419 1444 1514 1544 1614 1624 1634

Saturdays Paignton, nr Sands Road Broadsands, opp Brunel Road

1630 1640 1650 1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 1800 1820 1840 1900 1920 1940 2000 1644 1654 1704 1714 1724 1734 1744 1754 1804 1814 1834 1854 1914 1934 1954 2014

Sundays Paignton, nr Sands Road Broadsands, opp Brunel Road

1215 1225 1235 1245 1255 1305 1315 1325 1335 1345 1355 1405 1430 1500 1530 1600 1610 1620 1229 1239 1249 1259 1309 1319 1329 1339 1349 1359 1409 1419 1444 1514 1544 1614 1624 1634

Sundays Paignton, nr Sands Road Broadsands, opp Brunel Road

1630 1640 1650 1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 1800 1820 1840 1900 1920 1940 2000 1644 1654 1704 1714 1724 1734 1744 1754 1804 1814 1834 1854 1914 1934 1954 2014

Bank Holidays no service no service

Data Provided by South West Public Transport Information (SWPTI) - 33 - 08/05/17

no service

no service

no service


Broadsands Car Park - Paignton Sands Road Stagecoach South West

For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at www.nextbuses.mobi (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists.

SMS Code

Stop Name



tbydgaj tbyawga

Broadsands, opp Brunel Road Paignton, nr Sands Road

Brunel Road Sands Road

1190TOA10999 1190TOA10326


Paignton Sands Road - Broadsands Car Park Stagecoach South West

For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at www.nextbuses.mobi (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists.

SMS Code

Stop Name



tbyawga tbydgaj

Paignton, nr Sands Road Broadsands, opp Brunel Road

Sands Road Brunel Road

1190TOA10326 1190TOA10999