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State Board of Pharmacy
*** Notice of Informal Stakeholder Meeting *** What is this about? The Colorado State Board of Pharmacy (“Board”) is considering amending some of its rules and adding others to improve the administration and enforcement of the Pharmacists, Pharmacy Businesses and Pharmaceuticals Act. Colorado law permits agencies to informally solicit views from interested stakeholders concerning proposed draft rules before commencing the formal rulemaking process. We invite you to share your thoughts and recommendations as we improve a preliminary draft of proposed rules (as detailed below) to regulate the practice of pharmacy in Colorado. Why does the Board need your help? The initial draft amendments and additions to the Board’s rules are to: (1) implement Senate Bills 17-146 and 17-268 as well as House Bills 17-1274 and HB 17-1371; and (2) implement requests from stakeholders. However, the Board needs input from other stakeholders. To this end, we are seeking input from you. The Board values your feedback and we would very much like to hear your thoughts. We need your help to identify necessary revisions or additional guidance in order to propose a constructive and comprehensive draft of rules for consideration during the formal rulemaking proceeding. Your opinions and recommendations will help shape the Board’s rules. How do I submit my comments and what is the deadline? You may either appear in person at 1560 Broadway, Conference Room 1250 C, Denver, Colorado 80202 on June 12, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. (MST), participate via webinar at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9194552020955954947 or you may email your comments directly to chris.gassen@state.co.us by June 9, 2017 at 4 p.m. (MST). SPECIAL NOTICE: THIS IS AN INFORMAL STAKEHOLDER MEETING, AND NOT A FORMAL RULEMAKING HEARING. A FORMAL RULEMAKING HEARING, WHERE RULES MAY BE FORMALLY ADOPTED BY THE PHARMACY BOARD, WILL BE NOTICED FOR JULY 20, 2017. Will my written comments become part of the official record for the anticipated rulemaking? Yes, we will incorporate your written comments into the official record when we commence with formal rulemaking in July 20, 2017. Please note that you will also have an additional opportunity
1560 Broadway, Suite 1350, Denver, CO 80202 P 303.894.7800
F 303.894.7692 www.dora.colorado.gov/professions
to provide oral and/or written comments regarding the proposed rules before and/or during the July 20, 2017 rulemaking proceeding.
Rules subject to Informal Stakeholder Meeting Rule 1.00.15 – The purpose of the amendment is to exempt an oncologist or group oncology practice from restrictions on owning a Board-registered prescription drug outlet. Rule 3.01.10 – The purpose of the amendment is to implement HB 17-1371, which allows pharmacies owned and operated by hospitals accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, a health maintenance organization as defined in Section 10-16-102, C.R.S., or the Colorado Department of Corrections to distribute prepackaged drugs, without limitation, to other pharmacies or other outlets under common ownership and/or control. Rule 7.00.30 – The purpose of the amendment is to implement SB 17-268, which eliminates the technician to pharmacist ratio at a Colorado-based prescription drug outlet and therefore amends the pharmacy technician posting requirements. Rules 21.00.20 and 21.00.30 – The purpose of the amendments is to implement HB 16-1274, which allows an in-state or nonresident pharmacy to distribute compounded products to Colorado-based licensed veterinarians for office use under certain limitations and conditions. Rules 23.00.10 and 23.00.70 – The purpose of the amendments is to implement SB 17-146, which clarifies under what conditions prescribers and pharmacists may access Colorado’s Electronic Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (“PDMP”).
1560 Broadway, Suite 1350, Denver, CO 80202 P 303.894.7800
F 303.894.7692 www.dora.colorado.gov/professions