Illegitimately accessing the teacher's answer key for quizzes or tests. â Stealing the teacher's edition of the textbo
PALACIOS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 2017-2018 Campus Procedures Manual Grades 7-8
200 Shark Drive Palacios, Texas 77465 361-972-2417
TABLE OF CONTENTS ACADEMIC HONESTY………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..-1ADVANCED CLASSES CRITERIA................................................................................................................................................. -2ANIMALS..........................................................................................................................................................................................-2ATHLETICS .................................................................................................................................................................................... -2BAND……………………………………………………………………………………………………...………………...……………..…-2BELL SCHEDULE........................................................................................................................................................................... -3BICYCLES ...................................................................................................................................................................................... -3BIRTHDAYS ................................................................................................................................................................................... -3BUILDING AND CLASSROOM CARE…………………………………………………………………………………………………….-3CHEERLEADING............................................................................................................................................................................ -3CONCUSSION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..-3CONDUCT ......................................................................................................................................................................................-3CONDUCT AT ATHLETIC EVENTS/SCHOOL EVENTS ............................................................................................................. -5CONDUCT AT THE FINE ARTS AUDITORIUM............................................................................................................................ -5CONDUCT BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL………………………………………………………………………………………..…..-5CONDUCT IN THE CAFETERIA…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..-5CONDUCT IN THE CLASSROOM…………………………………………………………………………………………………………-5DANCES….. ................................................................................................................................................................................... -5DETAINING STUDENTS AFTER SCHOOL ................................................................................................................................... -6DETENTION……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………-6DISCIPLINE .................................................................................................................................................................................... -6DRUG TESTING OF STUDENTS IN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES.................................................................................... -6EXTRACURRICULAR AND ORGANIZATION ACTIVITIES.......................................................................................................... -6FEDERAL PROGRAMS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….-7FIGHT SONG………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..-7FUND RAISERS ............................................................................................................................................................................ -7-
GIFTED AND TALENTED PROGRAM AND ADVANCED CLASSES.......................................................................................... -8GRADING ...................................................................................................................................................................................... -8HOMEWORK POLICY................................................................................................................................................................... -9HONOR ROLLS............................................................................................................................................................................. -9NON-ACCREDITED SCHOOLS.................................................................................................................................................... -9PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT…………………………………………………………………………………………………….... ……-10PARENTAL NOTIFICATION/STUDENT THREATS.................................................................................................................... -10RECREATION AREA RULES....................................................................................................................................................... -10RULES……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………..-10SCHOOL BUSES AND OTHER DISTRICT VEHICLES .............................................................................................................. -10SCHOOL HOURS………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….-10SCHOOL TRIPS ........................................................................................................................................................................... -10TARDIES……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………….……………….-11TRAFFIC FLOW ........................................................................................................................................................................... -11TUTORIALS.................................................................................................................................................................................. -11-
PALACIOS ISD RESOLUTION IN ACADEMIC HONESTY Academic Integrity It is the aim of the faculty of Palacios ISD to foster a spirit of complete honesty and a high standard of honor. The attempt of students to present as their own work, that which they have not honestly performed is regarded by the faculty and administration as a serious offense and renders the offender liable to serious consequences. Some examples associated with academic honesty: Cheating Cheating includes the actual giving or receiving of any unauthorized aid or assistance or the actual giving or receiving of any unfair advantage on any form of academic work, or attempts thereof. Such acts include, but are not limited to: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
The use of talking, signs, or gestures communicating during a quiz or test Copying from another student or allowing the copying of an individual assignment, or leaving work accessible to others Passing quiz or test information during a class period or from one class period to members of another class period Submission of pre-written writing assignments at times when such assignments are supposed to be written in class Illegally exceeding time limits on timed quizzes, tests or assignments Unauthorized use of study aids, notes, books, data or other information Sabotaging the projects of other students Use of electronic devices during an assessment Illegal entry to or unauthorized presence at a teacher’s computer.
Plagiarism Plagiarism includes the copying of the language, structure, programming, computer code, ideas, and/or thoughts of another and passing off the same as one’s own original work, or attempts thereof. Such acts include, but are not limited to: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Having a parent or another person write an essay (including the purchase of works on-line) or do a project, which is then submitted as one’s own work Failing to use proper documentation and bibliography Falsification/Lying Falsification includes the statement of any untruth, either verbally or in writing, with respect to any circumstances relevant to one’s academic work, or attempts thereof. Such acts include, but are not limited to: The forgery of official signatures Tampering with official records Fraudulently adding, deleting, or manipulating information on academic work, or fraudulently changing an examination or other academic work after the testing period or due date of the assignment Lying or failing to give complete information to a teacher Feigning illness to gain extra preparation time for quizzes, tests or assignments due
Stealing Stealing includes the taking or appropriating without the right or permission to do so and with the intent to keep or make use of wrongfully, the schoolwork or materials of another student or the instructional materials of a teacher. Such acts include, but are not limited to: ● Stealing copies of quizzes or tests ● Illegitimately accessing the teacher’s answer key for quizzes or tests ● Stealing the teacher’s edition of the textbook ● Stealing another student’s homework, notes, or handouts Students participating in Academic Dishonesty will be subject to academic and disciplinary action.
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ADVANCED CLASSES CRITERIA ● Students must re-qualify each year for each advanced class. ● Criteria will be checked for qualification only when the student registers for an advanced class. ● The current year teacher for the current school year may recommend a student for entry into an advanced class during the first six weeks of the school year or at the end of the 1st semester. ● When determining grade averages for qualification for advanced classes, students who were enrolled in and successfully completed advanced courses in grades 6 and 7 will receive an additional 5 points to their overall average. Advanced Math 7 1. Math grades 90 average (or above) of the last two semesters 2. Star Reading level- on grade level (7.0) or above 3. Top 30th percentile on standardized exam 2 out of 3 Advanced Math 8 (Algebra I)* 1. Math grades 90 average (or above) of the last two semesters 2. Star Reading level- on grade level (8.0) or above 3. Must meet qualifying standards on standardized exam (MSTAR) 4. Must meet Level III Advanced Criteria on STAAR Math test 3 out of 4 – with #1 and #3 being mandatory Advanced English 7 & 8 1. LA grade (7th) and English grade (8th) 90 average (or above) of the last two semesters 2. Star Reading level- on grade level (7.0 for 7th grade & 8.0 for 8th grade) or above 3. Successful completion of summer reading/assignment schedule 2 out of 3 with #3 being mandatory Probation: One six weeks grade below 80 Exit Procedures: Teacher initiated * two six weeks grades below 80 * parent/teacher conference * schedule change at end of six weeks
Parent initiated * written request * parent/teacher conference * schedule change
*Algebra: two six weeks grades below 80 in the first semester only. Transfer Students If a student is in an advanced class(es) in the previous school, the student will be placed in an advanced class(es) at PJHS. The same probationary and exit criteria will apply to transfer students. If a student was not in advanced classes in the previous school, PJHS entry criteria will apply at the time of enrollment. ANIMALS Animals may be brought into the classroom for educational purposes; however, they must be appropriately housed, humanely cared for, and properly handled. Persons bringing any animals into any school must receive prior permission from the principal. ATHLETICS See Athletic Handbook for specific information. BAND See Band Handbook/Constitution for specific information. Page 2
BELL SCHEDULE PJHS Regular 1st Brunch 2nd 3rd 4th LUNCH 5th 6th 7th 8th
7:55-8:44 8:44-8:59 9:03 -9:52 9:56-10:45 10:49-11:38 11:38-12:08 12:12-1:01 1:05-1:54 1:58-2:47 2:51-3:40
BICYCLES Bicycles will be parked in the bicycle racks located in front of the school. BIRTHDAYS Special occasions such as birthdays can be celebrated with prior approval of the campus administrator. It is necessary to have prior permission to avoid conflicts with school activities or testing dates. Deliveries must come through the junior high office. Items will be distributed as to avoid distraction of the school day. Visits from direct family members are welcome during lunch, but food items to distribute or share will not be allowed. Approved dates by campus administrator only. BUILDING AND CLASSROOM CARE Each student using district facilities should be aware of his/her responsibility for keeping his/her immediate area clean and orderly. CHEERLEADING See Cheerleading Constitution for specific information. CONCUSSIONS Parents and students are required to sign a concussion acknowledgment form at the beginning of each school year. Palacios ISD has a concussion oversight team for any interscholastic athletic activity, whether sponsored by the district or UIL. The oversight team, which includes a physician, shall review each concussion by using a return-to-play protocol before allowing a player to participate in athletic activities. Student safety in extracurricular activities is a priority of the district. The equipment used in football is no exception. As a parent, you are entitled to review the district’s records regarding the age of each football helmet used by the campus including when a helmet has been reconditioned. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the athletic director at 361-972-2571 ext.1215. CONDUCT Achieving productive student conduct is actually an equal partnership involving school district personnel, parents and students. The ultimate responsibility for successful school behavior must rest with the individual student, yet each member of the school community bears a significant responsibility in nurturing positive school conduct in each child. Support and interest in student behavior by parents plays a very important part in the student conduct. Students have the responsibility to: 1. Attend all classes, daily and on time. 2. Be prepared for each class with appropriate materials and assignments. 3. Be properly attired. 4. Exhibit respect toward others. 5. Conduct themselves in a responsible manner. 6. Pay required fees and fines, unless they are waived. 7. Refrain from violations of the Student Code of Conduct.
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8. 9.
Obey all school rules, including safety rules. Seek changes in school policies and regulations in an orderly and responsible manner, through appropriate channels. 10. Cooperate with staff in investigation of disciplinary cases and volunteering information when the student has knowledge relating to a serious offense. Parents have the responsibility to: 1. Make every effort to provide for the physical needs of their child. 2. Teach their child to pay attention and obey the rules. 3. Be sure their child attends school regularly, and promptly report and explain absences and tardies to the school. 4. Encourage and lead their child to develop proper study habits at home. 5. Participate in meaningful parent-teacher conferences to discuss their child's school progress and welfare. 6. Attend parent training workshops for home reinforcement of study skills and specific curriculum objectives. 7. Keep informed of school policies and academic requirements of school programs. 8. Participate in school-related organizations. 9. Be sure their child is appropriately dressed at school and school-related activities. 10. Discuss report cards and school assignments with their child. 11. Bring to the attention of school authorities any learning problem or condition that may relate to their child's education. 12. Maintain up-to-date home, work, and emergency telephone numbers and other pertinent information. 13. Cooperate with school administrators and teachers. 14. Be sure their child attends school tutorials when required or as the need arises. 15. Submit a signed statement that they understand and consent to the responsibilities outlined in this plan. 16. Exhibit respect for teachers and administrators in resolving disciplinary problems of their student. Teachers have the responsibility to: 1. Use discipline management techniques approved in the district's Student Code of Conduct 2. Insure good student discipline by being in regular attendance and on time. 3. Perform their teaching duties with appropriate preparation, assignments and resource materials. 4. Comply with district and school policies, rules, regulations and directives. 5. Maintain an orderly classroom atmosphere conducive to learning. 6. Teach to the standards of performance required by the district. 7. Establish rapport and an effective working relationship with parents, students and other staff members. 8. Teach students to strive toward self-discipline. 9. Encourage good work habits that will lead to the accomplishment of personal goals. 10. Serve as appropriate role models for their students in accordance with the standards of the teaching profession. 11. Exhibit respect for parents and administrators in resolving disciplinary problems of the student. 12. Hold one or more conferences during each school year with parents of students who are not maintaining passing grades, not achieving the expected level of performance, presenting a problem to the teacher or for any other case the teacher considers necessary. Administrators have the responsibility to: 1. Respond to discipline problems referred to them by teachers. 2. Promote effective conduct and discipline of all students. 3. Encourage parent communication with the school, including participation in required parent-teacher conferences. 4. Provide appropriate assistance to students in learning mature self-discipline. 5. Assume responsibility and instructional leadership for discipline and for evaluation of the Discipline Management Plan. 6. Serve as appropriate role models for the students on their campus in accordance with the standards of the profession. 7. Exhibit respect for parents and teachers in resolving disciplinary problems of the student. 8. Conduct parent training workshops for home reinforcement of study skills and specific curriculum objectives during each semester.
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CONDUCT AT ATHLETIC EVENTS/SCHOOL EVENTS 1. All persons on the school grounds must attend the event; loitering around cars, buildings or other school facilities is not allowed. 2. Children in levels Pre-K - grade 6 must be accompanied by a mature adult who will be responsible for their conduct. 3. All children, whether school or preschool age, must remain seated in the stands unless going to and from the concession stand or restrooms; there will be no playing games, sitting on the rail, standing by the fence, etc. 4. Children who do not remain seated after the first reminder will be assigned to either supervised student seating or their parents. Subsequent violations may result in an escort from the facility or withdrawal of privileges and may result in further action. 5. Palacios ISD prohibits smoking and any use of e-cigarettes or tobacco products on all district property. CONDUCT AT THE FINE ARTS AUDITORIUM In addition to the conduct standards for athletic events, students should follow the rules below when attending events in the Fine Arts Auditorium: 1. Remain seated at all times. 2. Refrain from talking, whistling, and cat-calls during events. 3. Remove hats and caps when entering the building. 4. Observe district-wide rule against use of tobacco products. 5. Refrain from loitering in the foyer, aisles and outside the auditorium. 6. No food or drink allowed in the auditorium. CONDUCT BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL Teachers and administrators have full authority over student conduct at before-school or after-school activities on district premises and at school-sponsored events off district premises, such as play rehearsals, club meetings, athletic practices, and special study groups or tutorials. Students are subject to the same rules of conduct that apply during the instructional day and will be subject to consequences established by the Student Code of Conduct or any stricter standards of behavior established by the sponsor for extracurricular participants. CONDUCT IN THE CAFETERIA 1. Be polite and courteous. 2. Keep the cafeteria clean. 3. Do not cut in line. 4. Walk, don't run. 5. Do not yell or make excessive noise. 6. Stay seated in the same chair until you finish. 7. Do not loiter in or around the cafeteria. 8. Do not throw food or anything else. CONDUCT IN THE CLASSROOM These rules, along with all school rules, are observed in the classroom: 1. Keep hands, feet, objects and comments to yourself. 2. Do what you are told, when you are told to do it. 3. Bring all materials, supplies and work to class. Students are expected to obey all other rules established by the classroom teacher. DANCES Dances are held in school facilities and are sponsored by organizations that must file a building use form. Sponsoring organizations will be responsible for chaperones and security. Sponsoring organizations will pay for custodial services. Entry into dances is with Palacios Junior High School student identification card. Time of school dances: 1. Starting time may be any time decided on by the sponsors and principal. 2. Ending time on Friday and Saturday nights is no later than 10:30 p.m. Page 5
Who may attend: The campus administrators will determine student eligibility to attend dances. Rules concerning dances: 1. Payment, when requested, must be made upon entry to the dance. 2. Students cannot leave the dance and return without prior approval from the sponsors. 3. No tag or irregular dances are allowed without permission from the sponsors. 4. All students have the right to refuse to dance with any other student if they so desire. Any argument on this matter may cancel that student's privilege to attend all other school activities. 5. Appropriate clothing must be worn. 6. All school rules of behavior will be followed. Failure to comply with the above may cancel that student's right to attend any other school dance or other school activity for the balance of the school year. DETAINING STUDENTS AFTER SCHOOL Students may be kept after school for up to one hour per day. Teachers keeping students after school will notify the parents at least one day in advance so that they may make arrangements for transportation. DETENTION Students may be required to attend After School Detention or Saturday class for any violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Parents will be given one day notice about the detention. Students who must attend After School Detention must have a parent or guardian sign them out and pick them up in the office at the end of their detention. Students who are required to attend Saturday school will need to be at the school from 8:30 a.m. -11:30 a.m. and/or 11:30-2:30. Students who miss After School Detention must stay for detention the next day detention is held. DISCIPLINE See Student Code of Conduct. DRUG TESTING OF STUDENTS IN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES See PISD Student Code of Conduct EXTRACURRICULAR ORGANIZATIONS Palacios Junior High School offers opportunities for students to participate in school life beyond the classroom. Several organizations are open to junior high students. Each organization has a civic project during the school year in which the members participate, and the success of these organizations depends on the enthusiasm, desire to work, and participation of its members. Criteria for joining and maintaining membership in these organizations differ. Full information can be obtained by talking to the faculty sponsor of an organization. Following is a list of organizations now available at the junior high. As student interest in other areas grows, other organizations may be added. 1.
Cheerleaders -- The cheerleader squad is a very visible part of the junior high school. Members are responsible to the others and must reflect the positive image of our school. They lead Thursday pep rallies during football season, lead cheers at football and boys' and girls' basketball games, and may have other duties as school ambassadors. They are selected during the spring by qualified out-of-town judges. Future 7th and 8th graders with good scholastic and discipline records are eligible to try out. They attend cheerleader camps and practice during the summer.
PJHS Art Club -- This organization is open to students who are interested in supporting the creative arts. Participating students must maintain passing grades in all junior high courses.
National Junior Honor Society -- This organization is open to students who have met certain criteria. The following bylaws explain the selection of members and probation. Students who cannot maintain appropriate behavior or required grades are dropped from the squad. These rules begin with election.
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Selection 1) Membership is open to all grade students. 2) Review for membership is based on grades. 3) Selection for membership is based on an accumulation of 33 points (see chart below) beginning with the fall semester of 7th grade 4) Any member of another school's NJHS who moves into the district will be granted full membership in this chapter after presenting the proper credentials. The scholastic requirement for continuing membership is to maintain a 33 point total or above per semester (see chart below): Regular Advanced A 4 5 B 3 4 C 2 3
Maintenance and Probation 1) Students are to maintain 33 grade points per semester. Failure to do so will result in probation. 2) A discipline referral may subject a student to probation. 3) Decisions regarding dismissal or probation are made by a faculty committee. 4) There will be only one probationary period per student. Any student who is placed on probation once cannot be placed on probation again for any other deficiency or infraction.
Student Council -- Every year each grade elects seven to eight members to the Student Council Student Council members elects officers. The purpose of the organization is to give students experience and pride in civic participation and give them a voice in student affairs. Membership is contingent upon a 75 average in each subject and good behavior.
Robotics, FCCLA, Book Club, Chess Club.
FEDERAL PROGRAMS Various programs, federally funded, support the supplemental instruction to students in the areas of teacher professional development, Bilingual and ESL, Career and Technology, core subject areas, and school-wide program to target at-risk students. FIGHT SONG Let's give a cheer for ole Palacios High Whose football team will never say die! Send a volley cheer on high! Shake down the thunder from the sky! Although the odds be great or small, The Palacios Sharks will win over all. As our Mighty Sharks go fighting ONWARD TO VICTORY! FUND RAISERS Fund-raising activities by student groups and/or school-sponsored projects will be allowed, with administrative approval, and under the supervision of the sponsor, for students in grades PK-12. Fund-raising projects are limited to two product sales per organization each school year. Service-type fund raisers are not limited in number. Student participation in approved fund-raising activities, including the collection of monies, should not interfere with the regular instructional program. Any sale of food or beverage items sold on campus during the school day, must meet the Competitive Food Nutritional Standards. The school day is defined as the period from the midnight before the beginning of the official instructional day to 30 minutes after the end of the official instructional day. Students are not permitted to participate in fund drives for non-school charitable organizations as official representatives of their school. No outside organization of any sort may solicit contributions of any type from students within the schools during school hours. Any money collected which is related to these activities should be turned in daily to the sponsor and not kept with the student or in student lockers. Page 7
GIFTED AND TALENTED PROGRAM AND ADVANCED CLASSES- MATH, ENGLISH Students are provided participation in challenging, higher level courses through the Gifted and Talented Program and Advanced classes. Students not identified as GT may participate in advanced classes by meeting course specific requirements. These students will participate with the identified gifted and talented students in selected classes. If student performance indicates they are not being successful, exit procedures will be considered. Students identified as gifted and talented may sign a furlough to be allowed to waive participation in a designated course. GRADING Assignments go beyond testing memory of information and bits of knowledge. Constructive homework assignments, major projects, research papers, etc., include means for measuring a student's comprehension and problem-solving abilities as well as critical thinking skills. The relationship between number grades and letter grades is: 90 80 75 70 69
- 100 - 89 - 79 - 74 - Below
= = = = =
A grade of 70 and above is passing; a grade of 69 and below is failing. Teachers will have a minimum of fifteen (15) supporting grades per grading period which will include a minimum of four (4) grades per progress report. Individual grades will be used only once (unless approved by the principal). Grades are recorded as actually made by the student on progress report, report cards, and semester examinations. All grade book grading categories must have multiple grades each grading cycle. Grading Policy for Redoing a Failed Assignment/Test In accordance with policy EIA, the student will have five school days, upon notification, for a request for an assignment/test to be redone after a failing grade. The student will work on assignments after school hours and turn in the assignment, or take a make-up test after school. An average of both the first and the second grade will be taken and the final grade will be recorded up to a grade of 70. A quarter or semester examination cannot be repeated if a student fails or makes a poor grade on the first attempt. Report cards are issued to students on Thursday following the end of each quarter period. Parent-teacher conferences will be requested for students with grades less than 70. A report card is not issued to pupils who have been enrolled fewer than half the school days in any six-week period. In the case of illness, a pupil will receive grades based on time present and work made up, at the discretion of the teacher. Credit may be withheld in a semester for any course in which a student has excessive absences. Students' progress is evaluated periodically by major exams. Exams can be given at the end of a quarter period or at the end of a unit of study. The quarter grade is determined by averaging daily grades and test grades. Semester examinations are given at the end of the fall and spring semester. All absences during major tests or semester examinations must be excused by the principal in order to take a make-up exam. A student who fails to take a quarter test or a semester exam may be given a failing grade for the quarter period or semester. If a student is retained and wishes to attend summer school, the student or his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) should meet with the Principal. The student must take the right courses and satisfactorily complete summer school in order to receive credit.
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HOMEWORK POLICY Homework refers to an assignment to be completed during a period of study outside of class, in a study hall, or at home. Well chosen, clearly communicated homework is an integral part of the instructional process. Challenging homework that reinforces, enriches, and enhances instruction encourages families to become more involved with education. It also causes students to work independently and to become more responsible for their own achievements. Objective: Homework assignments are designed to assure success for each student every day. Purpose of Homework: Preparation: to prepare students to gain maximum benefit from subsequent lessons. Example: “Read Chapter 3 for tomorrow”. Practice: for independent practice of specific skills. Example: “We have worked the first ten problems together. For tomorrow, I would like for you to complete the remaining ten problems”. Extension: to provide students with an opportunity for individual application, research, creativity, and/or study. Example: “For the past few days we have been studying the beginning of the Civil War. For tomorrow, I would like for you to select one battle, hardship, or happening that we have discussed and write a narrative making yourself one of the characters”. Guidelines for Homework: Homework will have a meaningful purpose and not be just busy work. The length of any homework assignment will be carefully considered with regard to students’grade level and other assignments that may be given from other teachers. Students will have a maximum of three days to complete missed assignments upon their return from excused absences. Extenuating circumstances will be considered by the classroom teacher and adjustments may be made. Work assigned prior to an absence, will be due upon return to class. Homework may not be assigned during six weeks tests, semester tests, or major state mandated testing periods. Every effort will be made to eliminate or to minimize the assignment of homework on nights of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. Unfinished in-class assignments used for guided practice and/or checking for student understanding will not be considered homework. Homework assignments shall be graded. Results may influence students’ weekly, quarterly, or semester averages. Students will be required to complete all homework missed. HONOR ROLLS Academic Honor rolls are based on report card grades at the end of each grading period “A” Honor Roll – Report card grades of 90 or above in each subject “A/B” Honor Roll – Report card grades of 80 or above in each subject NON-ACCREDITED SCHOOLS Students entering a District school from non-accredited public, private, or parochial schools, including home schools, shall be placed initially at the discretion of the principal, pending observation by classroom teachers, guidance personnel, and the principal. Criteria for placement may include: 1. Scores on achievement tests, which may be administered by appropriate District personnel. 2. Recommendation of the sending school. 3. Prior academic record. 4. Chronological age and social and emotional development of the student. 5. Other criteria deemed appropriate by the principal. 6. Credit by Exam Page 9
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT Parent Involvement Coordinator The Parent Involvement Coordinator, Sherri Seaman, who works with parents of students participating in Title I programs may be contacted at 361-972-5491 ext. 1010. PARENTAL NOTIFICATION/STUDENT THREATS Schools have an obligation to notify parents/guardians of issue that may affect the student’s safety and well-being. Statements or threats regarding suicide, gang activity, or fear of harm must be reported to the parent/guardian. Upon hearing a student make a statement(s) or threat(s), or learning of issue that may affect the student’s safety, the faculty member shall report this information to the Principal. The Principal will ensure that the student meet with his/her guidance counselor. If the issues related to the student=s safety involve other students or adults on campus, the Principal will conduct an investigation and take appropriate measures to provide adequate safeguards for the student. If the issues are criminal in nature, law enforcement shall be contacted. If the issues of concern occurred off campus, the Principal will obtain as much information as possible and convey it to the necessary school officials or authorities. RECREATION AREA RULES The area to the west of the junior high is the junior high recreation area. The cafeteria is the boundary line between the junior high school and the senior high school. Students are not to go past the south end of the cafeteria or be in the gym, Fine Arts Building, high school or football stadium before school, at lunch, or after school. 1. Keep campus clean 2. No running in or around walkways 3. No throwing objects 4. No objects will be retrieved from the roof 5. No fighting 6. No standing on benches or tables 7. Do not hang from or climb on the walkway cover SCHEDULE CHANGES Schedule changes will be made only during the first week of the first semester, and the first week of the second semester, unless extenuating circumstances occur, and then only with principal approval. SCHOOL BUSES AND OTHER DISTRICT VEHICLES Only eligible students may be transported in district vehicles without written permission from a principal of the campus the student attends. SCHOOL HOURS Classes are scheduled from 7:55 – 3:40. See Bell Schedule SCHOOL TRIPS Field trips are planned by the teaching staff to support classroom lesson instruction. Permission slips signed by the parent are required of all students who go on the trip. Several field trips may be listed on one permission slip, especially those to the Texas State Marine Education Center (TSMEC). Authorized school personnel can administer medications to students while on field trips. As a general requirement, all students must ride school-provided transportation to and from all field trip sites. Students are not to be transported in private vehicles unless a parent/guardian makes a written request. The district is not liable for injuries occurring to students riding in private vehicles.
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TARDIES A student is tardy if he/she is not in his/her seat in the classroom when the tardy bell rings. A student who misses more than half a class (30 minutes) is counted absent for that class. All period tardies are recorded by the teacher, to which the student is assigned during that period. The campus principal/assistant principal will determine disciplinary action for excessive tardies. Excessive tardies will count as “parts of days” and truancy guidelines will apply. Quarter Tardy Policy - At the discretion of the administrator 1 -Tardy Warning 2 Tardy Warning 3rd Tardy - Discipline referral – Lunch detention 4th Tardy - Discipline referral – Lunch detention 5th Tardy - Discipline referral – After school detention 6th Tardy - Discipline referral –Saturday School 7th Tardy and above - Discipline referral – 1 day of ISS OR more at the administrator’s discretion **Failure to serve assigned detention(s) will result in immediate ISS placement for the equivalent number of days.** st
TRAFFIC FLOW In order to ensure safe student crossing in front of and behind the secondary campuses, the following will be enforced: Shark Drive - traffic flow one-way (north to south) from Henderson Street to Perryman Street between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on school days. During early release the times would be changed to 30 minutes before school and 30 minutes after school dismissal. Hornet Drive - traffic flow one-way (south to north) from the south gate at the field house to Henderson Street between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on school days. Traffic will flow two-way from Perryman Street to the south gate. During early release, the times would be changed to 30 minutes before school and 30 minutes after school dismissal. TUTORIALS Tutorials are mandatory for students whose grade in a subject for a reporting period is less than 70. All other students may attend tutorial sessions voluntarily. Each campus shall develop and conduct a tutorial program and inform students and parents of the schedule.
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