Mercantile fees are included in above fees. I agree to comply with all of the policies, terms & agreements set forth
2017 Atlantic City Seafood Festival Art Walk Application Artist Information:
Sept 9th & 10th The Showboat Atlantic City, NJ 2017 SHOW TIMES Sat. 9/9: 11am – 6pm Sun. 9/10: 11am – 6pm
Event Set-Up Fri. 9/8: 12pm – 8pm Sat. 9/9: 7am – 11am *Application & payment Due on or before: August 18th, 2017 Exhibit Space contracted is subject to cancellation *Exhibit space does NOT include electric
Complete this application & mail to: Good Time Tricycle 222 New Road, #403 Linwood, NJ 08221
Make checks out to:
Zip Code:
AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: By signing above, the individual signing this contract represents and warrants that she/he is duly authorized to execute this binding contract.
Please let us know what type of art you will be displaying / selling: __________________________________________________________________________ List of Fees
Booth – 10 x 10 space
☐ Pay by Credit Card
☐ Pay by Check
(Please complete the attached CC Form)
(Please include check #)
*All fees are for two days – single day rates are NOT available ** Please submit photos / website URL / Facebook URL along with your application. The Festival has the right to deny any applications if the art does not fit with company standards. VENDORS MUST SUPPLY THEIR OWN SIGNS & DÉCOR Mercantile fees are included in above fees I agree to comply with all of the policies, terms & agreements set forth by Good Time Tricycle Productions & The Atlantic City Seafood Festival. I understand that my application fees, once accepted, are non-refundable:
Good Time Tricycle Signature: _____________________________________________Date_______________________ –
[email protected] – 609.385.0716
CREDIT CARD HOLDER INFORMATION Sign and complete this form to authorize The Atlantic Seafood Festival to make a one-time debit to your credit card listed below. By signing this form, you give us permission to debit your account for the amount indicated on or after the indicated date. This is permission for a single transaction only, and does not provide authorization for any additional unrelated debits or credits to your account. Please check credit card type: Visa
American Express
Credit card number: __________________________________________ Exp. Date: __________/__________(mm/yy)
CVV2 # (3-digit number on back of Visa & MC, 4 digits on front of AMEX) __________________________
Exact name as it appears on the credit card: ___________________________________________________________
Billing Zip Code: _________________________________ Amount to be charged: $ ___________________________
Primary phone #: ______________________________ Email for receipt: _______________________________________
Cardholder Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ I authorize the above named business to charge the credit card indicated in this authorization form according to the terms outlined above. This payment authorization is for the goods/services described above, for the amount indicated above only, and is valid for one time use only. I certify that I am an authorized user of this credit card and that I will not dispute the payment with my credit card company; so long as the transaction corresponds to the terms indicated in this form. –
[email protected] – 609.385.0716