From the following 3 events: Line Dance Marathon, Virginia Line Dance Festival, Vegas Dance Explosion ... Cake By The Oc
2017 BEGINNER BALLROOM PLAYLISTS This just shows how many events the dances were played at, along with total plays. From the following 3 events: Line Dance Marathon, Virginia Line Dance Festival, Vegas Dance Explosion The information contained in this list is gathered from people who have taken the time to keep track of the dances while at the event. If you would like to volunteer to assist in gathering information please contact me. The more input I have the more accurate the results. MANY TOTAL DANCE [Date Choreographed] EVENTS PLAYS 3 18 Come Dance With Me [May 2002] (2 different songs) 2 12 Mamma Maria [May 2009] 3 10 1159 [March 2017] 3 10 American Kids [June 2014] D.H.S.S. (Delicious, Hot, Strong & Sweet) [Dec 2003] 3 9 Pontoon [June 2012] 3 9 Until The Dawn (split with Charle's Cha) [June 2015] 3 9 Blue Night Cha [July 2010] 3 8 Gypsy Queen [May 2016] 3 8 3 8 Homegrown [Jan 2015] 3 8 Imelda's Way [May 2012] The Bomp [May 2015] 3 8 3 8 Toes [Feb 2009] Uptown Funky [Dec 2014] 3 8 Country As Can Be [April 2008] 3 7 Crash and Burn [July 2015] 3 7 2 7 Lonely Drum [June 2017] 3 7 Ticket To The Blues [May 2015] 2 6 Bored [Dec 2016] Cruisin' [March 2005] 3 6 Redneck Angel [June 2011] 3 6 Shotgun Jenny [May 2012] 2 6 Waltz Across Texas [1992] 1 6 Champagne Promise [March 2017] 3 5 I'm Free [May 2017] 2 5 Lay Low [Aug 2015] 3 5 Tennessee Waltz Surprise [June 2009] 2 5
CHOREOGRAPHER Jo Thompson Frank Trace Rachael McEnaney-White Randy Pelletier Gaye Teather Gail Smith Gary Lafferty Kim Ray Hazel Pace Rachael McEnaney Adrian Churn Kim Ray Rachael McEnaney Jill Weiss Suzanne Wilson Gail Smith Darren Mitchell Niels Poulsen Ria Vos Neil Hale Cheri Litzenburg & Renae Filiou Kathy Brown Lois & John Nelson Tina Argyle Raymond Sarlemijn, Roy Verdonk & Jill Babinec Darren Bailey Andy Chumbley
LEVEL Beg U Beg Beg H Beg Beg Beg/Int Beg Beg Imp Imp Beg/Imp Imp Imp Beg Beg Beg E Int Beg Beg Beg H Beg Beg Beg Beg Beg Imp Beg/Int
2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1
5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
The Fighter - Easy [May 2016]
Lene Mainz Pedersen
Amarillo By Morning [March 2017]
Ira Weisburd
Broken Stones [Aug 2009] Charlie's Cha [April 2015] Country Walkin' [Feb 2004] (2 different songs) Dizzy [April 2001] Gin & Tonic [Jan 2014] K Is For Kicks [April 2017] Lipstick Tango [Oct 2017] Little Red Book [July 2008] Mountain Mary [Oct 2017] My New Life [May 2007] Rio [Aug 2006] Rita's Waltz [Oct 2000] Something In The Water [April 2011] A Little Bit Lit [July 2017] Ah Si [Aug 2006] Blessed [June 2016] Chocolate Melon [Feb 2016] Crank It Up [Aug 2014] Drinkin' Problem [Jan 2017] Ex's & Oh's [Feb 2015] Hello Dolly [May 2010] It Ain't My Fault [July 2017] Little Bit Later On [April 2013] Moving Hips [Aug 2014] My Maria [1996] My Pretty Belinda [Feb 2011] Now or Never [Dec 1999] Oh Carol [Oct 2017] Road Less Traveled (song by Lauren Alaina) Rolling Rhythm [Feb 2016] So Just Dance Dance Dance [May 2016] Someone Feels Like A Fool [March 2016]
Dee Musk Gloria Stone Terri Desarro Jo Thompson Szymanski Kate Sala & Robie McGowen Hickie Christopher Gonzalez Michele Burton Dee Musk John Growler John Offermans Diana Lowery Jo Thompson Niels Poulsen Rob Fowler Rita Masur Jackie Miranda Larry Bass Cheri Litzenburg Darren Bailey Amy Glass Lorraine Kurtela Brandon Zahorsky Severine Fillion Frank Trace Mike Camara & Dan Albro Vikki Morris Kathy Hunyadi Roy Verdonk, Jef Camps, Jonas Dahlgren
Beg H Beg Beg Beg Beg Int Beg AB Beg H Beg Beg Beg/Imp Beg Beg/Int Beg Beg Beg U Beg Int Beg Upper Beg Beg Imp H Beg Imp Beg H Beg Beg Int Ab Beg
played at Virginia Line Dance Festival
Michele Burton Jose Miguel Belloque Vane & Guillaume Richard Ira Weisburd
N/A Nov Beg/Imp
1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1
3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Tailgate [Sept 2006] Wonderland Waltz [Aug 2010] Yeah [Jan 2017] A Complete Change [May 2017] A Girl From the South Side [Feb 2017] Askin' Questions [July 2009] Bartender [Date?] Bosa Nova [Dec 2005] Break It Back Down [March 2017] Cake By The Ocean Caught In The Moonlight [July 2014] Copperhead Road [1988] Cowboy Charleston [Oct 1995] Cumbia Semana [July 2009] Darling Stand By Me [Feb 2017] Dem Jeans [Nov 2014] Dirty Boots [Aug 2016] East To West 17 [Jan 2017] Electric Slide [May 2001] Emergency [July 2015] Empty Space [March 2016] Eyes For You [Aug 2017] EZ Cake By The Ocean [Feb 2016] Friday At The Dance [March 2017] Funk It Out [May 2017] Got To Be Funky [May 1998] Have A Good Time [April 2017] Have Fun Go Mad [Aug 1999] Hootenanny aka Farm Party [March 2013] I'm In Love With A Monster [Oct 2015] Irish Stew [Feb 2005] Islands In The Stream [May 1999] Jai' Du Boogie /Jukebox Medley (song Footloose by Kenny Loggins) Love Letter Waltz [June 2011]
Dan Albro Rob Fowler Michael Barr Niels Poulsen Mark Paulino Larry Bass Frank Trace Phil Dennington Dwight Meessen Various Beginner versions Rachael McEnaney Steve Smith Jeanette Hall & Tonya Miller Ira Weisburd Peter & Alison Georgia Griffin John Robinson and Junior Willis Alison Johnstone & Simon Ward Unknown Frank Trace Maria Maag Jo Thompson Szymanski Sandy Goodman Rob Fowler & Laura Sway Niels Poulsen Dawn Beecham Rachael McEnaney-White Scott Blevins John Robinson Hana Ries Lois Lightfoot Karen Jones
Beg Imp Imp Beg Imp Beg/Int Beg/Int Beg Beg Beg Ultra Beg Beg H Beg Beg Int Int Imp N/A H Beg Imp Imp Imp Imp Beg Int Ab Beg Int Int Imp Beg/Int Int
played at Line Dance Marathon
Frank Trace
E Int
1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Loving Tonight [March 2013] Mambo Shuffle [Aug 2000] Martini Time [June 2012] Midnight Rendezvous [May 2001] Nancy Mulligan [March 2017] Natural Born Lover [April 2017] Natural Selection [June 2004] Never Ever (song My Church by Maren Morris) Outlaw [June 2011] Pants On Fire [Jan 2015] Quarter After One [Jan 2010] Red High Heels Ride The Roller Coaster [June 2017] Shiner's Waltz [June 2006] Shout Out To My Ex [Dec 2016] Stitches [Sept 2015] Stomp Like Hell [March 2017] Sugar Honey I.T. [Sept 2015] The Fighter [May 2016] Things [March 2017] Tush Push [1977] Unpredictable Baby [June 2017] Up & Down [March 2017] Watermelon Crawl [April 1998] Well Do Ya [March 2016] Ya Got Class [March 2017] Zjozzys Funk [Jan 2007] 10 Minute Walk [April 2017] 14th Of October [Oct 2017] A Country High [Nov 2016] A Charlie [May 2017] A Drink In My Hand [Sept 2011] A Kind Of Hush [Sept 2002] A Little Love Worth Waiting 4 [June 2011]
Dan Albro J.W. Grimes Frank Trace Michael Barr & Michele Burton Maggie Gallagher & Gary O'Reilly Lynne Martino Guyton Mundy
Beg/Int Int Imp/E Int Beg Imp Beg Adv
played at Virginia Line Dance Festival
Michael W Diven Lisa Johns-Grose Levi J Hubbard Various Versions Vivienne Scott Michael W Diven Lu Olsen Amy Glass Rachael McEnaney-White Johanna Barnes Niels Poulsen, Raymond Sarlemijn, Roy Verdonk Gary Lafferty Jim Ferrazzano & Kenneth Engel Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris John Robinson Sue Lipscomb Kim Ray Ira Weisburd Petra van de Velde Simon Ward & Bracken Ellis Terry Daily Norman Gifford Ira Weisburd Sandy Goodman Doug & Jackie Miranda Norman Gifford
Beg Ab Beg Int Various Beg Beg Imp Imp E Int Int Int Beg Beg/Int Beg Beg Beg/Int Imp Beg Beg/Int Imp Beg Imp H Beg Beg/Int H Beg Ab Beg
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
A Summer Song [Dec 2016] Aces and Eights [Date?] After Midnight [May 2000] Ain't Misbehavin' [Nov 2015] All About That Bass (song by Meghan Trainor) At It Again (Don't Wanna Know) [Jan 2017] Ay Mama [May 2017] Baby Bring It Back [Feb 2016] Beer For My Horses [July 2003] Better Dig Two (song by The Band Perry) Big Blue Tree [Nov 2015] Blackpool By The Sea [Feb 2016] Blue Ain't Your Color [May 2016] Blurrey Lines [June 2013] Bomshell Stomp [Aug 2005] Boys Round Here [June 2013] Brightest Days [June 2016] Brother [Jan 2017] Budapest [Aug 2014] Bullfrog On A Log [Aug 2013] Cabo San Lucas [Oct 2008] Can't Walk Away [April 2017] Card (song: Move by Luke Bryan) Catch My Breath (song: Catch My Breath by Kelly Clarkson) Cha Cha Espana [Sept 2011] Chilly Cha Cha [Sept 2000] Chilly Chilly Cha Cha (song Chilly Cha Cha by Jessica Bay) Closer To You [Jan 2017] Cockatoo Kisses (aka Steal My Kisses) [Feb 2017] Coming With You (song by Ne-Yo) Contra Fun [July 2015] Cotton Candy Dreams [May 2016] Cotton Eyed Joe (song by The Rednex) Country Girl
Cindy Hady Karl Harry Winson Judy McDonald Jo Thompson Syzmanski, Guyton Mundy, Amy Glass
Beg Imp Int Int
played at Vegas Dance Explosion
Derek Steele & John Robinson Ivonne Verhagen Sue Ann Ehmann Christine Bass
Novice Beg/Nov Beg Beg/Int
played at Line Dance Marathon
Ria Vos Gaye Teather Roy Verdonk & José Miguel Belloque Vane Alison Johnstone Jamie Marshall & Karen Hedges Ron van Oerle Lisa McCammon John Robinson & Melissa Culbertson Rosalie MacKay Cef Decaney Rep Ghazali Megan Barsuglia and Christopher Gonzalez
Beg Imp Int Beg/Imp Beg+/Int Novice Imp Int E Int Beg Beg Imp/Int
played at Virginia Line Dance Festival played at Vegas Dance Explosion
Ira Weisburd & Motti Kotzer A.T. Kinson
Beg Int
played at Vegas Dance Explosion
Ryan King Debi Pancoast
Imp Imp
played at Line Dance Marathon
Sue Ann Ehmann Willie Brown
Beg Imp
(different dance)
Various Beginner versions
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
County Line Cha Cha [Feb 2007] Cowboy Rhythm [Feb 2007] Crash & Burn [April 2015] Crash A Little [Oct 2016] Creepin' [Aug 2011] Cripple Creek [May 1998] Cut A Rug [Nov 2005] Dance With Wolves [Dec 2015] Dancin While Intoxicated (artist: Colt Ford) Dear Future Husband EZ [Oct 2014]
Unknown Jo Thompson Gloria Stone John Robinson Gail Smith Kip Sweeny Jo Thompson & Rita Thompson Ira Weisburd
Beg Beg/Int Beg Beg Beg/Int Int Ultra Beg Beg/Imp
played at Line Dance Marathon
Annemaree Sleeth
Do Something Crazy (song Krispy Kreme Delivery by Outasight Ft Cook Classic)
played at Virginia Line Dance Festival
Domino Domino [Oct 2011] Don't Look Good Naked [Aug 2014] Don't Stop the Music (song by Lionel Richie) Drop Dead Gorgeous [Dec 2016] Drunken Dreams [Jan 2017] Ease On Down [Jan 2009] Easy Love [Dec 2015] Empty Pockets [Oct 2015] Every Little Thing (song by Carlene Carter) Eye Candy [June 20017] EZ Tango With Me Darling [Feb 2017] Fast As You (song by Dwight Yoakam) Flame Of Love [March 2014] Flatliner (song by Cole Swindell & Dierks Bentley) Fly Me To the Moon [2006 revised Sept 2016] Footloose (song by Kenny Loggins) For Once In My Life [March 2017] Frankie Fever [June 2016] Fresh [April 2000] Fun For All [July 2014] Funk U Up [Nov 2014] Future Husband EZ [Oct 2014]
Various Beginner versions Rachael McEnaney Eddie Huffman
Basic Beg Beg Int Beg
played at Virginia Line Dance Festival
Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Fred Whitehouse & Niels Poulsen Rachael McEnaney, JP Potter, Bracken Ellis Karolyna Caceres Lopez Michael Barr & Michele Burton
H Imp Imp Int Beg H Beg
played at Vegas Dance Explosion
Gerard Murphy Juliet Lam
Beg Beg
played at Virginia Line Dance Festival
Greg Wynn
Ab Beg
played at Vegas Dance Explosion
Rosie Multari
played at Line Dance Marathon
Michael Barr Maddison Glover John Robinson Sue Ann Ehmann Scott Schrank, Junior Willis, Bradon Zahorsky Annemaree Sleeth
E Int Imp Int U Beg Int U Beg
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Get Into Reggae Cowboy [May 1998] Girl Crush [March 2015] God Bless Texas (aka Little Texas Stomp) [May 1998] Golden [May 2017] Got A Hole In My Pocket [Oct 2017] Greedy [July 2014] Gude Directions [Jan 2007] Gyro Waltz [May 2010] Handclap [May 2016] Happy, Happy, Happy [Oct 2016] Have You Ever Seen The Rain [Jan 2012] Head Over Boots (song by Jon Pardi) Hey [Nov 2017] Hip Swing'in Blues [Feb 2017] Hole Down My Heart [March 2017] Homebody [July 2015] Hometown Girl [June 2017] Honey I'm Good 4 Beginners [May 2014] Honky Tonk Highway [June 2017] Hooked On Country (aka Ghostbuster) [1987] I Don't Want Tonight [Oct or Dec 2011] I Got A Woman [May 2017] I Got Faith In You Baby [Dec 2016] I Know Somebody [Aug 2016] If I Wuz You [May 2016] I'm In Love With You [July 2013] Island Cha Cha [May 1998] It Takes All Kinds [July 2017] Itsy Bitsy Spider Dance [April 2014] Jambalaya [July 1997] Jordin's Step [Oct 2013] Katchi [Aug 2017] Kick the Dust Up (song by Luke Bryan) Kisses In The Moonlight [July 2007]
Unknown Rachael McEnaney & Alison Johnston Shirley K. Batson Cheryl Williams Jo T Szymanski & Rosie Multari Lorenzo Evans Norman Gifford Gytal (Ginny Allen) & Rosie Multari Bracken Ellis & Brandon Zahorsky Mª Angeles Mateu Simon Dee Musk
N/A Int/Adv Beg Beg H Beg Beg Beg/Int Beg/Int P Int Imp Imp/E Int
played at Virginia Line Dance Festival
Ira Weisburd Roger Neff Séverine Fillion, Roy Verdonk, Rob Fowler Terry Daily Rob Holley & Sue Ann Ehmann Lynn Card Kelly Travis Cavallaro Doug Miranda Will Craig Michael Désiré-Nieto Darcie DeAngelis Brenda Shatto Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris Jose Miguel Belloque Vane & Sebastiaan Holtland Vicki E Rader Rob Fowler John Dembiec Ian St. Leon Keith Stewart Rob Fowler
Beg Beg Beg/Imp Imp Beg/Imp Beg Beg Beg/Int Int or U Beg
Beg Imp Beg Beg E Novice N/A Beg U Beg Novice Imp Ab Beg
played at Line Dance Marathon
Kim Ray
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Let It Swing [June 2016] Levels [Sept 2015] Like It Rough (song You Shook Me All Night Long by ACDC) Lipstick Powder and Paint [Feb 2015] Little Rhumba [Nov 2007] Live Laugh Love [Nov 1999] LLH Shuffle [Aug 2016] Love Remains [Jan 2017] Love Repeats [Dec 2011] Love You More [Nov 2017] Love, JoAnn [Nov 2010] Loving My Baby [Sept 2016] Lucky Lucky Country (contra) [Jan 2017] Magic Moves [Feb 2012] Mama Don't Dance [Oct 2007] Mambo Moves [June 2012] Mamita (song Mueve la Colita Mamita Rica by El Simbolo) Memory (song Memory-Disco by Menage) MMM Bop [May 1997] Moves Like Jagger Easy (song Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5) My Church [Feb 2016] My Middle Name [Sept 2016] Neon Moon [Date?] No Stress [July 2017] Noise [April 2016] Oh Venus [Date?] Old and Grey [Feb 2017] Once In a Lifetime [May 2013] One Step Forward [Date?] Overnight Success [Oct 2017] Peaches & Cream [Feb 2008] Peligrosa [March 2015] People Are Crazy [July 2009] Phloor Philla [July 2004]
Jamie Barnfield Will Craig
Beg Int
(played at Virginia Line Dance Festival)
Steve & Claire Rutter Donna Lauren Rob Fowler Roger Ingmire Gary O'Reilly Michele Burton Amy Glass & Darren Bailey Marie Sørensen Willie Brown Alison Johnstone Roz Morgan Jackie Miranda Larry Bass
Ab Beg Beg Beg/Int Beg H Int Beg Beg Beg Imp Beg Beg/Int H Beg/L Int Beg/Int
played at Virginia Line Dance Festival
Roly Ansano? played at Virginia Line Dance Festival Kelly Kaylin
Imp Int
played at Line Dance Marathon
Lynn Luccisano Willie Brown & Niels Poulsen Unknown Shane McKeever Michael W Diven Jackie Miranda Rob Fowler Michael W Diven Unknown Rosie Multari, John Robinson, Jo Thompson Szymanski Peter Metelnick & Alison Biggs Ria Vos Will Craig Bryan McWherter & Cody Stevens
Int E Int N/A Int Int Beg Imp Beg N/A H Beg Beg/Int Beg Beg Int
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Ping Pong [April 2016] Pink Shoelaces [Feb 2011] Right About Now [Dec 2015] Rock Me (song Wagon Wheel by Darius Rucker) Rocky Rhythm [May 2017] Runaround Sue [Dec 2008] Run Baby [April 2017] Sambalero (aka Dancing Heart) [Feb 2012] Sam's Cha Cha Cha [May 2017] San Antone [1992] Sangria [April 2015] Seduced [Oct 2000] September AB [Jan 2017] September Baby [Jan 2017] Shape Of You She Thinks My Tractors Sexy (song by Kenny Chesney) Shine [May 2017] Showstopper [July 2013] Shut Up And Dance (song by Walk The Moon) Sing & Dance [March 2017] Soft & Slow [Nov 2005] Somewhere With You [Nov 2010] Step Out & Shine [Jan 2017] Stop Staring At My Eyes [March 2016] Strip It Down Down Down [Jan 2016] Strokin' [Date?] Stroll Along Cha Cha [Nov 1997] Stuck Like Glue (song by Sugarland) Suds In the Bucket [Oct 2004] Sugar, Sugar [1999] Suntan City [April 2012] Swamp Thang [Oct 2000] Sweet Caroline [Nov 2017] Tennessee Waltz Supreme [Jan 2012]
Norman Gifford Michael W Diven Will Craig
E Imp E Beg P Int
played at Line Dance Marathon
Judith Kennedy Rachael McEnaney Anne Herd Ira Weisburd Sue Ann Ehmann John & Janette Sandham Gail Smith Ira Weisburd Annemaree Sleeth Lisa Johns-Grose Various Beginner versions
Ab Beg H Beg Beg Beg/Imp Beg Beg Int Beg Ab Beg Beg Beg
played at Virginia Line Dance Festival
Andreas Zetterstrom Scott Blevins & Jo T Szymanski
Beg Int
played at Virginia Line Dance Festival
Lynne Martino Ed Lawton & Rob Fowler Junior Willis & Scott Schrank Cathy & Claudio Dacumos Raymond Sarlemijn & Niels Poulsen Brenda Shatto Unknown John & Janette Sandham
Imp Beg/Int Beg/Int H Beg H Beg Beg N/A Beg
played at Line Dance Marathon
Yvonne Anderson Doug Miranda Lisa Johns-Grose Max Perry Darren Bailey Ira Weisburd
Int L Int Beg Beg/Int P Imp Imp/L Int
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Texas Stomp [May 1998] Ruth Elias T.G.I.F. [May 2000] Jo Thompson & Michele Perron That 21 Summer [June 2016] Gwen Walker The Pretty Girls Said [July 2017] Trevor Thornton & Megan Wheeler The Rock & Roll Waltz [July 1999] Max Perry The Way You Make Me Feel (song by Michael Jackson) played at Line Dance Marathon Thinkin' Country [Jan 2016] Simon Ward This & That [Oct 2008] Gary Lafferty John Robinson Touch Me Tonight [Dec 1999] Adam Åstmar Triple L [May 2017] Under The Boardwalk (song by the Drifters) played at Vegas Dance Explosion Uptown Funk Various Beginner versions Vacation (song by Thomas Rhett) played at Virginia Line Dance Festival Vegas Baby [Oct 2016] Rachael McEnaney-White, Shane McKeever, Niels Poulsen Various Beginner dances Wagon Wheel Wall To Wall (song by Band Of Oz) played at Line Dance Marathon Wave On Wave [June 2003] Alan G Birchall We Are Tonight [Oct 2013] Dan Albro Whiskey SOB Easy [Aug 2015] Mitzi Day Who What When [Jan 2007] Michael W Diven Woop Woop (Soul Line Dance) [2014] Marvin "U2smooth" Byars Worldwide [Jan 2015] Kayla Cosgrove Worth It [May 2015] Linda McCormack & Maddison Glover Yes You Won't [Aug 2001] Bryan McWherter & Johanna Barnes Yesterday's Tomorrow Sept 2017] Karl Harry Winson You Look Good [Jan 2017] Rick Dominguez You Look Good Various Yours If You Want It [Jan 2017] Rosie Multari Zydeco Lady [Nov 1990] Chris Hooke © Stacy J Garcia,
[email protected],
Beg Int Imp Imp Int/Adv Beg Beg Int Imp Various Imp Beg Beg/Int Int H Beg Int Beg Int P Adv Int/Adv Ab Beg H Beg Various Beg Int/Adv