2017 Coordinator Timeline Checklist.pdf - Google Drive

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games in case both teams share the same color game jersey. The HOME team should wear game. jersey if both teams have the
Youth Sports Foundation

2017 Coordinator Timeline & Checklist JANUARY/FEBRUARY    

Your Regional Director will contact you in regards to a registration date. Contact the YSF office with flyer information. Begin plans for your YSF registration. Coordinators should submit their online background check (www.youthsportsfoundation.org). For interested communities -- begin dialogue with YSF Regional Director and/or YSF office to prepare for possible introduction of YSF football to your area. Designate a YSF Coordinator and provide YSF office with contact information.


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Town registrations conducted; online registrations open if available. Player deadline for initial st registration is Wednesday, May 31 . March 3rd & March 4th Iowa Football Coaches Association Clinic (IFCA) is available to interested coordinators and head coaches. Contact your Regional Director for more information (not mandatory). Potential Head Coaches must fill out an online coach’s application. Interview and secure your Head Coaches. Selected HC’s must do an online background check and Coordinator should provide YSF office with application(s) for their files. Once assistant coaches are established, they must also provide an online background check before they can coach. All YSF Head Coaches must register and certify with USA Football prior to the start of the season. At registration, Coordinator will submit their town contract & signed documents to the Regional Director. After initial town registration, Coordinator will be emailed player information. Check current inventory with current player equipment needs and communicate with Regional Director for needed items and/or extra equipment. Any time after April 14th, towns may sign-up to play in the UNI Dome. All UNI Dome registrations AND fees ($110/game for 2017) must be received by Mike Sheeley no later than May 31st.

JUNE  

A $25.00 player late fee will be assessed after Friday, June 9th for all players. To assist with scheduling, YSF Coordinators will communicate to Regional Director a committed number of teams for the 2016 season no later than Friday, June 23rd.


Proof of Insurance Certificates will be emailed out to all Coordinators mid-July by YSF insurance carrier Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Provide the certificate to appropriate school administrator.  Jamboree sites and schedules will be announced.  Submit your Coaching Staff Information form (found in your Coordinator Packet) to YSF office.  Coordinators will be emailed complete listing of all YSF Coordinator contact information.  Regular-season schedules will be released the first part of July. Secure your officials for home games ASAP.  Towns may begin handing out equipment any time after the July 4th weekend, and ALL equipment should be issued no later than July 30th.  Plan on attending the Coach & Coordinator meeting on July 25th or July 27th (site and time TBA) Updated: 1/5/2017


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All late player registrations need to be into the YSF office (completely filled out, signed waiver and full payment-including late fee). Players WILL NOT be allowed to participate in the YSF program until full registration requirements – including signed WAIVER – are received by the first day of practice. Conduct parent/player meeting prior to the first practice. This is a good time to have players try on their equipment and go over cleaning instructions and proper care of the YSF equipment. All equipment adjustments must be done between August 1st – 13th. Reiterate policy on the YSF equipment! August 14th –FIRST OFFICIAL DAY OF PRACTICE FOR ALL YSF TEAMS! YSF Office will provide complete listing of players who need to have initial weigh or re-weigh. Check the YSF rules for specifications. The listing will be emailed out to all coordinators by Thursday, August 24th. August 26th or August 27th-JAMBOREES: Coordinators make sure that you communicated to coaches which kids are on the Jamboree re-weigh listing sent out by the YSF office. No player refunds issued after Jamboree (must be communicated to YSF office no later than the end of the business day on Monday, August 28th.


All Jamboree & player re-weighs and rosters due into the YSF office by Friday, Sept. 1st. Coordinators should advise their coaches to tell players to bring both game and practice jerseys to games in case both teams share the same color game jersey. The HOME team should wear game jersey if both teams have the same color game jersey and the visiting team will wear practice jersey. If both teams have different game jerseys, each team can wear their respective GAME jersey. HOME GAMES: Host Coordinator will make sure field is ready for play. Welcome visiting teams, show visitors where to get water or ice, and make sure visiting team is aware of location of medical assistance.


Conduct annual inventory of all YSF equipment and end of season Coordinator survey; forms available on YSF website. Deadline is Friday, December 8th.  Town Coordinators will receive an invoice for any unpaid balances owed to YSF.  Plan on attending Post Season Coordinator Meeting. Dates and sites TBA. Teams planning to participate in a post season non-YSF game/tournament must have it pre-approved by their Regional Director and follow YSF Guidelines for “After Season Extra Game Policy”, found on the YSF website and in 2017 Coordinator Packet.

IMPORTANT DATES (please note there is always potential for schedule changes): 3rd & 4th Grade Program (4 game-schedule)     

June 9th – LATE FEES ASSESSED! August 14th – Practice begins August 26th or 27th –Jamboree September 1st – All Jamboree player re-weighs and teams rosters due (include player jersey number). 4-week Game Schedule: Sundays, September 10th, 17th, 24th and October 1st or September 17th, 24th, th October 1st and October 8 (dates are to your Regional Director’s discretion).

3rd & 4th Grade (6 game-schedule) 5th & 6th Grade, 7th Grade & 8-Man Programs     

June 9th – LATE FEES ASSESSED! August 14th – Practice begins August 26th or 27th – Jamboree September 1st– All Jamboree player re-weighs and team rosters due (include player jersey number). 6-week Game Schedule: Sundays, September 10th, 17th, 24th and October 1st, 8th and 15th.

Updated: 1/5/2017