2017 SEAMEO-JAPAN Education for Sustainable Development ...

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2017 SEAMEO-JAPAN Education for Sustainable Development Award.pdf. 2017 SEAMEO-JAPAN Education for Sustainable Developme
Advisory No. 179. s.2Ol7 Jr:ly 3l,2Ol7 DepEd Order No. 8, 2013 with In compliance for endorsement per DO 28, s- 2OO1, is issued not this Advisory but for the inforrnation of DepEd of{icials, personnel/staffl as well as the concerned public. (Vi,sit tr.'tttLt;. dep

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2017 SEAMEOJAPAN EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVEIOPMENT AWARD The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Orgarrization (SEAMEO)Japan will conduct t}:le 2O17 SEAMEO-Japan Education for St,stainable Deuelopment (ESD) Au-tordwith the theme Improuing Health ottd NutritiDn. This year's Award aims to:

1. raise awa.reness oi Health and Nutrition Program integrated in education for promotion of susta.inabie development in schools and communities in Southeast Asia and Japan;

2. promote and share initiatives and good practices that 3.

support sustainable development through the improvement of health and nu-trition into school plan, teaching and learning practices, and routines of students; arrd encourage schools to develop and improve current ESD practices in school activities and programs.

public, private, and vocational and technica-l schools in Southeast Asia are invited to join the competition. A11

The submission form, guidelines, and judging criteria can be downloaded from the SEAMEO website: wwv!.sca rr:eo.org. The deadline for submission of entries is


September 5'

More information may be inquired from: Ms. Piyapa Su- angavatin SEAMEO Secretariat Teiephone No.: +66(O) 2397-0744 Email Addresses: se:rrtreojapan.arvard",t,sealneo.org [email protected]

MlEc/ mcr: DA 2017 SEAMEO-I@M Ml,cation for sl6tointble Aunrd 0637- JllV 74 / ta l2r, 2077

2O 17.