2017 Sponsorship Program Form.pdf - Google Drive

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Annual Conference. $500 Registration Welcome Sponsor (Company logo on signage near event). $500 Welcome Reception Sponso
2017 Wisconsin Arborist Association Sponsorship Program Levels of sponsorships for monetary support will be the following: $5000.00 – Gold Oak (Receives $2500.00 in credits) $3000.00 – Silver Oak (Receives $1500.00 in credits) $2000.00 – Bronze Oak (Receives $1000.00 in credits) Sponsors are listed and prominently displayed by sponsorship level in each of our quarterly newsletters, the membership directory, the website, every conference program, every conference mailer, and a banner or multiple banners displayed throughout our annual conference and other conferences. Sponsors will be given credits that can be used to purchase their choice of various sponsorship or advertising opportunities. The sponsors will be given the opportunity to select their sponsorships/ads in the preceding year, giving them priority selection. This will be done on a first come first served basis. In case registration forms come on the same day, the sponsorship chairman will call all parties involved to resolve the issue. If the parties cannot agree, a coin flip will be determined to see who gets the desired sponsorship. Any sponsor who does not use their credits in the calendar year will be given one extra year to use them or lose them. The sponsors will be able to use their credits in a variety of ways. They can be used to sponsor events at all three conferences or the Tree Climbing Championship. They may also be used to place ads in the membership directory or the quarterly newsletters. Sponsorship/advertising opportunities are listed below. Please indicate the level of sponsorship you choose, along with any sponsorship/advertising opportunities you are interested in at this time.

Sponsorship Opportunities Annual Conference $500 Registration Welcome Sponsor (Company logo on signage near event) $500 Welcome Reception Sponsor (Company logo on signage near event) $500 Lunch Sponsor one day (Company Logo on signage near event) $750 Lunch Sponsor two days (Company Logo on signage near event) $500 Tree Stand (Company Logo on signage near Climber’s Corner) $300 Cookie Break Sponsor (Company Logo on signage near event)

Summer and Fall Conferences Summer | Fall $200 Registration Welcome Sponsor (Company logo on signage near event) $350 Lunch Sponsor (Company Logo on signage near event) $200 Cookie/Refreshment Break Sponsor (Company Logo on signage near event)

Tree Climbing Championship $500 Master’s Challenge Sponsor (Company logo on signage near event) $350 Event Sponsor (Company Logo on signage near event) Choose event to sponsor: Aerial Rescue___

Belayed Speed Climb___

Secured Foot Lock___

Throw Line___

Work Climb___

$400 Equipment Sponsor (Sign) $400 Award Sponsor (Company logo on plaques) $300 Lunch Sponsor (Banner on lunch table) $300 Registration Welcome Sponsor (Company logo on signage near event) $150 Beverage Sponsor (Signage on coolers)

Advertising Opportunities Membership Directory

Newsletter Advertising

$160.00 Full Page (5” x 8”)

1/8 Page (Business Card)

$260.00 Inside Front Cover

Per Issue |

4 Issues



¼ Page (3.667”w x 4.875”h)



$200.00 Inside Back Cover

½ Page (7.5”w x 5”h)



$290.00 Outside Back Cover

Full Page (7.5”w x 10”h)



If selecting ‘Per Issue’, please indicate which newsletter issue(s) you would like to advertise in (Spring, Summer Fall, Winter) _______________________________

WAA 2017 SPONSORSHIP PLEDGE FORM COMPANY NAME: ____________________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON: __________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________ CITY: ______________________ STATE: __________ ZIP CODE: ______________________ PHONE: ____________________ EMAIL: __________________________________________ Mail completed form and donation to:

Wisconsin Arborist Association, PO Box 189, Eagle, WI 53119-0189

PLEASE NOTE: To be sure that your name and logo appear on promotional materials, please respond by Jan. 20, 2017. Email company logos (high resolution .jpg and vector art [illustrator .eps or .ai]) to [email protected]