website (linked to your website); Tax deductible amount - $9,200. $10,000 CARE PACKAGE: 3 Tables*, 12 bottles of premier
40 Years of Care, Compassion, Connection & Community Anniversary Celebration & Fundraiser - April 21, 2017
Sponsorship Form Federal Tax ID No. 94-2431483 Name or Company:______________________________________________________________________________ Contact:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________ City:____________________________________ State:________ Zip: _____________________________________ Phone: ( ) __________________ Fax: ( )_________________ Email:________________________________ I WOULD LIKE TO BE A SPONSOR OF THE FOLLOWING CATEGORY:
$15,000 CELEBRATE 40! PACKAGE: 4 Tables*, 16 bottles of premier wine, 40 copies of Sheryl Sandberg’s NEW book “Option B**,” 40 raffle tickets, Company logo on banner placed in Main Hall, 2-page spread ad display in event program, Company logo and recognition on table placards placed on all dining tables, Logo on event website (linked to your website); Tax deductible amount - $9,200
$10,000 CARE PACKAGE: 3 Tables*, 12 bottles of premier wine, 30 copies of Sheryl Sandberg’s NEW book “Option B**,” 30 raffle tickets , Full-page ad display in event program, Company logo and recognition on table placards placed pre-event reception tables, Logo on event website (linked to your website); Tax deductible amount - $5,600
$7,500 COMPASSION PACKAGE: 2 Tables*, 8 bottles of premier wine, 30 raffle tickets , Company logo on banner placed in pre-event reception hall, Full-page ad display in event program, Logo on event website (linked to your website); Tax deductible amount - $4,900
$5,000 CONNECTION PACKAGE: 2 Tables*, 4 bottles of premier wine, 20 raffle tickets , Half-page ad display in event program, Logo on event website (linked to your website); Tax deductible amount - $2,450
$2,000 COMMUNITY PACKAGE: 1 Table*, 5 raffle tickets, Logo on event website (linked to your website); Tax deductible amount - $750
COMFORT PACKAGE: 2 individual tickets, Logo on event website (linked to your website); Tax deductible amount - $250
I would like to underwrite this event and enclose my tax deductible gift of $ ____________. * 10 seats per table
**Publishing date expected early spring 2017
□ I have enclosed Check # in the amount of $ □ Please charge my Credit Card in the amount of $_________________
. (complete required credit card information below)
Credit Card Information: CARD # ___________________________________________ _ _ Name on Card: __ _____ Exp. Date:__________________ CVC ____________ Billing Address: _______________________________________________ ___ State:__________ Zip:___________________ For more information, contact:
Please remit your payment to:
Sarah Dover (650) 321-5272, ext 23 / email:
[email protected] OR Jim Santucci (650) 321-5272, ext 12 / email:
[email protected]
Kara 457 Kingsley Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 By fax: (650) 473-1828 (Email
[email protected] regarding online payment options)