Page 3 of 8. Page 3 of 8. Updated 2/25/17. IMPOUND: Saturday races: The top three competitors in each class shall report
VIR Spring Sprints Hoosier Racing Tire SCCA Super Tour North Carolina Region April 14-16, 2017 VIRginia International Raceway Sanction #17-ST-4784-S
SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS This event is governed by the 2017 General Competition Rules (GCR) and Category Specifications, as amended for 2017 per “FasTrack”.
FREE ENTRY GIVEAWAY: A free entry will be awarded to one driver registering for the event a minimum of 14 days prior to the weekend. Driver name will be drawn at the event party or other designated time. REGISTRATION: Drivers can register for the race online at Drivers without internet access may request a paper entry form and mail it with their entry fees to the NC Region Office: NCR-SCCA, 1102 Gardner Road, Roxboro, NC 27574 919-423-6015
[email protected] Do not mail entries by any method that requires a signature upon delivery. When registering online at MotorsportReg, payment at time of registration is neither required nor desired. Payment by check is preferred to minimize credit card fees. Make checks payable to NCR-SCCA. A fee in the amount of $35 will be charged for any check returned by the bank. If you pre-enter and cancel or are a no show, your check will be destroyed and/or your card will be refunded, if already charged. If you sign in at Registration and do not go thru, or pass, Tech, you must notify the Chief of Registration in writing (email accepted), BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE TRACK, to avoid being charged for the event. Phone/fax entries will not be accepted. Registration will be in the Synergy building located in the VIR Raceplex. There will be a sign on the entrance road directing traffic to Registration. Paddock access will be allowed after completing SCCA registration. U.S. MAJORS TOUR EXPRESS REGISTRATION: A dedicated line will be available for drivers holding a 2017 U.S. Majors Tour Series Registration Card. U.S. Majors Tour Express Tech will also be available in the express line for those cardholders who have a valid Annual Tech, 2017 Helmet sticker and no notations in their logbook. If eligible, you will only need to bring your logbook to Registration to receive your event “tech” sticker. ENTRY FEES: Entry fee for the three-day weekend is $635. Each SRF, SRF3, FE and SM entry will be charged an additional $20.00 compliance fee per entry for the weekend. DRIVER ELIGIBILITY: Drivers must be a current member of the SCCA and hold a SCCA Full Competition license or a full SCCA Pro license to participate in this event. If you do not have the proper credentials, it is your responsibility to contact the Registrar prior to the event. CAR ELIGIBILITY: Competition is open to all cars conforming to the GCR, as amended. PASSES: Each entry receives four (4) passes, including the driver and entrant. Gate passes should be printed at the time of registration. Notify the Registrar if you were unable to print gate passes at that time. Additional passes, to a maximum crew of 5, may be purchased at Registration for $10 each. Workers, guests, & crew must sign for their own passes and must arrive while Registration is open. Workers and members are limited to one guest each. Worker license and membership card must be presented at Registration. SCCA members, crew and guests who arrive outside of the posted hours of Registration will be required to purchase a spectator pass to gain admission. Prices vary. See for details.
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AWARDS: Trophies for all races will be awarded in accordance with the GCR. Trophies will be presented at the event. SCCA U.S. Majors Tour and Hoosier Racing Tire SCCA Super Tour points will be awarded in accordance with the GCR and these Supplemental Regulations. DATA ACQUISITION: Hoosier SCCA Super Tour staff and their delegates may install data acquisition equipment in a competitor’s car. This program is to assist the CRB in performance balancing. If selected, participation is not optional and is not protestable. The data collected will not be used for compliance purposes. DECALS: A Hoosier SCCA Super Tour decal and a U.S. Majors Tour decal must be displayed on both sides of all competition vehicles. Competition vehicles must also display the official SCCA Club Racing decal per GCR section 9.3.29.C. Stickers will be provided free of charge and may be obtained at one of the following locations: Registration, Tech or the NCR Hospitality tent in the paddock, opposite the podium. DRIVERS MEETING: Impound All will be given at the end of the first Qualifying session for each group to conduct a drivers meeting. Impound will be in the Tech Area and the Drivers Meeting will be held in the North Tower Classroom. Look for the signs for proper direction. COMPETITION NUMBERS: For entries received by the Registrar through noon on March 31, 2017, Majors Series numbers that were reserved via the Majors Series Registration prior to the opening of online registration for this event will receive priority assignment. Secondary preference will be given to 2017 SEDiv reserved number holders. Due to the combination of classes within the run groups this may not be possible in all cases. At noon on March 31, 2017, all unused reserved numbers will be released on a first-come, firstserved basis. GRID: Starting positions for the first qualifying session will be determined by the fastest time recorded in the practice session. Saturday race grid will be determined by the fastest time recorded for each car during the preceding qualifying session(s). Starting positions for the Sunday race will be determined by the fastest time recorded for each car during each of the preceding qualifying session(s) and their fastest lap during the Saturday race. QUALIFYING: A driver not qualifying within a maximum of 115% of the recognized track record of their class must obtain permission from the Race Director in order to race. In the case of unusual circumstances, the Race Director can waive this rule for the entire event. Class AS B-Spec EP F500 FA FB FC FE FF FM
115% 02:24.430 02:49.440 02:26.499 02:19.101 01:59.982 02:05.180 02:09.550 02:09.805 02:27.586 02:15.365
Class FP FV GT1 GT2 GT3 GTL HP P1 P2
115% 02:28.563 02:35.932 02:02.135 02:11.716 02:22.143 02:27.514 02:36.224 02:01.724 02:09.821
115% 02:34.593 02:31.377 02:25.079 02:28.327 02:23.603 02:17.096 02:19.605 02:27.890 02:34.443
SCALES: Will be available at Tech Friday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm; Saturday and Sunday 8:00 am – 10:00 am. Scales may be available for other participants during race impound, but priority will be given to impounded cars. Scales may be made available at other times at the discretion of the Chief of Tech. NC Region Scrutineers are the only persons authorized to operate the scales.
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IMPOUND: Saturday races: The top three competitors in each class shall report to impound immediately following the completion of their race. Trophy presentations and photos will occur in the Victory Circle area near impound following the race. Sunday races: The top three competitors in each class shall report to impound immediately following completion of their race, all other competitors are strongly encouraged to attend the podium festivities following their race. (Impound of all cars is encouraged following Sunday’s races.) Victory celebrations and award ceremony will be conducted in the Victory Circle area near impound following Sunday’s races. Hoosier SCCA Super Tour door prizes will be awarded after each group’s podium ceremonies. You must be present to win. CONTACT: All on-track body contact (including contact during drafting) that causes a car to act erratically and results in a change in position or a car leaving the course will be investigated. Drivers are encouraged to proactively report to the Race Director (in the Tech area) following a session in which such contact occurred to expedite the investigation process. DRIVERS: If you have to stop on course, unless there is an emergency, you should remain in your vehicle until EV arrives or follow the directions of the Corner Marshals. SPEC MIATA COMPLIANCE: At post-race inspection, Spec Miata participants may be instructed by the designated Class Compliance Chief (CCC) to remove parts, including but not limited to the cylinder head, for disassembly and/or inspection. Competitors are responsible for performing required disassembly and/or reassembly of their car, as well as any resulting expenses incurred. The CCC will report any findings of non-compliance to the Race Director, who will then determine the need for a Chief Steward’s Action (CSA) or Request for Action (RFA). RACE LENGTH: Saturday races will be 25 minutes. Sunday races will be 35 minutes (not to exceed 50 miles unless approved). When the LAST LAP INDICATOR is given at Start/Finish the next flag will be a checkered flag. SPLIT STARTS: The Race Director will consider requests for split starts and may authorize split starts based on qualifying times. START/FINISH: The race will begin and end at the Start/Finish line in front of the Start Stand, just past the Control/Timing Tower. Whenever possible, a White flag will be displayed at Start/Finish to indicate the last lap has begun. SESSIONS: For the beginning of a session, the clock will start with the first car across the line after the green flag is shown or if a wave-off happens (A wave-off will count as beginning the first lap). The clock will continue to run during all flag conditions, with the exception of a Red flag. In the event of a black flag all occurring after half of the time has been completed, the Chief Steward may suspend the clock and designate a number of laps remaining. If this occurs, all drivers will be notified of the laps remaining prior to returning to the course. FLAG PROCEDURES: The Black Flag will be displayed at Start and Station 13. Station 13 is on driver’s left, just past “Madison Avenue” on the back straight. ARROW BOARDS: Workers may use arrow boards as needed to direct race traffic. Arrow will point in the direction the car needs to go. COMMUNICATIONS: NC Region operates on frequencies 152.885 and 151.625 MHz as licensed for VIR and the immediate area by the FCC, a copy of which is available at the track. These frequencies may be monitored, but shall not be used for communication by any participant. Also, the VIR paddock public address system can be heard on 89.9 FM.
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TRANSPONDERS/LIVE TIMING: Operational MyLaps/AMB TranX260 or X2 TRANSPONDERS ARE REQUIRED FOR THIS EVENT, and will be our primary timing system. If your transponder is not working or your transponder is registered incorrectly, you may not receive times. 4 rental transponders are available at Timing and Scoring. Bring two (2) checks – one check for $50 for rental and another for $350 for deposit. Anyone who does not return the rental transponder to Timing & Scoring within thirty minutes of the end of their race will be considered the owner of the rental unit and forfeits the deposit check. Live timing will be available on the RaceHero and Race Monitor apps along with and Efforts will be made to broadcast Sector times during all sessions. These times are not official and will not be used or accepted in any way by Race Officials. RESULTS: Qualifying, provisional and final results will be available at the Hospitality Tent, opposite the Podium. Final results will be posted to the NC Region and SCCA Majors websites no later than 7 days following the completion of the event. VICTORY LAPS: Winners of all races will receive a checkered flag. For Sunday races only, following the cool down lap, the winner of each class should proceed immediately to pit central where they will receive a checkered flag and proceed on course for a single Victory Lap. Drivers need not wear their helmet or gloves during the victory lap, passengers are permitted in accordance with GCR 6.11.7. Drivers shall maintain a safe speed and be wary of safety vehicles that may be on course. CANCELLATION: If part of an event is cancelled for reasons of safety or forces beyond our control, as provided by GCR Appendix B 1.2.A., points will be awarded based on race grids. SOUND CONTROL: Sound Control readings will not be taken at this event. No unmuffled engines between 8:00 PM and 8:00 AM. Quiet Hour will be observed between 11AM and 12PM on Sunday. Should you want to take your car to the grid during the Quiet Hour, it MUST be under tow if unmuffled. Check with grid marshals for approval prior to towing car to the grid. DRONES: Use of drones of any type are prohibited at this event. MEDICAL: Please notify the Region of any pertinent medical condition(s). Any participants involved in an accident in which there is significant damage or any injury, or at a race official’s discretion, MUST present themselves or be transported to the track medical facility for evaluation. Off-site medical transportation fees may apply. PIT ROAD: After the most recent repaving, Pit Road is now two lanes wide. Cars going into the paddock and cars not just about to pit should STAY TO THE LEFT until they are ready to pit or turn in. At the conclusion of a pit stop, cars should move to the left lane as soon as it is safe to do so. The speed limit on pit road is 40 mph, and penalties may be assessed for anyone exceeding the speed limit. There will be a speed limit sign at PIT IN. On the out lap of the first session, cars will be released down pit road, single-file, to verify pit road speed and that their transponder is working. A hand-held radar gun will be used at Pit Central to enforce the pit speed limit.
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EVENT OFFICIALS: Series Race Director
Steve Pence
Event Chief Steward
Ron Gentry
Series Administrator
Gayle Lorenz
Race Chair
Mark Senior
Series Chief of Tech
Frank Diringer
Chief Registrar
Ginny Condrey
Technical Timing Resource
Bill Skibbe
Event Chief of Tech
Buddy Matthews
Fred Brinkel
Paddock Marshall
Hayden Beatty
Rick Mitchel
Chief of Grid
Clayton Condrey
Russell Gardner
Chief of Pits
Johnny Dunbar
John Walsh
Chief of T&S
Anna Crissman
ACS – Safety
Tony Broglin
Chief of F&C
Heather Clark
Chair SOM
Robert Mayes
Asst. Chief of F&C
Ben Tyler
John Willes
Chief of Course/EMS
Tim Gardner
Dave Gomberg
Chief Starter
Pete Romanowski
Scott Malbon
Chief of Pace Car
Ed Wentz
Wayne Quick
Regional Executive
Sam Fouse
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FACILITY RULES & REGULATIONS: FACILITY PROVISIONS: Camping is allowed in the paddock on Friday & Saturday nights. The following fees will be assessed and should be paid at the VIR gate or test day registration shack: • Tent Camping $35.00 • Electricity $25.00 • RV Camping $50.00 • ATV/golf cart $25.00 (this pass is good for the Calendar Year) Note: These fees are set by and paid to VIR and the NC Region has no control over them. There is limited electrical power available. Showers and restrooms are located in the North paddock main concession building, at the Grid Barn and in the overflow parking behind the “horse” statue. Please be considerate of your compatriots regarding all water use. VENDORS & FEES: The vendor fee of $225 imposed by VIR must be paid at the event. Make checks payable to VIR and turn them in at Registration. F & S Enterprises is the official photographer. Vendors typically in attendance are: • APPALACHIAN RACE TIRES (Hoosier/Toyo) 865-681-6622 • SascoSports, Inc. (Goodyear/Avon/Dunlop/Kuhmo) 434-822-7200,
[email protected] • F&S Enterprises is the official photographer. 434-470-1769, • TMI Racing Products, LLC –safety and racing equipment 434-822-6390. FUEL: Fuel is available at VIR and, per VIR contract, the maximum amount to be transported is 20 gallons. VIR’s fuel pumps are operated by CREDIT CARD ONLY, 24 Hours a day. Sunoco 93 and 100 octane unleaded and 110 leaded and 98-octane (260 GTX) unleaded racing fuels are available. Fuel testing results will be posted at the fuel pumps. DISPOSAL OF WASTE FLUID AND DEBRIS: Use of the drums located in several areas in the paddock(s) is mandatory for used oil, antifreeze, brake fluid, and other polluting material. Spillage will not be tolerated and may result in ejection from the facility and a possible fine. Participants are to take home with them ALL “environmental debris” including, but not limited to, broken vehicle parts, batteries, scrap metal & tires. Chlorinated brake cleaner is not permitted on the property at VIR. EMERGENCY CALLS: In case of an emergency contact VIR Security at 1-434-822-3109. PETS: VIR discourages bringing pets to the track. You must keep your pet leashed at all times, and clean up after it. If we see pets unleashed, we will find the owner and both will be asked to leave. Pets are not allowed in the concession area, inside buildings, on the grid, pit area, or impound. LUNCHTIME DRIVE-AROUNDS: Lunchtime track tours may be permitted each day, beginning approximately 15 minutes after the start of the lunch break. A donation for the event charity, Spirit Canine Rescue, is required. Participants should proceed to the false grid approximately 15 minutes after the start of the lunch break. No racecars or motorcycles will be allowed on track for the track tours. Everyone in the car will be required to sign the waiver. GENERAL RULES: Per GCR 2.3.1 “A. No driver, entrant, or crew may consume alcohol until all practice, qualifying, or racing for his class is finished for the day. No official may consume alcohol until his duties have been completed for the day. Anyone who has consumed any alcohol on the day of an event, other than following the conclusion of his activities, shall not participate on that day, may be excluded from the balance of the event, and may be penalized as specified in Section 7. Alcohol may not be consumed in the pits until after all the day’s on track activities are concluded.” Drivers are reminded that they are responsible and will be held accountable for the conduct of their crew and guests. Fireworks are strictly prohibited anywhere on the grounds. All attendees are required to obey instructions from VIR Security personnel. GATE HOURS: Begin at 5:30 PM the day prior to the test day until Sunday 7:00 PM. FUEL SPILLS: After the most recent repaving, VIR is now mandating that any vehicle seen spilling fuel on track during any session, including a race, be subject to a black flag. You have been forewarned!
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Schedule Thursday, April 13, 2017—VIR Open Test Day—The test day is provided by VIR and is not covered under the event sanction. More information is available at
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
SRF, SRF3 SM F5, FF, FV STL, STU, T2, T3, T4
Group 5 Group 6 Group 7
FA, FB, FC, FE, FM, P1, P2 EP, FP, HP, GTL, B-Spec GT1, GT2, GT3, AS, T1
Thursday, April 13, 2017 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM 5:15 PM – 9:15 PM
Registration (Late entries will be processed at the discretion of the Chief Registrar Tech Inspection – at the tech shed in the North Paddock
Friday, April 14, 2017 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM Registration 7:30 AM – 11:00 AM Tech Inspection F&C Staff Meeting, 7:15 AM 11:45 AM Lunch North Flag Shack 8 : 1 5 A M Group 1 Practice – 20 min. 12:50 PM Group 1 Qualifying #1 – 25 min. – Impound at Tech for Drivers Meeting 8 : 4 5 A M Group 2 Practice – 20 min. 1:25 PM Group 2 Qualifying #1 – 25 min. – Impound at Tech for Drivers Meeting 9 : 1 5 A M Group 3 Practice – 20 min. 2:00 PM Group 3 Qualifying #1– 25 min. – Impound at Tech for Drivers Meeting 9 : 4 5 A M Group 4 Practice – 20 min. 2:35 PM Group 4 Qualifying #1 – 25 min. – Impound at Tech for Drivers Meeting 10:15 AM Group 5 Practice – 20 min. 3:10 PM Group 5 Qualifying #1 – 25 min. – Impound at Tech for Drivers Meeting 10:45 AM Group 6 Practice – 20 min. 3:45 PM Group 6 Qualifying #1 – 25 min. – Impound at Tech for Drivers Meeting 11:15 AM Group 7 Practice – 20 min. 4:20 PM Group 7 Qualifying #1 – 25 min. – Impound at Tech for Drivers Meeting *Mandatory Drivers Meeting by group at the classroom following the qualifying session for each group. Saturday, April 15, 2017 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM Registration 7:30 AM Tech for late arrivals only 7:15 AM F&C Staff Meeting, North Flag Shack 8:15 AM Group 1 Qualifying #2 – 25 minutes 8:50 AM Group 2 Qualifying #2 – 25 minutes 9:25 AM Group 3 Qualifying #2 – 25 minutes 10:00 AM Group 4 Qualifying #2 – 25 minutes 10:35 AM Group 5 Qualifying #2 – 25 minutes 11:10 AM Group 6 Qualifying #2 – 25 minutes 11:45 AM Group 7 Qualifying #2 – 25 minutes
12:15 PM 1:20 PM 1:55 PM 2:30 PM 3:05 PM 3:40 PM 4:15 PM 4:50 PM 5:30 PM
Lunch Group 1 Race #1 – 25 minutes Group 2 Race #1 – 25 minutes Group 3 Race #1 – 25 minutes Group 4 Race #1 – 25 minutes Group 5 Race #1 – 25 minutes Group 6 Race #1 – 25 minutes Group 7 Race #1 – 25 minutes Worker/Competitor Party
10:45 AM 11:30 AM 12:40 PM 1:30 PM 2:20 PM 3:10 PM
Group 3 Race #2 16 laps or 35 min. Lunch Group 4 Race #2 16 laps or 35 min. Group 5 Race #2 16 laps or 35 min. Group 6 Race #2 16 laps or 35 min. Group 7 Race #2 16 laps or 35 min.
Sunday, April 16, 2017 7:15 AM – 10:30 AM Registration 7:30 AM F&C Staff Meeting, North Flag Shack 8:30 AM Out/In Hardship Laps – Closed wheel 8:45 AM Out/In Hardship Laps – Open wheel 9:05 AM Group 1 Race #2 16 laps or 35 min. 9:55 AM Group 2 Race #2 16 laps or 35 min.
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