2018-19 Media Kit -EBR Only - Living Well With Epilepsy

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Living Well With Epilepsy is a global media company, with a focus on news and information about ... the Epilepsy Blog Re
LIVING WELL WITH EPILEPSY MEDIA KIT 2018-19 l i v i n g w e l l w i t h e p i l e p s y. c o m


Living Well With Epilepsy is a global media company, with a focus on news and information about issues relevant to those affected by epilepsy, including healthcare and treatment options, family and relationships, lifestyle and wellness, and food and fitness. Living Well With Epilepsy is focused on delivering the latest news and information to people affected by epilepsy. What distinguishes Living Well With Epilepsy from other blogs and media brands is our unique insight into life with epilepsy and our access to the influencers who are making a difference in the lives of those living with the diagnosis. Through our unique suite of offerings, Living Well With Epilepsy is not only changing the conversation about epilepsy, but providing a unique voice on behalf of the epilepsy community. Our founder and writers are themselves living with the diagnosis, which lends to the authenticity and sense of community you will find in each article on the site. Our platform enables content creators, consumers and marketers to participate more than ever before, and our network of contributing writers helps Living Well With Epilepsy keep up with the ever changing face of health care and chronic illness. Both readers and advertisers alike find that Living Well With Epilepsy continues to be out in front of market trends. As a result, LivingWellWithEpilepsy.com continues to see unprecedented growth, with an increase in traffic of 22% during each of the last two years.




Monthly PageViews

Monthly Unique Visitors

57% View site on Mobile

75% Female Readers (18-45)

15K Social Followers



On Television In Print On Radio

In Person




Content Deadline Ad Deadline


Resolutions and Self Care

Dec 15

Dec 15


Relationships and Love Stories

Jan 15

Jan 15


Blog Relay: Epilepsy Everyday | Epilepsy Technology | Epilepsy and Family | Epilepsy and Creativity

Feb 15

Feb 15


Autism Awareness and Global Epilepsy

Mar 15

Mar 15


Shout out to Moms

April 15

Apr 1


Blog Relay: Epilepsy Everyday | Epilepsy Technology | Epilepsy and Family | Epilepsy and Creativity

May 15

May 1


Get Outdoors and Eating Fresh

Jun 15

Jun 1


Back to school and Lifelong Learning

Jul 15

Jul 1


Looking Good and Living Well

Aug 15

Aug 1


SUDEP Awareness

Sept 15

Sep 1


Blog Relay: Epilepsy Everyday | Epilepsy Technology | Epilepsy and Family | Epilepsy and Creativity

Oct 15

Sept 1


Holiday Shopping Guide

Nov 1

Sept 1

OPPORTUNITIES Branded and Unbranded Native Advertising



Leverage the reach of epilepsy influencers through the Epilepsy Blog Relay, create a branded page through BrandImpact or introduce the epilepsy community to a product or service through a simple sponsored post.

Partnerships with Living Well With Epilepsy take on a variety of shapes and sizes. This could be as simple as testing meal kit delivery services with the epilepsy community or it could be as complex as an in person event. Let us know what your goals are and we will work with you to ensure success.



We offer flat rate banner advertising with detailed analytic reports in a variety of sizes. Insertions are available on the site and in the newsletter.

Living Well With Epilepsy provides a twice a month newsletter to our readers. The newsletter provides essential information about issues affecting the epilepsy community and the latest stories from the site. During Epilepsy Blog Relays, the Newsletter is sent once a week to help readers keep up with the increased volume in content on the site.

Epilepsy Blog Relay™ Background on the Relay

Epilepsy Blog Relay™ Background In June 2015, Living Well With Epilepsy launched the first ever Epilepsy Blog Relay™. The effort was created to harness the power of epilepsy bloggers to raise awareness of epilepsy related stigma. The concept was simple: 30 bloggers and organizations each posted on their own site, each taking one day of the month. Bloggers were asked to acknowledge the blog relay and to promote the next day’s post. This effort was extremely successful. In less than 24 hours of announcing the initiative, 10 bloggers had filled 30% of the slots. In less than 5 days, all 30 slots were filled and Living Well With Epilepsy was turning people away with the promise of another relay in November during Epilepsy Awareness Month. Participants were from the US, and England, Cameroon, Australia, and Canada. All participants saw a sharp increase in traffic to their sites. Since then Since its inception in June 2015, we have successfully executed eight Epilepsy Blog Relays™ between 2015 and 2017. Previous sponsors include Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, Lundbeck, Eisai Inc, Phoenix Children’s Hospital. We have also developed relationships with epilepsy related non-profits. These organizations support and amplify the message during each relay. Overarching Theme The overarching theme as seen below was originally derived from language included in the resolution passed by the World Health Assembly in May 2015: “EPILEPSY AWARENESS: Maximizing Collaboration, Eliminating Stigma” The weekly themes are designed to both support the overarching theme and to encourage greater collaboration throughout the community: Week 1: Epilepsy in Everyday Life

Week 2: Epilepsy and Family: Awareness Matters

Week 3: Tech and Innovation in Epilepsy

Week 4: Creativity and Epilepsy

 For details on the benefits of sponsoring see the following page. For additional questions contact Jessica Keenan Smith at [email protected].

Epilepsy Blog Relay™ Sponsorship Levels Sponsor Level Benefits Founder

- Recognition as the Founding Sponsor of the Living Well With Epilepsy Blog Relay Series.

1 Exclusive Opportunity

- Sponsor logo given prominent recognition on homepage, in newsletter and on Sponsors page - 200 word profile, logo and link on Sponsors page - Option to submit patient stories (branded or unbranded ) to be featured on the Living Well With Epilepsy site as sponsored

content . (Total: 4 posts/relay=12 sponsored posts)



Aligned with overarching theme for month long campaign: EPILEPSY AWARENESS:

$30,000 limit one sponsor to run through three blog relays

Maximizing Collaboration, Eliminating Stigma

Available in November 2018

Aligned with overarching theme for month long campaign: EPILEPSY AWARENESS:

$20,000 limit one sponsor per month-long campaign

- Social media mentions (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin)


- Recognition as the Champion Sponsor of the Living Well With Epilepsy Blog Relay.

1 Exclusive Opportunity per relay

- Sponsor logo given prominent recognition on homepage, in newsletter, and on Sponsors page - 150 word profile, logo and link on Sponsors page - Option to submit patient stories (branded or unbranded ) to be featured on the Living Well With Epilepsy site (Total: 4 posts)

Maximizing Collaboration, Eliminating Stigma

Available in March 2019

Week 1: Epilepsy in Everyday Life Week 2: Epilepsy and Family: Awareness Matters Week 3: Tech and Innovation in Epilepsy Week 4: Creativity and Epilepsy

$10,000 multiple opportunities

$5000 multiple opportunities

- Social media mentions (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin)

Week 1: Epilepsy in Everyday Life Week 2: Epilepsy and Family: Awareness Matters Week 3: Tech and Innovation in Epilepsy Week 4: Creativity and Epilepsy


- Recognition as Supporter throughout the Living Well With Epilepsy Blog Relay.

Ads run all 4 weeks

Ads only

- Sponsor logo given recognition on homepage, in newsletter and on Sponsors page

$2,500 multiple opportunities

- Social media mentions (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin)


- Recognition as a Leadership Sponsor throughout the Living Well With Epilepsy Blog Relay.

Multiple Opportunities

- Sponsor logo given recognition on homepage, in newsletter and on Sponsors page - 100 word profile, logo and link on Sponsors page - Option to submit patient stories (branded or unbranded ) to be featured on the Living Well With Epilepsy site (Total: 2 posts) - Social media mentions (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin)


- Recognition as a Partnership Sponsor throughout the Living Well With Epilepsy Blog Relay.

Multiple Opportunities

- Sponsor logo given recognition on homepage, in newsletter and on Sponsors page - 50 word profile, logo and link on Sponsors page - Option to submit patient stories (branded or unbranded ) to be featured on the Living Well With Epilepsy site


- 50 word profile, logo and link on Sponsors page - Social media mentions (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin) - Advertising art provided by sponsor

(Total: 1

Reservation Form


Epilepsy Blog Relay Sponsorship Reservation Form

Sponsoring Organization/Corporation Information (Company name as it should appear in promotional material) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company Name

Contact Name


______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City




______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone

Contact Email

Sponsorship Level (Company name as it should appear in promotional material) ___________ Founding Sponsor: Nov 17-Jun 18 - 1 year ($30,000) 1S available OLD

___________ Leadership Sponsor: June 18 - 1 Relay ($10,000) Multiple available

___________ Founding Sponsor: Nov 18-Jun 19 - 1 years ($30,000) 1 available (Exclusive)

___________ Leadership Sponsor: Nov 18 - 1 Relay ($10,000) Multiple available

___________ Champion Sponsor: June 18 - 1 Relay ($20,000) 1 available OLD(Exclusive)

___________ Partnership Sponsor: June 18 - 1 Relay ($5,000) Multiple available


D ___________ Champion Sponsor: Nov 18 - 1 Relay ($20,000) 1 available (Exclusive) SOL

___________ Partnership Sponsor: Nov 18 - 1 Relay ($5,000) Multiple available

Ads only ___________ Supporting Sponsor: June 18 - 1 Relay ($2,500) Multiple available

___________ Supporting Sponsor: Nov 18 - 1 Relay ($2,500) Multiple available

Method of Payment (preferred method is paypal)



Paypal Email

Name on Card/Check



Check number(if applicable)


