2018-2019 National Council [PDF]

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Rehabilitation Council, and is a Research Project Coordinator for. VCU's School .... reality of one of the poorest nations in the world that helped her uncover the ...
2018-2019 National Council

Holly Love

Omer Baker

Holly is a senior at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), where she is pursuing her undergraduate degree in International Studies with a concentration in social justice and a minor in Anthropology. Holly will serve as a Senior National Council member, where she will advise the incoming National Council and work with internal communications. She has been involved with UNICEF since her freshman year of high school when she joined Key Club, raising funds to end neonatal tetanus through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF. As the District 10 Lieutenant Governor of the DC District of Key Club, Holly oversaw and provided support to other local Key Clubs to raise over $80,000 for UNICEF's mission. Continuing her commitment to advocate for children around the world, she immediately joined UNICEF at VCU where she has served on the executive board for two years and currently serves as Vice President. Holly believes that understanding and accepting our cultural and religious beliefs is the key to be a global citizen and would like to follow in the footsteps of her idol, Audrey Hepburn, who was a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. In her spare time, she volunteers at a local adult education center to teach English to adult immigrants and refugees, mentors at a local elementary school, plans events for her UNICEF club, is a Gubernatorial Appointed Council member for Virginia's State Disability & Rehabilitation Council, and is a Research Project Coordinator for VCU's School of Education.

Omer currently resides in Los Angeles, California. From a young age, as the son of two Palestinian refugees, Omer has aspired to protect the world’s most vulnerable children and hopes to further his ambitions through a career as a physician. At the age of seventeen, Omer is currently a freshman at the University of Southern California studying Human Biology and Global Health. As a life-long supporter of UNICEF’s everlasting mission to put children first, he has been involved with UNICEF USA since founding a club as a freshman at his high school. Omer also serves as the United States representative on the UNICEF Global Youth Advisory Council, where he provides critical feedback and serves as a liaison to headquarters from our countrylevel network. Outside of his work with UNICEF, he has volunteered over 500 hours in two county hospitals in underserved communities of DTLA. Professionally, he has gained medical experience as a clinical and medical research intern for a double-board certified otolaryngologist and plastic surgeon. Omer is excited to connect with student leaders across the nation and further his passion for human rights as he returns for his second year as a Senior National Council Member.

Anjali Mishra

Anna Dennis

Camila Brooks

Anjali is a senior at Sunset High School in Portland, Oregon. She founded the UNICEF club at her high school and has served as its President since her sophomore year. She holds a deep-rooted belief that children’s rights must be prioritized and upheld in every part of the world, which originates from her travels to India in which she became aware of the plight of street children and prevalence of child labor. With a great interest in combating prevalent social issues, Anjali has invested her time into numerous organizations and projects. She holds a position on Planned Parenthood’s Teen Council, in which she serves as a peer resource for medically accurate sexual health education and is the Executive Director of a non-profit organization that emphasizes the necessity of political activism. Additionally, Anjali is the founder and President of Sunset’s Rotary Interact Club and has a part-time job at a cupcake shop. In her free time, Anjali loves to learn languages, play bass guitar, and read the news!

Anna is a senior at Caddo Parish Magnet High in Shreveport, Louisiana, where she serves as president of her UNICEF Club. Her interest with UNICEF began with Model UN. Entering her first conference, she realized that she and her peers knew next to nothing about her committees’ topics: the refugee crisis in Europe, malnutrition, the healthcare worker shortage in developing countries, etc. In response to this, Anna started her school’s UNICEF Club to spread awareness of humanitarian crises and international issues facing children around the world. On the National Council, she will work on the recruitment team to establish clubs across the United States. She looks forward to her time on the National Council so she can spread UNICEF’s mission to regions like her own where UNICEF is almost unheard of. In addition to her role with UNICEF, Anna is president of her school’s Model UN team and is a member of Key Club, Greens Club, and National Honor Society. In her efforts to enact positive change, she also serves in her school parish’s Student Advisory Council, where she and other students inform the school board about issues impacting students. Anna also enjoys listening to new music, eating new foods, and watching an unhealthy number of dog videos.

Camila is a senior at Cypress Bay High School in Weston, Florida. Born with the purpose and drive to give back, she is passionate about human rights and helping the world’s most vulnerable children. Camila joined her UNICEF Club freshman year and has been volunteering with the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF and other organized fundraisers since. Camila is now the president at UNICEF Cypress Bay, the top fundraising club in the United States. As a Latina, Camila is also passionate about helping kids learn Spanish and adapt into American society. She tutors students with the Spanish Honor Society, reads to elementary students with the English Honor Society, and is a member of the H.U.S.H club at her school. In her spare time, you can find her reading a good book or appreciating art in every form: music, writings, paintings, and fashion. Camila is very passionate about literature and hopes to combine her love of the humanities with a field in political science. She is excited to continue her involvement with UNICEF as the community manager on the National Council and hopes to engage with a variety of members and clubs.

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Esther Kim

Esther is a junior at the University of Pennsylvania, double majoring in Global Communications and Psychology. As a first-generation, lowincome college student, she has seen and faced socioeconomic disparities in wide-ranging realms; these experiences influenced her to stand as a fierce advocate for educational and social equity in minority and youth populations. Her passion to create change led to her involvement with the Philadelphia homeless community through City Hall’s Office of Homeless Services and low-income students through QuestBridge and 1vyG. However, beyond these organizations, she has dedicated her time to Penn for UNICEF. Rooted from her volunteer work as a homework helper at a local library and as a STEM after-school program teacher for young, minority children, her love for children became the perfect foundation for her committed advocacy for human rights. Esther is beyond ecstatic to join the UNICEF National Council Recruitment team, serve as the Vice President of her campus chapter and empower thousands of UNICEF campus leaders this upcoming term!

Julieth is a senior at Baylor University. As a national council member, Julieth is looking forward to engaging the high school and college clubs and helping them become the best they can be. Julieth is passionate about helping UNICEF because her family lived through difficult circumstances previously. She hopes that through UNICEF’s work, no one in her family, or any family, will have to face similar strugges such as lack of access to education. Julieth’s dream job is to one day work with UNICEF to help empower children and women across the globe. In her free time Julieth loves to do puzzles - as long as they are over 1000 pieces!

Julieth Reyes

Katelyn Wagner

Katelyn is a fourth-year student at Iowa State University majoring in BioEnviromental Engineering with minors in Business and Design Studies. Katelyn has been involved with UNICEF since her freshman year of High School through her work with Key Club and immediately joined UNICEF at ISU her freshman year of college. Since then has acted as Club Vice President and Secretary and is ecstatic to further her involvement with UNICEF as part of the Leadership Development Team on this year’s National Council. In addition, Katelyn’s other passions include soccer, food, and travel. After graduation Katelyn hopes to take the summer to travel to Asia, visiting Thailand, where her father was born, as well as other Southeast Asian countries. She then wants to use her engineering knowledge to develop and implement sustainable clean water systems in underdeveloped areas around the world. Katelyn is excited to continue her education at ISU, rewatch ‘The Office’ for the 8th time, and of course, work with other great UNICEF leaders to help better the lives of children across the globe!

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Lauren Fischer

Malika Saxena

Lauren is a junior at Winona State University, located in Winona, Minnesota, majoring in Elementary Education with minors in Global Studies and Child Advocacy Studies. She is the founder and president of WSU’s UNICEF Club, and her passion for UNICEF is fueled by her devoted belief to protecting children’s rights. Through her work, Lauren strives to give volume to the voices in need who have been hushed and to close the gap of inequalities between developing and developed countries’ citizens. In March of 2018, she served as the Minnesota State Leader for UNICEF USA’s Advocacy Day in Washington D.C. Upon graduation, Lauren plans to focus in her passions on ensuring accessible and quality education for children and hopes to continue her humanitarian service with a major international development organization and/or teaching hands on in the classroom.

Malika is a second-year at the University of California, Berkeley studying Public Health and Philosophy. A native citizen of India, Malika learned from a young age that the injustices of our world are often fueled by luck, and upon moving to the US, she realized that there exists too far a gap between the opportunities found for children here versus elsewhere. This knowledge inspired her to bring UNICEF to her high school four years ago, where she raised awareness for children’s rights through countless advocacy campaigns and fundraisers. She continues her involvement with UNICEF at Cal by serving as Vice President and is thrilled to join the UNICEF National Council for 20182019 to work with and empower student leaders around the country! In her spare time, Malika enjoys reading philosophy, writing, and gardening.

Ria is currently a senior at Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas, where she is the founder and co-president of her club. Her journey with UNICEF began at a young age. When she was 6 years old, her dad asked her to choose a charity to donate to in honor of her birthday. She chose UNICEF. The idea of kids helping kids was something that stuck with her and she continues to passionately advocate for through her UNICEF club. Ria hopes to become a neonatologist, working to save children before their life truly begins. Outside of UNICEF, Ria is a trained Indian Classical Dancer in Kathak, currently pursuing a Bachelor’s- equivalent certification in dance. She is a Policy Debater and captain of her debate team. Ria is excited to be a part of the 20182019 National Council! Ria Bhasin

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Shubhi Sinha

William Tantribeau

Shubhi is currently a senior attending Carmel High School in Carmel, Indiana, where she is serving her second term as the president of CHS UNICEF. Shubhi spent her childhood years in India and moved to the United States when she was nine years old. Reflecting on her adolescent years, it’s the time she spent witnessing the forbidding reality of one of the poorest nations in the world that helped her uncover the intricacies of poverty—particularly child labor, human trafficking, and inequality in healthcare. Her quest to find a humanitarian solution for vulnerable children began when she joined her high school’s UNICEF club as a freshman. In addition to her four years with CHS UNICEF, Shubhi also serves as the Head of Tech and Design for TEDxCHS, the co-president of Club Med, a Paper Head for DECA, and is a member of the Carmel Mayor’s Youth Council and National Art Honor Society. Shubhi is also the Product Evangelist for The Abolish Foundation, a Canadian nonprofit focused on eradicating human trafficking and forced labor in supply chains. In the future, she hopes to combine her passion for medicine and philanthropy by pursuing an MD and working for the World Health Organization. In her free time, Shubhi enjoys eating Hot Cheetos, binge-watching Grey’s Anatomy, and playing around with graphic design. On the National Council, Shubhi is the Video Director on the Interactive Communications and Media Team, and is excited to create engaging and resourceful content for UNICEF club members and leaders!

William is a senior attending Gabrielino High School in the Los Angeles area and the founder and president of his UNICEF Club. From a young age, seeing many commercials on TV, William has always wondered how he could help children who didn't have the same opportunities as he did. However, only until high school did William see the opportunity to help; via contributions to UNICEF USA. He believes that every child should be able to be a child, without having their childhoods stripped away due to unfair, and/or unfortunate circumstance. As the Creative Lead of UNICEF USA National Council's Interactive Media and Communication Team, William will utilize his knowledge of photo and video editing to help the National Council create media as a medium of communication and stimulant for connection with clubs within the United States. Beyond his work with UNICEF USA, William is the Senior Class President and Reader’s Club President. During his limited free time, you can find William playing video games, basketball, and building his gallery of memes.

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