2018 flyer eng.pdf - Google Drive

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stick, mouth guard and shin guards) There are no make-up days/sessions Checks can be made payable to VHS Field Hockey. Q
Girls Field Hockey Clinic

LOCATION: Vineland High School North 9-10 GYM

TIME: 7 lessons


PRICE: $40.00

Water bottles only! No flavored drinks Parents: No food or drinks

1st session is a hand’s on learn to play basic skills, 2nd session includes warm-up, skills assessment and play ***Kids may be moved between sessions based on their skill level*** Tuesday’s ONLY Dates: March 6, 13, 20, 27 April 10, 17, 24

5:15- 6:00 pm Grades K-8 (first time players only) 6:00-7:00pm Grades K-8 (experienced players only i.e. 3-4 clinics)  

Please wear sneakers and gym clothing. Protective equipment and sticks will be supplied first come first serve (you may bring your own stick, mouth guard and shin guards)  There are no make-up days/sessions  Checks can be made payable to VHS Field Hockey Questions: Call Coach Cronk 856-305-0905 or [email protected]

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Grade: School:


Parent Phone# (H:)


Player Phone # (H:)


When applicable & if different from parents

Parent email: The Vineland Field Hockey Clinic is sanctioned by the City of Vineland Recreation Commission. All participants must be residents of the City of Vineland Registration forms may be mailed to: 2880 E. Chestnut Ave. Vineland, NJ 08361 Attn: K. Cronk