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Washington State Organizations Responding to Humanitarian Crises and Natural Disasters in Developing Countries
© Sean Sheridan for Mercy Corps
A migrant is pulled aboard a responder rescue ship after being saved from an overcrowded rubber dinghy in the Mediterranean Sea.
© Mathieu Willcocks/MOAS
Welcome to the 2018 Global Philanthropy Guide This year’s Global Philanthropy Guide has been designed to connect you with highimpact, nonprofit organizations based in Washington state that are responding to urgent humanitarian crises in the developing world. War, conflict, natural disasters, and dramatic shifts in weather patterns have all contributed to unprecedented humanitarian needs globally. From 2003 to 2013, natural disasters led to the deaths of more than 1.1 million people, caused $1.5 trillion in damage, and affected the lives of more than two billion people globally. The number of people forcibly displaced from their homes topped 65.6 million in 2016, more than the aftermath of World War II. Most concerning, famine continues to threaten the lives of 20 million people in four countries in East Africa and Yemen. Despite these alarming figures, humanitarian © Construction for Change organizations have been responding rapidly and effectively in order to save millions of lives, while also addressing the root causes of vulnerability that leave communities and countries at risk year after year. Responding organizations span from large international nonprofits to smaller in-country partners that often coordinate relief and development service delivery to reach the most marginalized populations. When we think about the most effective, comprehensive ways to respond to crises, we consider the following four levels of humanitarian emergency response: • The immediate crisis response requires intense, rapid coordination by many humanitarian organizations in order to save lives. This often takes the form of emergency medical attention and distributing large amounts of food, water, temporary shelter, and hygiene kits. • The intermediate crisis response requires aid workers to continue maintaining access to lifesaving food, water and medical care, but it is also a turning point in the recovery process, as longer term shelter, sanitation, utility and medical service systems are evaluated.
A class of girls from Mercy Corps’ youth safe space program walks through Azraq refugee camp in Jordan.
© Sean Sheridan for Mercy Corps
• The long-term crisis response engages communities thoughtfully in rebuilding local economies and infrastructure. • And finally, preparedness and mitigation efforts help reduce the risk of loss of life and livelihoods in future disasters. This level of response often includes working with national governments to design, fund, and implement disaster warning systems, as well as working within communities to reduce their exposure to known hazards and to increase their ability to withstand and recover from future disasters. As you consider your philanthropic priorities, please use the Global Philanthropy Guide to learn more about ways you can respond, whether you are just beginning or growing your global giving. The organizations profiled in this guide are Global Washington members, and were selected through a committee process by both of our organizations. We encourage you to browse the full directory of GlobalWA members at the end of the guide, and explore the extraordinary work they are doing to save and improve peoples’ lives globally. On behalf of Global Washington and Seattle Foundation, we want to thank you for your generous philanthropic support.
Kristen Dailey Executive Director Global Washington
Tony Mestres President and CEO Seattle Foundation
Who we are
Global Washington supports the global development community in Washington state that is working to create a healthier and more equitable world. We promote our members, bring them together to spark new ideas and partnerships, and build a network of leaders improving lives around the world. We aim to change the world for the better by strengthening Washington state’s vibrant global development community and increasing the impact of our members to improve lives in poor countries. With over 160 members, including some of the world’s most respected companies, nonprofit organizations, academic institutions and foundations, Global Washington provides a platform to share knowledge, partner, and overcome challenges. We are building a dynamic network of stakeholders from which to draw expertise, exchange ideas, and form innovative collaborations.
Seattle Foundation ignites powerful, rewarding philanthropy to make Greater Seattle a stronger, more vibrant community for all. Focused on creating equity and opportunity, our goal as a community foundation is to simplify giving and strengthen the impact of philanthropy for the more than 1,200 individuals, families, businesses, and nonprofits we serve. We provide deep community insights, powerful civic leadership, effective philanthropic advising and judicious stewardship of assets in support of our mission. As the community’s foundation, we appreciate and value the broad range of definitions our philanthropists hold for the word “community.” From those who choose to work very locally, to others who see themselves as citizens of the world, Seattle Foundation supports strategic investment in the places our philanthropists prioritize. Seattle Foundation partners with our affiliate, Seattle International Foundation, in order to provide effective advising, education and experiential learning for our philanthropists interested in making a difference around the world.
Cover: 12-year-old Azeh, a Syrian refugee from Daraa, shares a moment with her favorite teacher, Khawla, a Mercy Corps team member and fellow refugee in Jordan’s Zaatari Refugee Camp. © Sean Sheridan for Mercy Corps.
American Red Cross Northwest
Chantell and Miyah, 7, receive hot lunches from the Red Cross during Hurricane Irma relief efforts in Key West, FL. Local Volunteers, Global Impact. Each year, disasters and crises devastate millions of people. As part of the world’s largest humanitarian network, Red Cross teams provide relief and hope in nearly every corner of the globe. From Latin America and Africa, to Asia and Europe, the American Red Cross helps people in some of the world’s most at-risk communities. This work is powered by the generosity of volunteers and donors. Volunteers often come from the communities they serve, making us powerful changemakers. Together, Red Cross and Red Crescent teams not only respond to emergencies— such as earthquakes, droughts, and health epidemics—but also help neighborhoods prepare for future disasters and ensure that children receive the vaccines they need to stay healthy.
© Marko Kokic for Red Cross
Impact The American Red Cross responds to an emergency every 8 minutes in the U.S. We go wherever we’re needed, so people can have clean water, safe shelter and hot meals when they need them. • Globally, 1 in 25 people is helped by the Red Cross/Red Crescent each year • More than 2 billion children have been vaccinated against measles and rubella since 2001. • 29 million people in at-risk communities around the world have literally been put on the map through the Red Cross “Missing Maps” project. • Nationally, we respond to 64,000 disasters annually • Regionally, 3,000 volunteers provide disaster assistance to a family every 6 hours Year Founded: 1881 6
Construction for Change Construction for Change (CfC) empowers developing communities by building infrastructure in partnership with strategically-positioned organizations, promoting long-term well-being. CfC’s approach to building ensures high-quality, sustainable, and environmentally-sound facilities, as well as promoting the transfer of industry standards and best practices. Each of CfC’s buildings is designed to ensure it can withstand not only normal regional weather patterns, but also severe environmental challenges, including a changing climate and seismic activity. CfC’s construction professionals operate onsite to employ local workers and source local materials, allowing for major investment in regional economies. CfC’s buildings enhance the transformational work of organizations that promote change through education, healthcare and economic development. CfC’s current health initiative, the 30/30 Project, provides construction grants for selected projects.
Local construction workers build a rural health clinic build in Raghogarh, Madhya Pradesh, India.
© Jason Koenig/Studio Jkoe
Impact Since 2007, Construction for Change has completed 34 structures, including schools, hospitals, and health clinics, in 12 countries on 4 continents, impacting over 1 million people. The organization designs each building to withstand significant seismic activity and other natural hazards, while keeping the needs of the partner and local community in mind. Construction for Change also supports communities by partnering for long-term rebuilding efforts after disasters, such as the 2015 earthquake in Nepal. Its buildings are constructed to the highest quality standards, with the lowest possible operating costs. Year Founded: 2008 2018 GLOBAL PHILANTHROPY GUIDE 7
International Rescue Committee The International Rescue Committee (IRC) helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future. IRC teams provide health, infrastructure, learning, and economic support to people in more than 40 countries worldwide. IRC works, not just with refugees and people displaced within their countries, but also with host communities that support those who flee, and people affected by crisis in their own communities. The IRC also provides support to thousands of refugees resettling in 27 U.S. cities each year and helps refugee families and survivors of human trafficking, as they build the resources and skills needed to thrive in their new communities.
© Hannah Letinich/IRC
IRC Seattle’s program for senior refugees aims to reduce isolationism and loneliness, and improve health, wellbeing, and community integration. Activities include outings and picnics in the community garden with music.
Impact In 2016, more than 26 million people benefited from IRC programs and those of its partner organizations. In the U.S., the IRC helped resettle 13,400 newly arrived refugees and provided support to tens of thousands of additional families through ongoing services. Success at the IRC is all about making a real difference in people’s lives in the areas of safety, health, economic well-being, education, and power, while narrowing the gender gap in each of these areas. Year Founded: 1933 8
Medical Teams International
A Medical Teams International health worker in Uganda measures a child’s arm to assess malnutrition.
© Medical Teams International
Boldly breaking barriers to health to restore wholeness in a hurting world. Medical Teams International is a Christian, global humanitarian relief organization, providing healing to people in crisis. Founded in 1979, Medical Teams International mobilizes urgently needed medical supplies and health care professionals to people affected by disaster and conflict around the world. Last year, Medical Teams International provided health care and supplies for 2.9 million people in 27 countries, including more than 1 million refugees worldwide. Today, there are more than 65 million refugees and displaced people in the world. Most of them are women and children who have experienced unimaginable atrocities, and many desperately need loving health care. With help from dedicated partners and donors, Medical Teams International acts to send lifesaving medical teams and supplies to help refugees and disaster survivors—one precious life at a time.
Impact • In Uganda, Medical Teams International provides health screenings and health care for more than 600,000 South Sudanese refugees who have escaped from extreme war, genocide, and famine. • In Lebanon, Medical Teams International provides medical and dental care for Syrian refugees who are struggling to survive in crowded settlements. • In Bangladesh, more than 500,000 Rohingya refugees have fled from horrific violence in Myanmar and are living in informal settlements. Medical Teams International is providing urgently needed health care and hygiene services to save lives and prevent the spread of deadly disease. Year Founded: 1979 2018 GLOBAL PHILANTHROPY GUIDE 9
Mercy Corps
Fatima, 11, is a Syrian refugee in Jordan’s Azraq refugee camp. Mercy Corps helps young refugees reclaim their childhoods through youth centers, where they can cope with stress, continue learning and move toward the brighter future they deserve.
© Sean Sheridan for Mercy Corps
In disaster and in hardship, Mercy Corps is there—before, during or after an emergency. Mercy Corps takes a comprehensive approach to every challenge, looking for solutions that empower people to survive crises, build better lives and transform their communities for good. In more than 40 countries around the world, Mercy Corps works directly with leaders and changemakers on the ground—focusing especially on women and young people— to build local strength and stability. Mercy Corps helps people meet their urgent needs by providing assistance after disasters and delivering bold solutions to help spark, scale and sustain change. Because stronger communities mean a more peaceful world. Year Founded: 1979 10
Impact Mercy Corps has responded to almost every major emergency over the past 20 years. In 2016, Mercy Corps’ emergency response met the urgent needs of 1.8 million people inside Syria. Its emergency interventions are impacting as many as 780,000 people facing hunger across the Horn of Africa and Yemen. Mercy Corps’ focus is not only on immediate emergency response, but also on building long-term solutions by connecting communities to the vital resources that bridge the gap between relief and recovery.
NetHope A grandmother at Diavata refugee camp in Greece logs in to the NetHope Wi-Fi connection to access the Refugee Info Hub, an invaluable resource for refugees.
© NetHope
NetHope empowers committed organizations to improve the world through the power of technology. NetHope, a consortium of 50-plus leading global nonprofits, unites with technology companies and funding partners to design, fund, implement, adapt, and scale innovative approaches to solve development, humanitarian, and conservation challenges
Impact NetHope and its members deliver over $40 billion of international development assistance in 180 countries.
Together, the NetHope community strives to transform the world, building a platform of hope for those who receive aid and those who deliver it. Year Founded: 2001
SIGN Fracture Care International
Sor Sre Nichuf, 20, lives in rural Cambodia and helps her parents farm rice and vegetables. She was injured in a motorbike accident, and SIGN Surgery enabled her to quickly heal so she could walk and work to support her family.
© Chuck Bigger for SIGN
SIGN builds orthopedic surgical capacity in developing countries, so local surgeons can treat and heal impoverished people who have fractured bones. SIGN provides education for surgeons and equips them with the tools they need to perform trauma surgery in austere operating rooms. SIGN designs, manufactures, and donates the orthopedic implants and instruments so they can be used at no cost to the patient. It equips local surgeons to care for patients in trauma from traffic accidents. In addition, it prepares them to deal with injuries following natural disasters and conflict situations.
© Chuck Bigger for SIGN Year Founded: 1999 12
Impact Since 1999, 5,000 SIGN surgeons have performed healing surgery for more than 200,000 patients. SIGN surgeons operate in 325 hospitals in 50 developing countries. SIGN moves into areas at high risk for natural disasters or conflict like Afghanistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and South Sudan. The organization builds local capacity so that when a disaster strikes or conflicts arise, local experts with appropriate equipment are already in place. SIGN always sends additional implants and instruments when needed and only sends volunteer surgeons from the U.S. at the local surgeons’ request.
Splash Community members in Nepal use safe water stations set up by Splash after the 2015 earthquake.
© Gavin Gough for Splash
Splash is a nonprofit organization founded in 2007, implementing water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) solutions for children in urban Asia and Africa. The organization works in some of the fastest-growing cities in the world, where it focuses on child-serving institutions, including schools, orphanages, shelters, and hospitals, to help kids lead healthier lives. Splash’s five-year goal is to reach 100 percent of government schools in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Kathmandu (Nepal), and Kolkata (India), benefitting 1 million children. Using design innovation, Splash ensures that its WASH hardware (including water filtration systems, drinking and handwashing stations, and sanitation infrastructure) can stand up to the pressures of population growth, climate change, and natural disasters. To ensure long-term resilience, Splash also integrates measures like rainwater harvesting, water storage, and water conservation.
Impact Splash has completed over 1,600 projects across eight countries in Asia and Africa (Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Ethiopia, India, Nepal, Vietnam and Thailand), serving 400,000 children. Following the May 2008 earthquake in China, Splash delivered clean water to 50,000 people by installing water filtration systems in schools and displacement camps. In 2015, when a catastrophic earthquake struck Nepal, over 90 percent of Splash water projects were still functional and served as community hubs for water access and meal preparation. Year Founded: 2007 2018 GLOBAL PHILANTHROPY GUIDE 13
World Relief Seattle It doesn’t take long for refugees to begin to give back to their community, extending hospitality more generously than they have received it. Here, a refugee mother shares a homemade Iraqi treat.
© Sean Sheridan for World Relief Seattle
Less than one percent of the world’s 22 million refugees ever have the chance to begin a new life in the United States. For refugees and other vulnerable immigrants arriving in Western Washington, World Relief Seattle (WRS) works to welcome, root, and empower them from the day of their arrival through citizenship. WRS provides critical welcome services, including: • Housing • English training • Navigation of essential systems like health care and schools WRS cultivates refugees’ and immigrants’ enormous resiliency, courage, and entrepreneurial spirit through: • Employment services • Economic empowerment programs WRS also has an immigration legal clinic and offers services for the next generation. The organization is committed to seeing every refugee and vulnerable immigrant in Western Washington welcomed by, rooted in, and empowered by community. 14
Impact Since 1979, World Relief Seattle has welcomed more than 30,000 refugees from over 50 countries to Western Washington. As Washington’s largest resettlement agency, WRS resettled 1,135 of the 3,907 refugees who arrived in the state in 2016. In 2016, 320 refugees were placed in jobs at 110 local companies; 166 students attended WRS English classes; 216 people gained citizenship through WRS’s legal services clinic; and 450 volunteers contributed 25,000 hours of their time to support their refugee and immigrant neighbors. Year Founded: 1979
World Vision Sydra, 10, and Lojayen, 14, are Syrian refugees living in a refugee settlement in Bekaa Valley, Lebanon. Behind them is a clean water tank provided by World Vision.
© Chris Huber for World Vision
Saving lives. Restoring dignity. Renewing hope. World Vision is a global leader in relief and development with deep-rooted relationships and operations in nearly 100 countries. With decades of experience, expertise, and a vast resource network, World Vision responds quickly and effectively to virtually any crisis anywhere in the United States and the world. Before. During. After. To build readiness and resilience, World Vision works with communities on preparedness plans. When a crisis occurs, a global rapid response team, local and global partners, and more than 600 international disaster experts enable delivery of critical water, food, and shelter supplies within 72 hours. Longer term, World Vision continues to work alongside communities to help establish more permanent and sustainable solutions for survivors as they rebuild their lives.
Impact In 2016, World Vision responded to 130 emergencies in 63 countries, assisting 15.4 million people—an average of 29 people per minute, approximately 70 percent of them children. Through the generosity of donor partners, World Vision has responded to the Syrian refugee crisis, the East Africa hunger crisis, Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, the earthquake in Mexico, and many other crises in 2017. Dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice, World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. Year Founded: 1950 2018 GLOBAL PHILANTHROPY GUIDE 15
Global Washington Members 3RD CREEK FOUNDATION
3rd Creek Foundation is a family foundation focused on global poverty alleviation through grant-making and impact investing. 3rd Creek Foundation funds initiatives that provide people living in poverty with access to resources and economic opportunities in order to improve their livelihoods.
The African Chamber for Commerce promotes bilateral trade and investment relationships between Africa and the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
PO Box 5406 Incline Village, NV 89450
2001 6th Ave, Suite 2600 Seattle, WA 98121
AGROS INTERNATIONAL 501 COMMONS 501 Commons provides nonprofits with management and technology consulting services, “back office” finance, HR and tech support, coaching, information and referral services, and action-learning programs that build capacity. 1200 12th Ave S, Suite 1101 Seattle, WA 98144
Agros International’s mission is to see rural poor families own agricultural land, attain economic self-sufficiency, realize their God-given potential, and pass on to future generations the values and resources that enable them to flourish. 2225 4th Ave, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98116
ALASKA AIRLINES ACT FOR CONGO ACT for Congo improves health for women and their communities through partnership, capacity building and advocacy through strengthening the management skills of grassroots leaders, helping them identify resources and opportunities, and empower them to change the future of the DR Congo. 23512 Lake Fontal Road Monroe, WA 98272
ADARA DEVELOPMENT Adara Development’s aims to improve health and education for women, children and communities living in poverty. They are experts in maternal, infant and child health; remote and rural community development; and the care and reintegration of children at risk. They reach tens of thousands of people each year. 300 Admiral Way, Suite 106 Edmonds, WA 98020
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air participate in corporate giving by supporting health and human services, arts and cultural programs, as well as education, environmental, and civic organizations. They focus on communities that will be served now or in the near future. 19300 International Blvd Seatac, WA 98188
AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The American Cancer Society is committed to saving lives from cancer and reducing the threat of the disease. Their global health program is focused on preventing cancer, saving lives, diminishing suffering, catalyzing a local response in the countries where they work, and shaping the global policy agenda. 2120 First Ave N Seattle, WA 98109
The American Red Cross is part of the world’s largest humanitarian network with 13 million volunteers in 187 countries. Working together, they help respond to disasters, build safer communities, and teach the rules of war. Each year, they reach an average of more than 100 million people across the globe.
Big Water Consulting is a data, analytics and mapping firm offering a wide variety of data services. They tackle everything from small on-the-ground data collection projects to the design and management of an entire mapping and census project.
1900 25th Ave S Seattle, WA 98144
1411 4th Ave, Suite 1510 Seattle, WA 98101
BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION AMERICARES Americares saves lives and improves health for people affected by poverty or disaster so they can reach their full potential. 3515 NE 98th St Seattle, WA 98115
Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation aspires to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. They are dedicated to discovering and disseminating innovative approaches to addressing extreme poverty and poor health in developing countries and improving the U.S. education system. 500 5th Ave N Seattle, WA 98109
ASHESI UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION Ashesi is a private, nonprofit liberal arts university located in Ghana. Their mission is to educate a new generation of ethical and entrepreneurial leaders in Africa; to cultivate within their students critical thinking skills, the concern for others and the courage it will take to transform their continent. 1414 31st Ave S Suite 301, Mail Box 11 Seattle, WA 98144
AWAMAKI Awamaki teaches women’s artisan cooperatives in the rural Andes how to start and run their own businesses. They create alpaca accessories, woven bags, and home goods. They also host tourists in their homes and villages. Awamaki connects the cooperatives to markets and provides training in product development and business management. 4533 15th Ave S Seattle, WA 98108
BO M. KARLSSON FOUNDATION The Bo M. Karlsson Foundation awards higher education scholarships to underprivileged women in Nepal, one of the world’s poorest and most undeveloped nations. By funding college and trade scholarships and providing a network of support, they help empower BMKF scholarship recipients to become confident, self-reliant, productive citizens in their communities and country. 6507 28th Ave NW Seattle, WA 98117
BOOST! COLLECTIVE Boost! Collective is a strategic messaging and storydriven communications firm. They discover, write, and tell powerful human stories. 3423 61st Ave SW Seattle, WA 98116
© World Vision/Jon Warren
buildOn’s mission is to break the cycle of poverty, illiteracy and low expectations through service and education.
Camber Collective develops and implements strategies and programs to improve public health, create new economic opportunities for the poor, and maximize the effectiveness and funding of the philanthropic sector. Camber Collective is a cross-disciplinary team of strategy consultants with backgrounds in business, development, market research, and nonprofit leadership.
13941 219th Ave NE Woodinville, WA 98077
BURKITT’S LYMPHOMA FUND FOR AFRICA An all-volunteer nonprofit organization that funds programs designed to diagnose and treat Burkitt’s Lymphoma patients in East Africa. BLFA also works to insure that patients and their families receive social, economic, and logistical support needed to help them complete treatment successfully. PO Box 20521 Seattle, WA 98102
408 N 35th St, Suite A Seattle, WA 98103
CAPRIA Capria is a global impact investment firm managing multiple funds that accelerate the flow of capital to deliver superior returns in emerging markets. 220 2nd Ave S Seattle, WA 98104
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
The Center for Infectious Disease Research, the nation’s largest independent nonprofit of its kind, performs groundbreaking research on diseases that kill over 14 million people annually. CIDR’s goal is to make transformative advances that effectively diagnose, treat, and develop vaccines and treatments to prevent and cure diseases.
Coopersmith Law + Strategy is a premier Northwest firm. With deep roots locally, they have leveraged that knowledge into a powerful team of global experts in both government and business, offering strategic guidance with global development, including work with multi-lateral organizations, global investment initiatives and businesses, and strategic partnership opportunities.
307 Westlake Ave N, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98109
1809 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1410 Seattle, WA 98101
Clark Nuber is one of Accounting Today’s Top 100 Regional Leader accounting firms in the United States. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, Clark Nuber is an award-winning CPA and consulting firm that has been in business for more than six decades.
CRISTA is a family of ministries loving God by serving people worldwide in the areas of education, international relief and development, senior living, and media. World Concern is a Christian global relief and development agency extending hope and opportunity to people facing extreme poverty.
10900 NE 4th St, Suite 1700 Bellevue, WA 98004
19303 Fremont Ave N Seattle, WA 98133
Founded in 1978, Committee for Children is a global nonprofit dedicated to fostering the safety and well-being of children through social-emotional learning and development. CFC is the world’s largest provider of research-based educational programs that promote social-emotional skills and prevent bullying and sexual abuse.
Days for Girls International creates a more dignified, free, and educated world through access to lasting feminine hygiene solutions.
2815 2nd Ave, Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98121
CONSTRUCTION FOR CHANGE Construction for Change strategically partners with nonprofits to provide construction management to under-resourced communities that have identified the need for structures to better facilitate critical services. Construction for Change leverages their vast network of professional volunteers and design engineers, while also transferring best practices to local communities during each of their builds.
102 Ohio St Bellingham, WA 98225
EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY – OFFICE OF GLOBAL INITIATIVES Eastern Washington University expands opportunities for personal transformation through excellence in learning while expanding international engagement for students, faculty, and the community. 103 Hargreaves Hall Cheney, WA 99004
805 Kirkland Ave, Suite 200 Kirkland, WA 98033
Emirates is an award-winning airline with stateof-the-art fleet and unrivaled service connecting people and cultures in over 150 destinations worldwide. Its subsidiary organization, the Emirates Airline Foundation is a nonprofit charity organization which aims to improve the quality of life for children, regardless of geographical, political, or religious boundaries.
Fuse IQ is an award winning digital agency that focuses on web solutions for international and local nonprofits. Fuse IQ has over 15 years of experience helping organizations with a passion for creating a better world realize their vision using web and mobile technologies.
701 Pike St, Suite 1050 Seattle, WA 98101
3131 Western Ave, Suite 310 Seattle, WA 98121
GAMBIAHELP EXTEND THE DAY Extend the Day distributes compact commercial grade solar powered reading lights to children who live without electricity. This simple solar light will help children in disadvantaged countries to improve their future through education! They have projects worldwide and partner with organizations who are on the ground level. 710 John Nelson Lane NE Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
FORUM ONE Forum One is a full service agency that works with mission-driven organizations to create the stunning designs, smart messaging, and custom-built technology tools they need to realize their goals and change the world. 2101 4th Ave, Suite 2000 Seattle, WA 98104
FSG SOCIAL IMPACT FSG is a mission-driven consulting firm for leaders in search of large-scale, lasting social change. Through their combination of customized services, powerful ideas, and learning communities, they help foundations, businesses, nonprofits, and governments around the world accelerate progress. 901 5th Ave, Suite 2400 Seattle, WA 98164
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Gambia Health Education Liaison Project, also known as GambiaHELP, exists to enable communities in Gambia to protect, conserve, and improve their own health, the health of their community, and their natural environment. 3860 Surber Dr NE Seattle, WA 98105
GARDNER CENTER FOR ASIAN ART & IDEAS Offering dynamic public programs at the Asian Art Museum, Gardner Center events explore the vast diversity of Asia and its presence in the world. From history and culture to global health and urban design, they exchange ideas that include dialogue on challenging contemporary issues. 1400 E Prospect St Seattle, WA 98112
GLOBAL BRIGADES Global Brigades is an international nonprofit that empowers communities to meet their health and economic goals through university volunteers and local teams. 1099 E Champlain Dr, Suite A176 Fresno, CA 93720
Global Child Nutrition Foundation (GCNF) was established to help countries around the world to develop and operate successful, sustainable school feeding programs.
Grameen Foundation’s mission is to enable the poor, especially the poorest, to create a world without poverty.
PO Box 99435 Seattle, WA 98139
1400 K Street, Suite 550 Washington, DC 20005
GLOBAL GOOD Global Good combines Intellectual Venture’s unique invention prowess with the expertise of leading humanitarian organizations, forward-looking governments, and commercial partners that share our vision. Together, we invent, develop, and deploy commercially-viable technologies that improve life in developing countries. 3150 139th Ave SE, Building 4 Bellevue, WA 98005
GREATER SEATTLE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION GSBA’s mission is to combine business development, leadership, and social action to expand economic opportunities for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender communities and those who support equality for all. They envision a vibrant global economy strengthened through the full participation of diverse local communities. 400 E Pine St, Suite 322 Seattle, WA 98122
GLOBAL IMPACT Global Impact builds partnerships and resources for the world’s most vulnerable people. 1199 N Fairfax St, Suite 300 Alexandria, VA 22314
HEALING HEARTS NORTHWEST Healing Hearts Northwest is a team of medical professionals in cardiology and heart surgery who, along with other volunteers, organize life-saving procedures to Rwandans who suffer from rheumatic heart disease. Along with providing surgeries, Healing Hearts trains local physicians, nurses, and medical students in intensive care medicine and general cardiology. PO Box 31533 Spokane, WA 99223
The Global Leadership Forum strengthens globally oriented social-purpose leaders through a threeseason seminar, and creates ongoing communities to improve INGOs’ abilities to improve lives in communities world-wide.
2524 16th Ave S Seattle, WA 98144
As a public institution of higher education serving a diverse community in a multicultural world and global economy, Highline College promotes student engagement, learning and achievement, integrates diversity and globalism throughout the college, sustains relationships within its communities, and practices sustainability in human resources, operations, and teaching and learning.
GLOBAL PARTNERSHIPS Global Partnerships is dedicated to expanding opportunity for people living in poverty. 1932 1st Ave, Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98101
2400 S 240 St Des Moines, WA 98198
iLEAP is an international nonprofit organization with a mission to inspire and renew social leaders and global citizens through integrated leadership programs that ignite hope and transformation in the world.
Key Travel is a travel management company that has specialized in simplifying travel complexity for the humanitarian, faith, and education sectors for over 35 years.
4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98103
1500 JFK Boulevard, #1301 Philadelphia, PA 19102
INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE The International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic wellbeing, and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. 100 S King St, Suite 570 Seattle, WA 98104
LANDESA Landesa champions and works to secure land rights for millions of the world’s poorest, mostly rural women and men to provide opportunity and promote social justice. 1424 4th Ave, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98101
INTERNATIONAL SNOW LEOPARD TRUST The Snow Leopard Trust builds community partnerships by using sound science to determine priorities for protecting the endangered snow leopard. 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Suite 325 Seattle, WA 98103
LANE POWELL PC With approximately 200 attorneys in offices located in Seattle, Washington; Portland, Oregon; Tacoma, Washington; Anchorage, Alaska; and London, England, Lane Powell is thoroughly versed in the industries of the Pacific Northwest as well as the legal issues that face clients on a regional, national, and international level. 1420 5th Ave, Suite 4200 Seattle, WA 98111
JPMORGAN CHASE & CO. At JPMorgan Chase, they believe they have a fundamental responsibility to help their clients and communities navigate a complex global economy and address their economic and social challenges. They use strength, global reach, expertise, relationships, and access to capital to make a positive impact in cities around the world. 1301 2nd Ave, Floor 25 Seattle, WA 98101
LIFE SCIENCE WASHINGTON Life Science Washington is an independent, nonprofit, trade association serving the life sciences industry in WA. As the center of influence for WA life sciences, they advocate for positive public policy and private investment, bring together research institutions, investors, and entrepreneurs to grow their economic sector, and create healthier communities. 1551 Eastlake Ave E, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98102
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Linksbridge helps organizations and leaders gain insight and understanding from complex information and creates useful tools to effectively communicate plans and implement change.
The mission of Medical Teams International is to demonstrate the love of Christ to people affected by disaster, conflict, and poverty around the world.
812 5th Avenue N, Unit C Seattle, WA 98109
9680 153rd Ave NE Redmond, WA 98052
LITERACY BRIDGE The mission of Literacy Bridge is to significantly improve the health, income, and quality of life for the world’s most underserved communities by providing life-changing knowledge through innovative technology. 1904 3rd Ave, Suite 417 Seattle, WA 98101
MERCY CORPS Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, Mercy Corps partners to put bold solutions into action—helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within. Now, and for the future. 45 SW Ankeny St Portland, OR 97204
LIVING EARTH INSTITUTE Living Earth Institute empowers communities to protect their health and environment through the sustainable use of water resources. 1418 Martin Luther King, Jr Way Seattle, WA 98122
MALARIA NO MORE At Malaria No More, they envision a world where no child dies from a mosquito bite. Malaria No More uses their innovative partnerships and focused advocacy to elevate malaria on the global health agenda, create political will, and mobilize the global resources required to achieve malaria eradication within a generation. 2341 Eastlake Ave E, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98102
MICROSOFT At Microsoft, their mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Delivering on this mission starts with great technology, but great technology alone is not enough. Too many of technology’s benefits have yet to reach the people who need them. One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052
THE MIFOS INITIATIVE The Mifos Initiative provides education, training, and tools to enable charitable organizations and social enterprises to make financial inclusion more affordable, available, and accessible to the 2.5 billion unbanked poor in the world. 19330 83rd Pl W Edmonds, WA 98026
MAVUNO Mavuno is working to end extreme poverty in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo through community organization and business development. 240 2nd Ave S, #302 Seattle, WA 98104
Minerva Strategies uses smart communication to inspire action and create positive change. They are well connected in the social change sector, with strong expertise in global health and development, and they bring a keen understanding of clients’ opportunities and constraints.
MovingWorlds is a social impact organization addressing the global talent gap. Their online matching and support tool connects people who want to travel and volunteer their skills—go Experteering—on their own or through corporatesponsored programs.
1631 15th Ave W, Suite 319 Seattle, WA 98119
220 2nd Ave South, Room 119 Seattle, WA 98104
Mission Africa aims to empower children and families in the remote villages of Africa by providing support in three core areas: education, healthcare, and poverty alleviation.
MSR Global Health is focused on improving access to basic human needs for people living in lowresource settings around the globe. MRS Global Health believes the same trusted engineering that creates gear for challenging outdoor environments can find solutions to help these communities gain greater access to safe water, food, and shelter.
1020 30th St NE Auburn, WA 98002
MOBILITY OUTREACH INTERNATIONAL Mobility Outreach International (MOi) enables mobility in under-resourced areas of the world. MOi provides non-surgical treatment to children with clubfoot, prosthetic and orthotic services, physical rehabilitation, advocacy, and orthopedic surgical outreach to adults and children. 192 Nickerson St, Suite 201 Seattle, WA 98109
4000 1st Ave S Seattle, WA 98134
NETHOPE NetHope joins the world’s largest nonprofits with technology innovators worldwide. They act as a catalyst for productive collaboration, innovation, and problem-solving to reimagine how technology can improve our world. PO Box 95586 Seattle, WA 98145
MONA FOUNDATION Mona Foundation supports grassroots education initiatives that raise the status of women and girls worldwide. Mona Foundation achieves that goal by partnering with local leaders who are inspired to respond to the challenges facing their communities by investing in the education of children and youth.
Northeastern University–Seattle offers high-demand graduate degrees in science and technology, business, nonprofit and global leadership, healthcare, and education.
218 Main St, Suite 404 Kirkland, WA 98033
401 Terry Ave N, Suite 103 Seattle, WA 98109
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
The Northwest School offers a faculty who engage each student in sequential, cross-disciplinary studies in the Humanities, Sciences, and the Arts. The Northwest School graduates students with historical, scientific, artistic, and global perspective, enabling them to think and act with integrity, believing they have a positive impact on the world.
Opening up access to international education for underserved youth, OWN runs an after-school global leadership program for high school students. Students learn critical world languages, gain 21st century leadership skills, and study abroad in the summer.
1415 Summit Ave Seattle, WA 98122
2200 6th Avenue, Suite 513 Seattle, WA 98121
NPH USA NPH USA transforms the lives of abandoned and disadvantaged children with homes, healthcare, and educational programs, making a positive impact in Latin America and the Caribbean. 1800 112th Ave NE, Suite 270E Bellevue, WA 98004
OUTRIGHT ACTION INTERNATIONAL As the leading US-based nonprofit fighting for human rights for LGBTIQ people globally, OutRight prescribes, advocates, and implements policy changes, document abuses, and champions global partners—with trust earned over its 25 year history— to change hearts, minds and laws all over the world. PO Box 25455 Seattle, WA 98165
OIKOCREDIT NORTHWEST Oikocredit is a worldwide financial cooperative that promotes global justice by empowering disadvantaged people with credit. PO Box 70164 Seattle, WA 98127
ONE BY ONE One By One partners with communities to develop and support holistic fistula treatment and increase access to safe childbirth for all women. 6512 23rd Ave NW, Suite 305 Seattle, WA 98117
OXFAM AMERICA Oxfam is a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty. With 70 years of experience in more than 90 countries, Oxfam takes on the big issues that keep people poor: inequality, discrimination, and unequal access to resources including food, water, and land. 220 2nd Ave S, #208 Seattle, WA 98104
PACIFIC LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY Wang Center for International programs improve the understanding between China and the United States through the work of poverty alleviation and language teaching programs. 868 Wheeler St S Tacoma, WA 98447
Pangea Giving is a giving circle whose purpose is to give its members and supporters direct, thoughtful, and effective ways to support grassroots organizations in developing countries to improve the quality of life in their community. Grant partners are currently located in Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, Myanmar, Cambodia, Guatemala, and Oaxaca.
PeaceTrees Vietnam is a humanitarian organization dedicated to healing communities affected by war. Working alongside the Vietnamese people, they accomplish this through landmine removal, education, survivor assistance, and citizen diplomacy.
220 2nd Ave S, Room 215 Seattle, WA 98104
509 Olive Way, Suite 1226 Seattle, WA 98101
PARTNERS ASIA Partners Asia supports emerging leaders and community-led initiatives which improve the lives of the most vulnerable people of Southeast Asia. 220 2nd Ave S Seattle, WA 98104
PILGRIM AFRICA Pilgrim Africa’s mission is to challenge despair, love boldly, and help African people create a future of prosperity and health. They aim to restore the hope and dignity found in Christ to those devastated by war, poverty, or disease. 115 N 85th St #202 Seattle, WA 98103
PATH PATH is driven by an unshakeable commitment to health equity and a bold belief in the power of innovation to improve health and save lives. For nearly 40 years, PATH has been a pioneer in translating bold ideas into breakthrough health solutions, with a focus on child survival, maternal and reproductive health, and infectious diseases. 2201 Westlake Ave, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98121
PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF THE GREAT NORTHWEST AND THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands (PPGNHI) draws upon expertise as a leading provider of sexual and reproductive health services and comprehensive sexuality education to build the capacity of partner organizations around the world. 2001 E Madison St Seattle, WA 98122
PATH FROM POVERTY Path From Poverty reaches across cultures to transform lives and communities by partnering with women’s groups; empowering and equipping women to break the cycle of poverty and live into their God-given potential. 1013 8th Ave Seattle, WA 98104
POTAVIDA PotaVida presents a revolutionary new concept: accurate data from every device in the field. The Smart Solar Purifier automatically collects its own usage data, which can be easily transmitted to a cell phone and then to a cloud-based database. 999 3rd Ave Suite 700 Seattle, WA 98104
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
© Gavin Gough for Splash
PROVIDENCE ST. JOSEPH HEALTH GLOBAL PARTNERSHIPS Providence St. Joseph Health Global Partnerships provides opportunities to learn, serve, and contribute internationally—leveraging the resources and talents of their organization to improve and promote global health. Compassionate service has been part of the Providence Mission since the Sisters of Providence began their work in Montreal nearly 170 years ago. 1801 Lind Ave SW Renton, WA 98057
RESOURCE MEDIA Resource Media is a one-of-a-kind communications agency: a mission-driven nonprofit working to improve the health of people and the planet, and to build a more just and equitable world. They help their clients use communications to build bridges across sectors, mobilize supporters, and shift the public debate. 600 Stewart St, Suite 1201 Seattle, WA 98101
RESTLESS DEVELOPMENT PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLC (PWC) PwC focuses on audit and assurance, tax, and consulting services. Additionally, in the US, PwC concentrates on 16 key industries and provides targeted services that include—but are not limited to — human resources, deals, forensics, and consulting services. They help resolve complex issues and identify opportunities. 1420 5th Ave, Suite 2800 Seattle, WA 98101
Restless Development USA works to establish strategic partnerships with international development agencies, the US government, United Nations agencies, the private sector, and NGOs to advance youth-led development policies and practice in order to raise interest and investment for Restless Development’s global work. 227 W 17th Street, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10016
RESULTS SEATTLE RAINMAKERSTV RainmakersTV provides documentary series established to communicate stories of leadership, innovation, and social responsibility that inspire global transformation. 6045 86th Ave SE Mercer Island, WA 98040
RESULTS is a movement of passionate and committed everyday people. Together they use their voices to influence political decisions that will bring an end to poverty. 3215 West Viewmont Way W Seattle, WA 98104
RENEGAID INNOVATIVE DISASTER RELIEF By producing innovative relief projects and programs, RenegAID™ is dedicated to improving people’s ability to reestablish themselves in catastrophic disaster. 220 N J, Unit A Palouse, WA 99161
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
THE ROSE INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR CHILDREN The primary mission of The Rose International Fund for Children is to improve the lives of children in Nepal, particularly those who have a disability. 14150 NE 20th St, Floor 1 Bellevue, WA 98007
Rwanda Girls Initiative’s mission is to educate and empower girls in Rwanda to reach their highest potential. They strive to cultivate inspired leaders with a love of learning and a sense of economic empowerment to strengthen their communities and foster Rwanda’s growth.
The Seattle International Foundation (SIF) supports worldwide poverty alleviation efforts through grantmaking and other activities, with a strategic focus on Central America.
PO Box 325 Medina, WA 98039
1601 Fifth Ave, Suite 1900 Seattle, WA 98101
SAHAR EDUCATION FOR AFGHAN GIRLS By fostering interchanges between the United States and Afghanistan, Sahar creates quality educational opportunities in Afghanistan that empower and inspire children and their families to build peaceful, just, and life-affirming communities. PO Box 17672 Seattle, WA 98127
SEATTLE METROPOLITAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Chamber engages the innovation and entrepreneurship of its members to create a strong economy, advocate for a vital business environment, and build sustainable and healthy communities in the Seattle region. 1301 5th Ave, Suite 1500 Seattle, WA 98101
Schools for Salone partners with local villages in Sierra Leone, West Africa, to rebuild the schools devastated in the ten-year civil war that ended in 2002. They have built 16 schools and 2 libraries since 2005.
Seattle Pacific University is a Christian university fully committed to engaging the culture and changing the world by graduating people of competence and character, becoming people of wisdom, and modeling grace-filled community.
PO Box 25314 Seattle, WA 98165
3307 3rd Ave W Seattle, WA 98119
Southeast Asia Foundation emphasizes education for girls, provides hands-on coaching for sustainability, complies with the Istanbul Principles, and insures religious inclusion.
Seattle University is dedicated to educating the whole person, to professional formation, and to empowering leaders for a just and humane world.
9715 Cherry St Edmonds, WA 98020
901 12th Ave Seattle, WA 98122
SIGN FRACTURE CARE INTERNATIONAL SIGN Fracture Care International’s mission is to give the injured poor in developing countries access to effective orthopaedic care by providing surgeons in low resource hospitals with relevant orthopaedic education and implants. 451 Hills St, Suite B Richland, WA 99354
SPLASH Splash is a social justice organization committed to the poor, an international development agency disciplined around urban economies, a social enterprise dedicated to putting themselves out of business, and a safe water company focused on children. Put this odd combination together and exciting things are happening.
STREET BUSINESS SCHOOL BY BEADFORLIFE Street Business School creates transformation for people living in poverty through building confidence and igniting entrepreneurial skills. For more than a decade, Street Business School has empowered Ugandan women to discover their own entrepreneurial potential and leave poverty behind. Today, they are scaling to ignite potential in 1 million women around the world by 2027. 6797 Winchester Circle, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301
TABLEAU FOUNDATION The Tableau Foundation team sees itself as stewards of the company’s efforts to help people everywhere see, understand, and do great things with data.
1115 E Pike St Seattle, WA 98122
837 N 34th St Seattle, WA 98103
Spreeha strives to break the cycle of poverty for underprivileged people by providing healthcare, education, and skills training.
Theo is proud to be the first organic and fair trade bean-to-bar chocolate company in North America. Their passion for making the highest quality chocolate, from the best cocoa, grown in the most sustainable ways possible drives them to do things differently and to help make the world a better place.
7, 193rd Pl SE Bothell, WA 98012
SSG-ADVISORS SSG-Advisors is a global team of international development and impact investment professionals that harnesses the power of collaboration to enable communities, companies, and governments to drive market-based solutions to global challenges. 220 2nd Ave S Seattle 98104
3400 Phinney Ave N Seattle, WA 98103
THRIIVE Thriive’s mission is building shared prosperity in vulnerable global communities. Thriive does this by making pay-it-forward loans to small businesses so they can grow and create jobs. Instead of repaying the loans to Thriive, they repay them by making inkind donations of products or job training to people in need. c/o Impact Hub Seattle 220 2nd Ave S Seattle, WA 98104
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
TILLER At Tiller, they work with you to achieve your strategic objectives by developing meetings, conferences, trips, and events that engage audiences of all sizes. Tiller’s experienced team designs and manages a wide range of programs, from intimate meetings for high-profile VIPs to complex international conferences involving thousands of attendees. 1752 NW Market St, #407 Seattle, WA 98107
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON — EVANS SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY AND GOVERNANCE The Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy is a graduate school of public policy and administration. Their programs prepare students for public service careers. Their graduates and faculty provide expertise and produce research that guides local, national, and global nonprofit organizations and government agencies. 4105 George Washington Ln NE Seattle, WA 98105
TOTAL BENEFIT SOLUTIONS Total Benefits Solutions offers domestic and international health insurance plans for employees who are working at home or abroad. 155 108th Ave NE, Suite 800 Bellevue, WA 98004
TRADE DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE The Trade Development Alliance promotes, connects, and educates the Greater Seattle region for international trade and business. 1301 5th Ave, Suite 2500 Seattle, WA 98101
UNICEF USA UNICEF USA works for the survival, protection, and development of children worldwide by supporting UNICEF’s work, and other efforts in support of the world’s children, through fundraising, advocacy and education in the United States.
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON — MICHAEL G. FOSTER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, GLOBAL BUSINESS CENTER The mission of University of Washington — Michael G. Foster School of Business is to develop global business expertise by hosting and sponsoring outstanding international education initiatives. 137 Mackenzie Hall, Box 353200 Seattle, WA 98195
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON — OFFICE OF GLOBAL AFFAIRS The University of Washington Office of Global Affairs (OGA) collaborates with other central administrative units such as Global Operations Support, the Graduate School, Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Student Life and the Office of Research to develop and enhance policies and procedures supporting international education, research, and service programs. 22 Gerberding Hall Seattle, WA 98195
4021 13th Ave S Seattle, WA 98108
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON — TECHNOLOGY & SOCIAL CHANGE GROUP (TASCHA) The Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA) at the University of Washington Information School explores the design, use, and effects of information and communication technologies in communities facing social and economic challenges. Bloedel Hall 060 Seattle, WA 98195
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON — THE ELLISON CENTER FOR RUSSIAN, EAST EUROPEAN & CENTRAL ASIAN STUDIES Through research and programs, The Ellison Center seeks to understand the legacies of the imperial and communist past and analyze the emerging institutions and identities that will shape Eurasia’s future from Vienna to Vladivostok. Thomson Hall 203B Seattle, WA 98195
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON CONTINUUM COLLEGE Continuum College expands the University of Washington’s educational impact by meeting the needs of learners wherever they are in life—and wherever they intend to go. It provides relevant educational experiences, delivering the right programs for the right people at the right time, so that anyone can access the knowledge they need through the University of Washington to have a greater impact in the world. UW PO Box 359450 Seattle, WA 98195
The Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies combines the social sciences, humanities, and professional fields to enhance their understanding of their increasingly interconnected globe. JSIS offers 7 undergraduate majors and 16 minors (as well as a Tri-Campus minor in Human Rights), 10 Master’s level programs, and a Ph.D. Program.
400 Thomson Hall Seattle, WA 98195
The SID LL.M. program prepares students to work within organizations that include the World Bank, USAID, the United Nations development program, private consulting firms, environmental NGOs, humanitarian and human rights organizations, and active military service focused on the rule of law. 4293 Memorial Way Seattle, WA 98195
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON BOTHELL UW Bothell holds the student-faculty relationship to be paramount. They provide access to excellence in higher education through innovative and creative curricula, interdisciplinary teaching and research, and a dynamic community of multicultural learning. 18115 Campus Way NE Bothell, WA 98011
UPAYA SOCIAL VENTURES Upaya’s mission is to create dignified jobs for the poorest of the poor by investing in small businesses in India’s poorest communities. WeWork c/o Upaya Social Ventures 500 Yale Avenue N Seattle, WA 98109
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
VillageReach is a global health innovator that develops, tests, implements, and scales new solutions to critical health system challenges in low-resource environments. VillageReach combines expertise across public health, technology, and business to bring lifesaving innovation to scale and sustainability in the world’s most underserved communities.
WGHA strategically connects, expands, and strengthens the global health community to advance health equity.
2900 Eastlake Ave E, Suite 230 Seattle, WA 98102
1809 7th Ave, Suite 1000 Seattle, WA 98101
Washington Nonprofits builds a strong, collaborative network of nonprofits serving Washington communities through advocacy, education, and capacity building.
Waldron is a trusted partner in leadership searches for organizations at the forefront of social impact. They put their results-focused methodology, international network, and 30 years of experience to work on your behalf to identify leaders with the right combination of skills and attributes for success in the social sector. 1100 Olive Way, Suite 1800 Seattle, WA 98101
1265 S Main St #210 Seattle, WA 98144
WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS The Office of International Programs leads and enables global engagement and outreach activities of WSU students, staff, faculty, and communities. Its activities advance the University’s land grant mission and WSU’s priorities in research, education, service, and economic development.
CleanTech Alliance represents more than 300 member companies and organizations across the state. Founded in 2007 by business and cleantech leaders, the Alliance facilitates the generation and growth of cleantech companies and jobs through a variety of educational programs, research, products, and services.
PO Box 605121 Pullman, WA 99164
1301 5th Ave, Suite 1500 Seattle, WA 98101
Water1st International enables the world’s poorest people to implement and sustain communitymanaged projects integrating clean water supply, toilets, and hygiene education. It unites people to fight the global water and sanitation crisis.
1904 3rd Ave, Suite 1012 Seattle, WA 98101
WCIT is the only organization in Washington dedicated exclusively to advocating for public policies that increase Washington state’s international competitiveness. On behalf of its members — manufacturers, farmers, retailers and service providers—WCIT advocates for trade policies and investments that benefit Washington’s workers and employers.
1301 5th Ave, Suite 1500 Seattle, WA 98101
WAVS’ mission is to create hope and opportunity in West African communities by working hand-inhand with indigenous leaders to establish vocational training centers and economic development programs while sharing the Gospel message.
The World Justice Project is an independent, multidisciplinary organization working to advance the rule of law around the world. Effective rule of law reduces corruption, combats poverty and disease, and protects people from injustices large and small.
1901 Fulton St, Room 108 PO Box 25455 Fresno, CA 93721
1411 4th Ave, Suite 920 Seattle, WA 98101
Woodland Park Zoo saves animals and their habitats through conservation leadership and engaging experiences, inspiring people to learn, care and act.
World Relief Seattle provides vital services to refugees and immigrants as they rebuild their lives in Washington state. The organization provides foundational resettlement services, including economic empowerment training for women, ESL classes, and a legal clinic.
5500 Phinney Ave N Seattle, WA 98103
WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL As a hub for all things international, the World Affairs Council creates programs and opportunities for local people to interact directly with leaders, educators, and professionals from around the world. 2200 Alaskan Way, Suite 450 Seattle, WA 98121
WORLD BICYCLE RELIEF World Bicycle Relief mobilizes people through The Power of Bicycles. WBR is committed to helping people conquer the challenge of distance, achieve independence, and thrive. An innovative model, combining philanthropic distributions with social enterprise sales, is the backbone to delivering greater efficiencies of scale. 3023 Grandview St Gig Harbor, WA 98335
841 Central Avenue N, Suite C-106 Kent, WA 98032
WORLD TRADE CENTER SEATTLE WTCSE members and staff make up a community dedicated to improving the global neighborhood in which they live. WTCSE serves as an economic fraternity where business leaders can develop strong alliances to collaborate and share resources. 2200 Alaskan Way, Suite 410 Seattle, WA 98121
WORLD VISION World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the root causes of poverty and injustice. 34834 Weyerhaeuser Way S Federal Way, WA 98063
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Thank you for your support and generosity.
2018 GLOBAL PHILANTHROPY GUIDE 35 Sean Sheridan for Mercy Corps