2018 LCM Homecoming

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7327 Highway 87 North, Orange, Texas 77632. For additional information, call or email Mrs. Smith at 886-5821, extension
2018 LCM Homecoming Parade September 21, 2018

Information/Registration Form The LCM Homecoming Parade is an event to promote unity and support within the District and the Community. Local law enforcement will control traffic and proceeds will benefit the LCM HS Student Government.

Line up information Line up: 1:00 p.m. Location: LCI for motorized units (Enter from Allie Payne entrance closest to Fox Run), LCM Admin and Technology for walking units. Restroom facilities will be available at LCE, LCI and Central Admin. Parade will begin at 2:00 p.m. from LCJH. Pep Rally: Monday, September 17, 2018 7:30 p.m. in Bear Stadium.

Float Guidelines

Parade theme:

“Incredible Homecoming”

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An adult must ride on/in the float with students. For safety reasons, no candy or fliers may be thrown from floats. Acceptable transportation: low-boy trailers, pick-up trucks, goose neck trailers Unacceptable transportation: horses, 4-wheelers, and bicycles may not be entered as parade participants. ➢ Upon conclusion of the parade, all floats will enter LCM HS on the south side and drive the float through to the northern most entrance/exit of the campus for grades 9-12. Floats with ages 8th grade and under will unload behind stadium visitor bleachers. No floats may unload in the stadium parking area.

Entry Eligibility ➢ School Groups – No Charge - LCM High School clubs and organizations/teams, homecoming court, all district departments, all campuses, LCM School Board, and LCM graduating classes celebrating reunions in intervals of 5 or 10 years. ➢ Community Groups – $50 - Ball teams, scout groups, churches, etc. ➢ Businesses - $100 – Dance Studios, Day Cares, other for-profit organizations. ➢ Political Ad - $150 – Anyone whose float includes campaigning slogans or materials. The Parade Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry which does not conform to the guidelines or does not represent the values upheld by the LCM CISD. Please detach and complete the following form and return by September 14, to Stacey Smith at LCM High School, 7327 Highway 87 North, Orange, Texas 77632. For additional information, call or email Mrs. Smith at 886-5821, extension 1660 or [email protected] . Keep the top portion for your information. Organization: I have read and am aware of all parade rules and guidelines:

Contact Phone 1:

Contact Phone 2:

Contact E-address:

Type of Transportation: Entry Level:



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Amount Enclosed:

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