Jul 1, 2018 - living at home. From meal preparation, to transportation, errands, homemaking, medication reminders or res
Harman center at Gailleon Park
Summer 2018
July August September
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Letter from Leslie
It’s finally here! Summer is in full swing! Time to hit the trails, load up the camping gear and splash your favorite watering hole! One year has passed since we began our journey together as the Harman Center team. I’ve grown to think of you all as a family, and like every family, we’ve had our share of good times, off-centered relatives and everything in the middle. Like a family, we’ve gone through it all, but we did it together. We’re here to bask in another summer’s warm glow. The one thing we all have in common is our love for the time we spend here at the Harman Center. Our Classic Movie Nights were a hit and will be back in the fall. Our Open House had a fabulous turnout. A BIG thank you to our groups that participated and donated raffle items. We are still collecting recipes for our Harman Center Cookbook. If you have a recipe you would like to submit, drop by the front desk or email me at Leslie.Richards@ YAKIMAWA.GOV. Here’s what is in store for this summer: •New Classes: Body Groove (FREE) & Line Dancing ($4.00/class) •Lego Tournament – July 14th @ 10:00am-2:00pm. Must Pre-Register by July 9th. FREE •“Retirement Is Murder” Dinner Theatre – Aug 11th @ 5:30pm. $10 per Ticket. •Grandparents Day Sock Hop – Sept 15th @ 7:00pm-9:00pm FREE I hope we can enjoy many more summers together. I’m excited to provide a full summer’s worth of programs and fun stuff to take a cool break from the heat. Most importantly, I want to remind all of you that my door is open to hear any recommendations or changes to consider for the many years to come! Sending lots of hugs, Leslie Richards (509)576-6402
[email protected]
Visit our Website! http://www.yakimaparks.com/ senior-center/
Where to Find Us 101 N. 65th Avenue Yakima, WA 98908 (509)575-6166
Subscribe to our Newsletter! $3/Issue or $12/Year
In This Issue Staying Healthy..................................................... 4 New Classes.........................................................5 Travel Journal ..................................................6-7 Computer Room..............................................8-9 Weekly Schedule..........................................10-11 Events............................................................12 -13 YVSC Inc.......................................................14-15 Past Events..........................................................16 Currently Trending............................................17 Thank You Volunteers & Sponsors...................18 General Information.........................................19 Matinee Dance....................................................20
Staying Healthy Fitness Class
8:25am-9:25am 9:30am-10:30am Monday, Wednesday & Friday $15.00/month This popular fitness class consists of floor, chair and standing exercises. All ability levels are welcome. Must pre-register, space is limited.
Lunch & Learn
Let’s eat & educate! Join us for our Lunch & Learns every month. Light lunch will be provided. All are welcome!
July 19th
Senior Living Choices
Presented by:
Tai Chi
Thursday, 9:00am-10:00am Thursday, 3:00pm-4:00pm $35.00/month - 1 class a week $60.00/month - 2 classes a week $10.00/session This program is a gentle low -impact, slow motion exercise that improves breathing, flexibility, balance, strength and relaxation. All abilities are welcome.
Karen Sousley
Light Lunch provided by:
Chesterley Meadows
12:00pm - 1:30pm August 16th September 20th Topic:
Presented by:
Presented by:
Home & Bathroom Safety Howard’s Medical
Light Lunch provided by:
Howard’s Medical
Peach Tree
Light Lunch provided by:
Peach Tree
Hearing Screening & Cognition Screening Call (509)575-6166 for Hearing Aid Cleaning more information No appointment needed Free
3:00pm - 4:00pm July 12, 2018 August 16, 2018 September 13, 2018
Belly Dancing
Tuesday, 1:30pm-2:30pm $12.00/quarter All who attend can learn this unique exercise through dance that helps you develop better strength, flexibility & grace. Dance to the music from Majestic Near East as you dance with veils, drums and many other fun styles.
Senior Tips & Tricks
Zumba Gold
9:00am-10:00am Tuesday & Thursday $40.00/month or $6.00/session This upbeat dance-fitness class consists of modified, low-impact moves for active adults.
9:00am - 1:00pm July 16, 2018 August 20, 2018 September 17, 2018
New Classes Harman Center Singles 10:00am ee! r F st rd Every 1 & 3 Tuesday Looking to make new friends that share common interests? Then look no further and join the Harman Center Singles. Come socialize and develop new long-lasting friendships. Finger food and dessert potluck every 3rd Tuesday. For more information call (509)575-6166 or stop by the front desk.
Body Groove
5:30pm - 6:30pm Tuesday & Thursday Get in the Groove! Be confident in your body and how it moves…no matter what size, shape or age you are. •Be Yourself. Move Your Way. Love Your Body. •Exercise shouldn’t be painful or hard…find a way to move your body in a pain free, enjoyable way with Body Groove.
Line Dancing 4:00pm - 5:00pm Wednesday $15.00/month $4.00/class
Ready to learn how to Line Dance??? If so, come on in and enjoy a fabulous workout while dancing your way to better health! You will meet great people and breathe new life into your soul!
Introduction to Genealogy Lecture July 24th 10:00am - 11:00am Free! Genealogy Open Labs July 31st, August 14th, August 28th 10:00am - 11:00am Interested in Genealogy? Don’t know how to begin, we have the perfect class for you! Learn about resources, forms, do’s and don’ts, and much more. There will be an introduction class with an informational lecture followed by three open labs in our computer room. The classes will be instructed by Jill Scott.
Travel Journal There is change in the air and the rumors are true! The Travel Program is getting a makeover!!! I am very excited to announce that our Trips & Tours program has grown by leaps and bounds, and with that in mind, here are the new ideas that we will be implementing in order to better serve everyone. • The HC Trips & Tours 2019 World Travel Catalog is making its debut. This catalog will have the information for all of the 2019 “big” trips, which also means you can sign-up for them NOW! This will allow everyone who wants to go on some of these trips to put their deposit down and then have plenty of time to make payments before the due date. It also allows for you to plan ahead. Catalogs are available to pick up at the Harman Center or mailed by request. • The Pacific Northwest Trips & Tours Book will be coming out as two separate catalogs. The first one will be January through June and available January 1, 2019. The second one will be July through December and available July 1, 2019. This will allow for more day trips in the second half of the year, and the ability to take your suggestions that you bring to me during the 1st half of the year and try to make them happen during the 2nd half. • Mystery Trips - The day Mystery Trips will also be trying something new in 2019. Due to their popularity, we will be drawing names for each trip. This is how that will look; you sign-up with your seat mate or individually during the month of January for Mystery #1 & #2 and then again the month of July for Mystery #5 & # 6. After the sign-up period we will draw 50 names per trip. The two day Mystery Trips ( # 3 & # 4 ) will remain first come first serve.
Travel Journal
2019 Trip and Tour Presentations
• July 12th @ 1:00 pm - Ryan Campbell from Premier World Discovery will be here to present the 2018 Christmas Lights of San Antonio! And present the 2019 Trips - The Treasures of Ireland, National Parks & Canyons of the Southwest, and the Four County Danube & Black Sea River Cruise. • July 26th @ 1:00pm - John Shaw from Collette will be here to present the 2019 Trips - Discover Switzerland, Austria and Bavaria and Discover Washington DC. You do NOT want to miss these two presentations - come see the slide shows and find out just how much fun you can have with us!
Feature Trip: SAN ANTONIO HOLIDAYS • Nov. 28th - Dec. 2nd - Join us on the Holiday trip of a lifetime at a price that will amaze you. • $1725 will take you from the Harman Center to Sea Tac with a flight to San Antonio, Texas. • Stay in a beautiful hotel right on the Riverwalk where you will see just how big they decorate in Texas! • Price also includes 6 meals, professional Tour Director, San Antonio City Tour, San Jose Mission, El Mercado Marketplace, the Alamo, a Riverwalk Cruise, a visit to the LBJ Ranch and Fiesta de las Luminarias and more. • We only have a few double rooms left so if you are interested, please contact me as soon as possible. Added Trip for 2018 - Dinner and the Theater in Leavenworth. Join us for the play My Fair Lady - Friday evening August 10th. Dinner will be at Wild Huckleberry in Leavenworth and then we will head to the play. Cost is $139.00 for everything! And as always, if you have places that you would like to see in the future, bring your ideas to me. I appreciate your help and love to hear your thoughts.
Computer Room Android Tablet
Learn how to change settings, add apps and enjoy your device
August 6 Basic Computers
Learn computer terminology, how to use a mouse, how to save and print a document
Tues, Thur, Mon July 3, 5, 9 Beginning iPAD Learn basic features on your device
Cell Phone Q & A
July 12
Bring in your charged cell phone and get individual help
Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
July 10 July 24 August 7
Tues, Wed, Thur August 14, 15, 16 Google Docs Tues, Thur
September 25, 27 Intermediate iPAD
Learn tips & tricks to make the device personalized and yours
Instructor: Rosie Steele
1Day Instructor: Rosie Steele
1:00pm-3:00pm $30
3 Days Instructor: Rosie Steele
10:00am-12:00pm $10
1 Day Instructor: Ashton Damron 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day Instructor: Mike Dwyer
9:00am-11:00am Free
3 day Instructor: Larry Fraizer
1:00pm-3:00pm $20
2 Day
9:00am-11:00am 9:00am-11:00am 9:00am-11:00am $30
Instructor: Rosie Steele
July 17
1 Day
September 18
1 Day
Instructor: Larry Fraizer
1 Day 1 Day
1:00pm-3:00pm 1:00pm-3:00pm
Instructor: Rosie Steele
4 Days 4 Days
1:00pm-3:00pm 1:00pm-3:00pm
Internet for Beginners Thursday Thursday
August 9 August 23 Windows 10
Learn tips and tricks to make Windows 10 fit your needs. Learn to copy, paste and move information to a removable device and how some of the “live” tiles function
Mon & Wed Mon & Wed
August 20, 22, 27, 29 September 17, 19, 24, 26
Computer Room Open Computer Lab
July 9am-4pm
August 1 9am-12pm
September 7 9am-12pm
9am-12pm 10 9am-12pm
9am-12pm 12 9am-12pm
9am-12pm 19 9am-12pm
13 9am-12pm 21 9am-12pm
17 9am-12pm 24 9am-12pm
20 9am-12pm 26 9am-12pm
22 9am-12pm
24 9am-11am
27 9am-12pm
29 9am-12pm
17 9am-12pm
Computer Room Instructors
WIFI Upgrade A very BIG Thank You to the John & Wauna Harman Foundation for upgrading our WiFi and computer lab projector to better serve our senior community.
Mike Dwyer, Sharon Fisher, Larry Fraizer, Marv Franklin, Mary Kraining, Mike Mullen, Marcia Nichols, Rosie Steele, Roger Wells Refund Policy: Due to the popularity of our computer classes, refunds will not be granted if you cancel less than 2 weeks prior to the start date of your class. Important Note: Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Until you have paid the fee, you are not enrolled. Registration should be completed at least five days prior to the beginning of class unless approved by the instructor.
Weekly Schedule Monday
$6/Session or $40/Month
$12/Quarter or $1.00/Drop-in
$12/Quarter or $1.00/Drop-in
Forever Fitness 8:25 AM & 9:30 AM Social Connection 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Ping Pong 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM
$12/Quarter or $1.00/Drop-in
Hand and Foot 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM
$12/Quarter or $1.00/Drop-in
Pinochle 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
$12/Quarter or $1.00/Drop-in
Yarn Spinning Call (509)575-6166 or stop by the front desk for more information Mahjong 2:30 PM - 6:30 PM
$12/Quarter or $1.00/Drop-in
Zumba Gold 9:00 AM
Only $20.00 a year!!! Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm Saturday 9:00am - 3:30pm
Forever Fitness 8:25 AM & 9:30 AM $15/Month
Bridge 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Wood Carving 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Harman Center Singles 10:00 AM
Blood Sugar Testing/ Blood Pressure Screening 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Free 1 & 3rd Tuesday st
Cribbage 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM
$12/Quarter or $1.00/Drop-in
Skip Bo 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
$12/Quarter or $1.00/Drop-in
Adult Coloring 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
$12/Quarter +Supplies
Belly Dancing 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM $12/Quarter
Miniature Club 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM $3/Quarter 1st Tuesday
$12/Quarter +Supplies
Scrapbooking & Stamping 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM $12/Quarter +Supplies
Advanced China Painting 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM $12/Quarter +Supplies & Firing Fee
Jewelry Making 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
$12/Quarter +Supplies
Matinee Dance 1:30 PM - 3:45 PM
$4, Live Music: Marv Pfeif See Schedule on Page 20
Line Dancing 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Tap Dancing 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
$4/Session or $15/Month
Body Groove 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
1st & 3rd Wednesday
Yarn Spinning Call (509)575-6166 or stop by the front desk for more information
Quilters Guild 7:00 PM
Thursday Tai Chi 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
$35/Month-1class a week $60/Month-2 classes a week $10/Session
Zumba Gold 9:00 AM
$6/Session or $40/Month
Oil Painting 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM $12/Quarter +Supplies
TOPS (weight support) 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM $32/Yearly + $21 Local Dues/Quarterly
Ping Pong 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
$12/Quarter or $1.00/Drop-in
Hand and Foot 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM
$12/Quarter or $1.00/Drop-in
$12/Quarter +25¢/Card
Forever Fitness 8:25 AM & 9:30 AM Watercolor 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM $12/Quarter +Supplies
Writing Club 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM $12/Quarter
Knitting & Crocheting 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM $12/Quarter +Supplies
Leatherworks 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM $12/Quarter +Supplies
Matinee Dance 1:30 PM - 3:45 PM
$4, Live Music: Gary Malner See Schedule on Page 20
Quilting Club 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM $12/Quarter +Supplies
Tai Chi 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
$35/Month-1 class a week $60/Month-2 classes a week $10/Session
Body Groove 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Free
Woodcarvers Association 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM 1st Thursday $12/Quarter +Supplies
Bingo 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM Bridge 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM $12/Quarter Bring Sack Lunch
Closure Dates
Independence Day July 4th Labor Day September 1st & 3rd
Events Harman Center Tournament 10:00am to 2:00pm
July 14, 2018 Saturday
Grab your Grandkids, creativity and Legos. Enter your pre-built model into the Harman Center Lego Tournament. Must pre-register. For rules and regulations call Leslie at (509)576-6402 or stop by the Harman Center front desk. ~Must register by Monday, July 9, 2018
Harman Center
“Retirement is Murder” Saturday, August 11th 5:30pm $10.00/ticket Tickets go on sale July 2nd Seating is limited
Dinner Theatre Fundraiser 12
Events School Supply List
Harman Center
Erasers Pencils Rulers Colored Pencils Crayons Markers Paper Scissors Binders Glue Notebooks Pencil Sharpeners Backpacks Folders And any other school supplies
School Supply Drive Donations may be dropped off at the Harman Center at 101 North 65th Ave
July - September All donations are greatly appreciated
Outsmart the Scammers Seminar
Grandparent’s Day Sock Hop We are celebrating Grandparents Day!!! Bring the whole family and have a Rock n’ Roll good time at the Harman Center. There will be a photo booth and light refreshments served.
September 15th
Learn how to spot red flags that may indicate a fraudulent encounter, resources that you can turn to in the event that you or your loved one is targeted, and steps you can take now to help protect yourself and your loved ones. th
July 26 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Presented by:
WA Talking Book & Braille Library Vision for Independence and WA Book & Braille Library will be here to answer any questions and provide information about their services. th
7:00pm - 9:00pm
July 25 9:00am - 1:00pm
Harman Center Cookbook Fundraiser
The Harman Center is looking for tried and true recipes. We are creating a cookbook compiled of family favorites from today and yesteryear. If you have a favorite recipe you would like to contribute please drop off with name, picture, and/or story at the Harman Center front desk or e-mail electronically to Leslie.Richards@YAKIMAWA. gov. The Harman Center Cookbook will be sold at the Holiday Bazaar. Recipes need to be submitted by September 1, 2018.
Presented by:
Cardiac A-FIB Class
Overview of cardiac A-FIB by Dr. Keller. rd
August 23 1:00pm
Presented by:
Yakima Valley Senior Citizens, Inc Message from Yakima Valley Senior Citizen, Inc. My, how time flies when you are having so much fun! Election of Officers is in November, therefore it is time to put our Nominating Committee together. It must consist of two Board Members and three General Members. If you are interested to be on this Committee, please contact me. My term as President is almost over, which means I need all of you to think about getting involved in Senior Inc. by coming to the monthly meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 1 p.m. Our Treasurer will not be returning next year due to other commitments, so if anyone is a retired Accountant or knows of someone with an accounting background that is interested in volunteering, please contact me. We also have several Trustees to be replaced. I passed out flyers listing some of our accomplishments at the Open House May 30 and decided to share this list with all of you. These are projects purchased by Senior Inc. or otherwise noted. I have put them in chronological order: 1. 2007 - Digital Sign on Summitview 2. 2009-2018 - Volunteer Dinners 3. 2011 - Storage Sheds 4. 2011 - Christmas Tree for Lobby 5. 2011 - Upgrade/Replace Security Cameras - shared cost with City 6. 2012 - New Flooring in Classroom A 7. 2013 - New Ice Machine 8. 2014 - Replaced Blinds in Ballroom 9. 2017 - Purchased New Chairs w/ Arms 10. 2017-2018 - New Sliding Glass Doors at Entrance These are just a few projects that we have been a part of to make the Harman Center a better place to come and enjoy. There have been many other projects over the years that Senior Inc have also funded. We encourage all of you to become involved and help keep YVSC Inc strong. We also want to thank all of you for supporting our fundraisers that make all of these projects successful.
Lois Cruikshank President Jim Perry VicePresident Irene Raptcheff Secretary Sharon Reed Treasurer Jean Amend Gail Brown Linda Duncan Dianne Herron Mary Lizotte Linda Lockwood Janet McCormick Roberta Morgan Betty Thompson Trustees
YVSC Inc General Meeting 2nd Thursday
Lois Cruikshank YVSC Inc President
Soup & Sandwich Monday & Tuesday 11:00 am
1024 W. Nob Hill Blvd. • Yakima, WA 98902 453-6688 or 45-DONUT
Board Members
$2.50/each or $5.00/both
Everyone Welcome!
July 12th August 9th September 13th
Yakima Valley Senior Citizens, Inc Breakfast Saturday 8:00am - 9:00am $5.00
YVSC Inc Bunco Night Friday, September 14th 5:30 pm This event is sponsored by Yakima Valley Senior Citizen Inc. If interested in participating please call 509-576-6404 for more information
Saturday Breakfast has been cancelled June 30th - September 1st Breakfast will resume September 8th YVSC Inc Fundraiser
Potato Feed
October 16 5:30pm-6:30pm th
Tickets: $8.00 in advance $10.00 at the door 101 North 65th Ave
Apple Crisp Fundraiser Tuesday, August 14th 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Bar $5.00Coffee in advance $6.00 at the door
2018 Casino Trips
Discovery Shop Style Show
101 North 65th Ave
Millbay Casino Date: August 21, 2018 Price: $40.00 Snoqualmie Casino Date: October 23, 2018 Price: $30.00 *These casino trips are sponsored by Yakima Valley Senior Citizen Inc. For more information on these trips please contact Irene Raptcheff (509)575-6230.
11:30am $5.00 July 25, 2018 August 29, 2018 September 26, 2018 Last Wednesday of the month
Coffee Bar
We would like to give a big thank you to Don’s Donuts for their faithfulness in providing pastries for the Coffee Bar. Come join us for a cup of coffee & donuts. Regular Coffee .75¢ Large Coffee $1.00 We also have soft drinks. Cans .50¢ Bottles $1.00 ~Virginia, Ellen & Melba Coffee Bar donations are much appreciated. We are always in need of the following items: Small paper plates & napkins, Liquid creamers, sugar-free & regular candy
Past Events
Spring Bazaar
Gardening Classes
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Art Walk &Open House
Currently Trending
Dinner Club
Jewelry Club
Wednesdays, 1:00pm-3:00pm $12.00/quarter or $1.00/drop-in
Reservations Required
Call (509)575-6166 to reserve your seat at the table! July 19, 2018
Provisions Restaurant & Market 2710 Terrace Heights
*meet at the restaurant at 5:00pm
August 16, 2018
Hand & Foot
111 E Yakima Ave
Mondays, 12:00pm-3:30pm Thursdays, 12:00pm - 3:30pm $12.00/quarter or $1.00/drop-in
*meet at the restaurant at 5:00pm
September 20, 2018
Ozeki Restaurant
1527 Summitview Ave
*meet at the restaurant at 5:00pm
Gardening Classes
Tuesday, August 7th @ 10:00am $10.00/person
Come in and create your own Fairy Garden or Moon Garden. Supplies included. Pre-register at the Harman Center front desk.
Reliving Rock n’ Roll 3:00pm - 4:00pm
July 24th, August 28th, September 25th Put on your leather jackets and poodle skirts and come listen to the Rock n’ Roll hits of the past!
Quilting Club
Thursdays, 12:00pm-3:30pm $12.00/quarter or $1.00/drop-in
Thank you Volunteers & Sponsors April Volunteer of the Month
May Volunteer of the Month
June Volunteer of the Month
Dave Nelson
Kris Fork
Jan Jonsson
Thank you so much to all of our fabulous Volunteers! Our programs and events would not be as fantastic without each of you! You spread happiness and cheer throughout our Center. If you have not volunteered at the Center and would like to join our Volunteer Team, please call Leslie @ (509) 576-6402. We are always looking for volunteers to help with Front Desk Subs, Greeter Subs, Library Organization, Computer Labs, Foot Care, Front Desk, Kitchen Help, & Special Event Help. We would like to thank all of the volunteers & sponsors who make the Harman Center such a wonderful place. Thank you to Virginia Mason, Rexford Manor, and PeachTree for the birthday cakes in April, May & June.
CASA Volunteering
General Information City of Yakima welcomes all persons 50 and older to participate in a wealth of recreational, educational and social activities at the Harman Center, a unit of the Parks and Recreation Division, Department of Public Works. We host a variety of family-friendly events throughout the year. Harman Center is a tax-supported City service. We invite you to try some of our energizing activities like weekly dances and exercise classes; join in the fun in our pool room; participate in educational and recreational classes; experience a day trip or a longer tour around the corner or overseas!
Harman Center Library
Our library, located in the Harman Center lounge, has puzzles, novels and books available for free check out. We are unable to accept any large book donations at the center.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Harman Center is in need of volunteers to serve in the kitchen, at special events, as greeters, in Footcare Clinic, library, or at the front desk. If you are interested in volunteering at the center please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at (509)576-6402 or stop by the front desk.
Daily Lunch
People for People proudly offers lunch Monday - Friday at the Harman Center. Reservations are required. Call (509)426-2601 one day in advance. A suggested donation of $2.50 is requested for diners 62 and better. The lunch is served from 11:00 am - 11:30 am. If you have made reservations and are unable to keep them please call People for People.
This clinic is for persons 60+ years of age. To answer any questions or to check appointment availibilty, please call the clinic directly at (509)576-6725.
Driver’s Refresher Class
Drivers 55+ who complete this approved safe driving course may qualify for an auto insurance discount. No driving or testing required. Classes held on third Tuesday-Wednesday monthly. Cost is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non AARP members. Contact Bob (509)965-0558 to register.
Thank you to everyone who has brought in quilts, wood carvings, art and other items to the center for all to enjoy.
Harman Center
Tour Program Direct Line
Phone or Mail-In Registration
Please make checks payable to City of Yakima. Mail to Harman Center, 101 N. 65th Ave., Yakima, WA 98908. If you phone in your registration, please have your Visa or MasterCard ready. We will mail your receipt and itinerary.
Gift Certificates
Gift certificates are available in any amount and can be used for all Harman Center activities except lunch and breakfast.
Class Cancellation
If the minimum activity requirement is not met, it will be necessary to cancel that activity. If the Harman Center cancels an activity, a full refund will be sent to each paid participant. If a participant cancels their activity registration, a $5 processing fee will be applied to the refund.
The Harman Center does not endorse any speaker, service or product that is represented in any class, advertisement or function in our facility. The City of Yakima does not discriminate in providing services on the grounds of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap.
Responsibility Disclaimer
The Harman Center is not responsible for any item that is left at the Center; if left over two weeks it becomes the property of the Harman Center.
Wireless Internet
Wifi connection is now available at the Harman Center. The password is SeniorCenter.
Subscription Expired?
Check the upper right hand corner of your address label for the expiration date of your newsletter subscription.
Harman Center 101 N. 65th Avenue Yakima, WA 98908
PRSRT STD US Postage Paid Yakima, WA Permit No. 324
Harman Center Staff
Harman Center Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM Sunday CLOSED
Leslie Richards 576-6402
[email protected]
Recreation Program Supervisor
Michelle Damron 576-6403
[email protected]
Center Assistant
Lori Schatz 576-6405
[email protected]
Trips & Tours Rec Leader
Every Wednesday & Friday from 1:30pm3:45pm. Just $4.00 per person. Come dance to live music by Marv Pfeif on Wednesday & Gary Malner on Friday. The following themes are scheduled:
Reserve the Harman Center
Reserve the Harman Center for your special event! Please call the Harman Center at (509)575-6166 for more information.
Adult Day Break Program
Day Break is designed to... • Provide friendly atmosphere of group interaction with other senior adults • Present new opportunities for personal enrichment • Enable the families of older adults to obtain relief from care giving To be eligible for the Day Break program, you must be 60 years or older and live with family or other caregiver. All participants must pre-register and be accepted into the program. Day Break is available at the Harman Center on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 10:00am - 2:00pm Patty Rogers, Program Coordinator (509)952-8151 Harman Center, 101 North 65th Ave, Yakima
Matinee Dance
Friday, July 13th -Western Dance ~ Bring finger food Wednesday, July 18th - Hawaiian Dance Friday, August 3rd - Gary’s Birthday Wednesday, August 15th - Western Dance Wednesday, September 12th - Who am I?