Apr 28, 2018 - 9:00 am â 9:30 am: Welcome, Introduction, and Rules of The Game of CART â Introduction to the ... 12:
20th Annual Animal Emergency Working Group (AEWG) Symposium Saturday, April 28, 2018
NJ Public Health, Environmental and Agriculture Laboratory (PHEAL) within the NJ State Police Headquarters Complex 3 Schwarzkopf Dr, Ewing, NJ 08628 $5.00 per person – Bring Your Own Lunch Limited to 60 Participants – Registration Closes April 13, 2017 – No Onsite Registration
The Game of CART & JeopCARTy • • •
Practice the core concepts from NJ's County Animal Response Team (CART) Manual Work through real-world scenarios to implement the best solution for animal sheltering during disasters Discover the expertise your team members have while you exercise your problem-solving skills
AGENDA 8:30 am – 9:00 am: Registration & Team Assignments 9:00 am – 9:30 am: Welcome, Introduction, and Rules of The Game of CART – Introduction to the day’s activities & review of last year 9:40 am – 12:00 pm: The Game of CART – In this board game, teams run their mock CART shelter while overcoming real-world challenges 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm: LUNCH – Bring your own 12:45 pm – 2:50 pm: The Game of CART – Continued 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm: JeopCARTy – Teams compete to test their knowledge about CART shelters 3:30 pm – 3:45 pm: Closing – Presentations, closing remarks, and summary 3:45 pm – 4:30 pm: SEOC Tour – (Pending Approval) Optional Tour of the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) at the Regional Operations Intelligence Center (ROIC)
20th Annual Animal Emergency Working Group (AEWG) Symposium Registration Form Saturday, April 28, 2018 at the NJPHEAL, 3 Schwarzkopf Drive, Ewing, NJ 08628
Fill out & mail form with $5.00 check or purchase order, made out to: NJ FARM PRODUCTS PUBLICITY FUND Mail to: NJDA – Division of Animal Health – Attn: Jolitha Joanem – PO Box 330, Trenton, NJ 08625 Credit cards or PayPal are not accepted – No onsite registration – You must pre-register Registration closes April 13, 2018 – You will receive a confirmation with directions & game packet upon receipt of payment. First Name:
Last Name:
Zip Code:
Affiliation: [ ] I am a CART member: Indicate your position/job with CART: ________________________________________________ County & State of your CART: ____________________________; Indicate number of years with CART: ________ [ ] I am not affiliated with a CART: Name of affiliation and position: _____________________________________________ [ ] I would like to become a CART member I will be attending as: [ ] A Participant [ ] I am willing to be a Team Captain for the Games (Must currently be holding a CART Leadership position) [ ] An Observer [ ] I want to also attend the optional tour to the SEOC/ROIC (Must check in order to attend; no late add-ons) Experience: Check all that apply. Some = Up to 2 years; Medium = 2-10 years; Very Exp = Over 10 years Species Associated Animal Profession Experience: Some Medium Very Exp Experience: Some Cats ACO Dogs Animal Health/Vet Tech Rabbits Veterinarian Pocket Pets Pet Groomer Birds Wildlife Rehabilitator Reptiles Animal Search & Rescue Other: Other: Animal Positions, Tasks or Associated Skills: Check all that apply. Experience: Some Med Very Check if assoc. Exp w/humans Animal Handling n/a Shelter Mgmt Shelter Set-up Registration Food prep/Feeding Animal Shelter Care n/a Other:
Very Exp
Some = Up to 2 years; Med = 2-10 years; Very Exp = Over 10 years Experience: Some Med Very Check if assoc. Exp w/humans Logistics Volunteer Recruitment Volunteer/Staff Mgmt Donations Mgmt Administration/Finance Amateur Radio Oper
In addition to English, I am fluent in the following languages: _________________________________________________________ Check the training you have completed: ☐ FEMA IS-100b; ☐ FEMA IS-700a; ☐ FEMA IS-10; ☐ FEMA IS-11; ☐ FEMA IS-200b; ☐ FEMA IS-300