21 Gawilan Refugee Camp Profile, Dec. 14 - Situations - UNHCR

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21. -‐. 500. 1,000. 1,500. 2,000. 2,500. 0-‐4 Years. 05-‐11 Years. 12-‐17 Years. 18-‐59 Years. 60+ Years. F M.
Gawilan Refugee Camp Profile, Dec. 14 Geographic Snapshot and Contextual Background GPS coordinates : 43.61581064 36.33849565 Region and State : Duhok,KR - Iraq Size of camp area : 1,262,500 m² (out of which 122,500 m² is the transit area). Pattern in Population Change : In October, November 2014 the camp hosted new arrivals from Kobane. Areas of Origin : Majority is from from Allepo and Qamishli in Syria. N. Colt/UNHCR Camp opened: 29.09.2013 Refugee Population: Approx 7,600 (Persons) Planned capacity: 21,750 (Persons)  2,500      2,000    

Age and Gender Breakdown

F   M  

 1,500      1,000      500      -­‐        


St andard Standards for Indicators Met

Current Situation

0-­‐4  Years  

05-­‐11  Years  

12-­‐17  Years  

18-­‐59  Years  

60+  Years  


100% of the population is For protection & access to services e.g. residency Protection: 100 % of PoCs registered on individual basis permits, each family is provided with UNHCR Asylum registered on individual basis. by UNHCR. Iris recording Seeker certificate. Registration verifications and updates continues for eligible family ongoing. members. 2,100 Kilocalories per person Food: Extent food aid is per day. Each beneficiary was Adequate quality and quantity of food assistance appropriately distributed: provided with an individual provided. Kilocalorie (Kcal) / person/ food parcel (16.29 KG/month) day: 2,100 The largest barrier to school attendance: lack of Education: 100% of children 980 (32%) of children enrolled appropriate school level and the requirement for registered, enrolled in school. older children to work. Additional school supplies are 873/ 89% of children received planned to be distributed as the new school year has 100% of children enrolled supplies receive school supplies. just begun. Health: Extent PoCs have 1 permanent Primary Health Comprehensive PHC services are provided 24/7 access to primary health care. Center through the newly opened PHC, covering all PoC. 1 health centre for 10,000 Consultation rates are within the expected range for the persons.1-4 consultations/ 5.3 consultations/person/year season person/ year Average camp area per person The population lives in tents with improved services 41 sq. m (concrete slab and kitchen, family latrine and shower). Shelter: Average camp area 100 % of households living in Total space available is for 3478 tents as per following per person 37.5 sq m; adequate dwellings. specifications: 100% of households living in The total camp capacity -600 tent spaces only the transit part. adequate dwellings. -2878 tents in the permanent area (900 tents with (containing a transit and permanent sites) is for 4400 improved services and 1978 without improved services). tents. 100% of the new arrivals received basic and domistic Basic Needs: 100% population 38% of the refugees recievd items. 100% of the refugees received summer kits and received the full CRI kits winterization kits. distribution of winterisation kits continue. WASH: Liters of water/ Liters of water/person /day: Population has access to WASH services. person/day: 20; 135.8 WASH situation changes according to the movement of Persons per latrine: