Chapter 2 – Growing With Nouns 84 2.15 Indefinite Pronouns Indefinite pronouns do not refer to a specific person, place, or thing. Some common singular indefinite ...
Chapter 2 – Growing With Nouns
2.15 Indefinite Pronouns Indefinite pronouns do not refer to a specific person, place, or thing. Some common singular indefinite pronouns are anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, one, someone, and something. Has anyone washed the dishes? Do you want anything on your pizza? Everyone helped to raise the flag. I packed everything in the suitcase. Neither came to the play. Nobody is answering the telephone. We saw nothing through the telescope. Someone left a sweater on the chair.
Chapter 2 – Growing With Nouns
Some common plural indefinite pronouns are both, few, many, and several.
Both ran down the street. Few answered the question incorrectly. Many like the new recipe. Several were missing.
314 Chapter 7 – Growing With Words and Punctuation
7.14 Homonyms Homonyms are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Thomas will be our guest for dinner. Mario guessed the correct answer. The words guest and guessed are homonyms. Although they sound the same, they have different meanings and spellings. More examples: write / right
flour / flower
air / heir
rode / road
pail / pale
throne / thrown
hour / our
sighed / side
buy / by
horse / hoarse
ant / aunt
flea / flee
tail / tale
hear / here
it’s / its
whose / who’s
you’re / your
some / sum
peace / piece
weather / whether
Chapter 7 – Growing With Words and Punctuation
bore / boar
hare / hair
seen / scene
sun / son
been / bin
blue / blew
break / brake
not / knot
dear / deer
close / clothes
urn / earn
need / kneed
lone / loan
flew / flu
seas / seize
grate / great
die / dye
ax / acts
would / wood
ball / bawl
fair / fare
bare / bear
waste / waist
ate / eight
wring / ring
male / mail
cent / sent / scent
pare / pear / pair
do / dew / due
to / too / two
there / their / they’re
heal / heel / he’ll
aisle / isle / I’ll
four / fore / for
Chapter 2 – Growing with Nouns and Pronouns Worksheet 2.15 (Indefinite Pronouns)
A. Underline the indefinite pronoun in each sentence. Write S if it is singular or P if it is plural. 1. Few were voicing their opinions.
2. I put everything away.
3. Many wanted to leave the party.
4. Did anyone answer the door?
5. Everybody wanted more dessert.
6. Did you see anything?
7. Someone used all of the tape.
8. Everyone arrived on time.
9. Neither was mine.
10. Each of the pages was missing.
11. Has anyone baked cupcakes for tomorrow?
12. Many of my friends came to visit me.
B. Write an indefinite pronoun to complete each sentence. Do not use any indefinite pronoun more than once. 1. _________________________________________ knew the answer. 2. Has _________________________________________ seen my sweater? 3. _________________________________________ lives next door. 4. _________________________________________ went swimming yesterday. 5. I felt _________________________________________ in my hair. Copyright 2008 Growing With Grammar Grade 6. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 – Growing with Punctuation and Words B. Circle the correct meaning of the underlined word in each sentence. 1. My family took a trip to the Grand Canyon. stumble and fall
2. Dad used a match to start the gas stove. something you light to start a fire
two things that go together
3. Did you park the car in the driveway? a place with trees
to put a car in a particular place
4. Raymond raked the leaves for five dollars. when someone goes away
parts of a tree
5. My father handed me a rose. the past tense of "to rise"
a type of flower
6. Use your ruler to find the answer to this math problem. something used to measure
a person who rules a country
Review (7.11) C. Write three synonyms for each word listed. Use a thesaurus if necessary. 1. wet
2. large
3. small
4. happy
Review (4.2 & 6.4) D. Diagram these sentences. 1. Many shells were scattered along a white beach.
Copyright 2008 Growing With Grammar Grade 6. All Rights Reserved.
2. The girl ran down a steep hill.
Chapter 7 – Growing with Punctuation and Words Worksheet 7.14 (Homonyms)
A. Circle the correct homonym to complete each sentence. 1. We ( ate, eight ) dinner at ( ate, eight ) o’clock. 2. ( Wood, Would ) you mind chopping that ( wood, would )? 3. ( Our, Hour ) airplane will land in one ( our, hour ). 4. ( Due, Dew, Do ) to the ( due, dew, do ) on the grass, I can’t mow. 5. Jerry uses an ( ax, acts) when he ( ax, acts ) in the play as the woodsman. 6. My ( Ant, Aunt ) Nora screamed when an ( ant, aunt ) crawled across her foot. 7. You need to ( write, right ) a letter to your pen pal at the ( write, right ) time. 8. Dad found a ( brake, break ) in one of the ( brake, break ) pads. 9. A ( blew, blue ) flower ( blew, blue ) across our yard. 10. Min didn’t pay a ( cent, sent, scent) for the gift that she ( cent, sent, scent ) to me. 11. ( There, Their, They’re ) going to visit ( there, their, they’re ) cousins tomorrow. 12. Manuel ( rode, road ) his bicycle down the dirt ( rode, road ). 13. ( To, Too, Two, ) boys threw a ball ( to, too, two ) close ( to, too, two ) the house. 14. Raymond became ( horse, hoarse ) from yelling for his ( horse, hoarse ). 15. I should be able to ( buy, by ) that hat ( buy, by ) the time it’s on sale. 16. ( It’s, Its ) too late to take the dog for ( it’s, its ) walk. 17. ( You’re, Your ) so lovely in ( you’re, your ) new dress. 18. Mom bought ( four, fore, for ) cupcakes ( four, fore, for ) the children.
Copyright 2008 Growing With Grammar Grade 6. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 7 – Growing with Punctuation and Words B. Write your own sentences using the homonyms below. 1. there ______________________________________________________________________ 2. their ______________________________________________________________________ 3. they’re ______________________________________________________________________ 4. to ______________________________________________________________________ 5. too ______________________________________________________________________ 6. two ______________________________________________________________________ Review (7.12) C. Write two antonyms for each word listed. Use a thesaurus if necessary. 1. cheap
2. friendly
3. large
4. happy
Review (5.10) D. Rewrite these sentences. Make them more interesting by adding adverbs to answer the questions in parentheses. 1. The ball rolled. (how and where?) ______________________________________________________________________ 2. An apple fell. (how and when?) ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2008 Growing With Grammar Grade 6. All Rights Reserved.