Literature evidence suggests that root resorption, an adverse side effect of orthodontic therapy, may be decreased under conditions of alveolar osteopenia, ...
2378 Root Resorption Following Orthodontics With and Without Alveolar Corticotomy I. MACHADO , D.J. FERGUSON , M.T. WILCKO , W.M. WILCKO , and T. ALKAHADRA , Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO, USA, Erie, PA, USA 1
Literature evidence suggests that root resorption, an adverse side effect of orthodontic therapy, may be decreased under conditions of alveolar osteopenia, a condition characterized by diminished bone density and created secondary to alveolar corticotomy surgery. Objectives: To compare root resorption of the upper central incisors following non-extraction orthodontic treatment with and without alveolar corticotomy surgery. Methods: The sample consisted of two groups as follows: corticotomy facilitated orthodontics (CORF) with 26 subjects and 51 central incisors, and conventional non-extraction orthodontics (CONV) with 27 subjects and 52 incisors. All periapical radiographs were taken using the paralleling technique. Total length of right and left central incisors were measured by projecting and enlarging the periapical radiographs exactly 10X. Results: Independent t-testing revealed a significant decrease in treatment time (T1 to T2) with CORF therapy (6.3 months vs 17.4, p