Nov 19, 2015 - Effects of Physical Size, Manipulability, and Word Frequency ... The Effect of Set-Specific Attentional C
Object Percept ion, At t ent ion & Memory
23rd Annual Conf erence November 19t h, 2015 Chicago, IL
2015 Organizers Hayward Godwin
Audrey Lustig Michal
Jennifer L. Bittner
Justin M. Ericson
University of Southampton
Northwestern University
Air Force Research Laboratory
Duke University
[email protected]
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2015 Keynot e Address
Dr. Daniel Simons Visual Cognition Laboratory University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign
Real -Worl d Visual At t ent ion Over the past 40 years, most studies of visual attention have used highly abstract, artificial tasks and simplified stimuli. Much like Ebbinghaus, who used nonsense syllables to isolate the mechanisms that govern forgetting and re-learning both in the lab and the world, attention researchers assume that their controlled studies reveal basic mechanisms of attention, ones that function beyond the confines of the lab. Yet, we rarely test the validity of that assumption. We have developed a rich understanding of the mechanisms governing performance in attention tasks, but we seldom check whether those mechanisms help us understand the role of attention in real problems. I will use examples from my own research program to highlight the need for a new type of ecological perspective, one that values well-controlled laboratory research but that occasionally tests whether insights from simple tasks help solve problems that matter.
OPAM 2015 Tal k Schedul e Wal dorf Room 7:00/ 7:30 7:45
Registration Opens/ Coffee Service Opening Remarks
At t ent ion 1 8:00 8:15
Murphy & Greene
High Perceptual Load Causes Inattentional Blindness & Deafness In Drivers
Baker & Levin
Event Perception as a Control Process for Visual Awareness
Robbins & Hout
Categorical Target Templates: Typical Category Members are Found and Identified Quickly During Word-Cued Search
Adamo, Cain, & Mitroff
Satisfaction at Last: Evidence for the "Satisfaction" Hypothesis for Multiple-Target Search Errors
Object Percept ion 9:15
Ellis & Turk-Browne
Information Theoretic Complexity Affects Multisensory Perception
Mills & Dodd
Moving Thoughts Make for Moving Targets: Capturing Time-Sensitive Effects in Global/ Local Processing
Finlayson, Zhang, & Golomb
The Representation and Perception of 3D Space: Interactions Between 2D Location and Depth
Tenhundfeld & Witt
The Effects of Interoceptive Attunement on Action-Specific Perception
At t ent ion 2 10:30
Qian & Liu
Involuntary Attention in the Absence of Visual Awareness
10:45 11:00
Yu & Franconeri
Similarity Grouping as Feature-Based Selection
Roper & Vecera
Rewards Shape Attentional Search Modes
de Groot, Huettig, & Olivers
When Meaning Matters: The Temporal Dynamics of Semantic Influences on Visual Attention
12:00 - 2:15
Post er Session - St evens Sal on D Memory
Damiano & Walther
Content, Not Context, Facilitates Memory for Real-World Scenes
2:45 3:00
Dumitru & Joergensen
Similarity Judgments of Same-Category Object Representations: Effects of Physical Size, Manipulability, and Word Frequency
Schurgin & Flombaum
Visual Long-Term Memory Has Weaker Fidelity than Working Memory
Dowd, Pearson, & Egner
Mind-Reading Without the Scanner: Behavioral Decoding of Working Memory Content
Keynot e Address 3:45 4:45
Daniel Simons
Real-World Visual Attention Awards & Closing Remarks
OPAM 2015 Post ers St evens Sal on D Object Percept ion 1)
Which Part s of an Object are Import ant When Det ermining t he Rel at ive Size of One Part ? Arnold & Cooper
Object -Based At t ent ion is Orient ed More Ef f icient l y Al ong t he Horizont al Meridian t han t he Vert ical Meridian Barnas & Greenberg
How Disguises and Race Af f ect Face Recognit ion Castro, Peissig, & Bukach
At t ent ional Rout ines Underl ying Causal Percept ion Dink, Liverence, & Franconeri
Luminance Versus Light ness in t he Object -Reviewing Paradigm Fiedler & Moore
Highl y Facil it at ory Paral l el Processing During Visual Search Glavan & Houpt
The Canonical Advant age in t he Represent at ion of Object Orient at ion Hatfield, Gregory, & McCloskey
An Act ion-Specif ic Percept ion Ef f ect t hat Wit hst ands Feedback King, Tenhundfeld, & Witt
Visual Search f or a Sel f -Cont rol l ed Target wit h an Angul ar Bias Kobayashi & Yoshida
The N-back Task f or t he Binding of t he Vision and Hapt ic Kwon & Yoshida
Is Face Impression Simil ar t o Voice Impression?: A Usef ul Cue f or Face-Voice Mat ching Mitsufuji & Ogawa
The Impact of Race and Gender on t he Feat ural Just if icat ion Ef f ect Sirridge & Scolaro
Dissociabl e Decoding Signat ures of Audit ory Object s and Space Size Sommer, Teng, Pantazis, & Oliva
Inf l uence of Manipul at ive and Funct ional Verb on t he Af f ordance Ef f ect Takayama & Michimata
Object Af f ordances are Represent ed in Event Fil es Taylor, Huffman, & Pratt
Det ermining t he Conf idence Level of Eyewit nesses: St imul us Type Mat t ers Wilson & Scolaro
Binding Feat ures in Spat ial St at ist ical Summary Represent at ions Yildirim & Boduroglu
Det ect ing Target Displ acement s Across Eye Movement s: How can Non-t arget s Work as "Landmarks"? Zhang & Golomb
Weapon Det ect ion in Image Fusion Using Syst ems Fact orial Technol ogy Zhang & Houpt
Mul t isensory Enhancement Depends on t he Spat io-Temporal Frequency Charact erist ics of Audio-Visual Signal s Zweig, Brang, Suzuki, & Grabowecky
At t ent ion 21)
Target -Object Int egrat ion Int eract s wit h Object Orient at ion During Object -Based Sel ect ive At t ent ion Al-Janabi & Greenberg At t ent ional Guidance by Simul t aneousl y Act ive Visual Working Memory Represent at ions: Evidence f rom Compet it ion in Saccade Target Sel ect ion Beck & Hollingworth
Cat egory-Specif ic Spat ial Biases Are Not Suf f icient f or Facel ike Hol ist ic Processing Chua & Gauthier
Beyond Vision: Expl oring t he Cross-Modal Nat ure of Object -Based At t ent ional Guidance Collegio, Shomstein, & Bilger
Inhibit ion Drives Earl y Feat ure-Based At t ent ion (Even When There are Mul t ipl e Dist ract or Feat ures) Cunningham, Ewen, & Egeth
Cul t ural Dif f erences in Visual Cognit ion, Do Rel iabl e Dif f erences Exist Bet ween East erners and West erners? Hakim & Simons
The Ef f ect of Ruminat ion and Goal Framing on Fl uency of Thought Heater & Scolaro
Choosing At t ent ional Cont rol Set t ings: Visual Search in an Unconst rained Environment Irons & Leber
Freeze or Fast ! Dif f erent Impact of Shock on t he Congruency Ef f ect Jeong & Cho
Addit ive Cont ribut ions of Spat iot emporal Compet it ion and Task-Rel evance t o Emot ion-Induced Bl indness: Evidence f rom Gaze-Cont ingent Eye-Tracking Kennedy, Pearson, Sutton, Beesley, & Most
Figure-Ground Processing and Dept h Percept ion in a Non-Verbal St roop Task Koch & Shinseki
Inf requency Over Posit ivit y: How Dist ract ors Capt ure At t ent ion Krasich, Biggs, & Brockmole
Opposing At t ent ional Consequences of Previousl y Predict ive Cues Lin, He & Lun
Four Eyes Aren't Al ways Bet t er t han Two: Col l aborat ive Cat egorical Mul t ipl e-Target Hybrid Search Lopez, Bennett, Robbins, Godwin, & Hout
Resources Not Necessary: Mul t ipl e Object Tracking Abil it y Expl ained Wit hout Imposed Capacit y Ma, Zhong, Wilson, & Flombaum
You Scan Whil e I Search: Examining Visual Search Ef f iciency and Ocul omot or Behavior in a Joint Search Task McDonnell, Mills, & Dodd
Temporal Expect at ion Weight s Visual Signal s Over Audit ory Ones Menceloglu, Grabowecky, & Suzuki
The Ef f ect of Set -Specif ic At t ent ional Capt ure on Hybrid Visual -Memory Search Zeilonka & Moore
Import ance of Individual 's Task Set in t he Joint Simon Ef f ect Park, Jeong, & Cho
Vol unt ary Symbol ic Cont rol of At t ent ion: High Spat ial Val idit y is not Suf f icient Pauszek & Gibson
Do Dif f erent At t ent ion Capt ure Paradigms Measure Dif f erent Types of Capt ure? Roque & Boot
Cut t ing t hrough t he MADness: Invest igat ing Visual Search Ef f iciency in Dynamic Displ ays Scarince & Hout
Sent encing Disparit ies Bet ween Bl ue-Col l ar and Whit e-Col l ar Crimes: Viol ence Mat t ers Selby & Scolaro
The Spect rum Charact erist ics of Trypophobic Images Evoke Saccade Traject ory Curvat ures Shirai, Banno, & Ogawa
Aut omat ic Shif t s of Spat ial At t ent ion t o Symbol ic Cues t hat Convey Inf ormat ion About Direct ion and Dist ance Sztybel & Gibson
Right Spat ial Bias in Visual St at ist ical Learning Taga, Yoshizaki, & Kato
Visual At t ent ion is Required f or Mul t ipl e Object Tracking Tran & Hoffman
Concurrent Act ion Overcomes Cont inuous Fl ash Suppression Veto & Einhäuser
Negat e Language Mediat es Eye-Movement s Viaud & Huette
Ef f ect s of Temporal Reward Biases on Component s of Percept ual Decision Making in ADHD Weigard, Shapiro, & Huang-Pollock
Fail ure t o Guide Spat ial At t ent ion wit h Monet ary Reward Won & Leber
Do Individual Dif f erences in At t ent ional Cont rol and Suscept ibil it y t o Dist ract ion Predict Inat t ent ional Bl indness? Wright, Roque, Boot, & Stothart
Memory 53)
Object Knowl edge Inf l uences How Quickl y and Easil y We Imagine a Scene Beighley & Intraub
Eye Movement s During Reading are Af f ect ed by Hand Proximit y t o t he Text Clement & Brockmole
Heurist ics f or Processing Visual Rel at ions Clevenger & Hummel
Binding in Visual Working Memory Geigerman & Verhaeghan
Dif f erent ial High Densit y and Convent ional t DCS Ef f ect s on Working Memory Perf ormance Gozenman & Berryhill
Comparison of Spat ial Specif icit y f or Percept ual and Working Memory Represent at ions Harrison & Wilson
Probabil ist ic Inf ormat ion is St ored in Visual Working Memory Honig, Ma, & Fougnie
St ruct ured Memory Il l usions in Visual Working Memory Lew & Vul
The Rel at ionship Bet ween Visual At t ent ion and Image Memorabil it y Li & Yokosawa
Don't Labl e Me!: Search f or Famil iar, Nameabl e Object s vs. Search f or Unf mail iar, Novel Object s Madrid, Cunningham, Robbins, & Hout
Exceeding Working Memory Capacit y: Long-Term Memory t o t he Rescue? Moen & Beck
Cont ext -Based Memory Dist inct iveness f rom Viol at ions of Visual Ent rainment Siefke & Sederberg
Coarse-Coding of Task Irrel evant Feat ures of Mul t ipl e Object s Swan & Wyble
Int eract ions Bet ween Visual Working Memory and Sel ect ive At t ent ion Trevino & Breitmeyer
Dissociat ing dif f erences in Visual Search f rom Decision Making in Unf amil iar Face Mat ching: How Cont ext ual Cues Af f ect Errors Weatherford, Schein, & Erickson