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facebook.com/zahri.kevin. 2. 100 Weight Loss Quick ... nationwide campaign to help Malaysia lose one million kg starting
100 Weight Loss Quick Tips


#1JUTAKG eBook was launched in support of #1jutakg - a nationwide campaign to help Malaysia lose one million kg starting from the 5th September 2015.

Join the fight against obesity. Malausia is the most obese country in Asia! We are need to play our part to fight for a healthier and lighter Malaysia. Pledge your kilos today at www.1jutakg.com.

I hope that you find this eBook useful. Please use to help yourself and 5 others to lose weight together. Together we can make a difference.


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100 Weight Loss Quick Tips



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100 Weight Loss Quick Tips



Kevin Zahri is a Malaysian health & fitness celebrity and is affectionately known as Cikgu Fitness. He has over 10 years experience as fitness writer, TV host, wellness speaker and trainer.

Writer Kevin published his first best-selling title “Fitness 24/7” in 2008. His online eBook series have sold over 60,000 copies, including the popular title “How to Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks. Full list of eBooks here.

Personal Trainer & Nutrition Advisor A qualified American Fitness Training of Athletics (A.F.T.A) personal trainer and nutrition advisor since 2004.

Corporate Wellness Speaker Kevin is one of most sought after wellness speakers in Malaysia. He is known for fun and interactive workshops that focus on education and engaging the audience. Some of his clients include: Petronas, MAS, Shell, Nestle, Yakult, American Express, Malaysian government offices and many more. More info here.

Hos TV He is a regular TV guest on various talk shows discussing health, diet, nutrition and other wellness topics.

JK1M Program Founder Kevin is the founder of a huge successful nationwide weight loss program called cabaran Jom Kurus. It has attracted over 10,000 participants since its first season with many inspiring weight loss success story.

#1jutakg In a neverending pursuit to combat obesity in Malaysia, Kevin started a free nationwide campaign to help the country lose 1 million kg. More info at www.1jutakg.com.


Follow me today.







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EBOOK LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP If you need more guidance, do check out my Lifetime Membership which includes over eBooks, video tutorials, premium content and lifetime of free upgrades.

Over 60,000 Members My membership is pay once for a lifetime of access to eBooks, videos etc.

Membership Info

Success Stories Over the years, many have gone through amazing transformations and have shared their stories with the world. Do check them out.

View Success Stories


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100 Weight Loss Quick Tips


1-10: GETTING STARTED Every champion once had a humble beginning.


No one can force you change!

You cannot FORCE someone to lose weight. It must come from free will.


Don’t know where to start?

Once you’ve made the decision to change, you need to know how to do it. Get a book, a guide, a trainer, or a friend who can provide you with guidance.


It started and can end with YOU!

You are the reason you are overweight. It is not the teachers’, the schools’ or the government’s fault; it’s you. Stop blaming others and take control of your health. But the great news is you only need yourself to lose that weight now.


Support Group

Don’t expect friends and family to support all of your goals. There are plenty of haters in this world, and unfortunately, some may be those closest to you. Surround yourself with positive individuals who share in your struggle and support your goals. They may even be working toward some of the same goals!


Tell the world!


Keep Calm: It is all in your own hands.

I can’t tell you how important it is to make your intentions to lose weight go viral. Once it’s on social media, it helps force you to follow through since everyone is expecting it of you.

Weight gain is something you can combat as long as you want it and know how to do it properly. Compared to war, poverty, natural disasters, and global oppression, weight gain or loss is in your OWN hands.

..You’ve just got to get up and do something about it...


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Get Inspired.

Check out success stories of people who have made it. Now, I’m not talking about ripped fitness trainers, but individuals who used to be where you are now. Their advice and tips are often much more helpful than those of a trainer who doesn’t know what it’s like to be obese.. Need some inspiration? Check out some amazing success stories over at kevinzahri.com. As you read their stories, notice how they all have unique lifestyles but all understand how they achieved and how to sustain their weight loss success.



Counter negativity with positivity.

How? Personally, if I feel weak or I’m doubting my work, I literally scream at myself! You’d be amazed how uplifting screaming to yourself in the mirror can be. Try that instead of crying to your own reflection. You have got to find a way to pump up your spirits. Life is a battle, but often the battle is against your own inner demons. Fuel your soul with positivity. You need to become your own boot camp instructor.

You need to become your own boot camp instructor ...


How to overcome fear?

By facing it head on. Facing your fears is easy. Overcoming them is not. To overcome fear, you need knowledge, experience, an action plan and yes, an acceptance that the journey will have obstacles along the way.


Afraid of failure?

Afraid of failure in your attempt to lose weight? I’ll let you in on a little secret… I’m afraid all the time! I think about failure every day. It may not be about weight gain in my case, but I think about failing as a person, a trainer, a father or as a Muslim. Every person, successful or not, thinks about failure and they do it all the time! But instead of letting the negative thoughts get the best of me, I use them to fuel my fire for success.

Don’t be afraid of failure... Be afraid of not trying...


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100 Weight Loss Quick Tips


11-20: WEIGHT LOSS 101 You’ve got to grasp the basic concepts of weight loss.


Exercise is NOT a Must

You don’t have to exercise to lose weight. Weight loss is a 70:30 ratio – 70% of weight management is the food you consumer and 30% is your lifestyle (including exercise). It doesn’t have to be perfect, but without a decent diet, exercise alone simply won’t cut it.


It is not rice’s fault.

Despite what many believe, rice is not the culprit for weight gain. It is the amount of rice and your overall diet and lifestyle habits.


Only exercise burns calories?

No no no. Your body burns calories all the time. The mere beating of your heart burns calories. Wanna burn more calories in general? Simply do more. The more you do, the more calories you burn.


1kg = 7700kcal! You need to understand calories. 1kg is equal to 7700kcal.

This relationship will be used several times throughout this ebook.


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100 Tip Weight Kurangkan Loss Quick Berat Tips Badan


Quick weight loss schemes?

Any diet or weight loss trend that promises you’ll lose 2–3kg quickly will focus on water loss.



Make sure you enjoy the journey.

In order to have sustainable weight loss success, you must enjoy the journey. It shouldn’t add stress and be a forceful or grueling experience. It’s ok to have a cheat day here and there.


Know-how is key.

You can’t have long-term weight loss success if you don’t know how weight loss works in the first place.


There is NO magic pil!

No supplement can magically make you lose weight. There are no magic ingredients in any product. Marketing will try to manipulate you.

Educate yourself and make use of supplements to aid your journey, and not to do the work for you....



Build your own weight loss plan.

Build your own weight loss journey based on what you enjoy eating. Don’t blindly follow others.


Make small but permanent changes.

Focus on making small but permanent changes along your journey. Weight management is not a six week program; it’s a lifelong commitment.

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100 Weight Loss Quick Tips


21-30: GOAL SETTING Make sure you know how to build a realistic weight loss plan.


Rule #1: Don’t Follow Others. The first rule of weight loss is goal setting, and don’t just follow others.

Just because one person lost 10kg does not mean you will, too. At the same time, just because someone failed in their attempt, does not mean you will.

Getting inspired by others is fine but make sure that everyone’s life, work committment, family etc is unique.



Rule #2: Jumlah dan durasi.

Make sure you have a clear goal - the number of kgs you want to drop and when you want to achieve it. For example: 10kg in 2month is clear. 10kg without knowing when is “okay” but does not help to gauge your diet and lifestyle commitments or push you toward an end date. If you need step by step guidance to build your unique weight loss plan, do check out my bestselling eBook: How to Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks.

Wanna lose more than 1kg per week?

Once you’ve set a goal, make sure you understand if it is realistic of not. Anything more than 1kg per week is extremely difficult.


So what is realistic? Aim for 0.5kg per week.

Aim for an average weight loss of 0.5kg/week or less. It may not sound like much but over the course of a year, that’s 26kg!


Learn how to calculate calorie deficits.

Learn how to calculate your daily calorie deficit. If you want to lose 0.5 kg/week, that’s 550kcal/day. How did we get 550kcal/day? 1kg is 7700kcal. So in order to lose 0.5kg (or 7700kcal / 2) over 7 days. This works out to be: (7700 / 2) / 7 = 550kcal/day.


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100 Weight Loss Quick Tips



Keep it real!

It’s better to have a smaller target weight that is practical than to have one that looks great on paper but is not achievable.


Adjust your weight target according to your lifestyle and ability to exercise. Decide how much exercise you can do. If you can’t exercise at all due to injuries, etc., you may need to lower your weekly weight loss targets.


What does a daily deficit of 550kcal mean?

A daily deficit of 550kcal means you should be eating 550kcal less than you normally eat. Or you can eat your “normal” amount if you exercise off 550kcal. Think of it like money you earn versus money you spend.


Focus on quality exercise instead of quantity. Do not overestimate how much exercise you are going to do. Don’t try to go from “zero” to “hero.”


Dapatkan panduan dan teknik senaman yang betul. If you’re looking at starting a new fitness program, my honest advice would be to get yourself some technical guidance on how to execute the program properly and safely. The last thing you want is to get injured.

...also remember that not all exercise videos you see on YouTube are meants for everyone. Know what can and cannot do...


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100 Weight Loss Quick Tips


31-40: BUILDING A DIET Don’t worry, you can eat a relatively normal Malaysian diet with rice and still lose weight.


Don’t follow someone else diet plan.

If you merely follow a diet or weight loss plan, you are never really in control. Chances are high that you won’t last long.


Instead, build your own diet.


Which diet is best? All diets work in their own way. They all have their following and their own successes.

They don’t have magic recipes, but they directly or indirectly help you to manage your calorie intake. So again, it’s really about managing your calories for the most part. If you are going to choose a diet, pick one that 1) help you manage your cravings, 2) that you relatively enjoy and 3) what you can sustain for a lifetime.

Instead of following a diet, I recommend you understand how they work so you can fine-tune it to fit your own lifestyle, needs and desires. End of the day, our needs, likes, dislikes and lifestyles are unique. Your diet choices should be too.


Do you have to count calories?

But, no worries! You don’t have to count calories. I don’t either. What you need to do is be aware of your calorie intake versus your calorie expenditure. Most people are not paying attention to this every day. It’s like managing your money: You don’t have to count every penny you spent, but you do need to be in in control of your income and expenses. Otherwise, you will be in debt (either financially or by not losing any weight).



Kurus cepat? Itu gemuk air. Again, weight loss will take time.

Any weight loss diet that promises 2–3kg in two or three days focuses on water retention, which you can easily regain in the next two or three days. Skip to chapter water retention.


It must suit your culture and lifestyle.

You should build your own diet based around your own culture, background, likes and dislikes.

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100 Weight Loss Quick Tips



Average calories intake?

The calorie intake guide rule for average Malaysian who wants to lose weight and is somewhat active (1–2hrs exercise per week) is: 1900kcal for a male and 1700kcal for a female.


Late night supper?

There is no real “rule” for how late to eat. Many people, including myself, love to snack at night. Just make sure it fits into your calorie budget.


Try to opt for fibrous carbohydrates like brown bread, whole grains, etc. Fibers help to stabilize your blood sugar. This is key to stablize your cravings in general.

Protein in every meal!

Make sure you have a good source of protein in every meal. Proteins help curb those cravings.



Fibers are key.


Meal frequency? Eating more frequently will help you stabilize your cravings.

Having a hard time controlling your cravings? Do get my FREE eBook to keep those urges in check ...

Three simple rules: Ultimately,your weight loss diet plan needs to satisfy the following rules:

1) It needs to keep your calorie intake in line with your goals. 2) Keep you relatively happy. 3) Help you manage your cravings.


Reduce calories from sweet drinks.

“Reduce” here does not mean eliminate altogether, but instead of a full glass, go for half and share the rest with your friends or family. This alone, can help you reuce your daily calories intake by around 300kcal.


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Gluten FREE?

Gluten-free foods are good, but honestly not very practical (and they’re expensive) in Malaysia. Do I eat gluten-free foods myself? No.


1g oil = 9kcal.

Reduce oils and remember that too much of healthy oils, like olive oil, still carry plenty of calories. (1g of oil = 9kcal.)


White vs Brown Sugar?

One small packet of sugar (white or brown) has around 5g of sugar or 20kcal, but remember, there are no fibers in brown sugar. Remember: Both white and brown sugar are pretty much the same thing.

Olive oil? Sure its a better choice its still oil and 1g olive oil contains 9kcal. So always keep moderation in mind.


A fistful of rice.

Carbs? Opt for just a fistful in every meal. For example, it could be a small bowl of cereal, two slices of bread, a fistful of rice, etc.

Low calorie sweetener? Stevia & honey. 1g of honey contains some 3kcal but also packs active ingredients which are great for your immune system and overall health.


Do your diet choices make you happy?

Make sure your overall diet habits make you happy because otherwise, it won’t last.

...if you diet choices feel like a burden, chances are high that you will not last very long. Make sure you allow room for some cheat days, chocolcates .. well the good stuff. Its all about moderation.


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100 Weight Loss Quick Tips


Must you keep a diet journal?.

I would recommend you maintain a calorie budget for one to two weeks. That will help you understand the calorie content of the food you most commonly eat. From there, keeping a diet journey is probably unnecessary as we tend to eat many of the same foods.




What do I eat?

For those you don’t know me, many assume that my diet must be perfectly healthy and not very Malaysians. But if you take a quick peek at the sample menu below, our diet habits may not a all that different. Why am I not gaining weight? Because I am in control of my overall calories intake vs expenditure. Again, I don’t count calories but I am aware of my needs and desires.

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100 Weight Loss Quick Tips


51-60: CALORIE FUN FACTS Just some interesting calorie facts that always spark interest.

51. Olive Oil

120kcal 1 Table Spoon


Water does not contain any calories?

Water does not contain calories, but can still make u gain weight (water retention).

53. Tidur

Diet sodas like “Coke Light” contains no sugar. Hence zero calories. But they typically contain artificial sweeterner.

56. 1x Whole Egg

90kcal (But 1x egg white 20kcal) 57. Teh Tarik

500kcal 8 jam



What about diet sodas?

70kcal 1x medium glass.

Muscles burn more calories.

Just like a sports car burning more fuel, the more muscles you carry, the more calories your body burns in general.

58. Air Kosong

0kcal Including tea and coffee.


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Coconut, including santan, does not contain cholesterol

Many are under the assumption that a coconut or even nasi lemak is loaded with cholesterol. The truth is that cholesterol can only come from animal sources.

Cholesterol is a type of fat but not all fats contain cholesterol.


Know your calories. Calories come from 4 food sources:

1g protein contains 4kcal.

1g carbohydrate contains 4kcal.

1g fat contains 9kcal and

1g alcohol carries 7 kcal

Again, you don’t have to memories the exact calorie content of all foods but you should have an educated guess based on the ingredients and your own dietary habits.


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100 Weight Loss Quick Tips


61-75 EXERCISE TIPS You don’t have to enter hardcore boot camps to lose weight; it’s all about making active lifestyle choices that suit you!


Exercise is great but NOT a must.

You don’t have to exercise to lose weight. Yes, exercise has plenty of benefits, but it’s not a must for weight loss. The key is to stay active and move as much as you can.


So what is the best exercise for weight loss?

The best exercise? There is none. Every exercise burns calories and has its own benefits.



Always stay hydrated during your workout. Bring water with you, especially if you are exercising in hot and humid conditions like Malaysia



Weight loss vs fitness.

You can lose weight by dieting alone, but you cannot build fitness without quality exercise. In order to build fitness and endurance, exercise is a must.


Exericse daily?

Should you exercise every day? No. Exercise is physical stress to your body. Make sure you rest at least one or two days per week. Don’t neglect the importance of rest.


As a beginner, avoid high impact exercises.


Should you lift weights during your weight loss journey? Yes! This helps you minimize muscle loss as you lose weight and again, the more muscles you have, the higher your metabolism will be - and the higher your metabolism is, the more calories your burn per day.

If you are overweight and a beginner, avoid high impact exercises like jumping. Start slow and take it easy on your joints. The last thing you want is to get injured during the first week.

Won’t ladies look bulky by lifting weights?

Not at all. Lift away. It is extremely difficult for women to put on large amount of muscle mass due to lack of testosterone. Don’t be afraid to go heavy if you want.


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100 Weight Loss Quick Tips



My personal fitness routine?

My routine varies. At times I exercise 3-4x time per week but there are weeks, where I don’t find time at all. So don’t worry if you can’t dedicate time for exercise all the time. It is not about perfection.

Generally my exercise routine focuses on mixing it up and having plenty of fun along the way...


How long? 60min

A quality exercise session should not last more than 60 minutes, including warm up and cool down.


No time to exercise?

If you don’t have time to exercise, try to be as active in your daily life as possible: walk, do some housekeeping, play with your kids, go window shopping, etc.

Don’t make your family an excuse NOT to exercise. Bring fitness TO to your family ...


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What to eat before and after exercise?

Avoid heavy meals before your workouts. Your body can digest liquids much quicker than solid foods. Solid food 30 minutes after your workout is fine.


Minuman Isotonik?

Sure why not! But for your weight loss journey, keep the ratio of fluids around 2:1 in favor of plain water. If you bring 500ml of water, bring around 250ml or isotonik drinks with you.


Have fun! Whatever exercise program you do, make sure you have fun!


So what exercise should you do?

Should you do Zumba, hit the weights or go play badminton? Do them all! Variety is key as it helps to attack your body from different angles. Plus it’s more fun for you as well. Every exercise has pros and cons and challenges your body in different ways.


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EBOOK: 30 HOME WORKOUTS Looking for simple home workout ideas? Get a copy of my 30 Senaman Circuit Rumah eBook. Members only.


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76-84: SUPPLEMENTS They are everywhere and although not a must when it comes to losing weight, you should know how they work.


There are NO magic pill!

Supplement claim they can magically help you lose weight.


Three type of weight loss supplements:

A weight loss supplement will either try •

to reduce your cravings (proteins and fibers),

increase your metabolism (hot creams, fat burners, etc.) or

manipulate your water retention (detox teas, fiber, caffeine, etc.).



“Before & After” photos? Never buy a supplement just because of the before and after photos.

Always read the fine print and look at the ingredients.


Look at “cost per serving”.

Instead of looking at the cost per product, look at the cost per serving.

Note that supplements which combine severa ingredients will cost more than single-ingredient products...


How to evaluate “cost per serving”? If you are considering buying a protein-based supplement, the cost per serving should be no more than the cost of a piece of chicken at the mamak - RM4.

Multi-billion Dollar Industry

Remember, the health supplement business is a multi-billion dollar industry. Educate yourself so that you are not manipulated by fancy marketing gimmicks.

Everybody wants to sell you something.


Lets “Shake it Off ” Machines and Gadgets?

No machine can magically help you shake off fats. Even if it helped to “loosen” the fats, they won’t go anywhere. You can’t simply flush out “loose fats”. Think about it: If there was such a machine, would you still need to read this eBook?



One week rapid weight loss gimmicks?

Any rapid weight loss product, diet, or treatment which promises results in a few day or a week focuses on water loss.

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Jadi perlu ke tidak?

Must you take supplements to lose weight? You can but you don’t have to. Can supplements aid in your journey? Sure. They all play a role which can make it easier to control cravings, burn more calories etc. Ultimately, the choice is yours.

eBook Panduan Suplemen

Never but a supplement if you 1) don’t know the ingredients and 2) don’t know how the supplement works ...


Which supplements do I use?

I myself use whey protein, manuka honey and multivitamins. But to be honest, I don’t use any very strictly on a daily basis.


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100 Weight Loss Quick Tips


86-95: WATER RETENTION Most people are aware it somehow exists but don’t know much about it.


Lembik test:

You don’t have to do any fancy tests, but if your body feels soft and flabby, there is a good chance you are not as “dry” as you can be.

Water is more bouncy than fat...


How to reduce water retention? • Reduce salt intake • Consume more fibers • More potassium • More exercise • Caffeine



It effects almost everyone, especially is you are overweight.


So how much water should you drink?

Many people, especially women, struggle with water retention. Also keep in mind that more than half your bodyweight is water.

Its not just about water.

Water intake is not just restricted to mineral or plain water. Water is in everything: fruits, soups, vegetables, teh tarik, ribena, etc

• Drink more water • Hot creams • Sweat sweat sweat • Detox • Reduce carbohydrates.


Caffein is diuretic.

Caffeine is a popular ingredient in many weight loss products. Why? It boosts metabolism and it’s a diuretic (helps you get rid of excess water).

As long as your urine is relatively clear, your water intake is decent.

The color of urine tell you plenty about your state of hydration.


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100 Weight Loss Quick Tips



Kurang air dengan kurang karbo?

Remember, for every gram of carbohydrate you eat, the body requires some 2–3g of water to digest it. Hence if you go on a low carb diet, your body will adjust and flush excess water within the first week.

Atkins & Low Carb Diets: Low carb diets like Atkins are popular because for this very reason. They help you shed weight quickly during the first week and help you breakthrough plateaus by cycling your overall carbohydrate intake and insulin level. My honest advice is to stay true to your own diet and lifestyle choices.

Again, there is nothing wrong with you adopting Atkins or other low carb diet. The choice is yours. Whatever you do, make sure that you understand and enjoy your choices...


Extraordinary weight loss after one week?

Most individuals embarking on a weight loss journey, including Jom Kurus, will experience agreater weight loss in the first week than any other week. Some even lose as much as 4–5kg in the first week! But that comes mostly from getting rid of that water retention.


Only in week #1

Oleh itu, jika anda melakukan diet rendah karbohidrat, badan anda akan membiasakan diri dan membuang semua air berlebihan dalam badan dalam minggu pertama diet tersebut.


What goes up must come down?

Remember that as quick and easy as it is to lose water, you can easily regain it back. Example: Ramadhan. Insulin levels tend to drop after month long of fasting (no carbohydrate supply for long periods). You easily lose 3-4kg without exercise. Along comes Aidilfitri + carbohydrates and you quickly regain back 3-4kg after a few days of celebration. Thats water retention 101.


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100 Weight Loss Quick Tips


96-101: METABOLISM Everyone likes to throw that term around but very few know what it means.


BMR vs AMR: There are two types:

1) Your resting metabolic rate or RMR (some call this the BMR) and 2) active metabolic rate (or AMR).




It is unique for everyone.

Every person has a unique metabolic rate. It generally depends on age, weight, height, sex, and level of activity.

Your body burns 1350kcal daily without any

Your resting metabolic rate is the number of calories your body burns per day if it were to rest/ sleep for 24 hours. For the average Malaysian female, it is around 1350kcal/ day and for the average male, it’s around 1800kcal/day.


Metabolism Myth for the Skinny

Despite what most people believe, a larger person has a higher BMR compared to a smaller individual. Think about cars again: A bigger car that’s idling burns more fuel than a small car would.


How to increae your metabolism?

How can you increase your metabolic rate? It’s as simple as doing more. The more active you are, the more you burn, and the more you burn, the higher your metabolic rate (the AMR in this case) becomes.

The more you do, the more you burn.



Your metabolism slows as you age BUT ...

As you get older, your metabolic rate drops as you lose muscle mass (due to hormonal changes). Again, this is more reason for you to keep active, reduce muscle loss, and keep your metabolic rate from crashing.

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THANK YOU FOR SHARING I hope this FREE eBook guide will help you along your journey to lose weight and keep fit. Its FREE. The only think I ask in return is that you share the know-how with friends and family and help us reduce obesity in Malaysia and around the world. Kevin Zahri


Support my campaign #1jutakg. How? Share the know-how with at least 5 people and lose weight together. www.1jutakg.com


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