2nd Grade Report Card Rev1.pdf - Google Drive

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need to grow and how different plants live in. different habitats. Earth Science - Uses information to provide. evidence
Student ID Grade

Educating Today for a Better Tomorrow Independent School District of Boise City 8169 West Victory Road Boise, Idaho 83709 Purpose Statement will go here


Teacher Year


School Key: Grade Level Expectations: Grade 02 M: Meets grade level standard N: Near standard P: Partially meets standard S: S: Support Needed X: Not Evaluated

Performance is on grade level unless otherwise noted in comment section. 1st 1st 3rd 2nd Conf Sem Quar Sem

ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Reads texts with accuracy and fluency Applies comprehension strategies to texts Expresses ideas well orally Clearly expresses ideas in writing (expository, narrative, and opinion) Uses knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening

HEALTH Demonstrates understanding of appropriate choices for a healthy body and a healthy mind

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Demonstrates skilled movement and movement knowledge Understands a physically active lifestyle and personal fitness Comments: Comments will only appear if teacher enters information regarding the student

MATH Uses a variety of models, tools, and multiple strategies to demonstrate understanding of mathematical structures or patterns Fluently calculates using number sense and flexibility up to 20 Clearly communicates and justifies mathematical reasoning Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them

MUSIC Participates in musical experiences Demonstrates musical performance skills Understands musical connections between history, culture and other subject areas. Comments: Comments will only appear if teacher enters information regarding the student

SOCIAL STUDIES History - Demonstrates an understanding of cultural and social development within a community


Geography - Applies and demonstrates understanding of map skills

Listens attentively

Civics/Government - Interprets and examines the rights and responsibilities of citizens

Perseveres and puts forth best effort

Economics - Connects basic economic concepts to wants and needs, natural resources and historical events


Completes work in a timely manner Participates in and contributes to group activities Accepts responsibility for own actions Respects school rules and participates positively in the school community

Physical Science - Describes and classifies different kinds of materials by their observable properties and purpose of use Life Science - Explains the factors that plants need to grow and how different plants live in different habitats Earth Science - Uses information to provide evidence that Earth events can occur quickly or slowly and the Earth is shaped by wind and water Engineering- Defines a simple problem and conducts investigations to develop a possible solution

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Student ID Grade

Educating Today for a Better Tomorrow Independent School District of Boise City 8169 West Victory Road Boise, Idaho 83709


Teacher Year



Comments Term 1:

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