All tests and quizzes will be graded and recorded in the grade book. Daily assignments will be used for skill practice a
2nd Grade Syllabus Classroom Behavior Expectations In our classroom, we believe that we should be respectful, responsible, caring, fair, safe, and always do our best! But, if a mistake is made by a student, he/she will do one of the following things: fix it, take a break or lose a privilege. Some mistakes may also require an additional consequence such as visiting the planning room, detention, or school/parent communication. *Please review expectations outlined in the Student /Parent Handbook located in the front of your child’s planner.
Grading Procedures All tests and quizzes will be graded and recorded in the grade book. Daily assignments will be used for skill practice and may or may not be scored. 95%-100%= E (Exemplary) 80%-94.9%= S (Secure) 65%-79.9%= D (Developing) 64.9% and below= N (Needs Improvement)
Communication Methods Classroom web page: E-mail:
[email protected] Phone: 763-497-4882 ext 2135# Planner: read and/or record daily messages
Teacher Work Hours 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM