2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive

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KSPR, corresponding to the decomposition of the business processes of the enterprise. Business. Analyst,. HR. Director. Graphic model of business processes,.
2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive Reconstruction of Greece: Economic Crisis and Prospects for Development"

Method of knowledge and innovation management Dilmurod Turdiboevich Azimov Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Tashkent State University of Economics K.Matsi 7, Thessaloniki, 54636 Bobur str. 76/31, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100100 Tel: 30-964-350-2352 E-mail: [email protected]

Introduction Abstract. This article proposes a technique for constructing a control system in the SRC as part of an integrated information system of the enterprise. A system of interrelated indicators is proposed to assess the effect of CPS introduction. On the example of the Department of Research and Development (R&D) within the framework of "Scientific research center", the implementation of this methodology is considered. Keywords. Knowledge management, scientific-research center (SRC), innovation, model,







information system (IIS), Decision makers (DM), corporate decision making network (CDMN).

Introduction Knowledge management is a recognized necessity in the current conditions of the knowledge economy.

Having completed

automation of business processes of

organizations at the level of material resources, managerial specialists realized the need to manage non-material resources. Uzbekistan was one of the first among went on a two-tier system in higher education. All taking place in the education system reforms promote greater involvement of students, teachers, researchers and scientists in the world educational progress, including in the academic mobility. As our prezident said: "In modern conditions, the issues of more dynamic development and improvement of the quality of the process of training scientific personnel, the wide involvement of gifted young people in science, the strengthening and effective utilization of the scientific potential of higher educational and scientific institutions in the innovative development of the republic"1 The relevance of the application of the concept of knowledge management in practice is inherent in organizations operating 1

The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 16 February 2017 N UP-4958 "On further improvement of the post-graduate education system"

2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive Reconstruction of Greece: Economic Crisis and Prospects for Development"

in various subject areasfrom production to consulting. Being a natural reaction to objective processes of scaling up scientific and innovation activities, the knowledge management and innovation systems are organically oriented towards using them in companies that integrate scientific, technical and production functions, such as research and production enterprises (SRC). The scientific and production enterprise (scientific and industrial complex) is an enterprise within the framework of which the entire life cycle of the product is realized, from the identification and prediction of market needs to the delivery of the product to the consumer, as well as specific business processes aimed at actively diffusing the new knowledge.

Literature review As is known, the main result of innovative activity of SRCs are new or improved products or services, new or improved technological processes or methods of production, new knowledge as a product. The knowledge management system thus serves as an instrumental basis for the successful implementation of business processes in the SRC, increasing the efficiency of








development strategies. Modern companies are surrounded by significant amounts of information and often are overloaded with it. In order to adequately look at the background of competitors and provide the required performance, the company can no longer engage in morally outdated ways of working with information and knowledge. Knowledge management is designed to solve the problems of creating, searching, accumulating, storing valuable information for the company and its rapid integration. In this regard, the approach of knowledge management has taken a worthy place among the modern theories of management. Within the framework of the theory of strategic management, the approach to the principles of knowledge management is a special case of the concept of dynamic abilities, when the ability of a company to react actively to changes in the external environment and reconfigure combinations of organizational resources is a key resource and source of competitive advantages. In the case of a knowledge-based approach, the key ability is to manage the company's knowledge and implement all the processes associated with the transfer, preservation,

2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive Reconstruction of Greece: Economic Crisis and Prospects for Development"

use of knowledge. Classics of concepts of knowledge management are the authors of the works of the 1990-2000s. R. Grant, W. Zander, B. Kogut, I. Nonaka, X. Takeuchi, D. Teece, S. Winter and others. Their work is based on understanding the versatility of knowledge as an information resource of the enterprise, namely its explicit and implicit hypostasis. Implicit knowledge, which is difficult to replicate and codify, becomes the most important source of competitive advantages for the company, as a result of which the tasks of ensuring the creation, integration and transfer of knowledge at the organizational level are put at the forefront. Remembering R. Gant (Grant R. 1996, 1997), it is the integration of knowledge, and not knowledge as such, that is the source of the company's hard-to-copy competitive advantages in a dynamically changing environment. Integration of knowledge, being effective, largescale and flexible, ensures the creation of continuous innovations. In the work of Japanese authors I.Nonak, H.Takeuchi, "The company-creator of knowledge" (Nonaka I., Takeuchi X., 2003) also supports the idea of integrating individual knowledge of employees at the organizational level. An important result of the authors' work is the formalization of the processes of transformation of implicit knowledge into explicit knowledge and their integration into the "knowledge network" of the entire organization. Much attention is paid to the motivational mechanisms necessary to motivate employees to disclose their knowledge and translate them into an explicit form, which contributes to the replenishment of organizational knowledge of knowledge, preservation of work experience. Further development of the theory of knowledge management and innovation leads to a shift in emphasis from the motivational aspects to the technological aspects. The question "how to manage?"Is replaced by the question "how to manage innovation knowledge?" (Minsky M. L., 1986,Sullivan P.H., 1998,Sveiby K.A., 1997,Teece D. J., 2007, 2001,Gavrilova TA, 2002,Smirnov AV, Levashova Т.V. Pashkin M.P., Shilov N.G., 2002.). However, the consideration of the problems of knowledge management and innovation is not limited to the use of information technology. It's about the methodology of working with knowledge and innovation as a strategic asset in relation to the business processes of the organization. D.Teece in his works (Teece D. J., 2007, Teece D.J., 2001,Tis D.J., 2004.) considers the knowledge base and innovations as the central repository

of knowledge and

innovations in the firm,

consisting of

2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive Reconstruction of Greece: Economic Crisis and Prospects for Development"

technological skills and tools, as well as managerial competencies and experience of individuals. The main source of competitive advantages of the company, in the author's opinion, is the ability to reconfigure knowledge in order to effectively build innovative processes. D.Teece calls this "orchestration by internal and external assets in order to extract economic benefits." Thus,









Management) is understood mainly as a scientific direction that provides an integrated approach to the creation, collection, organization and use of information resources of the enterprise and access to them. These resources include structured databases, textual information, such as documents describing rules and procedures, and, most importantly, implicit knowledge and expertise in the minds of employees. (Winter S., 2007,Gavrilova TA, 2001,Kashevnik A.M., 2008,Kashevnik A.M., 2006,Smirnov AV,Rakhmanova I.O., 2008,Smirnov A. V., Rakhmanova I.O., Pashkin M. P., - 1998.) It is obvious that knowledge as such is capable of acquiring independent value, being a system part of a product or acting as an innovative product. The value of the accumulated knowledge accumulated by the organization is especially manifested in the process of adopting complex management decisions that, in conditions of uncertainty, are often intuitive. Analysis of the literature makes it possible to identify the main approaches to knowledge management and innovation, which are described in the theoretical work of many authors, and also used in practice by specialists in knowledge management and innovation. Table 1: Analyze literature: modern approaches №

Period 1985

1996 г.



Work Ideas The concept of "What to manage" M. Personal knowledge: towards a The versatility of Polanyi post critical philosophy knowledge as an information resource of enterprises (explicit and implicit knowledge) R. Grant, Grant, R.M. (1996), - The process of knowledge "Prospering in dynamically integration is considered. competitive - The structure of implicit environments: knowledge is revealed organizational capability as - Often include skills knowledge integration (skills) and culture. I. "The company is the creator - Formalization of the Nonaka, Knowledge " processes of transformation X. of implicit knowledge into Takeuchi explicit knowledge and

2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive Reconstruction of Greece: Economic Crisis and Prospects for Development"


their integration into the "knowledge network" of the organization - Motivational mechanisms - Theory of knowledge management (US) The concept of "How to manage knowledge" D. Tees Managing Intellectual Capital - Methodology of working U. with knowledge as a Sander, strategic asset in relation to B. Kohut the business processes of the organization Reconfiguration of knowledge in order to effectively build innovative processes Т. А. Extracting knowledge// Linguistic and Gavrilova Enterprise Partner, 2001-2002. psychological aspects of knowledge extraction. M. Ontological engineering // - The concept of ontology Marinich Proceedings of the conference as a method of describing eva KII'2002, С845-853 Knowledge the subject domain. management in Russia and IT - Stages of implementation of knowledge management systems in companies. Consulting in the field of ultrasound. - Knowledge maps. A.V. Intellectual management of the - Model of knowledge Smirnov configuration of enterprises representation in the form and during their reengineering // of a dynamic network of others. Informatization Problems constraints based on models Development of multi-agent based). control technology - Restricted network as a Context in an open information basic concept for multienvironment // Proceedings of agent technology. SPIIRAS - Knowledge fusion as a method of Knowledge management. Multi agent technology of ultrasound

The analysis of modern approaches to knowledge management in the organization has shown the presence of some starting messages on which the author of work in the further research relies: 1. The versatility of knowledge as an information resource of the enterprise (explicit and implicit knowledge); 2. Communication of knowledge management with human resources - carriers of knowledge, experience, skills;

2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive Reconstruction of Greece: Economic Crisis and Prospects for Development"

3. The relationship between knowledge management processes and business processes of the organization; 4. The impact of knowledge management on the processes of creating innovations; 5. Knowledge management processes are based on information technology as a tool for building a knowledge management system; 6. Knowledge integration becomes a mechanism for continuous innovation; 7. In KMS design uses advanced information technologies of the Business Intelligence class; 8. Ontologies are the most important method of organizing knowledge through the description of the subject area; 9. Multiagent systems as a tool for integrating knowledge from distributed sources.

Methodology The consistent application of the developed models makes it possible to implement a comprehensive methodology for the introduction of KMS in the SRC. Since KMS is initially oriented towards integration with the existing integrated information system (IISP), which automates the basic functions of enterprise management and belongs to the class of ERP-systems, a generalized typical phase model proposed in (Smirnov AV,Rakhmanova I.O., 2008, Scheer A.B., 1999) is justified for its implementation. The phase model characterizes the stages of the project implementation through computer systems and is oriented towards the evolutionary creation of the IIS prototypes (Fig. 1). Phase 1 involves the development of the activities of the enterprise, its mission. The basis for this is: • analysis of the company's external environment, which allows collecting data on economic, demographic, ecological, scientific and technical, legal, cultural and other factors • analysis of the internal environment, allowing to assess their own capabilities, time horizon, costs, risks, alternatives • analysis of the goal setting structure The result of the study of phase 1 is the product program as a model of the enterprise's relations with the external environment, taking into account proactive measures to prevent threats and situational opportunities. The development of the product program requires consideration of the maximum possible and the minimum allowable sales

2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive Reconstruction of Greece: Economic Crisis and Prospects for Development"

volumes for all markets and for each of them separately in terms of types of products and distribution channels; Necessary and available time funds for each production process and type of equipment; Maximum and minimally necessary volumes of supply by types of raw materials and materials; Norms of consumption of resources by types of products, etc. Corporate goals Restrictions Factors of success System model

Organizational units Subjects of decisionmaking Competencies Business processes Types of outputs Estimates and benchmarks

Topology Information environment Environment agents Agent Relationship User support

Data Structures Software code Network Protocols

Technologies of development of architecture and functional intranets

Phase 1 The concept of strategic directions of development with the focus on IT

Phase 2 Definition of requirements

Phase 3 Project Specification

Phase 4 Description of implementation

Information technologies

Fig. 1 Phase model of the design of the architecture of ΙIS

Phase 5 Operation, maintenance

2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive Reconstruction of Greece: Economic Crisis and Prospects for Development"

Phase 2 involves a detailed analysis of the internal properties of the enterprise, which include: • the existing organizational structure, reflecting the structure of decision-making within the framework of the set goals • competence of decision- makers and their areas of responsibility • the main and auxiliary business processes of the enterprise, characterized by a combination of functions, their inputs and outputs, owners and executors • a system of evaluation and benchmark indicators that allow to translate the strategy into a system of tasks with indicators that measure the degree of their implementation. The result of the study of phase 2 is the semantic models that represent sets of concepts of the subject domain and their interrelations. As a rule, graphical schemes are a tool for developing such models, and relations on sets are formalism. These models are created

by specialists in the field of business informatics with

comprehensive knowledge at the intersection of various subject areas: economics, management, law, analytical support for decision-making. Phase 3 involves the development of an architecture of the information environment, including: • topology of the enterprise computer network (intranet), which determines the structure and interactions of network computers • functionality and modular software specification, which is realized in the technology of multi-agent systems in the form of software agents specification, their internal properties, realized functions and communication capabilities •

organization of purposeful behavior of agents in a multi-agent information

environment to support the activities of users in the performance of their functions; • data models, the logical structure of a distributed database. The result of the study of phase 3 is a detailed model of the architecture of the distributed information environment. The tool for the development of the model is graphical schemes, block diagrams of algorithms. These models are created by specialists with the skills of conceptual design of information systems, IT project implementation management.

2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive Reconstruction of Greece: Economic Crisis and Prospects for Development"

Phase 4 assumes the transformation of previously developed system, graphic, mathematical, algorithmic models into program models that are integrated into a single information environment of the enterprise. The result of the study of phase 4 is: • choice of hardware and software platform for implementing the information environment • implementation of the logical structure and filling of the distributed database of the enterprise • implementation of the data management system • creating software applications that implement the functions of environment agents • developing agents' communication tools with each other, with users and with data. • implementation of network protocols that integrate the company's LAN into a single global Internet network • development of a system for protecting the local information environment of the enterprise. These works are carried out by technical specialists in the field of information technology: system developers,


computer network


database administrators, web designers. Phase 5 involves the commissioning of an integrated information environment of the enterprise. This phase is the most difficult, because it involves the adaptation of the company's employees to a new way of performing their job functions. For successful operation of the enterprise in a new information environment, it is necessary to conduct a great deal of explanatory, training and motivational work with the personnel of the enterprise in order to eliminate the factors of rejection, sabotage, fragmented application of new technologies in daily practice. The success of the project is the gradual formation of a new corporate culture based on an understanding of the advantages and prospects of personal development of each employee through an open unified information space that promotes the growth of the company's intellectual potential. To implement the method of introducing KMS at the enterprise, it is necessary to organize a team of responsible executors:

2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive Reconstruction of Greece: Economic Crisis and Prospects for Development"

1. The top management of the enterprise (general director, director of personnel, director of information technology, director of development, production director, commercial director, head of research and development). Their task is to coordinate, approve and lower the knowledge management strategy at the enterprise level; 2. Business analysts, IT managers - specialists in system analysis of complex socioeconomic systems, who own business process modeling methodologies. Their task is to develop models of business processes of the enterprise, decomposed to the level of decision-making functions; 3. Ontology engineers - developers of domain models, who own tools for ontological engineering and formalism of constraint networks. Their task is to present the conceptual space of the enterprise in the form of a semantic network (ontology); 4. Specialists of the IT department - computer network administrators, system administrators, database administrators. Their task is to organize the internal computer network of the enterprise on the intranet principle, providing an open environment for interaction of remote users and protecting it from unauthorized intrusion and destruction; 5. Specialists of the Information Technology Department - system developers, programmers. Their task is to develop the architecture of the information environment and to realize all its components in the form of information and knowledge resources and applications working with them; 6. Specialist of the Information Technology Department - KMS administrator. Its task is to support the operation of the control system, collect and process statistics, and prepare analytical reports. The stages of the developed methodology for implementing KMS in SRC are presented in Table 2. Within the framework of this methodology, organizational and instrumental components are singled out. Organizational component groups the stages associated with the analytical work of the team of performers. In the phase model, these stages are displayed in phases 1 and 2. The instrumental component groups the stages associated with the implementation of the computer environment of the control system by information technology specialists. In the phase model, these stages are displayed in phases 3 and 4. The operation phase of the control system is associated

2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive Reconstruction of Greece: Economic Crisis and Prospects for Development"

with both the organizational and the instrumental aspects of the control system, so it is separated into a separate group and is displayed in phase 5 in the phase model. Table 2: Methods of implementing the KMS in SRC. № 1.




Identifying the System boundaries of an Businessmodeling of the object and its analytic enterprise external environment

2. Description of business processes of the enterprise

Decomposition of business processes of the enterprise to the level of functions that require decisionmaking

Business analytic

Identification of DM and their areas of responsibility

Identify the structure of the KSPR, corresponding to the decomposition of the business processes of the enterprise

Business Analyst, HR Director


4. Creating DM profiles

5. Creating profiles of counterpart enterprises

Creation of a card file of implicit knowledge of the enterprise as competences of employees Creation of card index of implicit knowledge of counterpart enterprises as competences and capabilities of

Initial data

Results Graphical system The model in organizational which an structure of the enterprise is enterprise, defined as a information system about divisions, having a branches, certain partners, structure and customers, interacting suppliers, etc. with the external environment. Graphical model of System model, business technological processes of processes, the enterprise regulations, as a instructions hierarchical decompositio n Graphic model of KSPR as a Graphic model composition of business of the model processes, of business staffing, job processes, descriptions organizationa l structure and staff of the enterprise

Human Resources Director

Typical structure of the DM profile

Orderly set of personal profiles

Business analyst

Typical structure of the profile of the counterparty enterprise

An ordered set of questionnaire s of counterpart enterprises

2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive Reconstruction of Greece: Economic Crisis and Prospects for Development"

their subdivisions 6.

System model, model of business processes (technology), model of CSPR (decision making), methodology of constraint networks

Enterprise ontology development

Creation of an electronic model of knowledge representation about the subject domain

Development of ontological models of DM

Creation of an ontological model of each CDMN node

Ontology Engineer

Profiles of DM (questionnaires)

Development of ontological models of counterparty enterprises

Creation of an ontological model of each third-party counterparty enterprise

Ontology Engineer

Profiles of counterpart enterprises (questionnaires)

Codification of the CDMN nodes

Development of a coding system for CDMN

Ontology Engineer

Graphical model of CDMN, graphical models of ontology

Audit of methods of storing paper documents in the CDMN nodes

Systematization of paper documents as an explicit documented knowledge of a decision maker

DM in the nodes of the CDMN

Documents on paper carriers

Ontology Engineer





Graphical model of domain ontology in constraint network notation

Graphical models of the ontology of DM in the nodes of the CDMN Graphical models of ontology of counterpart enterprises The code generation system for the CDMN nodes Chronologica l ordering of documents correspondin g to the implemented ones projects and decisions taken

Instrumental component 11. `

Intranet organization in the client-server architecture

Implementation of multi-tier computer architecture

System Administr ator

Intranet hardware

Audit of information resources of the intranet network

The ordering of the disk space in each CDMN node

System Administr ator

Intranet architecture, user access rights


Allocating data servers, applications, transactions, equipping client places Organization of a repository of information and knowledge resources at

2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive Reconstruction of Greece: Economic Crisis and Prospects for Development"



the group and local levels Distributed by the nodes of the CDMN database, containing registries of activities of DM

Creating a Distributed Database

Organization of metadata as electronic registers of activities of DM

System administra tor, DB administra tor

The structures and relationships of the metadata tables

Creating an electronic domain model

Convert graphical ontologies to electronic form

Ontology Engineer, programm ers

Graphical models of ontology

Ontology files in RDF / OWL format

System developer s, programm ers

Business process KMS, algorithms for processing requests, application functions of agents of the environment

Multi-agent KMS software environment

Results of employee surveys, training, attestation

Adapting employees to work on the principles of knowledge management

User interface with environment agents

Equipping of client places, user instructions

Administrator interface with environment agents

Equipping the KMS administrator 's workstation, administrator 's instructions


Development of environment agents

Creation of software applications (agents) that implement KMS business processes

Training and motivation of employees

Formation of a corporate culture based on knowledge

Implementation of KMS

Organization of workstations in each node of the CDMN


Director of Personnel, KMS Administr ator System administra tor, developer s, programm ers


KMS administration

Support of KMS business processes

KMS Administr ator

Organizational and instrumental component 19. KMS operation

Implementation of day-to-day activities by KMS tools

KMS administra tor, HR director

Employees' workstations

The global emphasis of the company on increasing intellectual

2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive Reconstruction of Greece: Economic Crisis and Prospects for Development"


Implementation As it was mentioned earlier, the higher the organization's hierarchy of the company is, the more difficult the decision-making process is. This circumstance explains the need to use group expert technologies to support the process of searching for alternative organizational and technical solutions and assessing their quality in terms of the goal. The organizational and technical solutions are understood as scientific and technical, economic, investment projects, samples-analogues of scientific and technical and industrial products, technologies, business processes and other sets of alternative solutions that can be described by a variety of quality indicators. Thus, it is possible to single out the following tasks of knowledge management implemented by reconfiguring the CDMN network and characteristic for the category of enterprises under consideration: 1. Formation of an expert group, i.e. Search for CDMN nodes for their association in a working group to perform a common task to solve the problem (search for carriers of implicit knowledge - experts); 2. Coordination of group work, the purpose of which is to make a decision on a complex problem, its documentation and implementation; 3. Choosing the best project (organizational and technical decision) from the alternative, i.e. Examination of projects; 4. Search for information and knowledge resources, i.e. Search for CDMN nodes containing the required files of documented solutions or general-purpose information files (search for explicit knowledge - files or paper documents). One of the most capacious in terms of the amount of accumulated knowledge in the NLP process is the stage of examination of research projects that are generated by specialists in research and development (R & D) departments. The basis of scientific research is the knowledge accumulated by mankind in the past periods of development. At the same time, at the end of the R & D stage, the concept of a specific product, technology, business processes should be formed. Thus, the R & D developer, determining the main directions of research, solves the main strategic task of the R & D sphere - what the firm will do in the future.

2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive Reconstruction of Greece: Economic Crisis and Prospects for Development"

Table 3: Stages of research and development work on them Stages of R&D

Composition of work

Development of technical specifications for R&D

Choice of direction


Theoretical and experimental studies

Synthesis and evaluation of research results

 Scientific forecasting  Analysis of the results of fundamental and exploratory research Study of patent documentation  Customer requirements accounting  Collection and study of scientific and technical information.  Preparation of the analytical review. Conducting patent research.  Formulation of possible directions for solving the problems set in the TOR for R & D, and their comparative evaluation.  The choice and justification of the accepted direction of research and ways of solving problems.  Comparison of expected indicators of new products after the introduction of research results with existing indicators of analog products.  Estimating the indicative cost-effectiveness of new products.  Development of a general methodology for conducting research.  Preparation of an interim report  Development of working hypotheses, construction of models of the object of research, justification of assumptions.  Identification of the need for experiments to confirm individual positions of theoretical studies or to obtain specific values of the parameters necessary for Calculations.  Development of a methodology for experimental research, preparation of models (mock-ups, experimental samples), as well as testing equipment.  Conducting experiments, processing the data.  Comparison of the experimental results with theoretical studies.  Correction of theoretical models of the object. A Conduct additional experiments if necessary.  Carrying out technical and economic research.  Preparation of an interim report  Compilation of the results of previous stages of work.  Evaluation of completeness of problem solving.  Development of recommendations for further research and implementation of R & D.  Development of a draft TOR for ROC.  Drawing up the final report.  Acceptance of research by the commission.

The main task that KMS must solve within R & D is to configure CDMN network in such a way that all necessary decision-makers and their resources in the form of knowledge and experience were grouped and collected to solve R & D tasks. At each stage of R & D, the KMS decides specific tasks.

2nd International Scientific Conference "Productive Reconstruction of Greece: Economic Crisis and Prospects for Development"

Summary The results of the R & D department's work are the innovative project proposals developed by the experts (DM) of the department for the launching of fundamentally new products, scientific recommendations for increasing the efficiency of production operations, expert opinions in analyzing complex supernumerary cases of turbine operation, etc. The work of the R & D department is primarily addressed to the persons receiving Strategic decisions and responsible


selecting promising and commercially viable proposals and their

implementation at the highest level of SRC management. Thus, there is a situation that assumes the decision on the best choice from the set of projects proposed by various experts (DM) of the R & D department. To implement the project, each expert selects the necessary experts from among the available in the organization or in partner structures. Thus, the configuration of the project team is carried out, for which the KMS should ensure the search and selection of relevant requirements and constraints (indicated in the request for KMS) of DMs and their resources. There is a choice of participants each other and the establishment of "understanding" between them. At these stages, user profiles are used, an ontological model of the subject area to provide "understanding" of each other's participants, context.

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