Local Organizing committee
Registration deadline: September 20, 2018 Prof. N. E. Djelali Honorary president Dean of the faculty of Science
Dr. T. Aouaroun President Head of the physics department
Dr. N. Dokhan
Dr. A. Ouatizerga
Paper submission deadline: October 2, 2018
Dr. H.M.A. Mazouz
Dr. D. Brinis
Dr. Zaimene Noureddine
Dr. Abderrahim Guittoum Chairman of the conference email:
[email protected]
Dr. N. Boukherroub
Abstract submission deadline: September 20, 2018
Participants arrival : Monday 1st October 2018 1st
Official opening : Monday
October 2018 at 17h00
Workshop: October 2nd, 3rd and 4th 2018 th
Official closing: 4 October 2018 at 12:00.
Participation fees Request Without Accommodation (including: lunches, coffee breaks, book of abstract ...)
Dr. Tahar AOUAROUN : President of local organizing committee
Tél : (024) 79 90 05 Portable : 0542 055 383 Fax : (024) 79 90 13 E-mail :
[email protected] website: http://mmn2018.univ-boumerdes.dz
With full accommodation (including: hotel, dinners, lunches, coffee breaks, book of abstract ...)
Registration Fees 15000 DA (100 euro) 12000 DA (80 euro) 30000 DA (200 euro)
25000 DA (150 euro)
Invited speakers
Presentation This second edition of MMN'2018 follows on from the great success of the first one (MMN'2012), held in September 2012 within the Faculty of Science of the University M’Hamed Bougara of Boumerdès, Algeria. Indeed, the first edition brought together a large number of internationally renowned scientists from a large number of foreign countries (France, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Ukraine, Greece), which enabled the researchers to have direct contact for sharing ideas and know-how in the field of magnetic Materials and nanomaterials. The coming edition will bring even more renowned scientists from more countries. It is going to be a great opportunity for the scientists from all over the world for sharing the latest developments in the field. Submitted papers will be published, after a standard reviewing, in the international journal Hyperfine interactions (Published by Springer Nature) http://www.editorialmanager.com/hype The details of submission are included in the web site of MMN'2018 (http://mmn2018.univ-boumerdes.dz). The workshop will focus on the topics: Topic 01: Elaboration of magnetic thin films and nanomaterials Topic 02: Mössbauer spectroscopy in magnetic materials Topic 03: Properties of magnetic thin films and nanomaterials Topic 04: Theory and modeling in magnetism Topic 05: Magnetism for engineering and environment.
Prof. Rudolf Schaefer Prof. Samir Lounis Prof. Maria Benidle Prof. Pedro Gorria Prof. kamel boukheddaden Prof. Jesus Martinez Blanco Prof. Noureddine Fenineche Prof. Jean Marc Greneche Prof. Jana Vejpravova Prof. David Schmool Prof. Volker Neu Dr. Nadjib Baadji Prof. Mohamed Bououdina Prof. Ionel Chicinas Prof. Yves Roussigné Prof. Mohamed Belmeguenai Prof Perez Alcazar Prof. Stefano Bonetti Prof. W. A. de Almeida Macedo Ligia E. Zamora Prof. Gerardo F. Goya Prof. Lyudmila Dobysheva Prof K. Ruebenbauer Prof. Stefano Sanvito Prof Alexander A. Kamnev
Germany Germany Portugal Spain France Spain France France Czech Republic France Germany Algeria Bahrain Romania France France Colombia Sweden Brazil Columbia Spain Russia Poland Ireland Russia
Honorary Chairman: Prof. Abdelhakim BENTELLIS Rector of the University of Boumerdes, Algeria
Chairman: Dr. Abderrahim Guittoum, Algeria Vice chairman: Prof. Salim Mourad Chérif , France
International scientific committee Prof.Guido Langouche, Editor in Chief Hyperfine Interactions Belgium Prof. Azzedine Bousseksou France Prof. Rudolf Schaefer Germany Prof. Abdelhamid Layadi Algeria Prof. Marcel Miglierini Slovakia Prof. Samir Lounis Germany Prof. Pedro Gorria Spain Prof. Ionel Chicinas Romania Prof. Mourad Zemirli Algeria Prof. Andrea Ehrmann Germany Prof. Gerard Le Caer France
Prof. Ali Laggoun
Prof. Abdelaziz Tairi
Prof. Elizabeth Jartych Poland Prof. Stefano Bonetti Italy Prof. Jean Marc Greneche France Prof. Ramis Mustafa Öksüzoglu Turkey Prof. Mira Ristić Ukraine Prof Nassima Benbrahim Algeria Prof. Mohamed Bououdina Bahrain
Prof. Mohammed Benali Kanoun Prof. Michael Coey Prof. Said Bouarab
Prof. Amor Azizi Prof Nikolai A. Usov
Prof Alexander A. Kamnev
Ireland Algeria
Algeria Russia
Saudi Arabia