3-30 FLOTUS Invite

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Mar 30, 2012 - RSVP online at: http://my.barackobama.com/march30sanfranfamilyreception ... 2nd Signature, if Contributin
Obama Victory Fund and Families for Obama Cordially invite you to a reception with special guest

First Lady Michelle Obama Friday, March 30th, 2012 4:30 in the afternoon

(4:00 in the afternoon for photo line attendees)

California Academy of Sciences Golden Gate Park 55 Music Concourse Drive San Francisco, CA Please contact Erik Stowe with any questions at [email protected] RSVP online at: http://my.barackobama.com/march30sanfranfamilyreception Paid for by Obama Victory Fund 2012, a joint fundraising committee authorized by Obama for America, the Democratic National Committee, and the State Democratic Parties in the following states: CO, FL, IA, NV, NH, NC, OH, PA, VA, and WI.  

Yes! I/we would like to attend the reception on March 30th:   ☐$35,800 Family Co-Host – includes greet, photo, and reception for up to six family members ☐$7,000 includes photo and reception for two (additional $2,000 per additional guest) ☐$5,000 includes photo and reception ☐$1,000 Reception ☐I am unable to attend, but would like to support Obama Victory Fund 2012 by contributing: $___________ Name(s) of attendee(s): ____________________________________________________________________________ I was invited to attend by: __________________________________________________________________________ Please  make  checks  payable  to:   Obama  Victory  Fund  2012   450  Pacific  Ave   San  Francisco,  CA  94133   Fax:  (312)  361-­‐‑8073  

Total  Amount:  $________________      

Click  here  to  contribute  online:  http://my.barackobama.com/march30sanfranfamilyreception       Obama  Victory  Fund  2012  does  not  accept  contributions  from  currently  registered  federal  lobbyists,  registered  foreign  agents,  political     action  committees,  or  minors  under  the  age  of  16.    Corporate  and  labor  union  contributions  are  prohibited.     Federal  law  requires  us  to  use  our  best  efforts  to  collect  and  report  the  name,  mailing  address,  occupation,  and  employer  of  individuals                                       whose  contributions  exceed  $200  in  an  election  cycle.     First  &  Last  Name:  ________________________________________________________________________________________     Address:  ______________________________________________________________________________________     City/State/Zip:  ____________________________________________________________________________________________       Employer:  _______________________________________  Occupation:  _____________________________________________     Work  Phone:  ____________________________________  Work  Fax:  _______________________________________________     Home  Phone:  ____________________________________  Email:  __________________________________________________       Federal  law  prohibits  foreign  nationals,  except  lawfully  admitted  permanent  residents  of  the  U.S.,  from  contributing  to  the  Obama   Victory  Fund  2012.      By  signing  below,  I  certify  that  I  am  a  U.S.  citizen  or  lawfully  admitted  permanent  resident  of  the  U.S.,  the  funds  I     am  donating  are  not  being  provided  to  me  by  another  person  or  entity  for  the  purpose  of  making  this  contribution,  and  that  my     contribution  shall  be  allocated  as  stated  below.     Signature:  ________________________________________________________________________________         2nd  Signature,  if  Contributing  from  Joint  Account*:  ____________________________________________     Contribute  by  Personal  Check:     Please  make  checks  payable  to  “Obama  Victory  Fund  2012”  and  mail  to  the  address  listed  above.       Contribute  by  Credit  Card:   Please  Bill  my  Personal  Credit  Card:    





Card  Number:  ____________________________________________________________________Exp:  __________________   Name  as  it  appears  on  the  Card:  ____________________________________________________________________________   Signature:  ______________________________________________________________________________________________   2nd  Name  on  Account,  if  Joint  Account*:  _________________________________________________________________     *Contributions  will  be  evenly  attributed  between  names.   2nd  Name  Employer:  _________________________  2nd  Name  Occupation:  _____________________________________  


2nd  Signature  for  Joint  Account:  _______________________________________________________________   Contributions  or  gifts  to  Obama  Victory  Fund  2012  are  not  tax  deductible.  The  allocation  for  funds  raised  under  this  Agreement  shall  be  as  follows:    The  first  $5,000  of  a   contribution  to  OVF  2012  will  be  allocated  to  Obama  for  America  (with  the  first  $2,500  designated  for  the  primary  election,  and  the  next  $2,500  for  the  general  election).     The  next  $30,800  of  a  contribution  will  be  allocated  to  the  Democratic  National  Committee.    Any  additional  amounts  from  a  contributor  will  be  divided  among  the  State   Democratic  Party  Committees  as  follows,  up  to  $10,000  per  committee  and  subject  to  the  biennial  aggregate  limits:  FL  (17%);  OH  (16%);  PA  (13%);  CO  (11%);  NC  (11%);  VA   (11%);  NV  (6%);  WI  (6%);  IA  (5%);  and  NH  (4%)A  contributor  may  designate  his  or  her  contribution  for  a  particular  participant.    The  allocation  formula  above  may  change   if  following  it  would  result  in  an  excessive  contribution.    Contributions  will  be  used  in  connection  with  a  Federal  election.  

Paid for by Obama Victory Fund 2012, a joint fundraising committee authorized by Obama for America, the Democratic National Committee, and the State Democratic Parties in the following states: CO, FL, IA, NV, NH, NC, OH, PA, VA, and WI.