Your expertise combined with our technology to produce quality parts more
profitably—that's mind over metal. That's Hurco.
Your expertise combined with our technology to produce quality parts more profitably—that’s mind over metal℠. That’s Hurco.
Intelligent control systems . . . . . . . . 2
From print to part to profit.
Control specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Since 1968, Hurco has focused on developing machine tool technology that makes machine shops more profitable. The two men who founded Hurco understood the connection between people and technology.
Control software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Conversational programming . . . . . . . . . 5 NC programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 Axis machining centres . . . . . . . . . . 9 VMi range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 VMXi range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 High Speed VMXHSi range . . . . . . . . . . 17 Double column DCXi range . . . . . . . . . . 19 5 Axis machining centres . . . . . . . . . 21 SRi range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Technology should help you...not get in your way. Our founders believed technology should minimize tedious and redundant tasks so machinists can be more productive. This idea that technology must support the machinist, not control him, remains central to our culture and our technology at Hurco.
Ui range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Workholding & Accessories… . . . . . 27 Tooling & Rotary tables . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Go from print to part faster. That’s mind over metal℠...that’s Hurco.
Intelligent Control System mind over metal℠ = More Margin Per Part One control: equally powerful NC and conversational programming methods, or the ability to use the best of both. The most flexible control in the industry gets you from print to part to profit faster.
Hurco’s WinMax® control software has an enhanced NC interpreter which increases CAD/CAM compatibility. Graphically verify programs on the control and easily see which codes are being processed.
Hurco’s WinMax® conversational programming method gets you from print to part quickly by stepping you through the process visually. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3—Setup. Program. Verify.
Input dimensions and specs from a rough sketch, then refine with our controls. PART PRINT
Input exact dimensions and specs from a part print to start machining with ease.
Program or modify at the control with our advanced editor. Use copy, paste and other features that make editing easy. CAD/CAM
Post code from your CAD/CAM system and store to our control via USB or Ethernet.
Our control automatically generates tool paths from a DXF file to allow machining almost instantly.
No matter which type of programming you choose, the Hurco control is the most flexible — and fastest — from print to part in the industry.
Upload your existing programs, including Fanuc® and Siemens®, and run them with little or no editing.
Install a copy of our control software on your desktop to program remotely.
Our patented motion control simultaneously improves surface finish quality and cuts cycle time by 20-30%.
The control allows you to combine both conversational and NC into one program for maximum efficiency.
mind over metal — your expertise combined with our control to produce quality parts. SM
Technology only available from Hurco. Go to
Control Specifications Model
Dual monitors Dedicated program and graphics screens 12-inch colour LCD Touch screen Adjustable tilt and brightness
Single monitor Toggle between program and graphics screens 12-inch colour LCD Touch screen
Hard Drive
64 GB Solid State Drive
Input / Output
USB 2.0 port on the control console Two USB 2.0 ports on the electrical cabinet Ethernet LAN port
Processing Speed
Dynamic variable look ahead capable of over 10,000 blocks (with UltiMotion™) 600 block look ahead Up to 2,277 bps processing
Remote Jog
Easy to use
RAM Memory
2 GB
Chip...... 2GHz Dual Core Intel® Processor
Optional Ergonomically angled
Designed for industrial environment
WinMax® Software/Features *New (WinMax∏9) Customisable Digital Readout Overlay (DRO) DXF Scaling Fast Draw Graphics Engine Font Magnification Mill Frame with Enhanced Corner Geometry Multiple Options to Store Tool Probing Results Roughing Stock Allowance Stick Lettering Tool Life Management TrueType∏ Fonts Along a Contour WinMax Desktop Complete Z Offset Shift Programming 4th Axis Rotary Wrap 99 Work Offsets (G-Code) 200 Tool Offsets AutoCalc
Canned Cycle Blocks Canned Hole Cycles Concurrent Programming Context Sensitive Help DXF Transfer Frame Mill Helical Interpolation ISO/EIA NC Support Inch-Metric Toggle Indexer Routine Industry Standard NC (ISNC) Leadscrew Compensation Lines & Arcs Linear Repeat Mirror Image NC/Conversational Merge NC Editor NC Probing Cycles NC Productivity Package (NCPP) Pattern (Scaling, Rotation, Translation) Peck Mill Program Manager Function
Program Parameters Program Review with Cut/Copy/Paste Programmable Safety Zones Rectangular Repeat Rigid Tap SelectSurface Finish Quality (SFQ) Serial Number (Letter & Part Serialisation) Slots Speed and Feed Edit while Running Swept Surface with 3D Mould Thread Milling Tool & Material Library Tool Change Optimisation TrueType∏ Lettering Package UltiPocket with Helical Ramp Entry U nlimited Work Offsets (Conversational) WinMax∏ Desktop Verification Automatic Error Check Advanced Verification Graphics with 3D Solid Rendering
Graphics Display (Tool Path, Solids, Projection in 3 Planes, Isometric) Graphics Error Verification Graphics Scaling Graphics Zoom Real Time Tool Simulation Operational Auto Interrupt Cycle Automatic Tool Home Backlash Compensation Control and Machine Diagnostics Coolant Select (Dual) Displayed Spindle Load Monitor Distance To Go Estimated Run Time Feed Hold Button Feed-Rate Override UltiMonitor∏ UltiMotion∏
M odular Design Minimises Downtime. The one-piece control module can be quickly and easily swapped out in the field.
Controls O ur control. Your expertise. The integrated Hurco control
is sophisticated simplicity at its best. Complex tasks simplified with control technology that’s easy to use. What makes us better than the competition? Our control makes us better than anyone in the industry. Hurco technology minimises setup and programming so you can start making chips faster, but our newest blockbuster feature reduces cycle time, too! UltiMotion™ simultaneously improves surface finish and reduces cycle time by 20 to 30%. Nobody gets you from print to part faster than Hurco! Our team of engineers is driven to develop new technology that makes shops more efficient and more profitable. U ltiMotion™ Hurco exclusive While our C with ISO/EIA support C onversational programming N control is known for features that reduce means you don’t have to is the secret source that setup and programming, our newest change a thing. Our control simplifies complex operations. feature simultaneously reduces cycle can do everything you’re doing Multiple features, such time and improves surface finish quality. now and it has the processing as 4th Axis Rotary Wrap Customers are reporting cycle time speed and memory you need and UltiPocket™ make reductions of 20-30% with UltiMotion™ for NC. programming easy. and it’s only available from Hurco! All new i models are fitted with Ultimotion as a standard feature.
True Interrupt Cycle No need to teach the control the path the tool takes when retracting and returning to the part—the Hurco control does it for you. When you press the Interrupt button, the spindle stops cutting, the coolant shuts off, and the tool automatically retracts to Z home. You can jog the machine in any direction to check the part or change tool inserts. Then, simply press two buttons and the cycle automatically resumes right where it left off—at the speed you choose.
UltiMonitor™ UltiMonitor™ combines powerful networking with remote monitoring capabilities. You can monitor your Hurco equipment from your web browser via control views and live video, (camera optional).
Hurco Controls Conversational Programming Print
Stick Lettering & TrueType∏ Fonts
Not only do you have the ability to add stick lettering and/or TrueType® fonts to your parts, you can place the letters along a contour, place them horizontally or vertically.
Thread Milling Select the Thread Milling canned cycle and a one-page screen provides a simple way to quickly enter the dimensions.
Multiple Pattern Blocks make programming easy...loop rotate, loop rectangular, loop linear, loop angular, pattern locations, scale, and mirror image. Our Mirror Image is the best in the industry.
Tool Change Optimisation
Tool Change Optimisation (TCO) automatically reduces the number of tool changes by rearranging the program for optimal efficiency. Saves setup and cycle time. You can turn TCO on or off for all of the program or a section of it.
Lines & Arcs with AutoCalc + UltiPocket You can program almost any complex contour using Lines & Arcs and you won’t have to trig out missing data— AutoCalc does it for you. With just a click of a box, UltiPocket™ will program advanced pocketing routines with unlimited islands and helical plunge. Our Helix Segment is the best in the industry. In addition to using the Helix Segment for thread milling and helical plunging, you can program an arc segment by defining the X start, the Y start, and the polar sweep angle—the control calculates the arc end points for you.
Three steps and you’re cutting the part.
Eliminate data entry errors. Bypass the CAM station Quickly add or edit part features if needed. 1. Import the CAD file Our DXF Transfer feature lets you quickly import 2D data from the DXF file, which eliminates errors and lets you program right at the control.
2. Select + AutoProgram Select the features you want to add to the part program. Simply press the on-screen button and the data is stored in the program. Enter the Z-depth and select the tool.
3. Verify the program Press the Draw Button, and the Advanced Verification Graphics feature displays a 3D solid rendering of the tool path on the screen.
BONUS Easy editing! While DXF Transfer is not a CAD system, the intuitive programming interface lets you do basic editing of DXF geometries, chain the contours, and select hole operations based on the hole diameter.
DXF Transfer DXF Scaling
The addition of Drawing Scale (new with WinMax®9) in the DXF Parameters screen makes it easy to scale DXF drawings to actual size. Drawings that aren’t drawn to scale can be scaled up to actual size and you don’t have redraw them or go back to the CAD system.
Quickly Import Complex Contours
The control’s Lines & Arcs data block feature enables the geometry of complex contours to be quickly imported into the part program.
Hurco Controls NC Programming NC/Conversational Merge
NC/Conversational Merge makes it easy to combine conversational features, such as pattern operations, scaling, tool probing, part probing, and unlimited work offsets with NC programs.
Interactive G-Code Glossary
The Hurco NC editor takes the pain out of making changes to G-Code. The unique Interactive G-code Glossary displays the meaning of each code as you move the cursor. Incorrect syntax appears in red and remarks appear in real time.
No changes needed
Because our control supports ISO/EIA, your new Hurco will assimilate to your existing processes. You won’t need to change a thing.
WinMax∏9 Customisable Digital Readout Overlay (DRO)
You decide what information is the most important for you to see and how you want it to appear.
Faster Graphics Engine
Because of significant technological advancements, the new engine we use to run the verification graphics is considerably faster than the previous version.
Virtual Program Lockout
You have complete control. You can set the level of access for programs and parameters, including Full Lockout or Partial Lockout.
I SO/EIA, Standard NC: run your existing NC/G-CODE PROGRAMMING
Hurco’s WinMax® control software has an NC/G-CODE PROGRAMMING NC/G-CODE PROGRAMMING enhanced NC interpreter which increases Hurco’s WinMax® WinMax® control software has has an Hurco’s control software an CAD/CAM compatibility. Graphically verify enhanced NC interpreter which increases enhanced NCcontrol interpreter whichsee increases programs on the and easily which CAD/CAM Graphically verify CAD/CAM compatibility. compatibility. Graphically verify codes are being processed. programs programs on on the the control control and and easily easily see see which which codes are being processed. codes are being processed.
programs with little or no editing. Easy editing. CAD/CAM compatibility.
type of programming PART FASTER urco control is the most PART FASTER type programming astestof from print type of— programming rco is thecontrol industry. rco control is the the most most astest astest — — from from print print the industry. the industry.
Easy Editing Save time. Eliminate hassle. Our control is equipped with ON-CONTROL EDITOR
Program or modify at the quick functions so you can quickly edit existing programs ON-CONTROL EDITOR control withcopy/paste/cut our advanced ON-CONTROL EDITOR Program modify at the editor. Use or copy, paste Program or modify atand the right atour control. No need to send the program back to the CAM station control with advanced other features that make control with ourthe advanced editor. paste and editing editor. Use Use copy, copy, pasteeasy. and other features and time waiting for a few quick changes. otherwaste features that that make make
editing editing easy. easy.
CAD/CAM system and We have added an enhanced NC interpreter that makes our CAD/CAM Post code from your your store tocode our control via Post from Post code from your
CAD/CAM system and USB compatible or Ethernet. CAD/CAM system and control with the most popular CAD/CAM systems. You can send store store to to our our control control via via USB or Ethernet. USB or Ethernet. your part program to the control via Ethernet, USB thumb drive or FTP. ISO/EIA NC
ISO/EIA Since the Hurco control supports ISO/EIA standards, you can Upload your existing ISO/EIA NC programs, including ISO/EIA NC Uploadand your existing Fanuc® Siemens®, Upload your existing programs, including andprograms, run them with little including Fanuc® and and Siemens®, or noSiemens®, editing. Fanuc® and run run them them with with little little and or no no editing. editing. or
upload your existing programs, including Fanuc ∏and Siemens∏, and run them with little or no editing. NC/CONVERSATIONAL MERGE
The control allows you to combine
The controlforallows allows you to toefficiency. combine program maximum The control you combine both conversational conversational and and NC NC into into one one both program for for maximum maximum efficiency. efficiency. program
Hurco Exclusive
l — your expertise SM
NED PART rol to PART produce quality parts. NED
— your your expertise expertise ll — rol to to produce produce quality quality parts. parts. rol SM SM
Graphical Code Search is only available from Hurco. It simplifies the tedious task of searching for code associated with a feature when you need to make a quick change. 1 Using the control’s graphics screen, simply select the feature you need to edit. 2 The corresponding code appears automatically.
3-Axis Machining Centres
A High accuracy components from partners who are experts in their field—such as Yaskawa drives, servos, and motors.
B Comprehensive washdown and chip
management system, which includes coolant ring with adjustable nozzles, a dedicated pump system, and adjustable washdown nozzles that are strategically placed for optimum effectiveness.
C Advanced control supports conversational C
and NC programming...or both with NC/ Conversational Merge. New WinMax∏9 features increase productivity and usability.
D Rigid, reliable iron due to rigorous
manufacturing standards—such as handscraped frame mounting points and wedge clamped linear rails. Heavier machine weights than the competition.
E Reliable spindles with the right balance of power and speed for your application.
F Efficient design with ergonomic details,
such as extra large, hinged side doors; extra big front door opening; and tables that move all the way forward.
The Green Machine
During the last decade, we have increased the energy efficiency of our machine tools. SMART control power supply (40% more efficient) SMART power contacts (34.5% more efficient) SMART 2.0kW servo size (33% more efficient) SMART coil devices (30% more efficient) SMART spindle deceleration (20% more efficient)
SMART transformer (18.8% more efficient) SMART btu generation (18% more efficient) SMART sigma servos (11.8% more efficient) SMART led lighting
3-axis vertical VMi Range Go from print to part faster with the VMi Series.
Absolutely the best value on the market. Efficient design results in a compact mill that has a large work cube but also has a small footprint. One-piece machine base. Premium components. Built to last.
Benefits of VMi Mills by Hurco Electric, side-mounted, 20-tool ATC with swing-arm design stays out of the way, increasing the size of the already generous work cube. Small footprint. Large work cube. Wider table extends across the entire Y-axis, which gives you more flexibility to produce a high mix of parts. Table moves completely forward in the work cube for easy operator access.
Larger doors. The large opening on the front of the machine gives you more room to load/unload and facilitates easy overhead crane access. The larger side doors are hinged, easy to open, and easy to remove. Larger linear rails mounted to a machined shoulder for increased rigidity. Wedgelocked to the frame to reduce vibration instead of faster, cheaper face-milled process.
The perfect combination of size and functionality.
Pre-loaded and stretched ball screws with additional anchor to the Z-axis. Yaskawa Sigma 5 drives. LED lighting shines brighter and saves energy. Heavier machine weights. With machine weights ranging from 2,818 kg to 4,245 kg, the VMi Series is absolutely the most economical price-per-kilo machine you can buy.
E fficiently designed to conserve space with the smallest footprint possible, the VM mills are loaded with remarkably big capacity, productivity and user flexibility. Same rigorous design and manufacturing processes we use for our high-end machines. Solid, one-piece machine base uses premium components, such as heavy duty linear rails in all three axes, high accuracy encoders, and double nut pre-tensioned ball screws.
Machine Specifications VMi Range VM20i
660 mm
1,016 mm
1,270 mm
660 mm
Y Travel
406 mm
508 mm
508 mm
406 mm
Z Travel
508 mm
508 mm
508 mm
508 mm
Spindle Nose to Table
102 mm
102 mm
102 mm
102 mm
762 x 406 mm
1,168 x 508 mm
1,321 x 508
762 x 406 mm
340 Kg
544 Kg
544 Kg
340 Kg
Spindle Speed Max.
10,000 RPM
10,000 RPM
10,000 RPM
20,000 RPM (30,000 RPM optional)
Spindle Power
15 hp 11 kW
20 hp 15 kW
20 hp 15 kW
10 hp 7.5 kW
Spindle Torque
73.6 Nm@1,450 RPM
102 Nm@1,450 RPM
102 Nm@1,450 RPM
3 Nm@20,000 RPM
Tool Capacity
CAT 40 (BT opt.)
CAT 40 (BT opt.)
CAT 40 (BT opt.)
BT 30
Tool Diameter Max.
89 mm
89 mm
89 mm
60 mm
Tool Length Max.
250 mm
250 mm
250 mm
250 mm
Tool Weight Max.
6.8 Kg
6.8 Kg
6.8 Kg
5 Kg
X= 24 m Y= 24 m Z= 24 m
X= 24 m Y= 24 m Z= 24 m
X= 24 m Y= 24 m Z= 24 m
X= 24 m Y= 24 m Z= 24 m
15.2 m
15.2 m
15.2 m
22.9 m
1806 x 1748 mm
2460 x 1931 mm
2829 x 1931 mm
1806 x 1748 mm
2,818 Kg
4,100 Kg
4,245 Kg
3,100 Kg
Travels X,Y,Z
VM10i X Travel
Table Size
Table Load Max.
Feedrate X,Y,Z
Tool Type
Rapid Traverse per minute Feedrate Max. per minute Basic footprint (wxd) Control removed Machine Weight Information may change without notice.
See the Hurco VM machining centres in action!
Machine shown with options.
3-axis vertical VMXi Range VMXMi machines have a 10,000RPM spindle and single screen WinMax control as standard. There is also the option to remove the swarf management to save cost and space. The higher specification VMXTi machines have a 12,000RPM high-torque spindle with chiller, twin-screen WinMax control, swarf conveyor and washdown as standard. It is best to consult with your local Sales Engineer to decide the best option for your application.
Premium Components + Meticulous Manufacturing = A Rigid and Reliable Machine Built to Last. O versized linear rails, high resolution encoders, and pre-tensioned double-nut ball screws are just a few of the premium components used for our flagship VMXi mills. The frame mounting points are scraped by hand and we wedge lock the linear rails to a machined shoulder for increased rigidity.
Go from print to part faster with the Hurco VMXi Series. The VMXi mills are the workhorse of the industry. Premium components. Meticulous manufacturing processes. Built to last. Benefits of VMXi Mills by Hurco Generous Y-axis and wider
table, which gives you more flexibility to produce a high mix of parts. Table moves completely
forward in the work cube for easy operator access. Larger doors. The large
opening on the front of the machine gives you more room to load/unload and facilitates easy overhead crane access. The larger side doors are hinged, easy to open, and easy to remove.
Dual-wound 12k spindle
provides more torque without requiring a gearbox, which eliminates additional assembly and maintenance. Designed to prolong spindle
life and preserve accuracy with ceramic hybrid spindle bearings, lifetime grease, coolant jacket designed into the head casting, and both upper and lower air-purge system to keep chips out.
Larger linear rails
mounted to a machined shoulder for increased rigidity. Wedge-locked to the frame to reduce vibration instead of faster, cheaper face-milled process. Pre-loaded and stretched
ball screws with additional anchor to the Z-axis. Yaskawa Sigma 5 drives. LED lighting shines brighter
and saves energy.
See the Hurco VMX machining centres in action!
Additional machining centres in this series:
VMX24i, VMX30i, VMX42i, VMX60i, VMX64i, and VMX84i 14
Machine Specifications VMX24i
Winmax Control
Single screen
Twin screen
Single screen
Twin screen
Single screen
Twin screen
Single screen
X,Y, Z Travel (mm)
610 x 508 x 610
610 x 508 x 610
762 x 508 x 610
762 x 508 x 610
1066 x 610 x 610
1066 x 610 x 610
1270 x 660 x 610
1270 x 6
760 x 510
760 x 510
1020 x 510
1020 x 510
1270 x 610
1270 x 610
1500 x 660
950 Kg
1360 Kg
950 Kg
1360 Kg
950 Kg
1360 Kg
950 Kg
Spindle Taper
CAT 40/BT opt.
CAT 40/BT opt.
CAT 40/BT opt.
CAT 40/BT opt.
CAT 40/BT opt.
CAT 40/BT opt.
CAT 40/BT opt.
CAT 40
Spindle Speed
10,000 RPM
12,000 RPM
10,000 RPM
12,000 RPM
10,000 RPM
12,000 RPM
10,000 RPM
Spindle Power
20 hp 15 kW
12.5 hp 9 kW
20 hp 15 kW
18.4 hp 13.4 kW
29 hp 21.6 kW
24 hp 18kW
29 hp 21.6 kW
24 hp
102 Nm @ 1450
95 Nm @ 900
102 Nm @ 1450
214 Nm @ 600
143 Nm @ 1450
237 Nm @ 720
143 Nm @ 1450
237 Nm
Accuracy (mm)
+/- 0.005 mm
+/- 0.005 mm
+/- 0.005 mm
+/- 0.005 mm
+/- 0.005 mm
+/- 0.005 mm
+/- 0.005 mm
+/- 0.0
Repeatability (mm)
+/- 0.0025 mm
+/- 0.0025 mm
+/- 0.0025 mm
+/- 0.0025 mm
+/- 0.0025 mm
+/- 0.0025 mm
+/- 0.0025 mm
+/- 0.0
30 (40 option)
30 (40 option)
30 (40 option)
30 (40 option)
30 (40
4,350 Kg
4,640 Kg
4,450 Kg
4,740 Kg
6,400 Kg
6,350 Kg
7,700 Kg
Table working surface (mm) Maximum Table Load
Spindle Torque (1 min) @ RPM X, Y, Z Rapids (m/min)
Toolchanger Stations Machine Weight
VMX64 (40)Ti
VMX64 (50)Ti
Twin screen
Twin screen
Single screen
Twin screen
Twin screen
Twin screen
Twin screen
Twin screen
x 610
1270 x 660 x 610
1270 x 660 x 610
1524 x 660 x 610
1524 x 660 x 610
1625 x 860 x 760
1625 x 860 x 760
2134 x 860 x 760
2134 x 860 x 760
1500 x 660
1500 x 660
1676 x 660
1676 x 660
1676 x 890
1676 x 890
2184 x 865
2184 x 865
1360 Kg
1360 Kg
950 Kg
1360 Kg
2720 Kg
2720 Kg
2268 Kg
2268 Kg
CAT 40/BT opt.
CAT 50/BT opt.
CAT 40/BT opt.
CAT 40/BT opt.
CAT 40/BT opt.
CAT 50/BT opt.
CAT 40/BT opt.
CAT 50/BT opt.
12,000 RPM
8,000 RPM
10,000 RPM
12,000 RPM
12,000 RPM
8,000 RPM
12,000 RPM
8,000 RPM
24 hp 18 kW
30 hp 22 kW
29 hp 21.6 kW
24 hp 18 kW
24 hp 18 kW
30 hp 22 kW
24 hp 18 kW
30 hp 22 kW
237 Nm @ 720
353 Nm @ 600
143 Nm @ 1450
237 Nm @ 720
237 Nm @ 720
353 Nm @ 600
237 Nm @ 720
353 Nm @ 600
+/- 0.005 mm
+/- 0.005 mm
+/- 0.005 mm
+/- 0.005 mm
+/- 0.005 mm
+/- 0.005 mm
+/- 0.005 mm
+/- 0.005 mm
+/- 0.0025 mm
+/- 0.0025 mm
+/- 0.0025 mm
+/- 0.0025 mm
+/- 0.0025 mm
+/- 0.0025 mm
+/- 0.0025 mm
+/- 0.0025 mm
30 (40 option)
30 (40 option)
30 (40 option)
30 (40 option)
40 (96 option)
7,500 Kg
9,120 Kg
8,350 Kg
8,420 Kg
13,700 Kg
14,510 Kg
16,300 Kg
16,900 Kg
3-axis vertical high speed
Machine faster with the Hurco HSi Series of high-speed mills. Integral motor spindle. Premium components. Built for speed. Built to last. Benefits of VMXHSi Mills by Hurco Direct drive servos increase
accuracy, speed, and repeatability. Integral spindle with ABEC-7 ceramic hybrid bearings and 18k base speed, gives you the speed you need and manages the thermal issues associated with high speed machining.
Faster ATC decreases chip to chip
time. W ider table extends across the entire Y-axis, which gives you more flexibility to produce a high mix of parts.
HSK tooling.
T able moves completely forward in the work cube for easy operator access.
A ir over oil spindle lubrication distributes oil evenly and prevents bearings from lubricant starvation.
L arger doors. The large opening on the front of the machine gives you more room to load/unload and facilitates easy overhead crane
access. The larger side doors are hinged, easy to open, and easy to remove. L arger linear rails
mounted to a machined shoulder for increased rigidity. Wedgelocked to the frame to reduce vibration instead of faster, cheaper face-milled process. Pre-loaded and stretched ball screws with additional anchor to the Z-axis. Yaskawa Sigma 5 drives. LED lighting shines brighter and saves energy.
Built for speed, accuracy, and repeatability.
T he integral motor spindle equipped with ABEC-7 ceramic bearings has the speed and power you need for high-speed machining. The premium components, such as oversized linear rails, high accuracy encoders, and Yaskawa direct drive servos result in a rigid and reliable machining centre for high speed, precision machining.
Machine Specifications
High Speed HSi Series VM10HSi
X Travel
660 mm
610 mm
762 mm
1,067 mm
Y Travel
406 mm
508 mm
508 mm
Z Travel
508 mm
610 mm
610 mm
610 mm
Spindle Nose to Table
102 mm
152 mm
152 mm
152 mm
762 x 406 mm
760 x 508 mm
1020 x 510 mm
1,270 x 610 mm
340 Kg
1,360 Kg
1,360 Kg
1,360 Kg
20,000 RPM (30,000 RPM option)
18,000 RPM
18,000 RPM
18,000 RPM
Spindle Power
10 hp 7.5 kW
47 hp 35 kW
47 hp 35 kW
47 hp 35 kW
Spindle Torque
3 Nm@20,000 RPM
119 Nm@2,800 RPM
119 Nm@2,800 RPM
119 Nm@2,800 RPM
Tool Capacity
30 (40 option)
BT 30
HSK 63 - A
HSK 63 - A
HSK 63 - A
Tool Diameter Max.
60 mm
76 mm
76 mm
76 mm
Tool Length Max.
250 mm
300 mm
300 mm
300 mm
Tool Weight Max.
5 Kg
8 Kg
8 Kg
8 Kg
Rapid Traverse per minute
X= 24 m Y= 24 m Z= 24 m
X= 45 m Y= 45 m Z= 40 m
X= 45 m Y= 45 m Z= 40 m
X= 45 m Y= 45 m Z= 40 m
Feedrate Max. per minute
22.9 m
22.9 m
22.9 m
22.9 m
3,093 Kg
4,818 Kg
4,918 Kg
7,019 Kg
Table Size Table Load Max.
Spindle Speed Max.
Size Feedrate
Tool Type
Machine Weight
Optimum machine performance is reliant upon installation conditions at the facility, such as power supply, air supply, and ambient air conditions. Information may change without notice.
See the Hurco high speed machining centres in action!
3-axis vertical double column Go from print to part faster with the DCXi Series. Built for the big stuff. Thermal stability. Superior dynamic behaviour. Premium components. Ergonomically designed. Benefits of DCXi Mills by Hurco Double column design promotes
thermal stability and superior dynamic behaviour. Dual-auger for efficient chip management. R am type spindle reduces
deflection with heavy cuts. Table moves completely forward in the work cube for easy operator access. Larger telescoping doors. The large opening on the front of the machine gives you more room to load/unload and facilitates easy overhead crane access. The larger side doors are hinged, easy to open, and easy to remove.
D ual-wound spindle provides
more torque without requiring a gearbox, which eliminates additional assembly and maintenance. Designed to prolong spindle life and preserve accuracy with ceramic hybrid spindle bearings, lifetime grease, coolant jacket designed into the head casting, and both upper and lower airpurge system to keep chips out.
L arger dual linear rails mounted to a machined shoulder for increased rigidity. Wedgelocked to the frame to reduce vibration instead of faster, cheaper face-milled process. P re-loaded and stretched ball screws with additional anchor to the Z-axis. Y askawa Sigma 5 drives. L ED lighting shines brighter and saves energy.
Built tough to handle the large parts. igh-grade cast iron frame tested with dynamic and static Finite Element Analysis. Premium components, such H as oversized linear rails, high accuracy encoders, and Yaskawa drives, servos, and motors result in a rigid and reliable mill to produce large components, or moulds and press-tools.
Machine Specifications
Double Column DCXi Series DCX22i
X Travel
2,200 mm
2,200 mm
3,200 mm
4,200 mm
Y Travel
1,700 mm
1,700 mm
2,100 mm
2,600 mm
Z Travel
750 mm
750 mm
920 mm
1,100 mm
Spindle Nose to Table
152 mm
152 mm
164 mm
160 mm
2,100 x 1,600 mm
2,100 x 1,600 mm
3,000 x 1,700 mm
4,000 x 2,100 mm
6,000 Kg
8,000 Kg
11,000 Kg
16,000 Kg
12,000 RPM (10,000 & 15,000 RPM option)
6,000 RPM (8,000 & 4,800 RPM option)
6,000 RPM (10,000 RPM option)
6,000 RPM (10,000 RPM option)
Spindle Power
24 hp 18 kW
35 hp 26 kW
80 hp 60 kW
80 hp 60 kW
Spindle Torque
342 Nm@500 RPM
555 Nm@458 RPM
570 Nm@1,000 RPM
570 Nm@1,000 RPM
Tool Capacity
Tool Type
CAT 40
CAT 50
CAT 50
CAT 50
Tool Diameter Max.
75 mm
125 mm
125 mm
125 mm
Tool Length Max.
300 mm
300 mm
300 mm
300 mm
Tool Weight Max.
7 Kg
15 Kg
15 Kg
15 Kg
X= 24 m Y= 24 m Z= 24 m
X= 15 m Y= 15 m Z= 12 m
X= 15 m Y= 15 m Z= 10 m
X= 12 m X= 12 m X= 10 m
15.2 m
7.6 m
7.6 m
7.6 m
3,899 mm
3,899 mm
4,700 mm
4,985 mm
7,246 x 6,078 mm
7,246 x 6,078 mm
9,960 x 5,935 mm
12,326 x 6,716 mm
20,000 Kg
20,510 Kg
34,940 Kg
50,900 Kg
Table Size Table Load Max. Spindle Speed Max.
Rapid Traverse per minute Feedrate Max. per minute
Machine Height Required Floor Space Machine Weight
Optimum machine performance is reliant upon installation conditions at the facility, such as power supply, air supply, and ambient air conditions. Information may change without notice.
See the Hurco DCX double column machining centres in action!
5-Axis Machining Centres
A High accuracy components from partners who are experts in their field—such as Yaskawa drives, servos, and motors.
B Comprehensive washdown and chip
management system, which includes coolant ring with adjustable nozzles, a dedicated pump system, and adjustable washdown nozzles that are strategically placed for optimum effectiveness.
C Advanced control with multiple 5-axis C
features that reduce programming/setup time, and improve surface finish. New WinMax∏9 features increase productivity.
D Rigid, reliable iron due to rigorous
manufacturing standards—such as handscraped frame mounting points and wedge clamped linear rails with double reinforcement as load requires.
E Reliable spindles with the right balance of power and speed for your application.
F Efficient design with ergonomic details,
such as extra large, hinged side doors; extra big front door opening; and tables that move all the way forward.
The Green Machine
During the last decade, we have increased the energy efficiency of our machine tools. SMART control power supply (40% more efficient) SMART power contacts (34.5% more efficient) SMART 2.0kW servo size (33% more efficient) SMART coil devices (30% more efficient) SMART spindle deceleration (20% more efficient)
SMART transformer (18.8% more efficient) SMART btu generation (18% more efficient) SMART sigma servos (11.8% more efficient) SMART led lighting
5-axis vertical swivel head Go from print to part faster with Hurco 5-axis SRi mills. Machine design provides excellent versatility. C-axis table has unlimited angular movement. Rigid table handles heavy loads. Benefits of 5-Axis SRi by Hurco Unlimited angular
Flush rotary table (SRT
movement of C-axis table reduces cycle time. Competitive machines are often limited to +/- 360 degrees, which requires the table to unwind multiple times during the cycle. R igid table accommodates
increased table load for heavier parts. Versatility. Extra large
table supports secondary operations or 3-axis work.
only) is embedded, which supports taller parts due to more clearance in Z. Improved chip control with
ability to run the machine horizontally. Maximum tool access
for swept surfaces and complex contours due to the configuration of the 5-axis SR machining centres.
Larger linear rails
mounted to a machined shoulder for increased rigidity. Integral spindle equipped
with ceramic bearings. LED lighting shines brighter
and saves energy. Yaskawa Sigma 5 drives.
Machine Specifications
Swivel Head SRi Series VMX42SRTi
X Travel
1,067 mm
1,067 mm
1,524 mm
1,067 mm
1,524 mm
Y Travel
610 mm
610 mm
660 mm
610 mm
660 mm
Z Travel
610 mm
610 mm
610 mm
610 mm
610 mm
B, C Travel
± 90°, 360°
± 90°, 360°
± 90°, 360°
± 90°
± 90°
Table Size
1,270 x 610 mm
1,270 x 610 mm
1,676 x 660 mm
1,270 x 610 mm
1,676 x 660 mm
0 600 mm
0 610 mm
0 610 mm
Optional C or A Table
Optional C or A Table
500 / 1360 Kg
500 / 1360 Kg
500 / 1360 Kg
1,360 Kg
1,360 Kg
18 mm
18 mm
18 mm
18 mm
18 mm
Spindle Speed Max.
12,000 RPM
18,000 RPM
12,000 RPM
12,000 RPM
12,000 RPM
C Table Size Table Load Max. T-Slot Size
Spindle Power
48 hp 36 kW
47 hp 35 kW
48 hp 36 kW
48 hp 36 kW
48 hp 36 kW
Spindle Torque
118 Nm@2,900 RPM
119 Nm@2,800 RPM
118 Nm@2,900 RPM
118 Nm@2,900 RPM
118 Nm@2,900 RPM
Tool Capacity
CAT 40 / BT opt.
HSK63 - A
CAT 40 / BT opt.
CAT 40 / BT opt.
CAT 40 / BT opt.
Tool Type Tool Diameter Max. Tool Length Max.
Tool Weight Max. Rapid Traverse per minute Rapid B, C, Traverse Feedrate Max. per minute Machine Weight
76 mm
76 mm
76 mm
76 mm
76 mm
300 mm
300 mm
300 mm
300 mm
300 mm
6.8 Kg
8 Kg
6.8 Kg
6.8 Kg
6.8 Kg
X= 35m Y= 35m Z= 30 m
X= 35m Y= 35m Z= 30 m
X= 30 m Y= 30 m Z= 20 m
X= 35m Y= 35m Z= 30 m
X= 30 m Y= 30 m Z= 20 m
50 rpm, 100 rpm
50 rpm, 100 rpm
50 rpm, 33.3 rpm
50 rpm, N/A
50 rpm, N/A
22.9 m
22.9 m
22.9 m
22.9 m
22.9 m
7,548 Kg
7,550 Kg
9,090 Kg
7,145 Kg
8,670 Kg
Optimum machine performance is reliant upon installation conditions at the facility, such as power supply, air supply, and ambient air conditions. Information may change without notice.
See the Hurco 5-axis SR machining centres in action!
*This product is subject to the export control laws of the United States and/or other countries. Hurco complies fully with the export control laws and regulations of the United States and the jurisdictions in which it does business. In its standard configuration, this product includes control software capable of machining in three axes plus positioning in two separate axes (“three plus two”) and/or multi-sided five-axis machining. This product is capable of simultaneous contouring in five axes only with the addition of supplemental software subject to separate approval.
5-axis vertical trunnion Benefits of Trunnion Ui-Series 5-Axis by Hurco
Travel Capacity
Yaskawa Sigma 5 drives, servos, and motors promote performance and reliability.
Pre-loaded and stretched ball screws with additional anchor to the Z-axis. LED lighting shines brighter and saves energy.
Larger linear rails are wedge clamped and mounted to a machined shoulder for increased rigidity. 30˚ 110˚
More torque at low RPM. Better undercut. The trunnion style 5-axis machine rotates +110 degrees compared to the swivel head type of 5-axis machine that rotates +90 degrees.
High resolution direct rotary encoders for increased precision.
Seamless integration of pneumatic and/or hydraulic fixtures is another benefit of our rigorous design standards. We purposely designed these machines so you can easily feed the cables for these types of fixtures through the shoulder.
Machine Specifications
Trunnion Table Ui Series VM10Ui
X Travel
533 mm
533 mm
762 mm
762 mm
1,067 mm
1,524 mm
800 mm
Y Travel
406 mm
406 mm
508 mm
508 mm
610 mm
660 mm
700 mm
Z Travel
483 mm
483 mm
520 mm
520 mm
520 mm
520 mm
510 mm
A, C Travel
-30° / +110°, 360°
-30° / +110°, 360°
-30° / +110°, 360°
-30° / +110°, 360°
-30° / +110°, 360°
-30° / +110°, 360°
-30° / +110°, 360°
Table Size
0 198 mm
0 198 mm
0 248 mm
0 248 mm
0 348 mm
0 500 mm
0 610 / ¨ 530 mm
Table Load Max.
150 Kg
150 Kg
200 Kg
200 Kg
250 Kg
400 Kg
400 Kg
T-Slot Size
10 mm
10 mm
12 mm
12 mm
14 mm
18 mm
18 mm
Spindle Speed Max.
10,000 RPM
20,000 RPM (30,000 RPM option)
12,000 RPM
18,000 RPM
12,000 RPM
12,000 RPM
12,000 RPM
Spindle Power
12 hp 8.9 kW
10 hp 7.5 kW
18 hp 13.4 kW
47 hp 35 kW
24 hp 18 kW
24 hp 18 kW
24 hp 18 kW
119 Nm@2,800 RPM
237 Nm@720 RPM
237 Nm@720 RPM
237 Nm@720 RPM
Spindle Torque
Tool Capacity
57 Nm@1,500 RPM 3.0 Nm@20,000 RPM 214 Nm@600 RPM 20
48 (96 option)
Tool Type
CAT 40
BT 30
CAT 40
HSK 63 - A
CAT 40
CAT 40
CAT 40
Tool Diameter Max.
89 mm
60 mm
80 mm
76 mm
80 mm
80 mm
80 mm
Tool Length Max.
250 mm
250 mm
300 mm
300 mm
300 mm
300 mm
280 mm
Tool Weight Max.
7 Kg
5 Kg
6.8 Kg
8 Kg
6.8 Kg
6.8 Kg
7 Kg
Rapid Traverse per minute
X= 24 m Y= 24 m Z= 24 m
X= 24 m Y= 24 m Z= 24 m
X= 35 m Y= 35 m Z= 30 m
X= 45m Y= 45m Z= 40m
X= 35 m Y= 35 m Z= 30 m
X= 30 m X= 30 m Z= 20 m
X= 35 m Y= 35 m Z= 35 m
Rapid A, C Traverse
25 rpm
25 rpm
25 rpm
25 rpm
25 rpm
25 rpm
25 rpm
Feedrate Max. per minute
15.2 m
19.1 m
15.2 m
15.2 m
15.2 m
15.2 m
15.2 m
3,360 Kg
3,100 Kg
4,980 Kg
5,000 Kg
7,200 Kg
8,445 Kg
13,600 Kg (96 ATC)
Machine Weight
Optimum machine performance is reliant upon installation conditions at the facility, such as power supply, air supply, and ambient air conditions. Information may change without notice.
See the Hurco 5-Axis U-Series machining centres in action!
*This product is subject to the export control laws of the United States and/or other countries. Hurco complies fully with the export control laws and regulations of the United States and the jurisdictions in which it does business. In its standard configuration, this product includes control software capable of machining in three axes plus positioning in two separate axes (“three plus two”) and/or multi-sided five-axis machining. This product is capable of simultaneous contouring in five axes only with the addition of supplemental software subject to separate approval.
Workholding and Accessories Hurco vices provide versatile material holding options for optimised job planning A nti-Lift clamp design prevents lifting of movable jaw S trong 80,000 psi ductile iron construction for durability H ardened vice bed and jaw plates maintain accuracy M achines surfaces are square and parallel to 0.025 mm for accuracy H urco double clamping vices, HVDC allow for dual part mounting H urco stackable vices, HVS allow for multiple part placements inside a given work cube
Assembly, Tool Trolley with Pockets (Tooling not included) Hurco P/N 707-1020-003 Tool Trolley with wheels (4) Drawers with 40 Taper Tool Pockets (total 28 pockets)
Model Part Numbers Jaw size Opening Clamping Force
4” Hurco Vice
101.6 mm
101.6 mm
2727 Kg
6” Hurco Vice
152.4 mm
226 mm
6818 Kg
8” Hurco Vice
203.2 mm
254 mm
9090 Kg
Description Stackable Vice
Model Part Numbers Jaw size Opening Clamping Force HVS66
152.4 mm
152.4 mm
7272 Kg
Optical Height Gauge, Metric Hurco P/N 615-0002-003
Part Numbers
Jaw size
Hurco Double Clamp
152.4 mm
127 mm
Optical Edge Finder, Stub 20mm Hurco P/N 615-0002-006
Tooling For general machining applications, Hurco has created a basic kit of high quality durable tool holders.
CAT 40
Precision ground tapers ensure precise tool seating End mill holder tapers accurate to AT3 or better High strength alloy steels Wrenches shown included Collet holders have a T.I.R. of 0.01mm with 1mm collapsible range
BT 40
ER-16-100 Collet Holder
ER-32-100 Collet Holder
ER-16-100 ER Collet Set (1 – 10mm)
One 10 piece set
One 10 piece set
ER-32-100 ER Collet Set (3 – 20mm)
One 18 piece set
One 18 piece set
End Mill Holder for 6 – 50mm
End Mill Holder for 10 – 63mm
End Mill Holder for 12 – 63mm
End Mill Holder for 16 – 63mm
End Mill Holder for 20 – 63mm
End Mill Holder for 25 – 100mm
Shell Mill Holder 32mm Arbor
Keyless Chuck Holder 13mm
Rotary Tables H200
Table Diameter
A (mm)
Centre Height in Vertical
J (mm)
Table Height in Horizontal
M (mm)
Thru Hole Diameter
K (mm)
Overall dimensions
W, D, H (mm)
420, 270, 255
520, 305, 330
520, 305, 370†
Maximum RPM Positioning Accuracy (sec)
Repeatability (sec)
Clamping Force Kg/M, Air Pressure (5Kg/cm2)
Permissable Load-Horizontal (Kg)
Permissable Load-Vertical (Kg)
HTSA 200
HTSA 250
HTSA 300
Tailstock Support Unit
†Note: Overall height and width for H320 extends beyond housing. Optimal tail support assembly.
Rotary Tables With a generous through-hole and the ability to be horizontally or vertically mounted, the Hurco rotary tables are a practical way to increase efficiency. The integrated Hurco control offers 5-sided machining using G-Code or Hurco’s conversational programming. Dual lead worm for increased rigidity. Cross roller bearing for increased rigidity, compact design, low friction and cooler operating temperature. Disc brake for positive clamping and low distortion. Superior accuracy. All of the Hurco Rotary Table Kits include the table with motor, electrical harness interface, and cable mounting hardware. Optional tailstocks, chucks and tail supports are all available.
HURCO Europe Ltd. A Division of Hurco Companies, Inc. Halifax Road Cressex Business Park High Wycombe HP12 3SN Tel: (01494) 442222 Fax: (01494) 443350
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